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Travel Advance Information

Travel Advance Request Form

Travel Advance Deposit Form

Travel advances should be limited to faculty/staff traveling with students when utilizing the travel or pro-card is not an option.

A travel request will have to be approved in Concur for the total amount of the requested advance.  A cash advance will also need to be created in Concur.

Ten days prior to the trip, submit a travel advance form to accounts payable along with a list of estimated expenses.

Advances will not be issued directly to students.

This is a loan- an expense report should be submitted in Concur immediately upon return from your trip.

Completing the expense report:

  1. The advance created in Concur will need to be assigned to the report.
  2. All expenses should be marked as "out of pocket".
  3. All travel rules apply including allowable expenses, allowable amounts, and documentation.
  4. A list with the students' names and student identification numbers should be included with the expense report.
  5. Advance money not utilized on the trip should be deposited into the advance account using the cash advance deposit form no more than 3 business days upon return.
  6. The receipt from the cashier should be attached to the expense report.
  7. Should your reimbursable expenses be more, a difference check will be issued.