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SARA Observatory TAMUC astronomy astrophysics

Welcome to Undergraduate Programs

The department offers Physics majors and minors for the Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees.  The department provides instruction in physics, applied physics, astronomy & astrophysics, computational physics, and microelectronics.

The physics and applied physics major curricula are designed for students pursuing careers as professional physicists or astrophysicists, or who wish to continue their studies at the graduate level in a number of technical areas including engineering, law, or medicine. These programs prepare students for industrial employment or other careers which utilize analytical or problem solving skills. Those wishing to teach physics at the secondary level may wish to enroll in the Broadfield Science Major in Physics degree program.  Interested in biophysics?  Supplement your physics courses with electives drawn from biology and chemistry, and you will be a strong candidate for any biophysics graduate program.  

The physics department and computer science department jointly offer a series of courses in the fields of microcomputers, electronics, and signal processing for students who wish to prepare for careers in scientific data analysis or computer-based scientific instrumentation.

The department also possesses extensive equipment to aid in the preparation of teachers to introduce and teach the latest physics curriculum developments in public schools.