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Students are expected to be present for all class meetings of any course for which they are enrolled. Students are responsible for learning about and complying with the attendance policy stated in the catalog, Student Guidebook, and/or faculty syllabus. Faculty members will provide details on requirements and guidelines for attendance in their classes in their course syllabi. Faculty members will keep students' attendance records.

Students are responsible for requesting makeup work when they are absent. They will be permitted to make up work for absences which are considered by the faculty member to be excusable. The method of making up this work shall be determined by the faculty member.

The student is responsible for providing the faculty member reason(s) for his/her absence. The faculty member then determines the validity of the reason(s) for the absence and whether the student is to be excused for the absence. Faculty members may consider the following reasons for absence as excusable.

  • Participation in a required/authorized university activity;
  • Verified illness;
  • Death in a student's immediate family;
  • Obligation of a student at legal proceedings in fulfilling responsibility as a citizen; and
  • Others determined by individual faculty to be excusable (e.g., elective University activities, etc.).

Appeals can be made through normal administrative channels.

A record of excused and unexcused absences will be maintained by a faculty member for reference since certain financial assistance and other programs may require attendance records. However, the university does not require faculty to report daily attendance; therefore, it does not keep a record of students' daily class attendance.  If you need a letter stating as such, please click here.

When requested by the student, teachers will inform the student who has been absent whether makeup work is allowed and whether absences jeopardize the student's standing in a class.

It is the prerogative of the faculty to drop students from courses in which they have accrued excessive absences as defined in the course syllabus. In such cases, faculty recommend through the department head to the appropriate college dean that a student be dropped from class. The faculty member will document absences and will make a reasonable effort to communicate with the student prior to recommending the drop. If approved, the college dean will forward the recommendation to the Office of the Registrar.

Students who wish to drop a course or withdraw from the university are responsible for initiating this action.

If a student believes the final grade is unfairly impacted by attendance requirements, an appeal can be made. This appeal process is explained in "Student Appeal of Instructor Evaluation" - Procedure 13.99.99.R0.05.