Credit/debit card payments are accepted through MyLeo. Required information for credit card payments includes: term, credit card number, expiration date (MMYY) and the 3 digit security code on the back of your card. The University accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. You may also pay online using your checking or savings account information. A payment using this option will require you to enter the routing number for your bank and your checking or saving account number.
The link for MyLeo is:
For information about your student account and to make credit card payments over the internet, login using the link above to MyLEO and select the link for LeoPay.
Students are now able to receive text messages with payment reminders,
billing statements, automatic bill payment reminders, and installment payment due reminders.
Payments by Mail
Payments by mail must be received by payment deadlines. The University DOES NOT have mail delivery on Saturdays. Please include your CWID (campus-wide ID) on all checks and correspondence.
Payments can be mailed to:
Attn: Tuition Payment
East Texas A&M University
P O Box 3011
Commerce, TX 75429
Express payments can be sent to:
Attn: Tuition Payment
Financial Services
2600 S Neal St
Commerce, TX 75428
Payments are also accepted in person on the main campus at the cashier's office in the main lobby of the McDowell Admnistration Building (BA 184) .
During the fall and spring semesters, tuition/fees, housing and meal plans may be paid in full or through installments. A $100 is due at sign-up along with the $35 installment fee. Remaining charges (tuition/fees, housing, and meal plan) are then divided into four equal payments due through the semester. Additional information can be found by visiting the student accounts Installment Payment Plans page.
Please visit the Tuition Loan section of the student accounts webpage.
The loan office is located in the main lobby of the McDowell Business Administration Building (BA 171).
The University's Institutional Loan program offers two types of short term loans--tuition loans and emergency loans.
Tuition loans pay the full amount of tuition/fees only and cannot be used to pay housing or other university charges (including UPD traffic tickets). Students do not receive a check with this loan - a credit is made to offset tuition/fee charges. Tuition loans can cover course fees as well, but not late registration fees or reinstatement fees. Applications for tuition loans must be submitted by 12th class day for Fall/Spring terms and 4th class day for summer terms.
Tuition loans can be done online by using the LeoPay link on myLEO.
There is a $35 processing fee required at sign up.
Emergency loans are in the form of a check to the student and are intended to pay educational expenses (books, supplies, etc). Loans are currently limited to a maximum of $400 but exceptions to that amount may be granted on a case-by-case basis in situations of pressing financial need (support documentation may be required).
For questions, please call 903-886-5051.
How to Apply for Financial Aid
STEP 1: The application period begins January 1 of each year for the following award year. Applicants must re-apply for financial aid each year. As soon as possible after January 1, an applicant should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), or the Renewal FAFSA at
STEP 2: After 2 or 3 days from the filing date of the FAFSA, the applicant should check the status of their application (under the follow-up section) at the FAFSA website: Read the comments section and review the Student Aid Report (SAR) online. If you are selected for verification, you will need to submit a verification form and income tax return(s) for all persons completing the FAFSA income sections. The verification form can be found on the financial aid webpage under forms. If you find any errors in your Student aid Report (SAR), contact the Financial Aid Office before you make any corrections.
STEP 3: Applications for assistance cannot be fully considered until all of the required application forms are received by the Office of Financial Aid and the applicant is fully admitted as a regular degree-seeking student. Contact the Admissions Office for admission information.
Pride Promise Guaranteed Tuition Program - guarantees tuition and mandatory fees to be covered for families that adjusted gross income less than 30,000.
For additional questions, email
Please visit the Scholarships Home Page to learn about scholarship opportunities.
Waivers and Exemptions webpage
Waivers reduce a student's tuition assessment rate from non-resident status to Texas resident status. Exemptions remove tuition and/or fees assessment. Waivers and exemptions are granted for the following reasons:
Economic Diversification Waiver
Contact Financial Services
Eligibility: Nonresident and domiciled foreign students whose family has been transferred to Texas as a part of the state's plan for economic development. Required documentation: Company transferring student's family to Texas must meet Texas Dept of Commerce requirements (contact Angie Mendez 512-936-0222). Coordinating Board notifies University of eligibility for the waiver.
Military Personnel Stationed in Texas Waiver
Contact Veterans Services
Eligibility: Military personnel stationed in Texas, their spouses and children. Required documentation: Must provide documentation from the military of eligibility at least once per year.
Higher Education Teaching Waiver
Contact Financial Services
Eligibility: Must be employed at least half time as a teacher or professor at any Texas institution of higher education (employee's spouse and children are also eligible). Required documentation: Documentation from institution verifying at least half-time employment as a teacher or professor on a regular monthly salary.
Reciprocal Agreement with Bordering Counties Waiver
Contact Admissions
Eligibility: Students from neighboring states living in counties adjacent to the Texas border with which we have a reciprocal agreement. Required documentation: University must have file at the Coordinating Board that reciprocity exists between a neighboring state institution and a comparable Texas institution.
Mexican Citizen w/Financial Need Waiver
Contact Financial Services
Eligibility: Students from Mexico who have financial need. Required documentation: Proof of financial need.
Teaching/Research Assistant Waiver
Contact Graduate School
Eligibility: Student must be employed as a teaching or research assistant at a public institution of higher education. Eligibility is limited to semester of assistantship appointment. (employee's spouse and children are also eligible). Required documentation: Student must provide proof of at least half-time employment as a research or teaching assistant.
Competitive Scholarship Waiver
Contact Scholarship Office
Eligibility: Student receives competitive scholarships for at least $1,000. Eligibility for waiver is tied to semester's covered by scholarship. Required documentation: Student must have competed with other students, including Texas residents for the award. A&M University-Commerce recognized scholarship committee must administer the scholarship. Funds and selection must be under University control.
Academic Common Market Waiver
Contact Graduate School
Eligibility: Nonresident students enrolled in graduate programs not offered in their home states. Required documentation: Contact Coordinating Board (Linda McDonough 512-427-6525).
NATO Forces Waiver
Contact Financial Services
Eligibility: Nonresident aliens, their spouses and dependent children stationed in Texas with NATO forces. Required documentation: Proof that family is stationed in Texas in keeping with the North Atlantic Treaty.
Bordering States Waiver
(resident rate plus $30 per credit hour)
Contact Admissions
Eligibility: Undergraduate students from New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana or other states within 135 miles of the Texas border may pay a lowered nonresident tuition rate when they attend a public university located with 100 miles of the Texas border if the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has approved the institution to participate in the program.
Valedictorian Exemption
Contact Financial Services
exempts tuition only
Eligibility: Valedictorians of each accredited Texas high school. Applies during first two regular semesters following high school graduation. Must be used within two years of high school graduation. Required Documentation: Documentation that student was highest ranking graduate of an accredited high school in Texas. Certificate is issued by Texas Education Agency (TEA). If the certificate is lost, a new one may be acquired through the high school or TEA, or a letter from the high school principal or superintendent may serve as proof of eligibility.
Hazlewood Exemption
Contact Veterans & Military Services Office
exempts tuition/fees, except student service fee and property deposit
Eligibility: U.S. military veterans and children of deceased veterans who were Texans when they entered the service; served at least 181 days of active military duty (excluding training), have insufficient federal education benefits (including Pell and SEOG) to cover relevant tuition and fees. No student may use Hazlewood for more than 150 credit hours, with the count beginning in fall 1995. Required documentation: Official documentation indicating eligibility (usually the DD214), plus documentation from the financial aid office regarding eligibility for Pell of SEOG.
Children of Deceased Texas Vets Exemption
Contact Veteran Affairs Office
exempts tuition/fees, except student service fee and property deposit
Eligibility: Dependents of Texas veterans killed in action or died while in service, or whose death is directly caused by illness or injury connected with service in the armed forces. Required documentation: Official documentation from the military, indicating eligibility.
Children of Disabled Firemen and Peace Officers Exemption
Contact Financial Services
exempts all tuition/fees, except property deposit
Eligibility: Children of disabled firemen. Student must apply prior to 21st birthday. Required documentation: Contact Coordinating Board (Angela Crowder, 1-800-242-3062, ext 6344). to acquire letter certifying students eligibility. (Coordinating Board letter is issued after it receives confirmation from the parent's prior employer of the student's eligibility.)
MIA/POW Children
Contact Financial Services
exempts all tuition/fees
Eligibility: Children of POWs/MIAs. Student must be 25 or younger and receiving most of support from a parent. Required documentation: Provide proof from US Department of Defense that parent is MIA or POW.
Disabled Peace Officers Exemption
Contact Financial Services
exempts all tuition/fees, except property deposit
Eligibility: Peace officers disabled in the line of duty. Applies up to 12 semesters of undergraduate degree, and work on first masters and first doctoral degree. Required documentation: Contact Coordinating Board (Angela Crowder, 1-800-242-3062, ext 6344). to acquire letter certifying students eligibility. (Coordinating Board letter is issued after it receives confirmation from prior employer of the student's eligibility.)
Blind or Deaf Exemption
Contact Financial Services
exempts all tuition/fees
Eligibility: Blind or deaf students. Required Documentation: Certification of blind or deaf condition by Texas Rehabilitation Commission, Texas Commission for the Blind, or Texas Commission for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired.
Good Neighbor Scholarship Exemption
Contact International Student Office
exempts tuition only
Eligibility: Students from other nations of the western hemisphere (other than Cuba). Required Documentation: Coordinating Board must approve eligible students. Students are selected by the CB according to school and geographic priorities. Deadline is March March 15.
Senior Citizens Exemption
Contact Financial Services
exempts tuition/fees for auditing courses
exempts tuition only up to six credit hours per term
both exemptions are based on space availability
Eligibility: Senior Citizens 65 or older. Required Documentation: Proof of age
Foster Care Exemption
Contact Financial Services
exempts tuition/fees
Eligibility: Students in foster or other residential care. Student must enroll within 3 years of earliest dates: date student was discharged from foster or other residential care, date student graduated from high school or received equivalency degree, or student's 21st birthday. Required Documentation: Student must provide proof of having been in foster care or other residential care under the conservator ship of the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services on or after the day preceding the student's 18th birthday, the day of the student's 14th birthday, if the student was also eligible for adoption on or after that day; or the day the student graduated from high school or received the equivalent of a high school degree.
AFDC/TANF Students Exemption
Contact Financial Services
exempts tuition/fees
Eligibility: Students receive AFDC/TANF during senior year of high school. Student must start using exemption within 12 months of high school graduation. Can be used for only one year. Required Documentation: Student must provide University proof of having received or been on AFDC for at least six months of high school graduation. Student must be younger than 22.
Texas National Guard Exemption
Contact Financial Services
exempts tuition not to exceed 12 semester hours per term per individual
Eligibility: Members in good standing of the Texas National Guard. This includes TXARNG, TXANG, and the State Guard. Required Documentation: Adjutant General's Office approval to the Coordinating Board. Fall deadline is June 15, spring deadline is November 15. All applications are to be mailed directly to the Adjutant General's Office.
Certified Educational Aide Exemption
Contact Financial Services
exempts tuition/fees, except lab fees
Eligibility: Employed as a certified educational aide, resident of Texas, at least 2 years of experience working in a Texas public school classroom, and currently enrolled in classes leading to teacher certification . Required Documentation: Students apply through Financial Aid Office of the University or Coordinating Board (1-800-242-3062, ext 6387). If approved, Coordinating Board notifies University.
Early High School Graduates Exemption
Contact Financial Services
exempts tuition only, not to exceed $1000
Eligibility: Student graduates early from Texas public high school. May not be used for remedial courses. Required Documentation: High school counselor sends letter to Coordinating Board (Sheryl McGlory) Coordinating Board notifies University of eligibility.
Employee Scholarship Program
Contact Financial Services
exempts tuition
Eligibility: East Texas A&M University employee for at least six months in a full-time budgeted position. Required Documentation: Employee Scholarship Application indicating approval of Department Head and signed promissory note for cost of tuition in case course is dropped or employee receives grade lower than C.
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