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Animal Care & Use Training

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)

East Texas A&M University requires all individuals conducting/participating in research projects involved in animal care & use  (including faculty, staff, postdocs, research assistants and students, etc...) to complete training for Animal Care & Use.  This requirement is met by the successful completion of the online training module from the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) website.

All individuals, principal investigators, co-investigators, post-docs, research assistants, undergraduate and graduate students and all other personnel engaged in research must complete the CITI training modules and quizzes with a minimum score of 80%.  Successful completion of the course is required and the course may be repeated as necessary to achieve the 80% score.  At the time of completion, a certificate can be printed by the trainee and notification is sent to the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs' Research Compliance Administrator, Glenda Denton (

The time to complete the training modules may be 6-8 hours.  Individuals may exit and resume the training at anytime.  Once successfully completed, a refresher course is required every three years.  A notification will be sent to you prior to the expiration of your training.  At anytime, you may return to the training modules and print a certificate.

Beginning January 1, 2010, successful completion of the CITI modules (Laboratory Animal Welfare) is required before submission of the Animal Care Protocol Form for the Animal Care & Use Committee.  Protocol forms will be reviewed only after the researcher has completed the CITI training. 

Required Compliance Training before you can submit a protocol or have contact with your human subjects.

Steps to Register and Begin Your Training:

Please follow the steps below to register and begin your training:

CITI Website Link:

Either log in or click "Create an account"
Creating an account in CITI

Select "East Texas A&M University" as your participating institution

Complete the remaining registration form

Go to the Main Menu

Select "Add a course" or "Update Learners Groups"
training courses

If performing research, you are required to complete the Responsible Conduct of Research module.  Please select the appropriate module from the following:

  • Biomedical Responsible Conduct of Research Course
  • Social and Behavioral Responsible Conduct of Research Course
  • Physical Science Responsible Conduct of Research Course
  • Humanities Responsible Conduct of Research Course

Actual Course Titles are as listed above.

responsible conduct of research

You should click "No, Thank you" on Question 2

human subjects research
Question 3 – Laboratory Animal Welfare

"Working with the IACUC Course" is required if you plan to use lab animals in your work.  Check this box.

If you are an IACUC Member, you are required to complete the "Essentials for IACUC Members" course.

Laboratory Animal Welfare

You are also required to choose the appropriate Species Specific Electives depending on your work or interests or species specific modules.

species specific modules

If you plan to conduct studies that have the potential to cause "more than momentary pain and distress" in Mice or Rats you should complete the module on "Minimizing Pain and Distress".

Do you conduct major survival surgery or non-survival surgeries in non-rodent species? If you do, the module on "Aseptic Surgery" is a must.

You should click "No, Thank you" on Question 4

Biosafety / Biosecurity

You should click "Not at this time" on Question 5

export control

IACUC Protocol Forms and Resources

Animal Care & Use Protocol Form, Guidelines, and other Information

Please contact the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs if you have questions at 903-886-5766 or