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Prevention of Processing

Situations that will Prevent Us from Issuing a Transcript

  • Holds placed by the Admissions, Financial Services, Library, or University Police Offices.
  • No signature on your request.
  • Insufficient, inaccurate, or illegible identification information.
  • For summer graduates - 3 weeks after commencement
  • For fall graduates - First full-week of January
  • For spring graduates - 3 weeks after commencement

There are instances when university transcripts will be held.  Prevention of transcripts will be delayed for students currently attending at the end of each term.  During this time, the Registrar's Office will be calculating and updating GPAs, conferring degrees, and processing grades; therefore, transcripts will not be available for students who were enrolled in the term that is being updated.  This process takes approximately three weeks to complete, after which transcripts may be requested. 

End of Semester Grades and Degree Conferral

Typically, semester grades are available on myLeo the day after grades are due.

Degree conferral statements are recorded to the students' academic record as follows:

Requests for transcripts will be held until all end of semester processes have been completed.