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Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE)

Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE) is a standardized exit exam designed to review the material of the counseling core concepts. All School and Clinical Mental Health students must pass the CPCE in order to graduate. The exam is intended to review the main core counseling concepts (CPCE). The exam is a computer-based exam that can be taken at a Pearson approved site near your residence or at home (CPCE-ABE).

You are eligible to take the exam after you complete COUN 551 and COUN 595.

The wait time for retesting is 90 days for OnVue Pearson site/at home/CPCE-ABE.

To create an acount and register to take the exam please review these documents and follow the instructions:

1. Create an account
2a. Registration process for students who require accomodations
2b. Registration process for students the do not require accomodations

After you register, email Dr. Karl Mitchell to notify the method you chose to write the exam, for instance CPCE-ABE

Refer to these additional documents if you have questions.

Registering with Pearson VUE.ABE (CBT)
Registering with Pearson VUE.ABE (OnVue)

CPCE-ABE (Pearson Approved Site)

You can take the CPCE-ABE at any time in the semester. There is no set date. 

Person-Approved Site Testing Fees:

*One payment is for the CPCE exam—$150


NOTE: Please contact the Department of Counseling if you plan to contact the office of Student Disability Resources and Services (SDRS) for test-taking, contact SDRS at 903-886-5835 to discuss services available. Keep in mind that the office of Student Disability Resources and Services is open 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday.


The following FAQ further clarifies the procedures:

QUESTION: How many questions are on the Masters Comprehensive Examination?
ANSWER: There are 160 multiple-choice questions on the core section (CPCE).

QUESTION: Is the test on the computer or is it paper and pencil?
ANSWER: The CPCE is a computer-based exam.

QUESTION: When do I know my results?
ANSWER: This is information is given by CCE. Outcomes are sent to the department mid-month of the following month after the exam is taken. For example, if you take the exam in March, we will know the results on or after April 15th (the next month). 

QUESTION: What do I do with the raw score?
ANSWER:  Please keep a copy for your records

QUESTION: What constitutes a passing score?
ANSWER: The passing score of the core section (CPCE) is calculated after each administration. A student will need to obtain a score that is equal to or greater than a z score of -1.25(1.25 standard deviation units below the national mean score).

QUESTION: How will my student DegreeWorks be updated after taking the exam??
ANSWER:  Your DegreeWorks will be updated by the  department after the 15th of the following month which will show pass or fail.

QUESTION: If I should not pass the first time, how many times may I retake the exam?
ANSWER: If a student fails in their first attempt, they may re-test during the next scheduled administration of the CPCE or the student may be approved to take the exam at another Pearson's site. Should a student fail in their second attempt, their program may be terminated. Under extenuating circumstances, a third attempt may be granted but only upon the recommendation of the Departmental Examination Appeals Committee (DEAC) or head of the department and approval of the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research. For the third attempt, an oral exam is offered as a choice.

QUESTION: Is there a preparation guide or book available?
ANSWER: The Department does not have a preparation guide and does not endorse any particular guide. Students are encouraged to match their course syllabi objectives to the CACREP objectives and then to their course notes and textbooks. The TAMUC library has some available resources you can use (see below).

    • Then click on "database" under the search bar
    • In search databases area type "Mometrix eLibrary"
    • On the Study Guide page click on "Counseling & Social Work"
    • Access CPCE / NCE practice questions and study guide from the list

QUESTION: What are the eight core CACREP areas and what counseling classes relate to those areas?

ANSWER: The eight core CACREP areas include:


Related Program Classes

Human Growth & Development

COUN 545

Social & Cultural Diversity

COUN-501, 522

Counseling and Helping Relationship

COUN-501, 510, 516, 551, 552

Group Counseling and Group Work

COUN-501, 528

Career Development

COUN-501, 512

Assessment & Testing

COUN-501, 517

Research & Program Evaluation

COUN-501, 595

Professional Counseling Orientation & Ethical Practice

COUN-501, 510, 516, 517, 528, 551, 552

For further information:

Starting June 1st, candidates will still be allotted a 6-month window, but the exam attempts will be reduced to 2 and they will only be allowed to attempt the exam once every 90 days. This update will apply to all three CPCE formats (ABE, & OnVue).