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Dr. Choi conducting research in the laboratory

Responsible Conduct in Research Training Instructions

Research training is met by successful completion of two online training modules from the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) website:  Responsible Conduct of Research and Human Subjects Research (Social and Behavioral Research Investigators).  All individuals, principal investigators, co-investigators, post-docs, research assistants, undergraduate and graduate students and all other personnel engaged in research must complete the CITI training modules. The time to complete the training modules may be 4-5 hours. You may exit and resume the training at any time.  Once successfully completed, a refresher course is required every three years.  A notification will be sent to you prior to the expiration of your training.  At any time, you may return to the training modules and print a certificate.


Step 1: Access the CITI website link at:

Step 2: Create an account by clicking “Register” in the top right-hand corner of the webpage:

Step 3: Select East Texas A&M University (SSO) as your Organization Affiliation

Step 4: Agree to the terms of service and affiliation & click to Log in with East Texas A&M University. This will take you to the initial page that says “Associate your SSO account with a CITI Program Account.

Step 5: Click on “I don’t have a CITI Program account and I need to create one”. This will allow you to create your account.

Step 6: Click on Institutional courses and select Add a course.

Step 7: Go to Question 1 Responsible Conduct of Research and click on “Social and Behavioral”

Step 8: Go to Question 2 Human Subject Research and click on “Social and Behavioral Research” and click on the Submit button at the bottom of the page.  This will take you to the two courses that you need to complete.

If you have any questions, please email