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Course Information

TeacherCollege Credit:

Credit for completion of Extended Studies shall be allowed only after the complete fulfillment of all conditions required for the course. Each Extended Studies course, which carries college credit, requires the amount of work demanded for equivalent number of semester hours in resident study. Unless otherwise specified, each Extended Studies carries three semester hours of Extended Studies credit.

No more than 10 courses of extension and Extended Studies combined may be applied towards a degree. No more than six of the 10 courses may be achieved through Extended Studies. A maximum of six semester hours of advanced credit (4 courses of lower level and 2 courses of upper level) in a major field, when prerequisites have been satisfied, may be earned and counted towards the Bachelor's degree in this institution. No graduate work is offered by Extended Studies.

This University will not credit coursework completed through Extended Studies as a laboratory science.

A maximum of 2 courses may be taken by Extended Studies to complete a deficiency plan requirement for teacher certification.

Texas A&M-Commerce Students:

The grade will be a resident course and the grade will be included in the Texas A&M-Commerce GPA.

Fees and Refunds:

Included in the fee for a course is a $100 non-refundable administrative fee. The cost of the text(s) is separate and can be purchased from the bookstore.

The course fee for each three-hour Extended Studies course is $781.00. Remember, that out-of-state students pay the same fees as in state students.
Prices subject to change without notice.

Course Extension Fees

If the course is not completed within twelve months from the date of registration, it may be renewed for a one time, six-month extension upon the payment of a fee of $150.00. Failure to complete the course by the end of the six - month period will result in the course being terminated automatically. It will be your responsibility to keep up with your renewal deadline.

If the course is not renewed within ten days following the expiration date, exclusive of the time allowed for resident work, the course will be terminated.


If a student who has registered for a course notifies the Extended Studies in writing within fifteen (15) days of registration that he/she desires to drop the course, Texas A&M University - Commerce will retain $100.00. Also, the student must return the syllabus and the receipt to Extended Studies. After fifteen (15) days no part of the fee will be returned.