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Registration and Transcript Holds

Failure to pay outstanding charges by established deadlines will result in a financial hold being placed on a student's account. A Financial Services registration hold prohibits a student from adding a class if a past due balance is greater than $750. A transcript hold prevents a student from obtaining an official transcript if a past due balance is greater than $1. 

Financial holds include:

  • delinquent tuition/fees & housing
  • delinquent loans
  • returned checks
  • miscellaneous departmental charges 

Financial holds are updated each night through a batch process. University cashiers may also remove financial holds if a student's delinquent account is paid in full-however, in certain circumstances, hold removal may be delayed for various reasons (allowance for check clearing, etc).

Delinquent debts can result in placement with a collection agency at which time collection costs will be assessed increasing the amount owed.

Registration Holds

Waiver of registration holds is at the discretion of the Bursar's office. Students are expected to pay their accounts on a timely basis-failure to maintain your account in good standing can have unfortunate consequences. If you are asking the university to waive a registration hold, you must be prepared to show how you plan to address your past due status. The Bursar's office will try to work with you, but our flexibility is limited.

Transcript Holds

Financial holds like those described above may prevent release of an official academic transcript.

Transcripts are requested online at