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Student Overloads

Regular Session

Twelve hours is considered by the institution as a full-time load for undergraduate students. An undergraduate student may exceed a full-time load up to a total of 19 semester hours. Nine hours is considered a full time load for graduate students. Graduate students may exceed a full-time load up to a total of 15 hours.  Undergraduate and Graduate students are considered half time with 6 hours and less than half time with less than 6 hours.

Appropriate administrative staff will use the following guidelines for approving exceptions to the above:

Any student enrolled for student teaching will be limited to a maximum of fifteen semester hours.

An undergraduate student who wishes to enroll for more than 19 hours must have the approval of his academic dean before adding the course. Any student who exceeds the normal load by adding additional course(s) and does not have the appropriate academic dean's approval will be automatically dropped from that course and notified of this action by the dean.

Students required to enroll in university designated developmental reading, composition or mathematics in any long semester will be restricted to a 14-hour course load, approved by the academic adviser. All approvals for overloads are obtained from the dean of the college in which the student is majoring.

Summer Session

Six semester hours, exclusive of physical education activity, is the normal student load for each summer term. A student may not enroll for two sub-term courses simultaneously within the same sub-term.

An undergraduate student may schedule one semester hour above the normal load each summer term.

An undergraduate lacking fifteen semester hours to graduate at the end of that summer and who has an overall "C" (2.00) grade point average may schedule nine semester hours one term with dean's approval.

Freshmen admitted provisionally will be limited to 10 semester hours for the entire summer.

An undergraduate student who lacks 30 semester hours to graduate in December may schedule nine semester hours during one summer term only if his fall schedule would include student teaching and if he has an overall "C" (2.00) grade point average.

A last semester senior who lacks 12 hours or fewer to graduate at the end of the summer and who has an overall "C" (2.00) grade point average may schedule nine semester hours one term with the appropriate dean's approval.

Mini Session

Any student registering for classes during the mini term should be aware of the accelerated nature of the class. The maximum load for a mini-term is 3 hours. If a 4 hour class is offered in the mini session a student can contact the Registrar's office for assistance with registration.                                                                

Any student who exceeds the normal load by adding additional course(s) and does not have the appropriate academic dean's approval will be automatically dropped from that course and notified of this action by the dean.

For scholastic probation details, see the current catalog.

All approvals for overloads are obtained from the dean of the college in which the student is majoring.