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Travel Reimbursement Quick Reference Guide



  • Economy fare only unless prior approval from Department Head or Dean.  Approval documentation should be attached to the expense report in Concur.
  • If state funds are being used, the traveler must use a state contracted airline.
  • Airfare should be booked through Corporate Travel Planners either directly or through Concur, unless there is a significant cost savings to TAMUC.  Documentation to reflect this should be attached to the traveler’s expense report in Concur.


  • Fuel may be purchased for rental cars or personal vehicles used during TAMUC business travel.
  • If a personal vehicle is being used either fuel charges or personal mileage may be claimed.  Note: if the traveler purchases their fuel with their CBT card, then mileage may not be claimed for that trip.  Guidelines will only allow employees to claim mileage or fuel, but not both.

Personal Car Mileage

  • The mileage calculator must be utilized if personal car mileage is being claimed while traveling on state funds.  The traveler will only be reimbursed the lesser amount of personal car mileage or the cost of a rental.


  • Meal reimbursement is for actual cost of meals up to the GSA rate for the state/city of travel. There is not a "per diem" amount per day. Once you arrived back at your home/headquarters, meals are no longer allowed since you are no longer in travel status. Note: an overnight stay is required to claim meals in travel status.
  • A reasonable amount for gratuity is allowed for meals and transportation (receipts required) up to a maximum of 20 percent.  This is only allowable when using local funds; no tips are allowable on state funded travel.
  • Itemized receipts are required for business meals claimed in travel status.  A business meal is defined as a meal in which business is discussed with someone not affiliated with the university, and the entire cost of the meal is covered by the TAMUC employee.
  • Alcohol is only allowed for business meals when an appropriate account is being used as the funding source (gift account). Alcohol is not allowed to be claimed on individual travel meals. Alcohol is allowable purchase on the CBT card.


  • Lodging is based on the GSA rate for the state/city of travel. Lodging expenses up to twice the GSA rate are allowable for employees traveling on TAMUC business when a local funding source is being used. The amount claimed for state funded travel may not exceed the GSA rate. If traveling on state funds and exceeding the GSA rate, a request may be needed.
  • Travelers should provide an Occupancy Tax Exemption form for travel within Texas.  State tax for lodging is not an allowable expense within Texas.  All taxes are allowable for lodging outside of the state.

*Please note that this is only a reference guide and does not cover all guidelines.  For a more comprehensive guide please refer to the Texas A&M University Disbursement Manual