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Tuition & Fee Costs

East Texas A&M University is proud to present the Net Price Calculator (NPC).  The site will assist prospective and current students and families with estimating the “net price” for a student to attend an institution of higher education in Texas. We understand the difficulty many students have in paying for college. We know you will find East Texas A&M University one of the most affordable universities in North Texas.  

The Net Price  Calculator provides consumer information regarding college costs AFTER financial aid is taken into consideration and provides more information than the typical cost of attendance.

Please keep in mind that:

  • the NPC is NOT a financial aid packaging tool; it is NOT intended to calculate an individual’s exact net price.
  • the NPC data is derived from first-time freshmen students who are enrolled full-time (12 hours or more).

Remember, the NPC is ONLY AN ESTIMATE – your aid package could be significantly different depending on the information you report on your actual FAFSA application.

To access the Net Price Calculator, please click the link below:

As a part of the Texas A&M University System, A&M-Commerce is committed to providing you with a prestigious, high quality education at an affordable price.

At A&M-Commerce, our emphasis on relationships extends to our financial aid and scholarship staff who take a sincere interest in helping you finance your education. More than 60% of our students receive financial aid or scholarships, and we are dedicated to securing the best financial aid package for your needs.

Find out how we have made getting your degree easy and affordable by clicking on the links to the left for details on financial aid, scholarships, study abroad programs, and other options.

Invest in your future. Apply to A&M-Commerce today.

Tuition and Student Fees

The University provides tuition/fee plan - known as the InTuition Plan.  Students are assigned automatically to the appropriate plan - no action is needed by students in that regard.

Additional information (including answers for frequently asked questions) for the [in]Tuition Plans can be accessed by clicking on the following link

Please use the links below to view the University's current tuition and fee schedules for base tuition/fees.  Tuition/fee rates will differ depending on when you started (or plan to start) enrollment in your academic program.

Texas Affordable Baccalaureate (TAB) Program

Students in the TAB program with degree code BAAS-ORGL are assessed course charges at the rate of $750 per each 7 week course module.

Global E-Learning Program

Students in the Global E-Learning Program with degree code MS-GBEC are assessed course charges at the rate of $625 per credit hour.

Lab Fees 

Lab fees of $5-$45 per course are charged for lab courses.

College of Business Program Fee

$25 per credit hour.  Assessed to all graduate level courses offered through the College of Business

Course Retake Fee

Students enrolling in a course for the third time may be assessed a course retake fee of $125 per credit hour. This fee is assessed in addition to the standard tuition/fee charges for each semester shown in the tables above. Please contact the Registrar at (903) 886-5068 if you have questions regarding the course retake fee.

Distance Learning Fee

East Texas A&M University provides instruction in both on-campus and off-campus settings. Delivery of off-campus instruction via the Internet or two-way interactive video (televised instruction) involves special delivery costs. Accordingly, a distance learning fee is assessed to all web-based classes and to interactive video classes where the section is a video receiving site.

A distance learning fee of $50 per semester credit hour (SCH) is assessed in addition to regular tuition and mandatory student fees for courses delivered via the Internet or by two-way interactive video at the receiving site. Students enrolled in two-way interactive video courses at the sending site will not be assessed the distance learning fee.

Program Delivery Fee

Students taking courses at any location other than the main Commerce campus will be assessed a program delivery fee of $20 per semester credit hour. This fee applies only to lecture courses where the instructor is present. Web-based courses or course sections taught by interactive video at the receiving site will not be assessed a program delivery fee.  Courses taught at Corsicana and Midlothian locations will be assessed a program delivery fee of $10 per credit hour.

Miscellaneous Fees

Property Deposit

A $10 general property deposit is required to remain on deposit for each student during his or her enrollment at the university. This deposit is to insure the institution against losses, damages, and breakage in libraries and laboratories. If the $10 deposit is refunded or any claim for damages is filed against the deposit, a student will again be assessed the property deposit fee. If not claimed within four years after last date of enrollment, the deposit is non-refundable. To receive a refund of your property deposit, a written request must be submitted to Student Accounts, Financial Services office after your withdrawal or graduation.

Special Fees

Parking Permits are issued for the academic year. They are:
$40 if purchased in the Fall
$32 if purchased in the Spring
$24 if purchased in the Summer

Audit Fee

Fees for audited courses are the same as the credit hour fee charged for Texas resident and nonresident students. All students who audit a course must first receive permission from the instructor and department head. Enrollment for audit courses is not until the first day of class. Students enrolling for a course for audit must notify Records and Reports prior to completing registration.

Other Fees

Installment plan fee $35 (payable at sign-up)
Loan processing fee (tuition and personal loans)  $35 (payable at sign-up)
Returned check charge $30
Reinstatement fee $200
Late registration fee $100
Late payment fee (student account) $25 at each payment date during the semester
Late payment fee (tuition/personal loans) $25 per loan
Minimum interest charge (emergency loans or book vouchers) $5