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Graduate DegreeWorks for Faculty/Staff

Graduate DegreeWorks is a web based planning tool to help students and advisors monitor student's progress toward degree completion.  DegreeWorks is not a substitution for consultation with an academic advisor.  DegreeWorks shows the student in an easy to read format, the courses that must be completed to achieve their chosen degree.  All currently enrolled graduate students who attend East Texas A&M University can use DegreeWorks.  To generate a degree audit for graduate students a student must be enrolled in the catalog year beginning fall of 2010 and forward.

Graduate DegreeWorks is used by the Graduate School to clear students for graduation.  Each semester departments are sent notification of the students that have applied for graduation.  Faculty/staff are asked to review each student’s DegreeWorks audit and verify that the student has met all departmental requirements.

To access DegreeWorks, faculty/staff will log into myLeo with the same username and password they use to access their computer. Access to Graduate DegreeWorks is provided by the Graduate School.  Contact the Graduate School to request access.  The DegreeWorks Training Guide provides log in information, basic worksheet features, and other task information.

Faculty/staff who encounter an issue regarding Graduate DegreeWorks, have not been granted access, or wish to request training should contact the Graduate School at