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Scholastic Probation or Suspension

To maintain a high level of scholarship among the students of East Texas A&M University, standards of scholarship must be maintained. The regulations concerning probation, suspension, and reinstatement in the University were established by the University Academic Council and are administered by the deans of colleges. In certain cases where there are extenuating circumstances, appeals regarding academic probation and suspension may be made to the Academic Affairs Undergraduate Student Appeal Committee.

A satisfactory level of academic achievement is determined on the basis of each student's cumulative grade point average calculated on the basis of all college level academic work attempted. To be eligible for continued enrollment in good standing in the university, a student must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00.

Should any student fail to maintain satisfactory progress toward graduation as specified by these regulations, the student will be permitted to enroll for further work only on academic probation. Students enrolled on academic probation may register for no more than four academic courses in any semester, (academic, remedial, or physical education activity) exclusive of physical education activity courses or remedial courses. A full summer session (two terms) will be considered equivalent under these requirements to one semester of the regular academic year. Probationary students may enroll for no more than two courses during any term of a summer session or no more than four courses for a full semester session.

A student on academic probation will remain subject to the requirements of probation until the cumulative grade average has been raised to the level of satisfactory progress specified above. To qualify for continued enrollment while on probation, however, the student must maintain a semester grade average of at least 2.00. Should any probationary student fail to maintain such a 2.00 semester grade average in the academic courses attempted in any semester of probation, the student will be required to leave the University on academic suspension for at least one calendar year. In cases where there are extenuating circumstances, a student who has failed to maintain the required 2.00 semester grade average in academic courses to qualify for continuance of probation may be permitted, with the approval of the dean of the appropriate college, to enroll for one additional semester of extended probation.

Should the student fail again, however, to maintain an adequate 2.00 semester grade average in academic courses attempted during that semester, the student will be required to leave the University on academic suspension for up to one calendar year as specified above. After the period of academic suspension, the student will be permitted to enroll again on academic probation.

To ensure the grade average on the official record has been updated to account for duplicated courses, any student enrolling for the same course must notify the Office of the Registrar during the semester in which course is being repeated.

With special permission from the dean of the appropriate college, a student on academic suspension may be allowed to enroll during an intervening semester or summer term.

Transfer students whose grades at other colleges or universities were unsatisfactory according to the regulations of East Texas A&M University will be placed on academic probation subject to the same requirements as apply to other students on probation. Students on academic suspension from other institutions will not be permitted to enroll at East Texas A&M until their specified periods of suspension expire.

A student must be in residence at East Texas A&M to remove the conditions of probation. If the student comes out of school for any intervening period, either voluntarily or as required by the regulations of the University or attends another college or university, the conditions of probation will not be removed. A student, however, who withdraws for a period of at least one calendar year or is suspended for the same period may, upon re-enrollment, petition the dean of the appropriate college to have the unsatisfactory grades eliminated from the calculations of the official institutional grade point average.  Courses eliminated from the calculation of the student's official grade point average may not be Basic Skills courses (mathematics, English, etc.) or courses that apply toward their current major.  These courses will also not be counted toward degree requirements. This applies only to credits earned at East Texas A&M. East Texas A&M reserves the right to deny admission to a student suspended from another college even though his suspension period has expired.

Students on academic suspension are not eligible for correspondence or extension courses.