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Jury Exams

Music majors and minors must complete a jury examination at the conclusion of each semester of principal applied (MUS 152, 352) and minor applied (MUS 151) study. Students performing a half recital may have the recital graded by the appropriate faculty in lieu of the jury for the semester in which the recital is performed at the discretion of the applied instructor. Students may perform on a minor applied (MUS 151) instrument on a convocation recital or in studio class and have that performance graded by the appropriate faculty in lieu of the minor applied jury for the semester at the discretion of the applied instructor.

The material and repertoire performed for the jury exam comes from material assigned in applied study during the semester. For instrumental majors, the assigned material may include, but is not limited to scales, exercises, etudes, solos, chamber literature, and orchestral excerpts. The assigned vocal repertoire comprises memorized art songs in multiple languages, folksong arrangements, recitatives, and arias. Keyboard majors perform literature from the major style periods (e.g., Baroque, Classic, Romantic, Contemporary, etc.) In general, each member of the applied faculty establishes and states the grading policy in the course syllabus; thus, the value or weight of the jury exam on the final grade may differ between studios.

A student enrolled in restricted applied study (MUS 149) is not subject to jury examination unless required by the individual professor.