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Mane Market

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What is Mane Market?

Mane Market is a web-based e-Procurement system which replaces current purchasing processes at TAMUC (FAMIS). Mane Market is a third-party solution provided by JAGGAER (formerly SciQuest). Customers may browse and shop from numerous online catalogs (each of which is accessible directly through the AggieBuy UI) and Texas A&M Contracts, or place orders to virtually any supplier through a "non-catalog/non-contract" requisitioning process. Invoices and payment requests are initiated and created within AggieBuy, which is fully integrated with FAMIS.

What are the benefits of Mane Market?
  1. It provides a one-stop shopping experience with virtually all suppliers—no need   to remember multiple web sites or set up individual accounts and profiles with individual suppliers.
  2. Similar to other online shopping sites, products may be searched by keyword, part number, category, or "favorites" lists.
  3. Real cost savings—Texas A&M's contracts and "best value" sources are readily accessible.
  4. Quicker turnaround since there are no delegated dollar limits on orders placed with contracted suppliers.
  5. Requisitions are automatically budget-checked and routed through a department's specified Approval Workflow.
  6. Invoicing is centralized and automated, which minimizes or eliminates paper invoice processing and Payment Card receipts and reconciliation reports.
  7. Provides greater spend visibility, reporting, and analysis.


Please send general comments or questions regarding Mane Market to:

Account Payable & Encumbrance Releases:

Questions related to commodity and object codes, receiving, invoicing, attaching documents (invoices received in the department), special payment methods, scheduled payment date and vendor statement review.

Invoice Submittal:

This email should be used ONLY to submit invoices to be processed for TAMUC purchase orders.

Contract Administration:

Review of terms and conditions on contracts, quotes, or other documentation.

Procurement Services: (903) 468-3000

Questions related to Purchasing procedures, Purchase Orders, Suppliers/Sourcing, and the HUB Program.

Vendor Set Up & Inquiry: (979) 845-8286

Questions related to new vendor set up, existing FAMIS vendor set up, distribution methods, vendor contacts change or set up, W-9 or W-8, vendor term, and vendor payment inquiry.
Vendor Resources:

If you receive an individual invitation for Texas A&M University System Supplier Portal you can find the instructions here:

If you received an entity invitation for Texas A&M University System Supplier portal you can find the instructions here:

In accordance with Texas state Law (TAC §202) and Texas A&M University System Policy, confidential information such as Social Security Numbers or Bank Account Information may not be sent via email.

If you want to register yourself or your entity you may do so by uploading your vendor setup forms and other confidential data, at

Please, complete the to upload on the setup Web Page.

If you should have questions regarding the vendor document Upload Web Page,

Access & Security: (903) 886-5054

Questions related to access and security.

Order Categories

There are currently three order categories in Mane Market: 1 – Regular, 2-Confirming – Do Not Distribute, and 3 – Payment Request. Please see below for an explanation of each order category and when it should be used.

  1. Regular
    • Should be used when you have not placed the order directly with the vendor. When this requisition type is approved, the purchase order will be distributed to the vendor from Mane Market, thus placing the order.
    • The billing instructions on the purchase order instruct the vendor to submit the invoice directly to Accounts Payable. If you receive the invoice in your department, it must be submitted to Accounts Payable by adding a comment to the purchase order, attaching the invoice to the comment, and sending that comment to
  2. Confirming – Do Not Distribute
    When this requisition type is approved it will create a purchase order but that purchase order is not sent to the vendor. Examples:
    • Purchase orders to Xerox or other copier machine providers for your copier agreements
    • Orders to hotels and Enterprise
    • Orders on the Exception List where we instruct you to use a "2-Confirming – Do Not Distribute"
    If you receive the invoice in your department, it must be submitted to Accounts Payable. That is done by adding a comment to the purchase order, attaching the invoice to the comment, and sending that comment to
  3. Payment Request
    • Should be used for non-compliant purchases.
    • A PF 205 – Non Compliant Requisition Form must be attached to process this form.
    • If you have an employee reimbursement or student stipend, DO NOT process on a requisition, create a non-PO based invoice.

Exception List

Services Performed by Individuals

Please ensure that any requisitions submitted for parties that will not submit an invoice to the University include a completed PF230 Internal Invoice as the quote. If multiple payments are scheduled, a separate internal invoice will be required for each payment.

For purchases of services from an individual, the PF230.1 Internal Invoice is required to be attached under the internal attachments in the Mane Market requisition. This is an important distinction made by the Internal Revenue Service.

Enterprise Rental

Start by creating a non-catalog item on a requisition. The Supplier will need to be "Enterprise Holdings Inc" from Austin, TX (Supplier Number: X0105318). You will need to change the Order Category from "1-Regular" to "2-Confirming Order-Do Not Distribute". The object code will need to be overridden and the correct object code will need to be used (3010 or 3410) on the requisition. 

State Contract numbers

Avis: F999711
Hertz: 2045638
Enterprise: UTS751 with the PIN being your UIN
Budget: T184711

Employee Reimbursements

Employee reimbursements should only be processed on a non-PO based invoice. Do not submit a requisition to reimburse an employee.


Start by creating a non-catalog item on a requisition. Use "Sodexo Inc & Associates" for the Supplier. Make sure you choose the correct fulfillment site; campus dining services, Commerce TX. You will need to change the Order Category from "1-Regular" to "2-Confirming-Do Not Distribute".


For Magnuson in Commerce, search for "Magnuson" on the home page and use the contracted rate available. The same arrangement is available for the Holiday Inn in Greenville. For other hotels, create a non-catalog requisition. You will need to change the Order Category from "1-Regular" to "2-Confirming-Do Not Distribute".

Contracts or Orders with Terms and Conditions

If the quote or supporting documentation has terms and conditions, please check the approval path under the "PR Approvals" tab in the requisition. If the Purchasing approval step is not included, please check the "Route to Procurement Services" checkbox. We can review and sign the document when we issue the Purchase Order.

Shipping/Freight Fee

For requisitions with shipping line items, use commodity code 78121603 (Freight Fee). You will need to override the object code for this line item in the accounting line item to match the object code of the most expensive item on the requisition. For example, if the order is for $4,000 worth of apparel and $83 shipping, the shipping line item object code would be overridden to match the apparel.

Frequently Used Commodity Codes

You may browse and download the current version of the UNSPSC codes at no cost. Search the code on this website to locate commodity codes.

Category Commodity Code Object Code
Advertising 82100000 5641
Building Maintenance Service 72101507 5530
Chemicals & Gases 12000000 4040
Computer Software 43230000 5761
Computers (For Commerce Only) 99900420 5787, 8435
Food - Business Meal 99900036 6340
Food - Catering 99900285 6338
Food - Other than Business Meals 99900284 6339
Freight Fee 78121603 5650
iPad and Tablets (For Commerce Only) 99900419 5787, 8435
Maintenance & Repair of Equipment 99900288 5512
Medical & Lab Equipment 41100000 5751, 8422
Medical Supplies 99900304 4045
Office Furniture 56101700 5750
Office Supplies (includes paper & toner) 44120000 4010, 4011, 4020
Other Contracted Services 99900294 5670
Parts - Machinery and Equipment 99900295 4066
Printers (For Commerce Only) 99900427 5752, 5788, 8424
Printing 82121500 5616
Promotional Merchandise 80141605 5242
Rental of Hotel Room/Conf Facility 99900350 5842
Rental of Goods, Tools, Equipment, Cylinders, Containers 99900097 5810, 5813
Rental of Copying Machines 99900098 5825
Research Supplies 99900297 4013
Shop & Industrial Supplies 99900354 4075
Software 43230000 5761
Speaker/Lecturer Fee 99900020 5435
Telecommunications - Other Service Charges 83111503 5130
Telecommunications - Long Distance 83111502 5110
Vehicle Rental 78111808 5840