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What is a record copy?

A record copy is the official copy of a state record.
Record copies must be maintained for the retention period specified in the records retention schedule.
Except in special cases, record copies should be destroyed at the end of the retention period.

What is a convenience copy?

A convenience copy is a copy of a record held by other offices or departments within the A&M System.
Convenience copies are not state records and should not be retained after the destruction of the record copy.

What is transitory information?

Transitory Information is the term used to describe state records of temporary usefulness. These are records that are not essential to the fulfillment of statutory obligations or to the documentation of system member functions.
They are not an integral part of a records series of a system member, are not regularly filled within a system member's record keeping system, and are required only for a limited period of time for the completion of an action by an official or employee of a system member or in the preparation of an ongoing record series.