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Applied Minor Requirements

Instrumental: Instrumental students pursuing a Bachelor of Music in instrumental performance must, in addition to their primary instrument, master the requisite technical skills for a minimum of one secondary instrument (minor applied) as part of their course of study. Students must enroll in four lower level minor applied lessons (MUS 151) as part of this sequence. These lessons would typically be taken as a one credit lessons (30 minutes per week) over four semesters. At the end of each semester the student will perform a jury for faculty evaluation of technical and musical progress over assigned literature.

Piano: performance majors must complete 7 hours of applied minor study (organ is often used), 3  of which must be upper division. They must also pass the proficiency exam for the minor applied instrument.

Vocal: Vocal majors must declare piano as their minor instrument and meet the piano proficiency requirements. (See piano proficiency requirements on p. 20)