Welcome to the Student Accounts Office
Staff Directory
Payment Windows
Payment Windows are located in the lobby of McDowell Administration Building.
Office hours:
McDowell Administration Building
Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
To pay by phone: 903-886-5044
Payment Window Services
- Student accounts/Institutional loan payments (cash, check, credit/debit card)
- Student account information (balances, account inquiries)
- University departmental deposits
- Student worker paycheck pickup
- University staff travel check pickup
- Institutional loan administration (tuition loans and emergency loans)
- Parking citation payments
- Parking permit sales
Student Billing/Receivables/Refunds
Offices are located in the McDowell Administration Building (Room 199)
- Student accounts/Institutional loan billing and payments
- Refund processing (including financial aid refunds)
- Mail refunds
- Direct deposit refunds
- Collections (past-due accounts)
- Administration of third-party contracts (scholarships, employers, government agencies)
- Collections (past due loans)
- Perkins loan administration
- Parent/PLUS loan disbursement
- Employee scholarships
- Lion Family Scholarships
- Credit card machine assignment/loan