Preliminary Schedule

Friday, February 22, 2013 (Owen Arts Center, OFAC*)NETHRC logo

16:00 - 16:30   Registration (Greer Garson Lobby, OFAC) 

16:30 – 17:45  Session 1: Linguistics (3531 Garson, OFAC)   

  1. Alba-Juez: Evaluative Formulas Behind Psychology Jokes
  2. Tsakona: Humor Reception and the GTVH
  3. Raskin: Hard Humor Research is Hard to Do

18:00 - 19:00   Welcome Reception (Taubman Atrium, OFAC 1110)

19:00 - 20:30   Keynote (OFAC 2130)   

      Q&A on Humor and Leadership with
      Dr. Shaquille O’Neal and Dr. David M. Kopp

Saturday, February 23, 2013

(Umphrey Lee Center, UL*)

08:00 – 09:00     Breakfast (Holiday Inn)

09:15 – 11:15     Session 2: Professional (UL 228)

  1. Warner: Journalism on Humor
  2. Swope: Texas Travesty
  3. Delaney: Humor-centered Design
  4. Gimarc: Put Your Funny Where Your Mouth is
  5. Roundtable

11:30 – 12:45     Session 3: Psychology (UL 233)

  1. McGraw: The Psychophysics of Humor
  2. Lynch and Trivers: Self-deception Inhibits Laughter
  3. Lyttle: A Framework for Therapeutic Humor

13:00 – 13:45     Lunch (UL Dining Hall)

14:00 – 15:15     Session 4: Social (UL 228)

  1. Barrett: Outsourcing Comedy
  2. Mankoff: Crowdsourcing Humor

15:30 – 16:45     Session 5: Linguistics  (UL 233)

  1. Taylor: Computational Humor
  2. Attardo, Pickering, and Menjo: Smiling Intensity
  3. Ergül: An Analysis of Ilgaz's Hababam Sınıfı Using the GTVH

17:00 – 18:15     Session 6: Social (UL 228)

  1. Yoon and Kim: The Moderating Role of Masculinity
  2. Little: Legal Regulation of Humor
  3. Weinberger, Gulas, and Weinberger: Advertising Humor

19:30 – 21:00     Dinner (Desperados Restaurant, DR*)

Sunday, February 24, 2013

(Union Coffeehouse, UC*)

[08:45                 poster setup]

09:00 – 10:15     Session 7: Psychology/Linguistics

  1. Beermann, Saslow, Saturn, Piff, and Keltner: What a Laugh Reveals
  2. Guillory: Neuroscience of Humor
  3. Clegg and Hempelmann: Absurd and Nonsensical Humor 

10:30 – 12:00     Session 9: Workshop on Humor in the Classroom

09:00 – 12:00  Poster Session (parallel)
  • Ansbro: Using Humor to Differentiate Power Between Men and Women
  • Di Ferrante: Humor at Work
  • Ford: Humorous Material and State Anxiety and Math Performance
  • Gironzetti: Understanding Humor
  • Liberato: South Park and Freshman English
  • López and Jyotsna: George Lopez's Why You Crying?
  • Menjo, Hempelmann, and Attardo: Revisiting Folk Theories of Humor
  • Woodzicka, Caudill, and Ford: Impact of Sexist Humor
  • Worth: Humor and Benoit's Theory of Political Campaign Discourse


OFAC    Owen Arts Center, 6101 Bishop Blvd, SMU Campus, Dallas TX 75205

UL        Umphrey Lee Center, 3300 Dyer St, SMU Campus, Dallas TX 75205

D          Desperados Restaurant, 4818 Greenville Ave, Dallas, TX 75206

UC        Union Coffeehouse, 5622 Dyer Street, Dallas, TX 75206