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Student Employee Training

Work Study Student Training

In order to receive your work study permit, you must complete the Work Study Student Worker training in TrainTraq. To access this training, follow these steps:

Login to MyLeo and then follow these steps:

→ Your Financial Aid
→ Home (training will be required once the offer has been accepted)
→ Student Worker Training requirement (open drop down box)
→ click link and follow directions, using your student email and the password provided
→ “job location” = TAMUC or Work Study
→ ONLY training #2112468 is required.

Questions? Contact

Additionally, depending on your place of employment, you may have required trainings that must be completed to keep you eligible for employment. Please discuss those requirements with your hiring supervisor.

Student Employee Training

Once hired as a work study student, Chapter 21, Sec. 21.010, of the Texas Labor Code requires that all employees receive Employment Discrimination Training.  Employees will participate in the self paced module on-line.  After completion, the verification form must be signed and forwarded to the Department of Human Resources for acknowledgement of completion. 

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