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Dr. David Brown

benJangDepartment of Curriculum & Instruction                                         

Dr. David L. Brown has been a professor of Early Childhood Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at East Texas A&M University for 34 years. He received his B.S., M.Ed. and Ph.D, from East Texas A&M University, formerly named East Texas State University. Dr. Brown has taught primarily graduate courses in research methodology, curriculum design, early literacy development, and math/science in Early Childhood Education. Additionally, he has chaired and served on a variety of departmental, university and national committees. Dr. Brown was the recipient of the William L. Mayo Professorship Award in October, 2010.

Prior to coming to A&M University-Commerce, he served as a classroom teacher in the Dallas Independent School District. He taught kindergarten, first grade and a kindergarten/first mixed age class. His experience as a teacher of young children, lead him to begin his journey as a instructor, consultant, mentor, and advocate for building a strong early literacy foundation for all children.

Dr. Brown is considered by many to be a knowledgeable leader within the preschool movement and a highly recognized researcher in the areas of Emergent Literacy and Early Childhood Education. He has been a consultant to the Department of Education, Department of Health and Human Services, Texas Education Agency, and numerous early childhood centers, and elementary schools across the country. Dr. Brown currently serves as the Principal Investigator in the Head Start of Greater Dallas Inc, Math/Science Project, where he has lead and trained teams of early childhood researchers in gathering, analyzing and reporting student data .

In addition, Dr. Brown has served as a member of the Education Committee of the Southern Regional Education Board, where he provided research and recommendations to legislators on critical issues in public education. In 2007, Dr Brown was considered for a Texas State Board governmental appointment by Governor Rick Perry. The following provides highlights of Dr. Brown’s service to East Texas A&M University and to Early Childhood Education:

• Serves on the Advisory Panel for the Education of North Texas Area Universities
• Past President of the Federation of North Texas Area Universities Early Childhood Committee
• Reviewer for the Journal of Research in Childhood Education
• Member of the United Way of Greater Dallas Outcome Review Committee
• Department of Curriculum & Instruction Early Childhood Education Listo Research Team
• Member of the National Head Start Association Red Researcher’s Team
• Member of the Head Start of Greater Dallas Education Advisory Committee
• Early Childhood Education Liaison to the Head Start of Greater Dallas Board of Directors
• Co-Coordinator of the Master’s program in Early Childhood Education

Dr.Brown has several publications on Literacy and Young Children, and holds memberships in the National Association for the Education of Young Children, Association for Childhood Education International, National Head Start Association, Society for Research in Child Development, American Educational Research Association, and the International Reading Association.

The following provides a list of Dr. Brown’s scholarly accomplishments:

• Chaired Doctoral Dissertation and Master’s Thesis
• Past President of Phi Delta Kappa – A&M Commerce Chapter
• Chair of Departmental IRB Committee
• Chaired Departmental Tenure and Promotion Committee
• 26 Publications of Articles, Book Chapters, and Reports
• Collaborative Research Grants from Exxon/Mobil, Greater Texas Foundation, Dallas Mavericks, CitiGroup, and Office of Head Start in Washington, D.C.
• 60 Conference Presentations for the following Professional Organizations:

- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
- Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
- National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
- National Association of Bilingual Education (NABE)
- Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)
- International Reading Association (IRA)

He has consulted with numerous publishing companies including Scholastic, DLM, and Frog Street Press in the area of curriculum development and implementation. He currently serves as a National Advisor for the popular children’s television program, Sesame Street.

Dr. Brown continues to inspire and equip educators with the knowledge that they need to ensure that our children are prepared to be successful in an ever changing and global society.

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