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Dual (Concurrent) Graduate Degree Programs

A&M-Commerce's dual (concurrent) graduate degrees option enables students to earn two graduate degrees with significant savings in time and cost.  Students may pursue dual masters/specialist degree programs with the approval of the Department Head and Graduate Dean.  Students in any dual masters/specialist degrees must be admitted to each participating degree and must meet all the requirements for each degree.

Some courses may be used jointly provided such courses are not more than 6 years old at the time the masters/specialist degrees are conferred.   The number of courses permitted to be shared between the two degrees is as follows:

  1. For 30-semester-hour degree, no more than 9 approved hours.
  2. For 36-semester-hour degree, no more than 12 approved hours.
  3. For the 62-semester-hour MFA, no more than 20 approved hours.
  4. A thesis cannot be shared between the two graduate degrees.
  5. A 595 Research Literature and Techniques course can only be shared between the two graduate degrees with departmental and Graduate School approval.
  6. All remaining courses applied to satisfy the requirements for the two graduate degrees must be East Texas A&M University courses.

The dual masters/specialist degrees will be subject to the general regulations governing masters/specialist degrees except as stated above.

Students who wish to pursue dual masters/specialist degrees must apply for admission to the each program. Contact your Graduate Services Coordinator for additional information.

Master's and Specialist Admission Requirements

Students interested in pursuing a dual program with a masters/specialist degree and a doctoral degree should contact the Doctoral Degree Coordinator.