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The Second North East Texas Humor Research Conference

The North East Texas Humor Research Conference, Fall 2011 will be held on the campus of Texas A&M University – Commerce.

Dates: September 30th, October 1st, 2011.

Papers on all aspects of humor research, in all disciplines, are solicited. Presentations will be either 20 minutes papers or (invited) plenaries. Panels can be proposed in blocks of 3 or 6 papers. Posters are also accepted. For information about size, etc. see the ARMADILLO web page, below.

250 word abstracts (a second page of references, tables, etc. may be attached) are due by September 12th, 2011, via e-mail to Please attach the abstract to your e-mail as a MSword (.doc or .docx), .pdf, .rtf or .txt file. Notice of acceptance will arrive within a week of receipt of the abstract, on a rolling basis. Proposals for panels should come as one e-mail with 3 or 6 attachments (one for each paper).

The $50 registration fee can be paid at the conference in cash or with a check drawn from an US bank. Student rate $25.

The hotel closest to the conference is the Holiday Inn Express in Commerce, TX (across the street from campus). There is no special rate available, however. Participants should take care of their own reservations. Campus lodging is unavailable. Other hotels are available in Greenville, TX, about 20 minutes down the road. If you are a student seeking crash space, please indicate this in the e-mail accompanying your abstract.

There is no public transportation from the Dallas-Fort Worth or Love Field airports. Car rentals are available at both airports and recommended. In exceptional cases transportation from the airport may be provided, but cannot be guaranteed.

The conference will be held at the same time as the ARMADILLO conference. For more details see the ARMADILLO page:

Conference program page link or click here to download the document.