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Dr. Anil Chourasia

Anil Chourasia Condensed matter solid state physics surface physicsProfessor

Education: Ph.D., Nagpur University

Office: Room 232 (O) / 113 (L)

Phone: 903-886-5485 (O), 903-886-5491 (L)


Research Interests: X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), and Appearance Potential Spectroscopy (APS). Surface Physics is the study of the structure and properties of the atoms on the surface of materials, using the scattering of beamed energetic particles (ions, electrons) and photons with the surfaces.  We work to understand the processes leading to electronic excitations, and how these excitations evolve and manifest as light or particle emission.  The Surface Physics Laboratory at Texas A&M-Commerce offers a wide variety of experimental research opportunities for both graduate and undergraduate students.