Dr. Bao-An Li

Regents ProfessorPicture of Dr. Bao-An Li

Education: Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1991

Office: Room 142 (Office) 143 (Lab)

Phone: 903-886-5478

E-Mail: Bao-An.Li@tamuc.edu

Research Interests:

Dr. Bao-An Li is a nuclear theorist by training. His current research interests are mainly in nuclear reactions induced by neutron-rich nuclei, nuclear astrophysics and ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. The goal of his recent work is to understand the equation of state and properties of dense neutron-rich nuclear matter. This matter can be produced in terrestrial laboratories by using high energy radioactive beams. It also exists in the core of neutron stars. This research thus has important ramifications in both nuclear physics and astrophysics. The results of his work may help us better understand the origin of elements and nature of matter under extreme conditions as well as the evolution of the Universe.

Recent Publications:

His recent publications can be found here. You can also get a feeling about the impact of his research by checking out the citations of his publications at Google Scholars or at SPIRES.

You can view his resume here.