Research Newsletters

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In this Issue

Around the System

Texas A&M researchers peer into the microcosmos with high-resolution microscope

Since its opening in November 2022, the cryogenic-electron microscope (cryo-EM) at Texas A&M University has facilitated several high-impact research projects by providing detailed views of molecular interactions. Researchers have used it to understand virus-bacteria interactions and other complex biological processes that other imaging techniques cannot resolve. The cryo-EM is widely used by various departments within Texas A&M, as well as by external institutions, for its powerful capabilities and high resolution. The facility has become a focal point for scientific collaboration. It has plans for further advancements, including the addition of a cryo-confocal fluorescent microscope and enhanced cryo-electron tomography capabilities.

Biden-Harris Administration Selects Five Recipients to Receive Nearly $15M in Grants to Address Climate-Damaging Hydrofluorocarbons as Part of Investing in America Agenda

As part of President Biden's Investing in America Agenda, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced on May 28 that Texas A&M University is one of five recipients of nearly $15 million in grants to tackle the climate crisis by reclaiming and destroying hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), potent greenhouse gases. Funded by the Inflation Reduction Act, Texas A&M's project focuses on reducing the time and cost of reclaiming HFCs by designing and testing technology to separate various HFC mixtures and implementing a data-driven decision framework for reverse logistics. The project aims for a 30% increase in reclaimed HFCs and a 25% cost reduction, supporting broader efforts to phase down HFCs and mitigate their climate impact.

Novel mobile air monitoring technology yields greater insight into post-disaster pollution levels

A team of researchers from the Texas A&M University School of Public Health and School of Medicine has demonstrated the effectiveness of high-resolution mass spectrometry in identifying airborne contaminants from disasters, as detailed in the Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology. They used this technology after an April 2023 fire at a plastic recycling plant in Richmond, Indiana, which necessitated local evacuations. The study identified 46 volatile organic compounds (VOCs), with several exceeding expected levels, showcasing the method's ability to provide accurate data for disaster response quickly. This approach, funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and aided by experts from Carnegie Mellon University and the US-EPA, represents an advancement over traditional methods, offering rapid, comprehensive pollutant identification critical for public health safety.

Unlocking the Hidden Secrets of Cellular Function

Researchers at Sanford Research and Texas A&M University have discovered that changes in cell shape influence the rate of protein transport between the nucleus and cytoplasm by affecting the availability of guanosine triphosphate (GTP), a molecule regulating nucleocytoplasmic transport (NCT). This finding, published in the Journal of Cell Biology, reveals that cell spreading slows down NCT, while cell rounding accelerates it, challenging the previous belief that pore size changes in the nuclear envelope were responsible. Dr. Tanmay Lele emphasized that this mechanism, which links cell shape to fluctuations in GTP levels, could impact processes like gene expression and protein synthesis, potentially playing a role in disease pathology and offering new therapeutic targets.

Can you smell how meat tastes?

Chris Kerth, Ph.D., an associate professor of meat science at Texas A&M University, has spent over 12 years studying the science behind food aromas and their impact on flavor perception. By using high-tech equipment like gas chromatographs, Kerth identifies and quantifies the volatile chemical compounds released during cooking that contribute to food aromas. His research, which includes collaboration with sensory panels, aims to enhance positive flavors while reducing undesirable ones. Kerth's work underscores the importance of cooking methods and temperatures in generating the desirable aromas that enhance the overall eating experience, such as the appealing smell of a perfectly grilled steak.

Large and Strategic Opportunities

Texas Semiconductor Innovation Fund (TSIF)

  • The Texas Semiconductor Innovation Fund (TSIF) is a new incentive program to encourage Texas's continued leadership in semiconductor research, design, and manufacturing. The TSIF was established in June 2023 when Governor Abbott signed into law the Texas CHIPS Act (House Bill 5174), which established the TSIF and the Texas Semiconductor Innovation Consortium (TSIC). The Texas legislature appropriated $698.3 million to the TSIF.
  • The TSIF will provide grants and matching funds to eligible entities for semiconductor research, manufacturing and design projects


Upcoming NVIDIA Open Hackathons 
NVIDIA is hosting several hackathons this fall that are centered around accelerated scientific applications. Open Hackathons help researchers and developers port, accelerate, and optimize their applications on a variety of data center architectures including CPUs and GPUs. Students and researchers who are interested in forming a team should contact Ramana Heggadal Math at For more information on these events, please visit NVIDIA's Open Hackathon page.
Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) Open Hackathon
Application Deadline: August 7, 2024
Event Date: October 15, 22-24, 2024

Federal Sponsors


PAPPG Changes

Click to see updates to PAPPG 24-1 effective May 20th and an updated proposal checklist.

Research and Development: U.S. Trends and International Comparisons

This report analyzes research and experimental development (R&D) trends in the United States and internationally.

Master Government List of Federally Funded R&D Centers

Information on this list is current as of February 2024.

Report: Invention, Knowledge Transfer, and Innovation

Explore extensive data on the activities that comprise the innovation process, including patenting and trademark activities, knowledge transfer, and trends in innovation financing. Invention leads to innovation, job creation, and new business formation; every sector plays an important part through knowledge transfer activities.


Safeguarding International Science: Research Security Framework

The National Institute of Standards of Technology (NIST) has introduced the Safeguarding Science Research Security Framework to guide the U.S. science and research community in engaging with the global community while managing risks associated with international collaborative research. The framework, applicable to government, academia, and industry, emphasizes a mission-focused, integrated, and risk-balanced approach to protect against foreign influence and interference. It provides guidance for organizations involved in international science and technology activities and receiving Federal funding, aiming to foster the safeguarding of international science while mitigating risks to the collaborative environment. This living document will be regularly updated based on user feedback and evolving risks to meet the needs of Research Security practitioners in a dynamic environment.


All of Us Research Program

The All of Us Research Program is inviting one million people across the U.S. to help build one of the most diverse health databases in history. We welcome participants from all backgrounds. Researchers will use the data to learn how our biology, lifestyle, and environment affect health. This may one day help them find ways to treat and prevent disease.

Changes Coming to Applications and Peer Review in January 2025

NIH is implementing multiple changes that will impact the preparation and peer review of most grant applications submitted to NIH for due dates on or after January 25, 2025. Although each of these initiatives have specific goals, they are all meant to simplify, clarify, or ensure greater fairness.

The East Texas A&M University Chief Research Officer

Dr. Brent Donham - East Texas A&M University


Funding Opportunities

2024-2025 CBTS General Research Request for Proposals
The Cross-Border Threat Screening and Supply Chain Defense(CBTS) funds research and education projects. Our goal is to support the development of innovative technologies and capacities to detect and respond to biological threats moving through global supply chains. CBTS funds projects within current interest areas designed to achieve the following objectives:
  • Enhance current capabilities to detect biological threats.
  • Advance novel analytics for timely decision-making through meaningful data integration and representation from disparate sources.
  • Reduce the risk of biological threats by developing new operational methods to assess the national supply chain network as an integral part of a global system by leveraging academic and industry partners.
  • Use academic initiatives, industry partnerships, and enhanced workforce development to educate and train current and future personnel throughout the homeland security enterprise to prevent, prepare for, detect, respond to, and recover from evolving biological threats; and
  • Provide unique capabilities and capacities to support time critical response for the Department of Homeland Security through implementation of next-generation threat identification approaches.

IES Releases FY 2025 Requests for Applications

The Institute of Education Sciences supports research that addresses important issues in education and develops solutions that improve school readiness and academic achievement for all students. 

Hanover Grant Calendar for AI & Machine Learning 

THECB Research Funding and Programs

Funds available via THECB per annual General Revenue (GR) appropriations by the Texas Legislature.

Innovation Corps Teams Program

I-Corps is an NSF program that fosters innovation ecosystems, with Texas A&M University being part of the NSF I-Corps Hub: Southwest. It offers real-world training based on the Lean Startup framework to help researchers turn innovations into viable companies addressing societal issues. The program bridges the gap between university research and the marketplace, providing faculty and student researchers with the entrepreneurial skills needed to recognize and exploit the commercial potential of their discoveries.

(NSF) National Science Foundation 

Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace

Funding Opportunity Number:  24-504

Full Proposal Deadline:  Proposals accepted anytime

Summary:  The SaTC program welcomes proposals that address cybersecurity and privacy, drawing on expertise in one or more of these areas: computing, communication, and information sciences; engineering; education; mathematics; statistics; and social, behavioral, and economic sciences. Proposals that advance the field of cybersecurity and privacy within a single discipline or interdisciplinary efforts that span multiple disciplines are both welcome. Proposals must be submitted pursuant to one of the following designations: • CORE: This designation is the main focus of the multidisciplinary SaTC research program. • EDU: The Education designation is used to label proposals focusing on cybersecurity and privacy education and training. • TTP: The Transition to Practice designation will be used to label proposals that are focused exclusively on transitioning existing research results to practice. 

Division of Integrative Organismal Systems Core Programs

Funding Opportunity Number:  23-547

Proposal Deadline:  Proposals accepted anytime

Summary: The Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS) supports research aimed at improving understanding of organisms as integrated units of biological organization. The division welcomes diverse approaches to research addressing organism questions, and especially encourages integrative and interdisciplinary perspectives on complex problems in organism biology. The goal of the IOS Core Programs Track is to understand the forces behind form; to predict why organisms are structured the way they are and function as they do in a variety of developmental, social, physiological, and natural environmental contexts. The Integrative Research in Biology (IntBIO) Track invites submission of collaborative proposals to tackle bold questions in biology that require an integrated approach to make substantive progress. 

Dear Colleague Letter:  Advancing Research in the Geosciences Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

NSF’s Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) encourages the submission of proposals that advance our understanding of geosciences using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) methods. To promote research that benefits from AI/ML and reduces barriers to its use in the geosciences, GEO welcomes proposals incorporating AI/ML methods across its broad range of programs. The geosciences collectively refers to the research supported in the Divisions of Atmosphere and Geospace (AGS), Earth (EAR), and Ocean (OCE) Sciences, and in the Office of Polar Programs (OPP). Proposals in response to this DCL must advance core geosciences program goals and use AI/ML methods toward addressing scientific problems. NSF 23-046

Dear Colleague Letter:  Supplemental funding opportunity for use-inspired and translational research activities in support of current Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier (FW-HTF: Core Research) research awards

With this DCL, current FW-HTF-R (research award category) awardees may propose supplemental research activities that are grounded in fundamental discoveries or research developments made as part of an active FW-HTF research project. The goal of these supplements is to extend the results of existing research projects in directions that will increase the likelihood of eventual adoption and positive social impact. NSF 23-047

Dear Colleague Letter:  Advice related to the potential renewal of NSF AI Institute Awards

The Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) wishes to provide notice and advice related to the potential renewal or continuation for Institutes funded under the National Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Institutes Program. In order to continue particularly productive or promising activities, NSF encourages the Principal Investigator (PI) of an AI Institute award to discuss with their cognizant program officer the potential to submit a renewal proposal. It is recommended that this discussion about a potential renewal take place during the fourth funding year of the original award. NSF 23-048

Dear Colleague Letter:  Announcing Creation of Manufacturing Systems Integration (MSI) Program NSF announces the creation of the Manufacturing Systems Integration (MSI) program as a program managed by the Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI). The MSI program supports research that focuses on fundamental research addressing the opportunities and challenges digital technologies present for the next industrial revolution, with particular emphasis on the digital integration of design and manufacturing within the larger life cycle ecosystem. Manufacturing Systems Integration proposals should address underlying principles and advances that are generalizable for globally competitive and world leading industries. Connectivity, automation, and secure collaboration are examples of areas that are integral to digital environments capable of supporting the innovation, realization and sustainment of manufactured products and systems in the value creation process. NSF 23-050

Electronics, Photonics and Magnetic Devices

Funding Opportunity Number:  PD-18-1517

Full Proposal Deadline:  Accepted anytime

Summary: The Electronics, Photonics and Magnetic Devices (EPMD) Program supports innovative research on novel devices based on the principles of electronics, optics and photonics, optoelectronics, magnetics, opto- and electromechanics, electromagnetics, and related physical phenomena. EPMD’s goal is to advance the frontiers of micro-, nano- and quantum-based devices operating within the electromagnetic spectrum and contributing to a broad range of application domains. The program encourages research based on emerging technologies for miniaturization, integration, and energy efficiency as well as novel material-based devices with new functionalities, improved efficiency, flexibility, tunability, wearability, and enhanced reliability.

Combustion and Fire Systems

Funding Opportunity Number:  PD-23-1407

Full Proposal Deadline:  Full proposal accepted anytime

Summary:  The Combustion and Fire Systems program is part of the Transport Phenomena cluster, which also includes 1) the Fluid Dynamics program; 2) the Particulate and Multiphase Processes program; and 3) the Thermal Transport Processes program. The goal of the Combustion and Fire Systems program is to create new knowledge to support advances in clean energy, climate change mitigation, a cleaner environment and public safety. The program endeavors to create fundamental scientific knowledge that is needed for safe, clean and useful combustion applications and for mitigating the effects of fire. The program aims to identify and understand the controlling basic principles and to use that knowledge to create predictive capabilities for designing and optimizing practical combustion devices and understanding fire. 

Dear Colleague Letter:  Seeking US Industry and US Federal Agency Partners to Support Research Projects in Advanced Networking Systems

Notice Number:  NSF 23-090

Summary:  With this Dear Colleague Letter, NSF is seeking US industry partners and Federal Agencies to form public-private partnerships with NSF to co-design and jointly support research programs in advanced networking systems. The programs built through these partnerships will seek innovations to enhance the various aspects of next generation communications, sensing, networking, and computing systems. The programs are expected to fund collaborative fundamental research that transcends the traditional boundaries of individual disciplines to achieve the program goals. These teams may consist of investigators from Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) - Two- and four-year IHEs (including community colleges) accredited, and having a campus located in the US.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Physical and Dynamic Meteorology Update on Modeling Tools and Support Notice Number:  NSF 23-095

Summary:  The purpose of this Dear Colleague Letter is to convey to the scientific community that, for numerical modeling-based activities, NSF's Physical and Dynamic Meteorology (PDM) program welcomes proposals that make use of any modeling system that will advance the relevant science. 

Dear Colleague Letter:  Rapidly Accelerating Research on Artificial Intelligence in K-12 Education in Formal and Informal Settings Notice Number:  NSF 23-097

Summary:  There is a severe urgent need for research on the use of AI, and the teaching of AI, in K-12 classroom and informal settings. This Dear Colleague Letter invites researchers to submit Rapid Response Research (RAPID) proposals for time-sensitive research including, but not limited to: • Developing AI tools and environments to advance age-appropriate equitable learning and inclusive teaching; • Supporting learning about and interest in AI; • Using AI to teach AI; and, • Integrating generative AI in education in an ethical, responsible, and effective way. Proposed projects must include strong data-driven research methods in need of a quick response due to rapidly changing AI. NSF strongly encourages proposals that will sustain and advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM education research. Likewise, NSF is seeking proposals that will have an impact on underserved and underrepresented schools and communities.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Request for Information on Future Topics for Workforce Development in Emerging Technology Career Pathways

Notice Number:  NSF 23-100

Summary:  The NSF Directorates for Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships (TIP) and STEM Education (EDU)

are jointly issuing this Request for Information (RFI) to seek input from non-profit organizations, philanthropies, industry, local, state and tribal government offices/agencies, K-12 schools and districts, institutions of higher education, trade and/or vocational schools, and other communities of practice on opportunities and challenges towards creating a robust collection of flexible and seamless STEM pathways in emerging technological areas. This Dear Colleague Letter does not invite research proposals nor is it a funding opportunity. However, the submission of collective input to this RFI spanning different perspectives from multiple constituent communities may be used to inform, refine, and catalyze future NSF investments and programs. 

Energy, Power, Control, and Networks

Funding Opportunity Number:  PD-18-7607

Full Proposal Deadline:  Accepted anytime

Summary:  The Energy, Power, Control, and Networks (EPCN) Program supports innovative research in modeling, optimization, learning, adaptation, and control of networked multi-agent systems, higher-level decision making, and dynamic resource allocation, as well as risk management in the presence of uncertainty, sub-system failures, and stochastic disturbances. EPCN also invests in novel machine learning algorithms and analysis, adaptive dynamic programming, brain-like networked architectures performing real-time learning, and neuromorphic engineering. EPCN’s goal is to encourage research on emerging technologies and applications including energy, transportation, robotics, and biomedical devices & systems.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Advancing Microelectronics Education

Notice Number:  NSF 23-115

Summary:  This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) encourages submission of education proposals in all settings, both formal and informal, that will excite, motivate, and prepare students for participation in the microelectronics industry of the future in response to the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 (CHIPS Act).

Dear Colleague Letter:  Special Guidelines for Submitting Collaborative Proposals under U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Department of Science and Technology (DST) of India Collaborative Research Opportunities

Notice Number:  NSF 23-114

Summary:  The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Department of Science and Technology (DST) of the Government of India have signed an Implementation Arrangement on research cooperation. The Implementation Arrangement provides a framework to encourage collaboration between U.S. and Indian research communities and sets out the principles by which joint activities might be supported. Through this research agency partnership, U.S. researchers may receive funding from NSF and India researchers may receive funding from DST respectively. This NSF-DST collaborative research opportunity focuses specifically upon discoveries and innovations in areas of mutual interest that develop new knowledge in all aspects of computing, communications, and information science and engineering, advanced cyberinfrastructure, secure and trustworthy computing, and cyber-physical systems. Through a research agency partnership, NSF and DST will allow investigators from both countries to collaborate to write a single proposal that will undergo a single review process at NSF, the Coordinating Agency.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Stimulating Diversification in Language Science Research (LangDiv)

Notice Number:  NSF 23-103

Summary:  NSF encourages submission of proposals that diversify and further deepen the study of language and communication. This is a collaborative initiative across several programs in the Division of Behavioral and Cognitive with shared interests in the study of language. This is an effort to catalyze new collaborations that integrate knowledge across disciplines and/or levels of analysis. The goal is to advance more generalizable and replicable theories in the language and communication sciences via diversified sampling practices, language(s) of study, methodologies and theoretical perspectives.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Conference Proposals on Clean Energy Topics

Notice Number:  NSF 23-108

Summary:  With this Dear Colleague Letter, NSF is calling for conference proposals on identifying collaborative research opportunities for advancing science and technology for clean energy. The goal of these workshops is to initiate new collaborations in clean energy topics within academia or between academia and Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs). It is encouraged that Principal Investigators (PIs) organize a topical workshop in collaboration with one or more FFRDCs that have significant research activity in the proposed topic.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Clean Energy Technology RAISE or EAGER Proposals

Notice Number:  NSF 23-109

Summary:  With this DCL, the National Science Foundation (NSF) invites interdisciplinary groups of Principal

Investigators (PIs) to develop potentially transformative, convergent, fundamental research proposals in the area of clean energy technologies. Two kinds of proposals will be considered: Research Advanced by Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (RAISE) and Early-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER).

Dear Colleague Letter:  High School Student Research Assistantships in the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE-High)

Notice Number:  NSF 23-111

Summary:  This letter invites requests for supplemental funding to existing NSF awards to provide high school students with a meaningful research experience in the SBE sciences. Especially encouraged are requests that broaden participation of high school students from groups and geographies from diverse talent pools that have not yet been fully tapped in the SBE sciences.

Process Systems, Reaction Engineering, and Molecular Thermodynamics

Funding Opportunity Number:  PD-23-1403

Full Proposal Deadline:  Proposals accepted anytime

Summary:  The Process Systems, Reaction Engineering, and Molecular Thermodynamics program is part of the Chemical Process Systems cluster, which also includes: 1) the Catalysis program; 2) the Electrochemical Systems program; and 3) the Interfacial Engineering program. The goal of the Process Systems, Reaction Engineering, and Molecular

Thermodynamics program is to advance fundamental engineering research on the rates and mechanisms of chemical reactions, systems engineering, and molecular thermodynamics as they relate to the design and optimization of chemical reactors and the production of specialized materials that have important impacts on society.

Cellular and Biochemical Engineering

Funding Opportunity Number:  PD-23-1491

Full Proposal Deadline:  Proposals accepted anytime

Summary:  The Cellular and Biochemical Engineering program supports fundamental engineering research that advances understanding of cellular and biomolecular processes. CBE-funded research may lead to the development of enabling technology for advanced biomanufacturing of therapeutic cells, biochemicals, and biopharmaceuticals, and for other biotechnology industries. Fundamental to many CBE research projects is the understanding of how biomolecules, subcellular systems, cells, and cell populations interact, and how those interactions lead to changes in structure, function, and behavior. A quantitative treatment of problems related to biological processes is considered vital to successful research projects in the CBE program.

Disability and Rehabilitation Engineering

Funding Opportunity Number:  PD-23-5342

Full Proposal Deadline:  Proposals accepted anytime

Summary:  The Disability and Rehabilitation Engineering program supports fundamental engineering research that will improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities through the development of new theories, methodologies, technologies, or devices. Disabilities could be developmental, cognitive, hearing, mobility, visual, selfcare, independent living, or other. Proposed projects must advance knowledge regarding a specific human disability or pathological motion or understanding of injury mechanisms.

Engineering of Biomedical Systems

Funding Opportunity Number:  PD-23-5345

Full Proposal Deadline:  Proposals accepted anytime

Summary:  The goal of the Engineering of Biomedical Systems program is to provide opportunities for fundamental and transformative research projects that integrate engineering and life sciences to solve biomedical problems and serve humanity in the long term.  Projects are expected to use an engineering framework (for example, design or modeling) that supports increased understanding of physiological or pathophysiological processes. Projects must include objectives that advance both engineering and biomedical sciences.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Equitable and Transformative Approaches to Educating the Semiconductor Workforce (ETA-ESW)

Notice Number:  NSF- 23-118

Summary:  This DCL announces a cooperative activity between NSF and the Micron Foundation to stimulate transformative approaches to: (a) improve and impact education and training of the advanced memory manufacturing, microelectronics, and semiconductor workforce of the future; and (b) expand equitable opportunities and access to experiential learning programs in cleanrooms and other teaching laboratories. As part of this effort, this DCL announces new award opportunities for FY 2023 and FY 2024 in two programs: the Improving Undergraduate STEM Education program and the Experiential Learning for Emerging and Novel Technologies program that build on or leverage strong industry-academic partnerships to strengthen the semiconductor manufacturing workforce.

 Dear Colleague Letter:  DOE Water Power Technologies Office and NSF Engineering Research Initiation Special Emphasis Areas

Notice Number:  NSF- 23-119

Summary:  The Engineering Directorate (ENG) of the National Science Foundation, in partnership with the Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO) of the Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), announces a special funding focus on new science and engineering proposals submitted to the Engineering Research Initiation (ERI) solicitation (see in topical areas of mutual interest. These opportunities are meant to encourage researchers to contribute to NSF’s sustainable future by participating in these important funding focus areas. Topically relevant awards from this opportunity may be funded by ENG and/or WPTO funds. The objective of the ERI solicitation is to build engineering research capacity across the nation by investing in new academic investigators who have yet to receive research funding from Federal Agencies. The objective of the WPTO is to enable research, development, and testing of emerging technologies to advance marine energy as well as next-generation hydro-power and pumped storage systems for a flexible, reliable grid. 

Dear Colleague Letter:  Tool Development for Molecular and Cell Biology (Tools4Cells) Notice Number:  NSF- 23-121

Summary:  The purpose of this Dear Colleague Letter is to encourage submission of proposals to develop novel tools and methods that improve scientists’ abilities to measure, analyze, manipulate, or control critical aspects of cellular properties and functions in order to continue to push boundaries and open new avenues of inquiry in molecular and cellular biosciences. 


Funding Opportunity Number:  PD-23-1401

Full Proposal Deadline:  Proposal accepted anytime

Summary:  The Catalysis program is part of the Chemical Process Systems cluster, which also includes: 1) the Electrochemical Systems program; 2) the Interfacial Engineering program; and 3) the Process Systems, Reaction Engineering, and Molecular Thermodynamics program. The goals of the Catalysis program are to increase fundamental understanding in catalytic engineering science and to advance the development of catalysts and catalytic reactions that are beneficial to society. Research should focus on critical challenges and opportunities in both new and proven catalysis technologies.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Teacher Salary Supplements in the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program Notice Number: NSF 23-123

Summary:  This Dear Colleague Letter seeks to clarify the opportunity for future awards funded in response to solicitation NSF 23-586, the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program (Noyce), to use grant funds to provide salary supplements of $10,000 or more per year for Scholars and Fellows. This clarification stipulates that in addition to the funding of salary supplements as described for Track 2: the NSF Teaching Fellowships Track and Track 3: the NSF Master Teaching Fellowships Track in solicitation NSF 23-586, proposals in response to this solicitation may include funding for salary supplements for Track 1: Scholarships (undergraduate STEM majors) or Stipends (post-baccalaureate STEM degreed individuals) recipients during the first five (5) years of their teaching of STEM subjects as certified/licensed teachers in high-need school districts.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST Centers) Interest in Engineering Research

Notice Number:  NSF 23-124

Summary:  This Dear Colleague Letter encourages the submission of new CREST Center proposals with a focus on engineering research. The CREST program supports the creation of research centers that will lead to strong societal impacts. Projects supported under the CREST program are 5-year research awards that increase research capacity and infrastructure at minority-serving institutions as defined in NSF 23-595. Successful completed projects under this DCL could further compete for an Engineering Research Center (ERC) as a lead institution. 

National Science Foundation Facility and Instrumentation Request Process

Funding Opportunity Number:  23-602

Full Proposal Deadline:  Proposals accepted anytime

Summary:  The Facility and Instrumentation Request Process (FIRP) solicitation describes the mechanism by which the research community can propose projects that require access to instrumentation and facilities sponsored by the Facilities for Atmospheric Research and Education (FARE) Program in the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences. FARE provides funding to a variety of organizations to make specialized instrumentation and facilities available to the atmospheric science research community through the Lower Atmosphere Observing Facilities (LAOF) and the Community Instruments and Facilities programs. FIRP allows for parallel evaluation of intellectual merit and broader impacts along with the feasibility of the proposed project.

National Science Foundation Dear Colleague Letter:  Extreme, Compound, and Cascading Hazards (EC2H)

Notice Number:  NSF 23-125

Summary:  This Dear Colleague Letter encourages submission of proposals that advance our fundamental understanding of natural disasters, extreme events, and other natural hazards. The focus is on: 1) exploring system-of-systems approaches to understanding drivers of extreme events; 2) cascading or compound hazards; 3) interactions between longer-term trends and extreme events; and 4) processes occurring at multiple scales ranging from local to regional to planetary, and at time scales that incorporate long-term changes in the characteristics of short-term extreme events.

Investigators are urged to involve multiple disciplines and stakeholders and include the participation of the full spectrum of diverse talents in STEM. This DCL encourages projects that rely on existing NSF/GEO facilities and/or data resources, plan for new research infrastructure, and/or pursue partnerships with stakeholders to accelerate innovation and the development of new technologies and/or data sets. Proposals are strongly encouraged in areas of research that align with programs within two or more GEO units.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Workshop to Inform Development of the NSF Research on Research Security Program (RRSP) Notice Number:

Summary:  To more fully understand the nature, scope, challenges, and potential of research security across all research, particularly in the context of National Security Presidential Memorandum-33 (NSPM-33) and associated supporting documents, NSF is developing a new Research on Research Security Program (RRSP). With this Dear Colleague Letter, NSF is seeking proposals for a workshop that will bring together researchers who conduct or have an interest in conducting research in this domain, with the intent of raising awareness of the RRSP and developing a community of practice that includes institutions of higher education, for-profit organizations, governmental entities, and non-profit organizations to conduct this highly interdisciplinary research.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Notice of Intent to Compete an Arctic Sciences Community Hub Notice Number:NSF 23-127

Summary:  The Arctic Sciences Section in the Office of Polar Programs (OPP) in the Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) of

NSF intends to carry out a competition to support community building and coordinating activities for the NSF Arctic Sciences Community through an open, merit-based, peer-reviewed process. The anticipated program solicitation is expected to result in an initial award of a five-year Cooperative Agreement with the possibility of a five-year continuation for the management of the Arctic Sciences Community Hub, which is expected to start in Calendar Year 2024. Cooperative Agreements of this type are governed in part under 2 CFR, part 200: "Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirement for Federal Awards" (Uniform Guidance), in addition to NSF standard and award-specific terms and conditions.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Searching for New Physics Beyond the Standard Model Using Precision Measurements (BSMPM)

Notice Number:  NSF 23-129

Summary:  The research envisioned in this Dear Colleague Letter will seek to push forward the frontier of measurement accuracy by substantial factors in order to contribute to one or both of the following long-term goals: (1) improve the constraints on parameters in theoretical alternatives to the Standard Model of Particle Physics, or similarly overarching fundamental models in other domains of physics such as gravitational physics, or (2) determine the values of known parameters to an unprecedented level of accuracy such that deviations from predictions would signal the discovery of new fundamental physics.

Dear Colleague Letter:  U.S.-UK Research Collaboration under the NSF-UKRI/Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Lead Agency Opportunity

Notice Number: NSF  23-128

Summary:  NSF and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Research Cooperation. NSF and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of UKRI are pleased to announce their continued and expanded support of international collaboration under this NSF-EPSRC Lead Agency Opportunity. The goal of this activity is to promote transatlantic collaborative research by reducing some of the barriers to conducting international research that researchers may encounter. The NSF-EPSRC Lead Agency Opportunity allows U.S. and UK researchers to submit a single collaborative proposal that will undergo a single review process. This document provides guidelines for the preparation, submission, review, and award of joint NSF-EPSRC proposals. 

Condensed Matter and Materials Theory

Funding Opportunity Number:  23-611

Full Proposal Deadline:  Proposals accepted anytime

Summary:  This solicitation applies only to the Condensed Matter and Materials Theory DMR Topical Materials Research Program (TMRP). The CMMT program supports fundamental research that advances conceptual understanding of hard and soft materials, and materials-related phenomena; the development of associated analytical, computational, and data-centric techniques; and predictive materials-specific theory, simulation, and modeling for materials research. First principles electronic structure, quantum many-body and field theories, statistical mechanics, classical and quantum Monte Carlo, and molecular dynamics, are among the methods used in the broad spectrum of research supported in CMMT. Research may encompass the advance of new paradigms in materials research, including emerging data-centric approaches utilizing data-analytics or machine learning. Computational efforts span from the level of workstations to advanced and high-performance scientific computing. Emphasis is on approaches that begin at the smallest appropriate length scale, such as electronic, atomic, molecular, nano-, micro-, and mesoscale, required to yield fundamental insight into material properties, processes, and behavior, to predict new materials and states of matter, and to reveal new materials phenomena.

Division of Materials Research: Topical Materials Research Programs

Funding Opportunity Number:  23-612

Full Proposal Deadline:  Proposals accepted anytime

Summary:  This solicitation applies to the following DMR Topical Materials Research Programs: Biomaterials (BMAT), Ceramics (CER), Condensed Matter Physics (CMP), Electronic and Photonic Materials (EPM), Metals and Metallic Nanostructures (MMN), Polymers (POL), and Solid State and Materials Chemistry (SSMC). Research supported by the Division of Materials Research (DMR) focuses on advancing the fundamental understanding of materials, materials discovery, design, synthesis, characterization, properties, and materials-related phenomena. DMR awards enable understanding of the electronic, atomic, and molecular structures, mechanisms, and processes that govern nanoscale to macroscale morphology and properties; manipulation and control of these properties; discovery of emerging phenomena of matter and materials; and creation of novel design, synthesis, and processing strategies that lead to new materials with unique characteristics. These discoveries and advancements transcend traditional scientific and engineering disciplines. Projects supported by DMR are not only essential for the development of future technologies and industries that address societal needs, but also for the preparation of the next generation of materials researchers.

Dear Colleague Letter:  International Multilateral Partnerships for Resilient Education and Science System in Ukraine  Notice Number: NSF- 23-135

Summary:  The Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE) of NSF announces a new partnership with: •

Estonia: Estonian Research Council (ETAG), • Latvia: Latvian Council of Science (LCS), • Lithuania: Research Council of Lithuania (LMT), Poland: National Science Centre (NCN) and Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), • Ukraine: National Research Foundation of Ukraine (NRFU), • USA: National Academy of Sciences (NAS), and • USA: Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG). With this initiative, OISE invites visionary, ambitious, high quality collaborative research proposals that address scientific or technical challenges in any field of science, engineering, or education and require an international collaboration. Each proposal must engage researchers from the U.S., Ukraine, and at least one other country involved in this initiative. Priority will be given to projects that propose: (a) creative ways for enhancing efficiency and resiliency of international partnerships; (b) efficient concepts to prepare an internationally engaged research community and technical workforce; and (c) efficient and significant contributions to build a modern, state-of-the-art research, education and innovation ecosystem in Ukraine. 

Dear Colleague Letter:  Notice of Cost Share Requirements During Renewal Periods in EPSCoR Programs (NSF 23-587 and NSF 23-588)

Notice Number:  NSF 23-147

Summary:  This DCL seeks to inform the community about cost share requirements for the EPSCoR Collaborations for

Optimizing Research Ecosystems Research Infrastructure Improvement (E-CORE RII) Program (NSF 23-587) and EPSCoR Research Incubators for STEM Excellence Research Infrastructure Improvement (E-RISE RII) Program (NSF 23-588). While inclusion of voluntary committed cost sharing is prohibited in initial awards made through these programs, recipients submitting renewal proposals in these programs will be required to meet the mandatory cost sharing requirement specified in the original solicitation. Additionally, the 2009 NSB report "Investing in the Future: NSF Cost Sharing Policies for a Robust Federal Research Enterprise" provides a recommendation to allow cost sharing for NSF EPSCoR programs to build regional, state, or institutional capacity, and promote sustainability beyond NSF funding. 

Dear Colleague Letter: Inviting Proposals Related to Open-Source Software Security to the Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace Program

Notice Number:  NSF 23-149

Summary:  Open-source software (OSS) is pervasive in commercial products, government systems, and military platforms. Although this philosophy of software development accelerates and catalyzes innovation via composability, it is not without security risks. Adversaries can leverage the pillars of the OSS philosophy - the democratization of software development and software reuse - to insert and exploit vulnerabilities in OSS code, especially when the code is written in memory-unsafe programming languages, such as C and C++. The purpose of this DCL is to encourage the submission of novel and high impact proposals, within or across disciplines, applying the highest standards of research methodology and use of evidence, to advance knowledge on securing the OSS ecosystem, targeting at least one of the following areas/topics: • Software engineering frameworks/tools/methodologies, 

Handling unsafe legacy code, • Dependency management, • Trust and safety, • Incentive and organizational structures for a secure OSS ecosystem, and • Education and workforce development.

Dear Colleague Letter: Graduate Research Internships in Forensic Science and Criminal Justice Contexts (NSF-NIJ INTERN) Supplemental Funding Opportunity

Notice Number:  NSF 23-150

Summary:  This NSF-NIJ INTERN DCL encourages submission of INTERN supplemental funding requests for graduate students who are currently supported on NSF-funded projects to pursue non-academic research internships in forensic science and criminal justice contexts. Examples of such contexts include but are not limited to public or private forensic laboratories or research and development units, nonprofit organizations focusing on forensic or criminal justice matters, law enforcement agencies, and the medico-legal and judicial systems.

Dear Colleague Letter: CO2 Removal and Solar Radiation Modification Strategies: Science, Governance and Consequences

Notice Number:  NSF 23-151

Summary: NSF’s Directorates for Geosciences (GEO), Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE), and Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE) jointly support research to address the twenty-first century global challenge of climate change by seeking to increase understanding of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Removal (CDR) and Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) science, governance, and consequences. While the rapid reduction of CO2 and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions remains a top priority, the scientific community has urged federal agencies to support research on additional potential solutions and their consequences, including strategies that may ameliorate anthropogenic climate change. In addition, recent U.S. Government reports seek to mobilize the Federal Government and civil society toward enhancing current understanding of potentially effective and innovative climate mitigation strategies. This DCL seeks to encourage submission of proposals on the fundamental understanding and assessment of environmental processes, and/or social, cultural, and ethical impacts of CDR and SRM. 

Research in the Formation of Engineers

Funding Opportunity Number:  PD-24-1340

Full Proposal Deadline:  Full proposal accepted anytime

Summary:  The goal of the Research in the Formation of Engineers (RFE) program is to advance our understanding of professional formation. It seeks both to deepen our fundamental understanding of the underlying processes and mechanisms that support professional formation and to demonstrate how professional formation is or can be accomplished. Ultimately RFE aims to transform the engineer-formation system, and thus the impact of proposed projects on this system must be described. Principal Investigators (PIs) should provide a roadmap detailing how they envision the proposed research will eventually broadly impact practice within the engineer-formation system, even if these activities are not within the scope of the submitted proposal. In order to accomplish its goals, RFE welcomes proposals in two categories: • Research Projects that address fundamental questions of professional formation , and • Design and Development Projects that provide new approaches to achieving professional formation.

Dear Colleague Letter:  CO2 Removal and Solar Radiation Modification Strategies: Science, Governance and Consequences

Notice Number:  NSF 23-151

Summary:  NSF Directorates for Geosciences (GEO), Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE), and Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE) jointly support research to address the twenty-first century global challenge of climate change by seeking to increase understanding of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Removal (CDR) and Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) science, governance, and consequences. While the rapid reduction of CO2 and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions remains a top priority, the scientific community has urged federal agencies to support research on additional potential solutions and their consequences, including strategies that may ameliorate anthropogenic climate change 1-3. In addition, recent U.S. Government reports seek to mobilize the Federal

Government and civil society toward enhancing current understanding of potentially effective and innovative climate mitigation strategies. This DCL seeks to encourage submission of proposals on the fundamental understanding and assessment of environmental processes, and/or social, cultural, and ethical impacts of CDR and SRM.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Growing Post-Award Research Support and Service Infrastructure for Nationally Transformative Equity and Diversity

Notice Number:  NSF 23-152

Summary:  Through the NSF GRANTED program description funding opportunity (PD 23-221Y), NSF invites proposals for innovative approaches and ambitious projects that address the gaps, challenges, and opportunities for growth in postaward regulatory, financial, and administrative research support. GRANTED-aligned project ideas may include but are not limited to the following: • Innovation in post-award service provision including the organization of post-award support and service structures, functions, and governance; • Development of pathways into the post-award administration workforce, including curriculum development, certification, and other means to attract talent into this essential part of the research enterprise; • Development and testing of new roles/positions that span the boundary between pre-and post-award activities or that support post-award and project management activities; • Development of programs/resources that increase efficiency and reduce the burden of post-award research administration management activities; • Research on the post-award sector of the research enterprise. In issuing this DCL, the GRANTED initiative encourages proposals focused on post-award research administration and management.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Advice to the Community About Submitting Proposals to the GRANTED Program Description Funding OpportunityPD 23-221Y

Notice Number:  NSF 23-153

Summary:  NSF's Office of Integrative Activities wishes to provide advice related to the development and submission of proposals under the Growing Research Access for Nationally Transformative Equity and Diversity (GRANTED) program description PD 23-221Y. NSF strongly encourages that proposals submitted in response to PD 23-221Y be led by individuals who have professional expertise and experience in the administrative support of institutional research enterprise activities. Principal investigators may be from institutions of higher education, non-profit, non-academic organizations or for-profit. While proposals that leverage discipline-specific research needs and experience may be appropriate, projects should focus on activities that will create scalable and translatable models to build and sustain research support and service infrastructure to strengthen the National research enterprises. 

Ideas Lab: Personalized Engineering Learning

Funding Opportunity Number:  23-627

Preliminary Proposal Deadline:  November 29, 2023 Full Proposal Deadline:  May 8, 2024

Summary:  An Ideas Lab is an intensive meeting that brings together multiple diverse perspectives to focus on finding innovative cross-disciplinary solutions to a grand challenge problem. The goal of the Personalized Engineering Learning Ideas Lab is to extend engineering education research to enable advanced personalization in pedagogy and assessment in a K-12 or higher education context. The following broad areas have been identified as possible avenues to advance knowledge: personalized engineering education, multimodal sensing for personalized learning systems and team-based personalized learning. This Ideas Lab aims to bring together experts from diverse scientific, engineering and education backgrounds to develop innovative technologies and solutions to achieve personalized learning for engineering education.

Mathematical and Physical Sciences Ascending Faculty Catalyst Awards

Funding Opportunity Number:  23-628

Full Proposal Deadline:  Proposals accepted anytime 

Summary:  The purpose of the Mathematical and Physical Sciences Ascending Faculty Catalyst Awards (MPS-Ascend

Faculty Catalyst Awards, MPS-AFCA) is to support successful MPS-Ascending Postdoctoral Research Fellows (MPS-

Ascend Fellows) as they transition into tenure track (or equivalent) faculty positions at Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) in any scientific area within the purview of the five MPS Divisions. The program is intended to support these investigators of significant potential by providing them with resources for research and broadening participation activities that are in addition to initial resources typically provided through institutional start-up packages. This support is strategically designed to enable their continued scientific contributions and their exemplary leadership in the area of broadening participation. 

Dear Colleague Letter:  Exploring Task-based Interactions between Human and Synthetic Actors Notice Number:  23-156

Summary:  It is the With this Dear Colleague letter (DCL), the Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation

(CMMI) of the Directorate for Engineering (ENG) invites the submission of EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) proposals, as well as supplemental funding requests to existing NSF awards, in support of research on the performance of novel and important tasks that require sensorimotor interaction between human and synthetic actors: that is, physical interaction that also involves sensing through one or more modalities. The overarching goal of this effort is to diversify research in this area through the exploration of new ways in which humans can interact with synthetic agents to achieve important societal aims. EAGER proposals are expected to involve radically different approaches, to apply new expertise, or to engage novel disciplinary or interdisciplinary perspectives.

Dear Colleague Letter:  NSF ANR Chemistry Lead Agency Opportunity on Sustainable Chemistry: Catalysis with EarthAbundant Elements

Notice Number:  NSF 23-157

Summary:  NSF and the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Research Cooperation. The MOU provides an overarching framework to encourage collaboration between U.S. and French research communities and sets out the principles by which jointly supported activities might be developed. NSF and ANR will jointly fund meritorious collaborative projects. The NSF Division of Chemistry in the Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences and ANR have announced proposals relevant to Sustainable Chemistry: Catalysis with Earth-Abundant Elements are eligible for submission in FY 2024.

Dear Colleague Letter:  NSF-French National Research Agency (ANR) Quantum Information Science and Engineering Lead Agency Opportunity

Notice Number:  NSF 23-159

Summary:  Through a "Lead Agency Opportunity", NSF and ANR will allow proposers from both countries to submit a collaborative proposal that will undergo a single review process at the Lead Agency. Proposals will be accepted for collaborative quantum information science and engineering (QISE) research at the intersection of participating NSF programs and relevant themes under ANR's Generic Call for Proposals. The NSF organizations participating in this Lead Agency Opportunity are the Directorates for Biological Sciences (BIO); Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE); Engineering (ENG); and Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS).

Dear Colleague Letter:  STEM Access for Persons with Disabilities (STEM-APWD)

Notice Number:  NSF 23-160

Summary:  Through this DCL, NSF wishes to notify the research community of a new initiative called STEM Access for Persons with Disabilities (STEM-APWD) that seeks to increase the engagement of persons with disabilities (PWD) in STEM fields across seven directorates at NSF: • Biological Sciences (BIO); • Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE); • Engineering (ENG); • Geosciences (GEO); • Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS); • Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE); • Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP). This DCL invites submissions from eligible organizations under two broad types: 1) conference proposals and 2) requests for supplemental funding to existing awards.  

Research Infrastructure in the Social and Behavioral Sciences

Funding Opportunity Number:  PD-23-277Y Full Proposal Deadline:  Accepted anytime

Summary:  The Research Infrastructure in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Program (RISBS) supports projects that create computational tools and data to facilitate basic research in the social and behavioral sciences that can lead to improved health, prosperity and security. Projects should be aimed at creating computational tools and data to enable research by social scientists. Examples include, but are not limited to, data collection or assembly efforts that result in new resources for a community of researchers or software platforms that facilitate data collection efforts by others. RISBS does not support research by PIs except in service of creation of the infrastructure. Innovation is especially encouraged.   

Dear Colleague Letter:  Future Proofing Plants to a Changing Climate

Notice Number:  NSF 23-096

Summary:  Germany, the United Kingdom (UK) and the US have world leading capability in plant and crop sciences, and together can drive greater coordination of research efforts beyond borders. This Dear Colleague Letter highlights a new trilateral funding opportunity that will support collaborative research in the three countries with synergies expected to include: • A novel route to inter-agency funding, supporting world-leading researcher collaborations across international teams with complementary expertise; • Enabling multidisciplinary research approaches that build on areas of particular country strengths, for example, UK's strengths in systems biology and molecular modeling, Germany's whole organismlevel understanding and US's capacity to scale up modeling of crops and farming systems; • Providing strategies to close the knowledge gap between the genetic and physiological research at individual plant scale in artificial environments and the farming system level; • Achieving synergies across complementary national research resources that can be brought to bear in new ways, for example, national facilities, datasets, and biological resources; • Reducing duplication of effort and embedding common data standards to enhance collaboration within the international research community; • Delivery of novel tools, methods and approaches that could be disseminated and adopted more broadly across the plant and crop sciences research community; and • Access to wider international networks and training opportunities for early career researchers, strengthening national skill-sets and enhancing future international leadership and collaboration within and across the three countries.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Seafloor Geodesy

Notice Number:  NSF 24-016

Summary:  NSF recently funded the construction of 48 seafloor geodetic transponders, their benchmarks, and 3 wave gliders. A community workshop and report highlighted several recommendations for the application of seafloor geodetic techniques to constraining offshore geodetic measurements in different environments. A follow-on community workshop discussed the design of a community experiment to deploy a subset of this instrument pool in the Cascadia and Alaskan subduction zones. The subduction community experiment will only use a subset of the instruments available which leaves enough instruments to address other science needs. Considering this, NSF invites proposals for field campaigns to deploy seafloor transponders from the existing instrument pool for 4 sites at tectonic settings consistent with priorities identified in the 2021 Community Workshop report. The geodetic instruments have a depth limit of 3000 m. A multi-year deployment is envisioned with requisite wave glider surveys. Of particular interest are proposals that target volcanic processes, transform processes, plate motions, or polar regions.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Aligning Fundamental Research and Education in Advanced Manufacturing with the Objectives of the Manufacturing USA Institutes Notice Number:  NSF 24-014

Summary:  This DCL encourages the submission of research and educational proposals that align with the technical focus areas of the Manufacturing USA Institutes to established NSF programs in the Directorates for Engineering (ENG), STEM Education (EDU), and Technology Innovation and Partnerships (TIP). Proposal submissions should detail explicit collaborations with Institutes to facilitate the transition of promising research results and educational programs to them, leverage the programs, facilities, infrastructure, expertise, and member companies of one or more Institutes, and/or provide experiential learning opportunities for students. Proposal submissions that include internship opportunities for student researchers in the institutes and their member companies are strongly encouraged.

Dear Colleague Letter:  ANR - NSF/MCB/PHY Lead Agency Opportunity at the Molecular and Cellular Biosciences - Physics Interface

Notice Number:  NSF 24-015

Summary: NSF and the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding

(MOU) for Research Cooperation that provides an overarching framework to encourage collaboration between U.S. and

French research communities and sets out the principles by which jointly supported activities might be developed. This DCL announces a lead agency opportunity whereby collaborative proposals between U.S. and French researchers are submitted to only the lead agency for review, and the partner agency accepts that review. The NSF Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences in the Directorate for Biological Sciences (NSF/BIO/MCB), the NSF Division of Physics in the Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (NSF/MPS/PHY) and ANR are pleased to announce topical areas associated with the lead agency opportunity. In FY 2024 (October 2023-September 2024), NSF will serve as the lead agency for all proposals. Proposals relevant to the area PHYSICS FROM MOLECULES TO CELLS and agency programs are eligible for submission under this lead agency opportunity in FY 2024. 

Dear Colleague Letter:  Health Cyber Physical Systems Proposals

Notice Number:  NSF 24-017

Summary:  The Directorates for Computer and Information Science and Engineering and Engineering are planning to issue an update of the Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) program solicitation (NSF 21-551) in the near future. The updated version is anticipated to include new language appropriate to proposals in the CPS medical domain that will indicate the CPS program will only accept CPS medical / health proposals in the Small Projects category. Proposals addressing medical / health CPS at the Medium Projects level are instead strongly encouraged to be submitted to the Smart Health and Biomedical Research in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Data Science (SCH) program solicitation (NSF 23-614) and its future releases. Prospective proposers should review the current SCH solicitation, paying particular attention to its thematic interests within CPS in the “Project Description” section, as well as the program’s submission deadlines. 

Dear Colleague Letter:  Opportunities in the Research Infrastructure in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Program (RISBS)

Notice Number:  NSF 24-020

Summary:  NSF supports the creation of large-scale research infrastructure, including the creation of large-scale tools that enable and facilitate the conception and execution of research projects. In the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences directorate (SBE), such research infrastructure frequently takes the form of collection or assembly of large datasets, software for accessing and processing large datasets, and other software and hardware tools that enable and assist in the collection and manipulation of SBE data. The advances achieved in the creation of SBE research infrastructure, the scientific discoveries made through subsequent use of that infrastructure, and the application of these discoveries, spurs innovation, creates jobs, strengthens security and preparedness, and improves quality of life for people across the country and around the world. This DCL points to the new Research Infrastructure in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Program (RISBS) as a focal point for the support of such infrastructure. This DCL also announces a special interest in RISBS innovation proposals to develop leading-edge methodologies and technologies that will inform existing or future research infrastructure activities. RISBS innovation proposals could be similar to those supported by the UK Household Longitudinal Study's Innovation Panel, but RISBS Innovation Proposals can be for any data infrastructure innovations that are pertinent to RISBS. 

Mind, Machine and Motor Nexus

Funding Opportunity Number:  PD-19-058Y

Full Proposal Deadline:  Proposals accepted anytime

Summary:  The Mind, Machine and Motor Nexus (M3X) Program supports fundamental research that explores embodied reasoning as mediated by bidirectional sensorimotor interaction between human and synthetic actors. For the purposes of this program, embodiment is defined as the capacity to interact with physics-based environments. Interaction between human and synthetic actors is expanding in scale and scope across numerous fields and endeavors. Among these are areas where safety and performance are paramount, but also where ingenuity and risk-taking are essential to success. The M3X Program seeks to spur innovative and path-breaking work that can improve understanding of interaction between human and synthetic actors in a broad range of settings, while also exploring implications for the advancement of fundamental theory, foundational technologies, and meaningful applications. Successful submissions to the M3X program will therefore advance knowledge by exploring the convergence of human and synthetic actors’ capabilities and actions during the performance of tasks situated within physics-based environments.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Opportunities in the Research Infrastructure in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Program  Notice Number:  NSF 24-020

Summary:  NSF supports the creation of large-scale research infrastructure. This includes the creation of large-scale tools that enable and facilitate the conception and execution of research projects. In the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences directorate (SBE), such research infrastructure frequently takes the form of collection or assembly of large datasets, software for accessing and processing large datasets, and other software and hardware tools that enable and assist in the collection and manipulation of SBE data. This DCL points to the new Research Infrastructure in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Program (RISBS) as a focal point for the support of such infrastructure. This DCL also announces a special interest in RISBS innovation proposals to develop leading-edge methodologies and technologies that will inform existing or future research infrastructure activities. RISBS innovation proposals could be similar to those supported by the UK Household Longitudinal Study's Innovation Panel, but RISBS Innovation Proposals can be for any data infrastructure innovations that are pertinent to RISBS.

Dear Colleague Letter:  NSF-Lemelson Initiative on Environmental and Social Sustainability in Engineering Education Notice Number:  NSF 24-028

Summary:  With this DCL, the Directorate for Engineering of the National Science Foundation (NSF) notifies the research community of a collaboration with The Lemelson Foundation of a special topic focus to foster efforts that transform engineering education and address environmental and social sustainability. The opportunity described in this DCL remains in effect until archived. The Lemelson Foundation helps to increase equitable access to invention education, strengthen entrepreneurship programs that support impact inventors and ensure engineering education prepares all future engineers with the skills to protect and improve our planet and our lives. The Research in the Formation of Engineers program (RFE) supports research to advance understanding of professional formation in engineering. It seeks both to deepen our fundamental understanding of the underlying processes and mechanisms that support professional formation and to demonstrate how professional formation is or can be accomplished. Ultimately, RFE aims to transform the engineer-formation system with the goal of fostering an innovative and inclusive engineering profession for the 21st century. NSF invites proposals to the RFE program to address sustainability in engineering education. This special topic focus call seeks to support projects to transform engineering education so that all students encounter environmental and social sustainability principles as an integrated part of their education and are equipped with the tools needed to incorporate these principles into their future research, careers, and innovations. Evidence-based curricular transformation will be critical to training future engineers with the skills, knowledge, and mindsets that will enable sustainable engineering systems and practices. 

Dear Colleague Letter:  Computer and Information Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowships (CSGrad4US) Notice Number:  NSF 24-033

Summary:  The computer and information science and engineering fields are experiencing booming undergraduate enrollments. Many of these undergraduate degree recipients have outstanding job opportunities in industry and at other organizations, and only a small fraction of these individuals consider pursuing doctoral degree-granting programs. To increase the number of diverse, domestic graduate students in these areas and thereby bolster the U.S. population in the Nation’s computer and information science and engineering research and innovation workforce, the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) supports CISE Graduate Fellowships (CSGrad4US). In particular, CSGrad4US is intended for individuals who have some practical work experience following their bachelor’s degree and are now interested in pursuing a research-based doctoral degree. The goals of the CSGrad4US Fellowships are: 1) to select, recognize, and financially support early-career individuals with the demonstrated potential to be high-achieving CISE researchers and innovators; and 2) to address the long-standing underrepresentation of many groups in computing relative to their participation in preK-12, postsecondary education, and the workforce. 

Dear Colleague Letter:  Opportunities for Research and Education in the Critical-Zone (ORE-CZ2) Notice Number:  NSF 24-034

Summary:  With this Dear Colleague Letter, the National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Earth Sciences (EAR) within the Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) together with the Division of Equity for Excellence in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) (EDU/EES) in the Directorate for STEM Education (EDU) continue to further expand the diversity of investigators exploring the dynamics and processes within Earth's Critical Zone (CZ), the region that ranges from the weathered bedrock beneath the soil profile up to the top of the vegetation canopy. This opportunity is a further development of the ORE-CZ competition (NSF 22-025) that added several additional projects to the Critical-Zone research effort.

Dear Colleague Letter:  NSF and Micron Foundation Partnership for the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program Notice Number:  NSF 24-037

Summary:  This Dear Colleague Letter encourages submission of proposals to the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship

(Noyce) program that will excite, motivate, and prepare students for participation in the microelectronics industry. The Noyce program plays a seminal role in supporting the development of K-12 teachers who are well-prepared to support learners in successful experiences focused on concepts key to careers in microelectronics.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Funding Opportunities for Engineering Research in Microelectronics and Semiconductors Notice Number:  NSF 24-038

Summary:  With this Dear Colleague Letter, the National Science Foundation Directorate for Engineering (ENG) encourages the submission of research and education proposals related to Microelectronics and Semiconductors as an Emerging Industry.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Funding Opportunities for Engineering Research in Artificial Intelligence Notice Number:  NSF 24-039

Summary:  With this Dear Colleague Letter, the National Science Foundation Directorate for Engineering (ENG) encourages the submission of research and education proposals related to Artificial Intelligence as an Emerging Industry.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Funding Opportunities for Engineering Research in Biotechnology Notice Number:  NSF 24-040

Summary:  With this Dear Colleague Letter, the National Science Foundation Directorate for Engineering (ENG) encourages the submission of research and education proposals related to Biotechnology as an Emerging Industry.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Funding Opportunities for Engineering Research in Advanced Wireless Notice Number:  NSF 24-041

Summary:  With this Dear Colleague Letter, the National Science Foundation Directorate for Engineering (ENG) encourages the submission of research and education proposals related to Advanced Wireless as an Emerging Industry.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Funding Opportunities for Engineering Research in Quantum Information Science and


Notice Number:  NSF 24-042

Summary:  With this Dear Colleague Letter, the National Science Foundation Directorate for Engineering (ENG) encourages the submission of research and education proposals related to Quantum Information Science and Engineering as an Emerging Industry.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Funding Opportunities for Engineering Research in Emerging Areas of Advanced Manufacturing

Notice Number:  NSF 24-043

Summary:  With this Dear Colleague Letter, the National Science Foundation Directorate for Engineering (ENG) encourages the submission of research and education proposals related to Advanced Manufacturing as an Emerging Industry.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Neurobiology in Changing Ecosystems (NiCE)

Notice Number:  NSF 24-044

Summary:  With this Dear Colleague Letter, programs in the NSF’s Directorate for Biological Sciences' (BIO) Division for Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS) and The Kavli Foundation's Neurobiology and Changing Ecosystems Initiative encourage submission of research proposals that advance the field of neurobiology in changing ecosystems during fiscal year 2024. The opportunity described in this DCL encourages proposals that emphasize interdisciplinary collaborations and integrate diverse methodologies, including environmental monitoring techniques, behavioral and physiological experiments, ecological and evolutionary modeling, combined with traditional approaches in neuroscience investigation.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Funding Opportunities for Engineering Research to Achieve Net-Zero Climate Goals by 2050 Notice Number:  NSF 24-045

Summary:  With this Dear Colleague Letter, the National Science Foundation Directorate for Engineering (ENG) encourages the submission of research and education proposals related to Net-Zero Climate Goals, including innovations to create a Circular Economy. 

ECosystem for Leading Innovation in Plasma Science and Engineering

Funding Opportunity Number:  PD-24-110Z

Full Proposal Deadline:  Aug 13, 2024

Summary:  Plasma science is a transdisciplinary field of research where fundamental studies in many disciplines, including plasma physics, plasma chemistry, materials science, and space science, come together to advance knowledge for discovery and technological innovation.  The primary goal of the ECosystem for Leading Innovation in Plasma Science and Engineering (ECLIPSE) program is to identify and capitalize on opportunities for bringing fundamental plasma science investigations to bear on problems of societal and technological need within the scope of science and engineering supported by the participating NSF programs. The ECLIPSE meta-program has been created to foster an inclusive community of scientists and engineers, an ecosystem spanning multiple NSF Directorates, in the pursuit of translational research at the interface of fundamental plasma science and technological innovation.  The ECLIPSE program builds on the long history of NSF leadership in supporting multi-disciplinary research in plasma science and engineering, and is intended to enhance organizational unity within NSF, and potentially with other funding agencies, in considering proposals and supporting projects that may otherwise struggle to find a natural home within the existing hierarchy of Directorates, Divisions, and programs within the Foundation. 

Dear Colleague Letter:  Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) and Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) Supplemental Funding in Computer and Information Science and Engineering

Notice Number:  NSF 24-048

Summary:  The National Science Foundation's Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) invites grantees with active CISE awards to submit requests for Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Supplements, following the guidelines in the REU Sites and Supplements solicitation. CISE also invites grantees with active CISE awards to submit requests for Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) Supplements, following the guidelines in the RET in Engineering and Computer Science: Sites and Supplements solicitation. Requests will be considered as they are received. CISE strongly encourages the submission of requests before March 31st, each year; as the potential for funding requests after this date may be limited.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Leveraging Innovations From Evolution (LIFE)

Notice Number:  NSF 24-049

Summary:  The Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) of the National Science Foundation encourages submission of proposals focusing on Leveraging Innovations From Evolution (LIFE). Despite the remarkable proliferation of genomic resources, organism and phylogenetic knowledge, and computational capabilities, most of life's functional solutions - uniquely evolved or independently replicated - remain poorly understood for the vast majority of species. Furthermore, studying convergent innovations from a hierarchical perspective at multiple biological levels will enable a more robust and integrative understanding of the various pathways that have converged on similar solutions despite unique developmental, environmental, and evolutionary contexts and constraints. this DCL encourages proposals that use comparative approaches to identify evolutionary convergent adaptations to life's challenges and the mechanisms that underlie them. Proposals should include relevance of the proposed work to inform applications towards a sustainable global bio economy. 

Distributed Array of Small Instruments

Funding Opportunity Number:  24-538

Full Proposal Deadline:  May 15, 2024

Summary:  The Distributed Array of Small Instruments (DASI) solicitation is designed to address the increasing need for high spatial and temporal resolution measurements to determine the local, regional, and global scale processes that are essential for addressing the fundamental questions in solar and space physics. This solicitation will be formally divided into two tracks: 1) development of instrumentation for future deployment in arrays and 2) deployment and operation of existing instruments in distributed arrays. This DASI solicitation emphasizes both strong scientific merit and a well-developed plan for student training and involvement of a diverse workforce.

Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Core Programs

Funding Opportunity Number:  24-539

Full Proposal Deadline:  Proposals accepted anytime

Summary:  This solicitation calls for proposals in research areas supported by the four MCB core clusters, including: (i) structure, dynamics, and function of biomolecules and supramolecular assemblies, especially under physiological conditions (Molecular Biophysics); (ii) organization, processing, expression, regulation, and evolution of genetic and epigenetic information (Genetic Mechanisms); (iii) cellular structure, properties, and function across broad spatiotemporal scales (Cellular Dynamics and Function); and (iv) systems and/or synthetic biology to study complex interactions through modeling or manipulation or design of living systems at the molecular-to-cellular scale (Systems and Synthetic Biology). All MCB clusters prioritize projects that integrate across scales, investigate molecular and cellular evolution, synergize experimental research with computational or mathematical modeling, and/or develop innovative, broadly applicable methods and technologies.

Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR): Workshop Opportunities

Funding Opportunity Number:  24-540

Full Proposal Deadline:  Proposals accepted anytime

Summary:  NSF EPSCoR welcomes proposals for workshops in areas of science and engineering that advance the program’s goals and engage a broad community of investigators or practitioners, while including the intentional involvement of the EPSCoR community. NSF EPSCoR workshops aim to bring communities of thought together to discuss recent research or education findings, explore topics in emerging areas of science and engineering, foster innovative collaborations, expose researchers or trainees to new research and education tools or techniques, or respond to NSF EPSCoR calls for workshops on specific topics.

ACED: Accelerating Computing-Enabled Scientific Discovery

Funding Opportunity Number:  24-541

Full Proposal Deadline:  May 13, 2024

Summary:  The ACED program seeks to harness computing to accelerate scientific discovery, while driving new computing advancements. The intent is to catalyze advancements on both sides of a virtuous cycle that: (a) benefit scientific disciplines through computational technologies and (b) foster novel computing technologies that will enable advances beyond the specific use cases or domains originally targeted. The program seeks continuous collaborations between at least two groups of researchers. One group is expected to consist of researchers in computing, which, for the purposes of this solicitation are those disciplines that are supported by the Core Programs of NSF’s Computer and Information Science and Engineering directorate. The other group of researchers are expected to represent another scientific or engineering discipline, which, for the purposes of this solicitation, are defined as those supported within existing programs of the following NSF directorates: Biological Sciences, Engineering, or Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

Multi-Messenger Coordination for Windows on the Universe

Funding Opportunity Number:  24-542

Full Proposal Deadline:  May 13, 2024

Summary:  The astrophysics community has available a diverse and powerful network of ground- and space-based instruments and facilities to enable observers to identify the electromagnetic signatures of Multi-Messenger Astrophysics (MMA) events, and then monitor and characterize their evolution. There also exists a rich set of software packages to track, schedule and support these observations. The community has identified the need to better harmonize these resources and interconnect users. The Multi-Messenger Coordination for Windows on the Universe (MMC-WoU) program will support the development of pathways or networks to increase the coordination and optimization of follow-up observations for MMA campaigns.

Division of Environmental Biology

Funding Opportunity Number:  24-543

Full Proposal Deadline:  Proposals accepted anytime

Summary:  The Division of Environmental Biology (DEB) Core supports research and training on evolutionary and ecological processes acting at the level of populations, species, communities, ecosystems, macrosystems, and biogeographic extents. DEB encourages research that elucidates fundamental principles that identify and explain the unity and diversity of life and its interactions with the environment over space and time. Research may incorporate field, laboratory, or collection-based approaches; observational or manipulative studies; synthesis activities; phylogenetic discovery projects; or theoretical approaches involving analytical, statistical, or computational modeling. Proposals should be submitted to the core clusters (Ecosystem Science, Evolutionary Processes, Population and Community Ecology, and Systematics and Biodiversity Science).

Developmental Sciences

Funding Opportunity Number:  24-544

Full Proposal Deadline:  Jul 30, 2024

Summary:  Developmental Sciences supports basic research that increases our understanding of perceptual, cognitive, linguistic, social, cultural, and biological processes related to human development across the lifespan. Research supported by this program will add to our knowledge of the underlying developmental processes that support social, cognitive, and behavioral functioning, thereby illuminating ways for individuals to live productive lives as members of society. The Developmental Sciences program supports research that addresses developmental processes within the domains of perceptual, cognitive, social, emotional, language, and motor development across the lifespan by working with any appropriate populations for the topics of interest including infants, children, adolescents, adults (including aging populations), and non-human animals.

Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences Community Instruments and Facilities

Funding Opportunity Number:  24-535

Full Proposal Deadline:  May 01, 2024

Summary:  The intent of the Community Instruments and Facilities (CIF) solicitation is to provide the NSF-sponsored atmospheric sciences research community with access to specialized instrumentation for field and laboratory-based studies. The CIF solicitation requests proposals from instrument and facility providers who will make their equipment available for community use through an NSF-defined request process. Support will be provided for limited technician time, minor upgrades, and travel for outreach. 

Civic Innovation Challenge

Funding Opportunity Number:  24-534

Full Proposal Deadline:  May 01, 2024

Summary:  The Civic Innovation Challenge (CIVIC) is a research and action competition that accelerates the transition to practice of foundational research and emerging technologies into communities through civic-engaged research. By addressing priorities at the local scale that are relevant across the US, CIVIC is laying the foundation for a broader and more fluid exchange of research and technology capabilities and civic priorities through joint partnerships involving civic partners and the research community. CIVIC funds projects that pilot state-of-the-art solutions to community challenges over 12 months, following a six-month planning phase, and have the potential for lasting impact in the partnering community as well as the potential to be scaled and implemented in other communities.

Sustainable Regional Systems Research Networks

Funding Opportunity Number:  24-533

Full Proposal Deadline:  May 15, 2024

Summary:  The goal of this solicitation is to fund convergent research and education that will advance sustainable regional systems science, engineering, and education to facilitate the transformation of current regional systems to enhance sustainability. To further the advancement of SRS science, engineering, and education, NSF will support proposals for Sustainable Regional Systems Research Networks (SRS RNs). Sustainable regional systems are connected urban and rural systems that are transforming their structures and processes collaboratively with the goal of measurably and equitably advancing the well-being of people and the planet. The purpose of the SRS RNs competition is to develop and support interdisciplinary, multi-organizational teams working collaboratively to produce cutting-edge convergent research, education, and outreach that addresses grand challenges in sustainable regional systems.

Dear Colleague Letter:  The Social and Behavioral Science of Bias, Prejudice and Discrimination (BPD) Notice Number:  NSF 24-052

Summary:  Transformative research that contributes to the scientific understanding of the genesis, proliferation, management, mitigation, and societal responses to hate-based violence is still needed. Because of the ever-evolving expression of bias, discrimination, and prejudice and their pernicious effects on society, SBE encourages research proposals that expand the breadth and depth of scholarship in this area. SBE highly encourages proposals submitted in response to this DCL to plan their research in partnership with communities directly impacted by bias, prejudice, and discrimination such that the experiences and perspectives of those directly impacted by bias and discrimination are reflected in the approach. This DCL is aligned with Administration priorities focused on the promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion and the prevention of hate-motivated violence2. The following three strategic directions are of particular interest to SBE programs: • Bias, prejudice, and discrimination in under-studied contexts and communities. • Situating bias, prejudice, and discrimination in context. • Development of bias, prejudice, and discrimination.  

Dear Colleague Letter:  Request for Information on Researcher and Educator Use Cases for the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR)

Notice Number:  NSF 24-051

Summary:  This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) encourages response from the broad U.S. science and engineering research and education community to an RFI that is being conducted on behalf of the NAIRR Pilot federal interagency working group. The goal is to gather current and anticipated research and education use cases for the NAIRR Pilot and to also identify current and anticipated challenges and barriers that researchers and educators may face in accessing and using AI resources and tools for their activities. The information gathered in this request will be used by federal agencies participating in the NAIRR pilot to better target and shape the design of the NAIRR pilot, its complement of resources, and future activities related to AI infrastructure for research.  

Division of Integrative Organismal Systems Core Programs

Funding Opportunity Number:  24-546

Full Proposal Deadline:  Proposals accepted anytime

Summary:  With this solicitation, IOS core programs accept proposals into two Tracks, the Core Programs Track and the Integrative Research in Biology (IntBIO) Track. A. Core Programs: Proposals are welcomed in all of the core scientific program areas supported by the Division of Integrative Organismal Systems, including projects that cross traditional disciplinary boundaries. IOS is organized into five clusters that contain the core scientific programs. Track B. Integrative Research in Biology (IntBIO): Invites submission of collaborative proposals to tackle bold questions in biology that require an integrated approach to make substantive progress. Integrative biological research spans sub-disciplines and incorporates cutting-edge methods, tools, and concepts from each to produce groundbreaking biological discovery that is synergistic, such that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Plant Genome Research Program

Funding Opportunity Number:  24-547

Full Proposal Deadline:  Proposals accepted anytime

Summary:  The goals of PGRP are thus to provide tools and knowledge to solve intractable, challenging biological questions, revolutionize agriculture, address fundamental societal issues, advance the bio economy, and build a scientifically engaged population. The program has a broad scope and supports studies of plants across the kingdom. Highly competitive proposals will describe interdisciplinary research on a genome-wide scale to provide new insights into plant processes that have the potential to advance food and national security and contribute to the bio economy.

Next Era of Wireless and Spectrum

Funding Opportunity Number:  24-549

Full Proposal Deadline:  May 28, 2024

Summary:  The New Spectrum program invites proposals for fundamental research to investigate new spectrum access and management approaches and underlying technology enablers for Spectrum Era 4. The broader impact of this program is to develop the intellectual capital enabling the U.S. to smoothly and quickly transition to effective new ways of using and managing the radio and optical spectrum when Spectrum Era 3 reaches its end, thereby sustaining and advancing the social, economic, scientific, and U.S. national leadership benefits derived from the electromagnetic spectrum.

Dear Colleague Letter:  NSF-Italian Ministry of Universities and Research Lead Agency Opportunity on Artificial Intelligence

Notice Number:  NSF 24-055

Summary:  NSF and the Ministry of Universities and Research of the Italian Republic (MUR) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Concerning Artificial Intelligence Collaboration. The MOU provides the framework to encourage collaboration between the U.S. and Italy research communities and sets out the principles by which jointly supported activities might be developed. The MOU provides for an international collaboration arrangement whereby U.S. researchers may receive funding from NSF and Italian researchers may receive funding from MUR. Through a "Lead Agency Opportunity," NSF and MUR will allow proposers from both countries to submit a single collaborative proposal that will undergo a single review process at NSF.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Expanding Geographic and Institutional Diversity in Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE)

Notice Number:  NSF 24-056

Summary:  NSF's Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) welcomes submission of both new proposals and supplemental funding requests from Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) eligible institutions to broaden geographic and demographic participation. Through this Dear Colleague Letter, NSF aims to promote CISE-funded activities that enable sustainable growth and competitiveness across EPSCoR jurisdictions. The goal is to increase the representation of NSF awards and funding to organizations across the twenty-eight (28) EPSCoR-eligible jurisdictions. Proposals from institutions across EPSCoR-eligible jurisdictions are welcome to submit to all CISE programs. Collaborative proposals between EPSCoR and non-EPSCoR institutions with EPSCoR institutions as lead and proposals from Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) and Emerging Research Institutions (ERIs) in EPSCoR jurisdictions are particularly encouraged.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Supplemental Funding Requests for National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) US-Ireland Student Mobility Program

Notice Number:  NSF 24-057

Summary:  With this Dear Colleague Letter, NSF notifies the community of the continuation of a collaboration with Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) to offer supplemental funding to support NRT trainees to pursue additional training in Ireland. This supplemental funding opportunity supports graduate students in research-based master's and doctoral degree programs to develop the skills, knowledge, and competencies needed to pursue a range of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers. Trainees will benefit from mentorship and experiential learning in one of SFI's Centres for Research Training (CRTs). This opportunity is expected to enhance students' professional development and contribute to a more globally engaged U.S. workforce.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Supporting Computing & Networking Research for a National Discovery Cloud for Climate (NDC-C)

Notice Number:  NSF 24-058

Summary:  With this Dear Colleague Letter, NSF's (NSF) Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Division for Computer and Network Systems (CNS) wishes to encourage the research community to submit proposals to the Computer Systems Research (CSR) program or the Networking Technology and Systems (NeTS) program in support of the creation or enhancement of a National Discovery Cloud for Climate (NDC-C). Proposals must be submitted to the SMALL Projects category in NSF CISE: Core Programs solicitation. The NDC-C is an NSF initiative to pilot efforts to build an integrated national-scale cyberinfrastructure capable of supporting end-to-end climate research and education.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Supplemental Funding Requests to Conduct U.S.-South Korea Collaborative Research on Semiconductor Chips

Notice Number:  NSF 24-060

Summary:  With this Dear Colleague Letter, NSF Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) and Directorate for Engineering (ENG) wish to notify the community of their intention to support supplemental funding requests for active research awards to conduct U.S.–South Korea Collaborative Research on semiconductor chips, ranging from devices to systems. This collaborative research opportunity focuses on semiconductor chips supporting communications, sensing, control, and domain-specific computing, spanning (1) application domain; (2) computing strategy domain; and (3) technology domain, among other topics.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Science of Science Approach to Analyzing and Innovating the Biomedical Research Enterprise (SoS:BIO)

Notice Number:  NSF 24-061

Summary:  With this Dear Colleague Letter, NSF and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) wish to notify the research community of a joint NSF and National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) research program called the Science of Science Approach to Analyzing and Innovating the Biomedical Research Enterprise (SoS:BIO). This DCL encourages proposals that broaden participation from diverse talent pools to advance the science of science on biomedical sciences.

Dear Colleague Letter:  NSF INCLUDES Research Experience and Mentoring (REM) Supplemental Funding Opportunities

Notice Number:  NSF 24-062

Summary:  NSF continually seeks to advance scientific progress in research and innovation by broadening the participation and inclusion of the full spectrum of diverse talents in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Through this Dear Colleague Letter, the NSF Eddie Bernice Johnson Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science (INCLUDES) Initiative seeks to inform the community about an opportunity to pursue supplemental funding for Research Experience and Mentoring (REM) activities for active NSF projects focused on microelectronics, in response to the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022.


Funding Opportunity Number:  PD-18-1263

Full Proposal Submission Dates:  Sep 17, 2024 October 23 through November 7

Summary:  The Probability Program supports research on the theory and applications of probability. Subfields include discrete probability, stochastic processes, limit theory, interacting particle systems, stochastic differential and partial differential equations, and Markov processes. Research in probability which involves applications to other areas of science and engineering is especially encouraged. Conferences Principal Investigators should carefully read the program solicitation "Conferences and Workshops in the Mathematical Sciences" (link below) to obtain important information regarding the substance of proposals for conferences, workshops, summer/winter schools, and similar activities. Conference and workshop proposals should be submitted eight months before the requested start date.

IUSE/Professional Formation of Engineers: Revolutionizing Engineering Departments

Funding Opportunity Number:  24-564

Full Proposal Deadline:  Sep 10, 2024

Summary:  Revolutionizing Engineering Departments (hereinafter referred to as RED) is designed to build upon previous efforts in engineering education research. The Directorates for Engineering and STEM Education are funding projects as part of the RED program, in alignment with the Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) framework and Professional Formation of Engineers initiative. These projects are designing revolutionary new approaches to engineering education, ranging from changing the canon of engineering to fundamentally altering the way courses are structured to creating new departmental structures and educational collaborations with industry. A common thread across these projects is a focus on organizational and cultural change within the departments, involving students, faculty, staff, and industry in rethinking what it means to provide an engineering program.

Research Traineeship Institutional Partnership Pilot (NRT-IPP) Program

Funding Opportunity Number:  24-566

Full Proposal Deadline:  Jul 22, 2024

Summary:  The NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) Program seeks proposals that explore ways for graduate students in research-based master’s and doctoral degree programs to develop the skills, knowledge, and competencies needed to pursue a range of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers. This solicitation describes a pilot for a potential new track for the existing NRT Program that will support research and education projects that will result in a new master’s degree, certificate, or a track within an existing master’s or Ph.D. program with high industry relevance in at least one focus area identified in this pilot. This will be accomplished through an effective partnership among: (a) a non-R1 Institution of Higher Education (IHE) (lead institution), (b) a non-lead IHE (an R1 or non-R1) that has either an ongoing or completed NRT program in at least one of the focus areas defined for this pilot (see below), and (c) two to three industry partners in the same focus area(s). The overall purpose is to train the STEM workforce in focus areas specified in this solicitation by stimulating collaborations among non-R1 institutions, institutions with existing or completed NRT projects, and industry partners.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Using Long-Term Research Associated Data (ULTRA-Data)

Notice Number:  NSF 24-081

Summary:  With this Dear Colleague Letter, NSF seeks to stimulate and encourage the use and reuse of data from environmental time series research to improve generalizable understanding in fields including (but not limited to) ecology, organism evolution/adaptation, geoscience, and oceanography. The collection and comparison of long-term environmental measurements are critical to generate an integrated understanding of how ecosystem components interact, test ecological and evolutionary theories, and support the development and testing of ecological models. To advance the understanding of long-term dynamics of populations, communities, and ecosystems, NSF has made substantial investments in the collection and archiving of long-term data. Data collected by long-term projects are often multidisciplinary (including biology, chemistry, geology, and other fields of study) and may cover broad spatial scales in addition to an extended temporal aspect. These data are valuable because they can be used to explore regional, continental, and global scale questions regarding environmental and ecological processes. While all resulting data are publicly accessible, differences in how they are recorded, reported, and accessed, mean significant time and training may need to be invested to harmonize the data for use.

Dear Colleague Letter:  IUCRC Proposals for Research and Thought Leadership on Insurance Risk Modeling and Underwriting Related to Terrorism and Catastrophic Cyber Risks: A Joint NSF and U.S. Department of the Treasury Federal Insurance Office Call

Notice Number:  NSF 24-082

Summary:  This DCL invites submission of proposals to the NSF Industry-University Cooperative Research Center program to provide use-inspired research analysis and thought leadership on issues affecting the insurance sector's modeling and underwriting of terrorism and catastrophic cyber risks. The goal of this DCL is to stimulate research in areas that support the effective provision of insurance against terrorism and catastrophic cyber risks. Such research will, in turn, develop best practices and tools; assess policy reforms or solutions that could provide insurers, governments, and other stakeholders with new data; and develop improved modeling and underwriting tools, methodologies, and practices. The DCL is jointly sponsored by the Department of Treasury Federal Insurance Office and the NSF's Directorates for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships, Computer and Information Science and Engineering, and Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences.

Correctness for Scientific Computing Systems

Funding Opportunity Number:  24-571

Full Proposal Deadline:  Aug 13, 2024

Summary:  The program’s overarching goal is to elevate correctness as a fundamental requirement for scientific computing tools and tool chains, spanning low-level libraries through complex multi-physics simulations and emerging scientific workflows. The CS2 program puts correctness on an equal footing with performance, the focus of current scientific computing research. This program envisions the necessity of proving correctness even in performant scientific computing systems. Such correctness proofs themselves might rely upon multiple factors, including correctness of static and runtime program analyses.

Dear Colleague Letter:  NSF-NIH Pathfinder Supplements on Quantum Sensors for Biomedical Science

Notice Number:  NSF 24-086

Summary:  The NSF Directorate for Engineering (ENG), the NSF Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS), the Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO), and the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) of the NIH are collaborating to promote the advancement of quantum sensors for biomedical research in clinical settings. This DCL announces an opportunity for researchers currently supported by NSF to request supplemental funding to extend their research on quantum sensing in a direction that may be of joint interest to NSF and NIH. Following consultation with a cognizant NSF program officer, supplemental funding may be requested to support postdoctoral fellows or graduate research associates to perform research that integrates developers of new quantum technologies with potential end-users for the anticipated sensors and devices.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies (Hydrogen INTERN) Supplemental Funding Opportunity

Notice Number:  NSF 24-087

Summary:  Fostering the growth of a globally competitive and diverse research workforce and advancing the scientific and innovation skills of U.S. students are strategic objectives of NSF. Supporting the development of a skilled workforce in energy efficiency and renewable energy is a strategic objective of the Department of Energy. The NSF and DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) have established a partnership to support internship and training opportunities to meet these strategic objectives with a focus on hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. A new generation of skilled workforce is needed to drive research and development of hydrogen production, delivery, infrastructure, storage, fuel cells, and multiple end uses across transportation, industrial, and stationary power applications. For more information on DOE-EERE's priorities for hydrogen energy research, please see the DOE's Hydrogen Program Areas and the U.S. National Clean Hydrogen Strategy Roadmap. This DCL describes this unique partnership with DOE EERE's Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office and is aligned with and conforms with the NSF INTERN opportunity described in the Dear Colleague Letter: Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students (INTERN) Supplemental Funding Opportunity.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Mathematical Modeling of Policy Options for Evolving Public Health Challenges (MPOPHC)

Notice Number:  NSF 24-088

Summary:  This DCL encourages the submission of research projects aimed at mathematical modeling of the transmission of respiratory pathogens among human hosts, the most likely cause of future pandemics, with a focus on policy options for evolving public health challenges. This joint activity will provide support to multidisciplinary teams that work on increasing the quality of mechanistic models capable of evaluating the merits of alternative policies for mitigating public health threats. Proposers are encouraged to explore a wide range of innovations that address various aspects of this challenge and to use different modeling techniques.

Dear Colleague Letter:  Planning Proposals for Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST Centers) in Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE)

Notice Number:  NSF 24-089

Summary:  Consistent with NSF’s efforts to increase institutional diversity within science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), the Directorate of STEM Education (EDU) and the Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) jointly encourage the submission of planning proposals for a future CREST center proposal with a focus on research in all areas of CISE to include the participation of the full spectrum of diverse talent in STEM. The CREST Program supports the creation of research centers that will lead to strong societal impacts through 5-year awards. The projects focus on the enhancement of institutional capacity building and research expansion at Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) through the establishment of centers that effectively integrate education and research. CREST Center awards promote the development of new knowledge, the increase in the research productivity of individual faculty, institution, and the expanded engagement of students from all backgrounds in STEM disciplines. A CREST award is expected to catalyze institutional transformation through the development of research capabilities aligned with the institution’s mission and long-term goals. Demonstrated leadership to increase opportunities everywhere, for everyone in STEM is expected at all levels – students, postdoctoral researchers when applicable, and faculty. The research activities supported by CREST are expected to enable the full participation of faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates in a nationally competitive research enterprise.

(HHS) Department of Health and Human Services 

Advancing Hearing and Balance Research Using Auditory and Vestibular Organoids

Funding Opportunity Number: PAS-24-057

Application Due Date: May 7, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this NIDCD initiative is to encourage research in the development, characterization, and reproducibility/reliability of human auditory and vestibular organoids. Proposals investigating animal organoids are allowable but only if accompanying comparative or other integrated companion studies with human organoids. Singular animal organoid studies alone are not responsive to this funding opportunity. This funding opportunity encourages innovative, reproducible, and novel methodologies and technologies that will drive the reproducibility and holistic longevity of hearing/balance sensory organoids as model systems. The development of novel tools to deliver genes, proteins, molecules, and synthetics that might lead to the successful expansion and longer-term survivability of organoid populations in a stable, reliable, and reproducible manner is highly encouraged. See also PAS-24-058

Advancing Hearing and Balance Research Using Auditory and Vestibular Organoids

Funding Opportunity Number: PAS-24-058

Application Due Date: May 7, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this NIDCD initiative is to encourage research in the development, characterization, and reproducibility/reliability of human auditory and vestibular organoids. Applications investigating animal organoids are allowable but only if accompanying comparative or other integrated companion studies with human organoids. Singular animal organoid studies alone are not responsive to this funding opportunity. This funding opportunity encourages innovative, reproducible, and novel methodologies and technologies that will drive the reproducibility and holistic longevity of hearing/balance sensory organoids as model systems. The development of novel tools to deliver genes, proteins, molecules, and synthetics that might lead to the successful expansion and longer-term survivability of organoid populations in a stable, reliable, and reproducible manner is highly encouraged. See also PAS-24-057

Ethical, Legal and Social Implications Research

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-23-293

Application Due Date: November 18, 2026

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to invite Research Project (R01) applications that propose to study the ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSI) of human genetics and genomics. Applications may propose studies using either single or mixed methods. Approaches may include but are not limited to empirical qualitative and quantitative methods, as well as conceptual, legal, and normative analyses. Direct involvement of key stakeholders where appropriate is encouraged. 

Effect of HIV and Substance Use Comorbidity on the Placenta and Maternal Outcomes

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-25-021

Application Due Date: November 15, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to solicit applications for research targeted at elucidating the effect of HIV and/or anti-retroviral therapy on the growth, development and functioning of the placenta in pregnant individuals with substance use/misuse, the impact of placental abnormalities on maternal outcomes, and the underlying mechanisms.

Collaborative Program Grant for Multidisciplinary Teams

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-23-077

Application Due Date: January 27, 2026

Summary: This FOA is designed  to support highly integrated research teams to address ambitious and challenging research questions that are important for the mission of NIGMS and are  beyond the scope of one or two investigators.  Collaborative program teams are expected to accomplish goals that require considerable synergy and managed team interactions. Teams are encouraged to consider far-reaching objectives that will produce major advances in their fields. 

BRAIN Initiative Advanced Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-MH-23-331

Application Due Date: March 13, 2026

Summary: The purpose of the NIH BRAIN Initiative Advanced Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity program is to enhance workforce diversity in the neuroscience workforce and maintain a strong cohort of new and talented, NIH-supported, independent investigators from diverse backgrounds in BRAIN Initiative research areas. This program is designed to facilitate a timely transition of outstanding postdoctoral researchers with a research and/or clinical doctorate degree from mentored, postdoctoral research positions to independent, tenure-track or equivalent faculty positions. The program will provide independent NIH research support during this transition to assist awardees in launching competitive, independent research careers. 

BRAIN Initiative Advanced Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-MH-23-330

Application Due Date: March 13, 2026

Summary: The goal of the NIH BRAIN Initiative Advanced Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity program is to enhance workforce diversity in the neuroscience workforce and maintain a strong cohort of new and talented, NIH-supported, independent investigators from diverse backgrounds in BRAIN Initiative research areas. This program is designed to facilitate a timely transition of outstanding postdoctoral researchers with research and/or clinical doctorate degree from mentored, postdoctoral research positions to independent, tenure-track or equivalent faculty positions.

BRAIN Initiative: Research Resource Grants for Technology Integration and Dissemination

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-NS-23-026

Application Due Date: October 11, 2024

Summary: This FOA supports efforts to disseminate resources and to integrate them into neuroscience research practice. Projects should be highly relevant to specific goals of the BRAIN Initiative, goals that are described in the planning document "BRAIN 2025: A Scientific Vision." They should engage in one or more of the following activities: distribution of tools and reagents; user training on the usage of new technologies or techniques; providing access to existing technology platforms and specialized facilities; minor improvements to increase the scale/efficiency of resource production and delivery; minor adaptations to meet the needs of a user community.  

Biological Testing Facility

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-23-192

Application Due Date: May 2, 2025

Summary: The purpose of this FOA is to provide investigators with a mechanism to request services from this facility that would advance their contraceptive development program. This FOA aims to position innovative and validated methods for future clinical development. Applicants do not need to have current NIH funding to apply, but priority may be given to programs receiving NIH support at the time of application submission.

NINDS Sustainable Transformation of Institutional Research Rigor Program

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-NS-24-020

Application Due Date: October 17, 2025

Summary: This NOFO aims to support the establishment of programs to enhance research rigor and transparency practices within academic and research institutions to promote a culture of high-quality neuroscience research. Attention to principles of rigorous study design and transparent reporting are essential to enable the neuroscientific community, as well as the biomedical community at large, to design and perform valid experiments and to assess the value of scientific findings.  

Tobacco Regulatory Science

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-OD-23-017

Application Due Date: May 4, 2025

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to invite R01 applications to support biomedical and behavioral research that will provide scientific data to inform the regulation of tobacco products to protect public health. Research Projects must address the research priorities related to the regulatory authority of the Food and Drug Administration Center for Tobacco Products. The awards under this NOFO will be administered by NIH using funds that have been made available through FDA CTP and the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act. Research results from this NOFO are expected to generate findings and data that are directly relevant to informing the FDA's regulation of the manufacture, distribution, and marketing of tobacco products to protect public health.

Aging Research Dissertation Awards to Promote Diversity

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-23-174

Application Due Date: November 16, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to provide dissertation awards in all areas of research within NIAs strategic priorities to promote the diversity of the scientific research workforce engaged in research on aging and aging-related health conditions.

Awards Supporting Cutting-Edge Technologies for Translational Science

Funding Opportunity Number:  PAR-23-177

Application Due Date: June 19, 2025

Summary: The National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) invites applications for the

Awards Supporting Cutting-Edge Technologies for Translational Science (ASCETTS) Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) to foster investigator-initiated development of highly innovative technologies to address barriers, limitations, or bottlenecks in translational science particularly for therapeutic development. This program will support the early-stage proof of concept, high-risk and potentially high-reward studies for feasibility and exploratory technology development, which can transform or significantly improve the efficiency of therapeutic development to achieve NCATS ultimate goals - more treatments to all people more quickly.

HIV Prevention and Alcohol

Funding Opportunity Number: PAS-23-173

Application Due Date: May 7, 2026

Summary: The FOA seeks to expand the HIV/AIDS prevention toolkit among alcohol impacted populations with a range of patterns of episodic and long-term use and associated behavioral and biological risks for HIV acquisition. This includes integration of effective prevention and treatment interventions with an understanding of the overarching framework for reducing the incidence of new infections by facilitating crosscutting informative research. This research activity includes the development and testing of new interventions and expansion of existing effective interventions as well as the implementation of these integrative preventive activities in diverse settings and populations. See also: PAS-23-172

HIV Prevention and Alcohol

Funding Opportunity Number: PAS-23-172

Application Due Date: May 7, 2026

Summary: The FOA seeks to expand the HIV/AIDS prevention toolkit among alcohol impacted populations with a range of patterns of episodic and long-term use and associated behavioral and biological risks for HIV acquisition. This includes integration of effective prevention and treatment interventions with an understanding of the overarching framework for reducing the incidence of new infections by facilitating crosscutting informative research. This R34 Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) supports studies that are both necessary and sufficient to inform the planning of a clinical trial within the scope of the companion announcement HIV Prevention and Alcohol. See also: PAS-23-173

Collaborative Opportunities for Multidisciplinary, Bold, and Innovative Neuroscience

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-NS-23-027  

Application Due Date: October 8, 2024

Summary: This FOA is designed to support integrated efforts of three or more PDs/PIs to pursue bold, impactful, and challenging research in any area within the scope of the NINDS mission. The research approach should be interdisciplinary in nature, and the research teams are expected to establish a common goal that requires collaboration, synergy, and managed team interactions.

BRAIN Initiative: Development and Validation of Novel Tools to Probe Cell-Specific and Circuit-Specific Processes in the Brain

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-MH-24-280

Application Due Date: February 8, 2027

Summary: The purpose of this BRAIN Initiative is to encourage applications that will develop and validate novel tools to facilitate the detailed analysis of complex circuits and provide insights into cellular interactions that underlie brain function. The new tools and technologies should inform and/or exploit cell-type and/or circuit-level specificity. Plans for validating the utility of the tool/technology will be an essential feature of a successful application.

Advanced Laboratories for Accelerating the Reach and Impact of Treatments for Youth and Adults with Mental Illness Research Centers

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-210

Application Due Date: May 18, 2026

Summary: This FOA invites applications for centers to support transdisciplinary teams of clinical and mental health services researchers, behavioral scientists, social scientists, health information and communications technologists, health systems engineers, decision scientists, and mental health stakeholders to engage in high-impact studies that will significantly advance clinical practice and generate knowledge that will fuel transformation of mental health care in the United States

Informatics Tools for the Pangenome

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-HG-23-026

Application Due Date: March 3, 2025

Summary: The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) will renew the Human Genome Reference Program (HGRP). This Informatics Tools for the Pangenome FOA will provide multiple awards to develop informatics tools that enable uptake and use of the improved pangenome reference. Emphasis will be on tools for common use cases that are relevant to different broad sectors of the genomics community. Possible examples include selecting the best subset of linear genomes or paths along the graph for a given set of samples, visualizing complex variation, and annotating regulatory elements and disease associations. 

NEI Translational Research Program for Therapeutics

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-23-200

Application Due Date: March 16, 2025

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is the rapid and efficient translation of innovative laboratory research findings into therapeutics for use by clinicians to treat visual system diseases or disorders. Multidisciplinary teams of scientists and clinicians must focus on generating preclinical data that will lead to the development of biological, pharmacological, medical device and/or combination product interventions. The ultimate goal of this program is to make new

technological, biological and pharmacological resources available to clinicians and their patients.  See also PAR-23-205

NEI Translational Research Program for Therapeutics

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-23-205

Application Due Date: March 16, 2025

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is the rapid and efficient translation of innovative laboratory research findings into therapeutics for use by clinicians to treat visual system diseases or disorders. Multidisciplinary teams of scientists and clinicians must focus on generating preclinical data that will lead to the development of biological, pharmacological, medical device and/or combination product interventions. The ultimate goal of this program is to make new

technological, biological and pharmacological resources available to clinicians and their patients. See also PAR-23-200

Integration of HIV-related Services for Sustainability under PEPFAR

Opportunity Number: HRSA-24-063

Estimated Application Due Date: May 31, 2024

Summary:  Enhances the integration of HIV-related services and primary healthcare in select countries that are at or near HIV epidemic control to sustain gains made by PEPFAR and contribute to resilient public health systems.

Schizophrenia and Related Disorders During Mid-to Late-Life

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-023

Application Due Date: September 7, 2026

Summary: The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to encourage applications that will advance translational research to better understand the emergence, trajectory, and outcomes of schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders in mid- to late-life, and to identify targets for future development of prevention and treatment interventions.

Schizophrenia and Related Disorders During Mid-to Late-Life

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-026

Application Due Date: September 7, 2026

Summary: The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity is to encourage applications that will advance translational research to better understand the emergence, trajectory, and outcomes of schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders in mid- to late-life, and to identify targets for future development of prevention and treatment interventions.

Cellular and Molecular Biology of Complex Brain Disorders

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-024

Application Due Date: September 7, 2026

Summary: This FOA encourages research on the biology of high confidence risk factors associated with complex brain disorders, with a focus on the intracellular, transcellular and circuit substrates of neural function. Studies may be either hypothesis-generating (unbiased discovery) or hypothesis-testing in design and may utilize in vivo, in situ or in vitro experimental paradigms, e.g., model organisms or human cell-based assays.

Cellular and Molecular Biology of Complex Brain Disorders

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-025

Application Due Date: September 7, 2026

Summary: This FOA encourages research on the biology of high confidence risk factors associated with complex brain disorders, with a focus on the intracellular, transcellular and circuit substrates of neural function. For the purposes of this FOA, the term complex can refer to a multifactorial contribution to risk and/or highly distributed functional features of the brain disorder. Studies may be either hypothesis-generating or hypothesis-testing in design and may utilize in vivo, in situ, or in vitro experimental paradigms, e.g., model organisms or human cell-based assays.

Opioid-Impacted Family Support Program (OIFSP)

Opportunity Number: HRSA-24-016

Estimated Application Due Date: March 11, 2024

Summary:  The purpose of this program is to support training programs that enhance and expand paraprofessionals knowledge, skills and expertise, and to increase the number of peer support specialists and other behavioral healthrelated paraprofessionals who work on integrated, interprofessional teams in providing services to children whose parents are impacted by opioid use disorders (OUD) and other substance use disorders (SUD), and their family members who are in guardianship roles.

National Centers for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering 

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-23-235

Application Due Date: September 7, 2026

Summary: This FOA encourages grant applications for Biomedical Technology Resource Centers. BTRCs are national resource centers for conducting research and development on new technologies that are driven by the needs of basic, translational, and/or clinical researchers. BTRCs also make their technologies available to other investigators, train members of the research community in the use of the technologies and disseminate the technologies broadly.

Addressing HIV in Highest Risk Sexual and Gender Minorities

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-25-002

Application Due Date: August 14, 2024

Summary: Social determinants of health associated with HIV and problematic substance use such as homelessness and criminal justice involvement also demonstrate disproportionate impact among sexual and gender minorities and need attention. Changing self-definition of sexual minority status has implications for outreach and provider stigma and needs to be better integrated into interventions. This initiative will address these gap areas and support epidemiologic, intervention, and implementation research that incorporates attention to HIV as a syndemic, including comorbidities such as STIs, HCV, and psychiatric disorder.

Addressing HIV in Highest Risk Sexual and Gender Minorities

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-25-001

Application Due Date: August 14, 2024

Summary: Social determinants of health associated with HIV and problematic substance use such as homelessness and criminal justice involvement also demonstrate disproportionate impact among sexual and gender minorities and need attention. Changing self-definition of sexual minority status has implications for outreach and provider stigma and needs to be better integrated into interventions. This initiative will address these gap areas and support epidemiologic, intervention, and implementation research that incorporates attention to HIV as a syndemic, including comorbidities such as STIs, HCV, and psychiatric disorder.

Pilot Projects Enhancing Utility and Usage of Common Fund Data Sets

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-RM-23-015

Application Due Date: November 17, 2023

Summary: Many valuable and widely available data sets have been generated by multiple Common Fund programs. The purpose of this NOFO is to announce the availability of funding to demonstrate and enhance the utility of selected Common Fund ( data sets, including generating hypotheses and catalyzing discoveries. Award recipients are asked to provide feedback on the utility of the Common Fund data resources.

Secondary Analysis and Integration of Existing Data to Elucidate Cancer Risk and Related Outcomes Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-23-254

Application Due Date: September 7, 2026

Summary: Through this NOFO, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) along with other participating Institutes encourages submission of applications proposing to conduct secondary data analysis and integration of existing datasets and database resources, with the ultimate aim to elucidate cancer risk and related outcomes. The goal of this initiative is to address key scientific questions relevant to cancer by supporting the analysis of existing clinical, environmental, surveillance, health services, vital statistics, behavioral, lifestyle, genomic, and molecular profiles data.

Secondary Analysis and Integration of Existing Data to Elucidate Cancer Risk and Related Outcomes Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-23-255

Application Due Date: September 7, 2026

Summary: Through this NOFO, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) along with other participating Institutes encourages submission of applications proposing to conduct secondary data analysis and integration of existing datasets and database resources, with the ultimate aim to elucidate cancer risk and related outcomes. The goal of this initiative is to address key scientific questions relevant to cancer by supporting the analysis of existing clinical, environmental, surveillance, health services, vital statistics, behavioral, lifestyle, genomic, and molecular profiles data.

Institutional Network Award for Promoting Kidney, Urologic, and Hematologic Research Training

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-23-248

Application Due Date: September 26, 2025

Summary: The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity is to invite Institutional Network Awards to cultivate a highly integrated cohort of trainees and early career investigators and to develop career development resources to accelerate kidney, urologic, and hematologic research. To maximize integration and promote a true trainee community, Institutions are invited to submit a single application to engage, recruit, prepare, and sustain the next generation of scientists able to contribute to advancing research in kidney, urology, and hematology.

Alcohol and Other Substance Use Research Education Programs for Health Professionals

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-23-240 Application Due Date: May 25, 2026

Summary: The NIH Research Education Program supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The over-arching goal of this program is to support educational activities that foster a better understanding of biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research on alcohol and other substance use disorders and their implications. To accomplish the stated goal, this FOA will support creative educational activities with a primary focus on Outreach. Specifically, this FOA will support projects designed to engage practicing health care professionals in education about current and emerging knowledge derived from scientific research on the neurobiology, epidemiology, prevention, and/or treatment of alcohol and other substance use disorders and related health conditions, with the ultimate goal of improving care for individuals who use alcohol and other substances.

FY2024 Grants to Highest State Courts to Improve Guardianship

Opportunity Number: HHS-2024-ACL-AOA-EJIG-0014

Application Due Date: June 3, 2024

Summary:  The purpose of the EJIG program is to support the development and advancement of new and emerging issues related to elder justice.  Funded projects will contribute to the improvement of the field of elder abuse prevention and intervention at large, such as by developing materials, programs, etc. that can be widely disseminated and/or replicated, or by establishing and/or contributing to the evidence-base of knowledge.  For this opportunity, awards will be made to the highest state courts to improve guardianship systems.

Advancing the ACL Innovation Lab

Opportunity Number: HHS-2024-ACL-AOA-ACIL-0062

Estimated Application Due Date: May 14, 2024

Summary:  The purpose of this funding announcement is to support the ACL Innovation Lab (“the Lab”), that facilitates the development and scaling of effective practices that promote health and reduce injury among older adults and older adults with disabilities. The awardee will be required to partner with the current Lab to leverage and advance these efforts. Activities may include, but will not be limited to: developing taxonomies for additional topics related to falls prevention and older adults; funding sub-awardees; providing technical assistance and dissemination support; and evaluating the effectiveness of the current Lab's efforts.

Cooperative Agreement to Support Navigators in Federally-facilitated Exchanges

Opportunity Number: CMS-NAV-24-001

Estimated Application Due Date: July 1, 2024

Summary:  Each year, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) makes grant awards to organizations who serve as Navigators in FFE states. Navigators help consumers prepare applications to establish eligibility and enroll in coverage through the Exchanges and help determine whether consumers potentially qualify for insurance affordability programs. They also provide outreach and education to raise awareness about the Exchanges. As trusted community partners, Navigators are required to provide targeted assistance to underserved and vulnerable populations within the Exchange service area, which is critical to improving access to health care coverage for communities that often experience a disproportionate burden of disease.

PRI Bilateral US-Israeli 

Opportunity Number: EP-IDS-23-001

Application Due Date: August 31, 2023

Summary:  Established in FY 2021, ASPR’s PRI program seeks to develop revolutionary health security products, technologies and innovations from both US and Israeli public and private sources. This program places emphasis on joint-country revolutionary advancements in health security products, technologies and solutions, specifically to invigorate operations, response, recovery, deployment and dispensing activities.  Furthermore, the PRI program was established to coordinate strategic innovation and industrial base expansion efforts across ASPR, federal partners, academia, and the private sector to bring novel solutions and practices for response and recovery operations to life.

Feasibility Trials of the NIH Music-based Interventions Toolkit for Brain Disorders of Aging

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-23-256

Application Due Date: July 10, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to support proof-of-concept feasibility trials guided by the NIH Music-based Interventions Toolkit for research on brain disorders of aging. These early phase clinical trials will generate evidence supporting the validity of the NIH MBI Toolkits guiding principles as well as the necessary pilot data to design a subsequent clinical efficacy or effectiveness study using music-based interventions in the context of brain disorders of aging, including but not limited to Alzheimer’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease-related dementias, Parkinson’s disease, and stroke. The data collected should address gaps in scientific knowledge in order to facilitate development of a competitive large-scale clinical trial. 

Projects of National Significance: Protecting Rights and Abuse

Opportunity Number: HHS-2024-ACL-AOD-DNSA-0022

Estimated Application Due Date: May 28, 2024

Summary:  The projects will focus on protecting right and preventing abuse for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  Overall, these projects will  create opportunities for individuals with  developmental disabilities to directly and fully contribute to, and participate in, all facets of community life; and support the development of national and State policies that reinforce and promote, with the support of families, guardians, advocates, and communities, of individuals with developmental disabilities, the self-determination, independence, productivity, and integration and inclusion in all facets of community life of such individuals.

Projects of National Significance: Achieving Economic Mobility

Opportunity Number: HHS-2024-ACL-AOD-DNCE-0023

Estimated Application Due Date: May 28, 2024

Summary:  The purpose of the project may include providing aid to transition youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities, funding employment and postsecondary education opportunities, and / or assisting with assistive technology devices that may needed to help meet employment goals. Overall, these projects will  create opportunities for individuals with  developmental disabilities to directly and fully contribute to, and participate in, all facets of community life; and support the development of national and State policies that reinforce and promote, with the support of families, guardians, advocates, and communities, of individuals with developmental disabilities, the self-determination, independence, productivity, and integration and inclusion in all facets of community life of such individuals.

National Center on Elder Abuse Resource Center

Opportunity Number: HHS-2024-ACL-AOA-ABRC-0030

Estimated Application Due Date: June 3, 2024

Summary:  The purpose of this cooperative agreement is to provide relevant information, materials, and support to strengthen state and local efforts in preventing and addressing elder maltreatment. The grantee will serve as the national leader and authority in the area of abuse, neglect and exploitation. The grantee will disseminate current resources in the area of abuse, neglect and exploitation; partner with federal and non-federal partners to create World Day on Elder Abuse activities; to develop and identify and curate promising best practices/policies in the field; to develop, compile, publish, and disseminate training materials for professionals; and to provide technical assistance to grantees, state, federal, and non-federal entities.

Alzheimer's Disease Programs Initiative (ADPI) - Grants to States and Communities (Winter 2024)

Opportunity Number: HHS-2024-ACL-AOA-ADPI-0029

Estimated Application Due Date: March 25, 2024

Summary:  Cooperative agreements under the Alzheimer's Disease Program Initiative (ADPI) Notice of Funding

Opportunity (NOFO), are intended to support and promote the development and expansion of dementia-capable home and community-based service (HCBS) systems in States and Communities. There are two application options contained in this single NOFO: Grants to States (Option A) and Grants to Communities (Option B). No entity is eligible to apply for both State and Community options and no entity is eligible to hold more than one ADPI grant at a time.

Modernizing Senior Centers Resource Center

Opportunity Number: HHS-2024-ACL-AOA-PPSC-0123

Estimated Application Due Date: May 31, 2024

Summary:  ACL recognizes senior centers as valued partners in the Aging Network that support community living by keeping older adults active, informed, and healthy. Many senior centers serve as important focal points for the delivery of comprehensive services.  In 2021, to better ensure that senior centers have the tools and resources necessary to develop and implement programs that meet the current and future needs of the Nation’s older adults, ACL established a Modernizing Senior Centers Resource Center.

Information and Planning: Understanding the Capacity of the Aging Network

Opportunity Number: HHS-2024-ACL-AOA-PPUC-0122

Estimated Application Due Date: May 31, 2024

Summary:  The Administration for Community Living (ACL) intends to award one cooperative agreement designed to better understand and address the needs of the Aging Network by documenting and reporting on Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs), Tribal Organizations, and other organizations activities and expertise in health and the delivery of community-based services and supports. The Aging Network reaches into every community in the nation, playing a vital role in strategic planning, program development and administration, and service delivery. To ensure that older Americans have access to high quality aging services, the Aging Network must constantly review its programs and explore ways to innovate and enhance program design and delivery.

National Volunteer Care Corps

Opportunity Number: HHS-2024-ACL-AOA-CCDG-0032

Estimated Application Due Date: May 31, 2024

Summary:  Offering services and supports to older adults or persons with disabilities can enable them to maintain their independence and status in the community.  In addition, we recognize that family caregivers provide most of the support that makes it possible for older people and people with disabilities to live in the community. Providing care can take a physical, financial, and emotional toll on family caregivers. Offering assistance to family caregivers can make it easier for them to continue providing care and allows older adults and persons with disabilities the opportunity to remain in the community.

NIH Blueprint and BRAIN Initiative Program for Enhancing Neuroscience Diversity Through Undergraduate Research Education Experiences

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-NS-24-014

Application Due Date: February 10, 2025

Summary: The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The over-arching goal of this NIH Blueprint R25 program is to encourage individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those from groups underrepresented in the biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research workforce, to pursue further studies or careers in research. The fully integrated educational activities should prepare undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds, including those from groups underrepresented in biomedical and behavioral sciences to enter Ph.D. degree programs in the neurosciences. To accomplish this goal, this initiative will provide institutional awards to develop neuroscience research education programs comprised of collaborative partnerships integrated across different educational institution types.    

Single Cell Opioid Responses in the Context of HIV (SCORCH) Program: Data Mining and Functional Validation Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-25-016

Application Due Date: August 13, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this initiative is to: support mining of SCORCH data to identify cell types, transcripts, enhancers, or transcriptional networks that play a role in HIV/ART or SUD molecular responses; support functional validation studies to confirm or deny a biological role for data-mined cell types, transcripts, enhancers, or transcriptional networks in HIV/ART or SUD molecular responses; provide foundational knowledge for understanding SUD and/or HIV/ART molecular mechanisms; and to generate validated targets that could serve as a foundation for new SUD or HIV therapeutics.

Single Cell Opioid Responses in the Context of HIV (SCORCH) Program: Data Mining and Functional Validation Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-25-017

Application Due Date: August 13, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this initiative is to: support mining of SCORCH data to identify cell types, transcripts, enhancers, or transcriptional networks that play a role in HIV/ART or SUD molecular response; support functional validation studies to confirm or deny a biological role for data-mined cell types, transcripts, enhancers, or transcriptional networks in HIV/ART or SUD molecular response; provide foundational knowledge for understanding SUD and/or HIV/ART molecular mechanisms; and to generate validated targets that could serve as a foundation for new SUD or HIV therapeutics.

Single Source: Single Cell Opioid Responses in the Context of HIV (SCORCH) Program: Data Coordination, Analysis, and Scientific Outreach

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-25-015

Application Due Date: August 13, 2024

Summary: This is a non-competitive funding opportunity intended to fund a single award. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is announcing its intent to issue a single source cooperative agreement award to the University of Maryland Baltimore to: coordinate all the data generated by the SCORCH consortium; analyze all the data generated by the SCORCH consortium; perform necessary SCORCH program scientific outreach activities; and support SCORCH consortium communication. The SCORCH Data Center will also be responsible for integrating the efforts of all funded components of the NIDA SCORCH program and serve as a community-wide nexus for single cell protocols, data, assay and data standards, and other resources generated by the program.  

Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPORES) in Human Cancers for Years 2024, 2025, and 2026 Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-23-284

Application Due Date: September 25, 2026

Summary: Through this FOA, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications for P50 Research Center Grants for Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPORE). The program will fund P50 SPORE grants to support state-of-theart investigator-initiated translational research that will contribute to improved prevention, early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of an organ-specific cancer or a highly related group of cancers. The research supported through this program must be translational and must stem from research on human biology using cellular, molecular, structural, biochemical, and/or genetic experimental approaches. SPORE projects must have the goal of reaching a translational human endpoint within the project period of the grant.

Health and Health Care Disparities Among Persons Living with Disabilities

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-23-309

Application Due Date: November 5, 2026

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to support novel and innovative research that examines and/or intervenes upon the underlying and multilevel causes, pathways, and factors adversely impacting the health and well-being of persons living with one or more disabilities among populations experiencing health disparities.

Mechanistic Research on Neuromodulation for Substance Use Disorders Treatment

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-24-031

Application Due Date: August 14, 2026

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to encourage clinical research that will identify and validate novel targets for non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) and SUD-relevant neurobiological, cognitive, and behavioral responses to NIBS that precede clinical outcomes like reduced craving or drug use. This NOFO requires a Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP), which will be assessed as part of the scientific and technical peer review evaluation.

Seeking Products to Address Social Needs Impacting Substance Use Disorders

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-25-048

Application Due Date: March 13, 2026

Summary: The purpose of this funding opportunity is to support applications from small business concerns (SBCs) to develop technologies for commercialization to address health-related social needs that impact substance use disorders (SUD), excluding alcohol use disorder.

Seeking Products to Address Social Needs Impacting Substance Use Disorders

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-25-047

Application Due Date: March 13, 2026

Summary: The purpose of this funding opportunity is to support applications from small business concerns (SBCs) to develop technologies for commercialization to address health-related social needs that impact substance use disorders (SUD), excluding alcohol use disorder.

Mechanistic Research on Neuromodulation for Substance Use Disorders Treatment

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-24-034

Application Due Date: August 14, 2026

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to encourage clinical research that will identify and validate novel targets for non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) and SUD-relevant neurobiological, cognitive, and behavioral responses to NIBS that precede clinical outcomes like reduced craving or drug use. Applications are expected to be exploratory and developmental in nature. As such, these studies may involve considerable risk of failure but may lead to a breakthrough in a particular area that could have a major impact on SUD research involving NIBS.

Mechanistic Research on Neuromodulation for Substance Use Disorders Treatment

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-24-033

Application Due Date: August 14, 2026

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to encourage clinical research that will identify and validate novel targets for non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) and SUD-relevant neurobiological, cognitive, and behavioral responses to NIBS that precede clinical outcomes like reduced craving or drug use. Applications are expected to be exploratory and developmental in nature. As such, these studies may involve considerable risk of failure but may lead to a breakthrough in a particular area that could have a major impact on SUD research involving NIBS.

Mechanistic Research on Neuromodulation for Substance Use Disorders Treatment

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-24-032

Application Due Date: August 14, 2026

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to encourage clinical research that will identify and validate novel targets for non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) and SUD-relevant neurobiological, cognitive, and behavioral responses to NIBS that precede clinical outcomes like reduced craving or drug use. This NOFO uses an R01 activity code to support applications that propose mechanistic studies designed to understand a behavior or biological process, the pathophysiology of a disease, or the mechanism of action of an intervention.

Cancer Research Education Grants Program—Courses for Skills Development 

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-23-276

Application Due Date: January 7, 2027

Summary: The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The over-arching goal of this NCI R25 program is to support educational activities that complement and/or enhance the training of a workforce to meet the nations biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research needs. To accomplish the stated over-arching goal, this NOFO will support creative educational activities with a primary focus on Courses for Skills Development. Applications are encouraged that propose innovative, state-of-the-art programs that address the cause, diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of cancer, rehabilitation from cancer, or the continuing care of cancer patients and the families of cancer patients.

Ending the Epidemic: New Models of Integrated HIV/AIDS, Addiction, and Primary Care Services

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-25-059

Application Due Date: March 19, 2025

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to support the development and testing of enhanced models of care that optimally integrate HIV, Hepatitis B and C, addiction, and primary care services. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is interested in research that addresses gaps related to the delivery of comprehensive, integrated health services to include the full continuum of HIV/AIDS services, addiction prevention and treatment services, and primary care services, with a goal of improving the coordination of care, and improving health outcomes related to HIV, Hepatitis (optional), and substance use disorder (SUD) in the US.

HIV Vaccine Research and Design Program

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-037

Application Due Date: March 13, 2026

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to support multi-component, multi-disciplinary projects that address scientific questions relevant to AIDS prophylactic vaccine discovery research. Extensive evaluation of vaccine concepts in non-human primate models may be included.

National Institute of General Medical Sciences Predoctoral Basic Biomedical Sciences Research Training Program Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-23-228

Application Due Date: September 25, 2026

Summary: The goal of the NIGMS Predoctoral Basic Biomedical Sciences Research Training Program is to develop a diverse pool of well-trained scientists available to address the nation’s biomedical research agenda. Specifically, this NOFO provides support to eligible domestic institutions to develop and implement effective, evidence-informed approaches to biomedical graduate training and mentoring that will keep pace with the rapid evolution of the biomedical research enterprise. NIGMS expects that the proposed research training programs will incorporate didactic research and career development elements to prepare trainees for careers that will have a significant impact on the health-related research needs of the nation.

Development and Renovation of Facilities for Expanding the Breeding Capacity of Specific   Pathogen Free Non-Human Primates to Support HIV/AIDS-related Research

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-033

Application Due Date: January 7, 2025

Summary: This NOFO invites applications from eligible research institutions to seek funds to build new or renovate existing facilities to expand the breeding capacity and increase future production of NIH-supported specific pathogen free (SPF) non-human primate (NHP) colonies. These SPF NHP facilities must support research activities aligned with the NIH-established priorities for HIV/AIDS research. Any request must be justified by current and anticipated future research needs of SPF NHPs.

Exploratory Studies to Investigate Mechanisms of HIV Infection, Replication, Latency, and/or Pathogenesis in the Context of Substance Use Disorders

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-25-011

Application Due Date: August 14, 2025

Summary: This NOFO will support high risk high impact studies that 1) develop or apply novel tools or technologies or 2) test novel hypotheses to investigate mechanistic questions in HIV infection, replication, latency, and/or pathogenesis in the context of Substance Use Disorders (SUDs). This initiative focuses on exploration and characterization of signaling pathways that are involved in CNS HIV establishment and expansion. The NOFO aims to promote milestone-driven research to investigate the underlying molecular mechanisms by which HIV infection is initiated, established, and maintained in the CNS and to determine how addictive substances modulate HIV infection, latency and the size and persistence of CNS HIV reservoirs.

Revision Applications for Validation of Biomarker Assays Developed through NIH-Supported  Research Grants Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-047

Application Due Date: October 13, 2026

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to accelerate the pace of translation of NCI-supported methods/assays/technologies to the clinic. Specifically, the focus of this NOFO is on the adaption and clinical validation of molecular/cellular/imaging markers for cancer detection, diagnosis, prognosis, monitoring, and prediction of response in treatment, as well as markers for cancer control and prevention. Research applications may support the acquisition of well-annotated specimens from NCI-supported or other clinical trials or observational cohorts/consortia for the purpose of clinical validation of the assay. Research projects proposed for this NOFO encourage multi-disciplinary interaction among scientific investigators, assay developers, clinicians, statisticians, and clinical laboratory staff. Clinical laboratory scientist(s) and statistical experts are highly encouraged to comprise integral parts of the application.

Interventions on Health and Healthcare Disparities on Non-Communicable and Chronic Diseases in Latin America: Improving Health Outcomes Across the Hemisphere

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-23-304

Application Due Date: January 6, 2027

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to support innovative and interdisciplinary research teams focused on clinical, health services, and/or community-based interventions that address health and healthcare disparities related to noncommunicable and chronic diseases (NCDs) with the highest burden and mortality in Latin America and among U.S. Hispanics/Latinos. Multidisciplinary research teams would be expected to meaningfully collaborate with key partners that must include at least one PI or MPI from institutions in Latin America.

Unveiling Health and Healthcare Disparities in Non-Communicable and Chronic Diseases In Latin America: Setting the Stage for Better Health Outcomes Across the Hemisphere

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-23-303

Application Due Date: January 6, 2027

Summary: This NOFO will support innovative, collaborative, and multi-disciplinary research focused on clinical epidemiology, evaluation of public and/or health care policies, and validation of measurements that address health and health care disparities related to non-communicable and chronic diseases (NCDs) with the highest disease burden and mortality in Latin America and among U.S. Hispanics/Latinos. Multi-disciplinary research teams would be expected to meaningfully collaborate with key partners that must include at least one PI or MPI from institutions in Latin America.

Targeting Inflammasomes in HIV and Substance Use

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-25-013

Application Due Date: March 13, 2025

Summary: The scientific objective of this Funding Opportunity Announcement is to encourage research to delineate the role of inflammasomes in the neuropathology produced by acute or chronic drug exposure and HIV infection. Understanding the involvement of inflammasomes in virus and drug-induced immune activation may help identify molecular markers and CNS immune cells associated with HIV-1 infection or disease progression among substance abuse populations, as well as identify novel therapies to target inflammasome activation or suppression to treat neuroinflammation and immune dysregulation aroused in these processes.

Targeting Inflammasomes in HIV and Substance Use

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-25-012

Application Due Date: March 13, 2025

Summary: The scientific objective of this NOFO is to encourage research to delineate the role of inflammasomes in the neuropathology produced by acute or chronic drug exposure and HIV infection. Understanding the involvement of inflammasomes in virus and drug-induced immune activation may help identify molecular markers and CNS immune cells associated with HIV-1 infection or disease progression among substance abuse populations, as well as identify novel therapies to target inflammasome activation or suppression to treat neuroinflammation and immune dysregulation aroused in these processes.

Leveraging Extant Data to Understand Developmental Trajectories of Late Talking Children

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-045

Application Due Date: November 16, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to support research projects that aim to further understanding of the developmental trajectories of late talking children by leveraging existing data and creating open and shared data resources to aid in identifying patterns and predictors of developmental outcomes in late talking children, and exploring potential underlying mechanisms, risk factors, and sequalae.

Short Courses in Social Determinants of Health for Research Education in Nursing Research

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-NR-24-002 Application Due Date: July 1, 2024

Summary: The NIH Research Education Program supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The overarching goal of this R25 program is to support educational activities that complement and/or enhance the training of a workforce to meet the nations biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research needs. To accomplish the stated over-arching goal, this FOA will support creative educational activities with a primary focus on: (1) Courses for Skills Development; and (2) Develop and implement a program to prepare nurse scientists, and scientists in aligned fields, to conduct research on the social determinants of health in alignment with the NINR Strategic Plan.

Advancing Technologies to Improve Delivery of Pharmacological, Gene Editing, and other  Cargoes for HIV and SUD Mechanistic or Therapeutic Research

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-25-022

Application Due Date: November 15, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to develop technologies to improve the delivery of pharmacological, gene editing, or other cargoes for HIV and substance use disorder (SUD) mechanistic or therapeutic research. 

Exploratory Grant Award to Promote Workforce Diversity in Basic Cancer Research

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-039

Application Due Date: November 17, 2026

Summary: This FOA represents the continuation of an NCI program to enhance the diversity of the pool of the cancer research workforce by recruiting and supporting eligible junior investigators and Early Stage Investigators from groups that have been shown to be nationally underrepresented in the biomedical, behavioral, clinical and social sciences. This funding opportunity will also provide a bridge to investigators who have completed their research training and may need extra time to develop a larger research project grant application.

Assay Validation of High Quality Markers for Clinical Studies in Cancer

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-23-313

Application Due Date: October 14, 2026

Summary: Through this NOFO, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications to support the validation of molecular/cellular/imaging markers and assays for cancer detection, diagnosis, prognosis, monitoring, and prediction of response or resistance to treatment, as well as markers for cancer prevention and control. This FOA will support investigator-initiated research for both analytical, and clinical validation of assays to be used in cancer treatment, control, or prevention trials supported by the NCI. This NOFO will also support the validation of pharmacodynamic markers and markers of toxicity.

Development of Novel Nonsteroidal Contraceptive Methods

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-HD-25-008

Application Due Date: March 29, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity announcement (NOFO) is to support and facilitate multidisciplinary research approaches for the development of novel nonsteroidal contraceptive products for men and women that act prior to fertilization. This NOFO aims to position innovative and validated methods for future clinical development.

Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network: Small Molecule Drug Discovery and Development Of Disorders of the Nervous System

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-043

Application Due Date: August 18, 2026

Summary: Reissue of PAR-18-546. The Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network (BPN) invites applications from neuroscience investigators seeking support to advance their small molecule drug discovery and development projects into the clinic. Participants in the BPN are responsible for conducting all studies that involve disease- or target-specific assays, models, and other research tools and receive funding for all activities to be conducted in their own laboratories. In addition, applicants will collaborate with NIH-funded consultants and can augment their project with NIH contract research organizations that specialize in medicinal chemistry, pharmacokinetics, toxicology, formulations development, chemical synthesis including under Good Manufacturing Practices, and Phase I clinical testing.

NIAID Research Education Program Advancing the Careers of a Diverse Research Workforce

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-23-283 Application Due Date: September 7, 2026

Summary: The NIH Research Education Program supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The overarching goal of this R25 program is to support educational activities that encourage individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those from groups underrepresented in the biomedical and behavioral sciences, to pursue further studies or careers in research. To accomplish the stated over-arching goal, this NOFO will support educational activities with a primary focus on Courses for Skills Development Research Experiences Mentoring Activities.

HHS/National Institutes of Health Multi-Sectoral Preventive Interventions that Address Social Determinants of Health in Populations that Experience Health Disparities

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-053

Application Due Date: August 5, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to support projects to test prospective multi-sectoral preventive interventions that address social determinants of health in populations that experience health disparities. These research projects will be part of the Multi-Sectoral Preventive Interventions (MSPI) Research Network, which will also include a Coordinating Center (NOFO xxx). Funded under a cooperative agreement, projects participating in the MSPI Research Network will collaborate to share approaches, methods, and data, working closely with NIH Institutes, Offices and Centers.

Advancing Genomic Medicine Research

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-HG-23-033

Application Due Date: February 11, 2025

Summary: The National Human Genome Research Institute intends to issue a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) to solicit applications that stimulate innovation and advance understanding of when, where and how best to implement the use and sharing of genomic information and technologies in clinical care in all persons including populations or communities that experience health disparities, such as racial or ethnic minority groups, people with lower socioeconomic (SES) status, underserved rural communities, and sexual and gender minority groups. The intended FOA will be based on a concept recently approved by the National Advisory Council on Human Genome Research and accompanying discussion.

HHS/National Institutes of Health Advancing Genomic Medicine Research 

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-HG-23-032

Application Due Date: February 11, 2025

Summary: The National Human Genome Research Institute intends to issue a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) to solicit applications that stimulate innovation and advance understanding of when, where and how best to implement the use and sharing of genomic information and technologies in clinical care in all persons including populations or communities that experience health disparities, such as racial or ethnic minority groups, people with lower socioeconomic (SES) status, underserved rural communities, and sexual and gender minority groups.

Advancing Genomic Medicine Research

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-HG-23-048

Application Due Date: February 11, 2025

Summary: This NOFO solicits applications that stimulate innovation and advance understanding of when, where, and how best to implement the use and sharing of genomic information and technologies in clinical care in all persons irrespective of racial/ethnic background or socioeconomic status. The R03 grant mechanism supports small research projects that can be carried out in a short period of time with limited resources, such as pilot or feasibility studies; secondary analysis of existing data; small, self-contained research projects; or development of research methodology.

High Impact Specialized Innovation Programs in Clinical and Translational Science For UM1 CTSA Hub Awards Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-054

Application Due Date: September 14, 2026

Summary: The purpose of the High Impact Specialized Innovation Programs (SIPs) is to support the development and demonstration of unique hub capabilities, research platforms and/or resources to address in a timely manner critical gap areas and/or roadblocks in clinical and translational science at awarded UM1 Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program Hubs (PAR-21-293). Successful programs supported through this funding opportunity are expected to lay a strong foundation for future adoption and/or dissemination of capabilities to additional CTSA Program Hubs.

Silvio O. Conte Digestive Diseases Research Core Center

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DK-25-003

Application Due Date: October 23, 2024

Summary: This NOFO invites applications for Silvio O. Conte Digestive Diseases Research Core Centers. The DDRCCs are part of an integrated program of digestive and liver diseases research support provided by the NIDDK. The purpose of this Centers program is to bring together basic and clinical investigators as a means to enhance communication, collaboration, and effectiveness of ongoing research related to digestive and/or liver diseases within the NIDDK's mission. DDRCCs are based on the core concept, whereby shared resources aimed at fostering productivity, synergy, and new research ideas among the funded investigators are supported in a cost-effective manner.

Information and Practice Needs Relevant to Late Talking Children

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-046

Application Due Date: November 19, 2024

Summary: The NIH Tackling Acquisition of Language in Kids (TALK) initiative seeks to support activities to better understand early language learning and delay. NIH TALK invites applications for research projects that aim to better understand the information and practice needs of caregivers, professionals, and other invested parties who support late talking children and to determine whether those needs are being effectively met. Community engaged research combined with rigorous qualitative research and diverse perspectives is needed to enrich our understanding of how to get state-of-the-science information and practice to those who need it most to guide decisions about late talking children.  

In Vivo High-Resolution Imaging for Inner Ear Visualization 

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DC-24-004

Application Due Date: February 3, 2025

Summary: This funding opportunity aims to support the development of in vivo high-resolution structural and functional imaging technologies for the living human inner ear. Proposed projects should focus on improving the resolution of current imaging techniques or developing new imaging techniques that can visualize inner ear structures in vivo with significantly greater detail and accuracy than currently possible. Both structural and functional aspects, including visualizing dynamic elements are important to development of new and improved techniques. Projects may also focus on developing new imaging probes or contrast agents that can enhance visualization of the inner ear structures.

Cooperative Agreement for In Vivo High-Resolution Imaging for Inner Ear Visualization

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DC-24-005

Application Due Date: February 3, 2025

Summary: This funding opportunity aims to support high risk clinical trials for the development of in vivo high-resolution structural and functional imaging technologies for the living human inner ear. Proposed projects should focus on improving the resolution of current imaging techniques or developing new imaging techniques that can visualize inner ear structures in vivo with significantly greater detail and accuracy than currently possible. Structural and functional aspects, including visualizing dynamic elements, are important to developing new and improved techniques. Projects may also focus on developing new imaging probes or contrast agents that can enhance visualization of the inner ear structures.

Initiative for Maximizing Student Development

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-031 Application Due Date: January 29, 2026

Summary: The goal of the Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) program is to develop a diverse pool of scientists earning a Ph.D., who have the skills to successfully transition into careers in the biomedical research workforce. The long-term goal of the program is to enhance the diversity of biomedical research scientists in the nations workforce. This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) provides support to eligible, domestic institutions to develop and implement effective, evidence-based approaches to biomedical training and mentoring that will keep pace with the rapid evolution of the research enterprise. NIGMS expects that the proposed research training programs will incorporate didactic, research, and career development elements to prepare trainees for careers that will have a significant impact on the health-related research needs of the nation.

Graduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (G-RISE)

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-032

Application Due Date: January 29, 2026

Summary: The goal of the Graduate Research Initiative for Student Enhancement (G-RISE) program is to develop a diverse pool of scientists earning a Ph.D., who have the skills to successfully transition into careers in the biomedical research workforce. This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) provides support to eligible, domestic institutions to develop and implement effective, evidence-based approaches to biomedical training and mentoring that will keep pace with the rapid evolution of the research enterprise. NIGMS expects that the proposed research training programs will incorporate didactic, research, mentoring, and career development elements to prepare trainees for careers that will have a significant impact on the health-related research needs of the nation.  

NHLBI Program Project Applications

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-065

Application Due Date: September 25, 2026

Summary: The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Program Project Grant supports research related to fundamental processes and diseases of the heart, blood and lymphatic vessels, lungs, and blood, including transfusion medicine, blood resources, and sleep disorders and other programs including implementation science, health disparities, and translation research that address the mission of the Institute.

Nursing Research Education Program in Firearm Injury Prevention Research: Short Courses

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-061

Application Due Date: May 25, 2026

Summary: This program will support the development and implementation of short courses to prepare nurse scientists, and scientists in aligned fields, to conduct firearm injury prevention research in support of the NINR Strategic Plan. Applications are encouraged that build on the existing knowledge, approaches, methods, and techniques related to injury prevention to advance research specifically in the area of firearm injury. Applications should include content related to inequities in firearm injuries and research at the individual, community, institutional, and structural levels.

Modules for Enhancing Biomedical Research Workforce Training

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-040 Application Due Date: January 27, 2026

Summary: The NIH Research Education Program supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The overarching goal of this program is to support educational activities that complement and/or enhance the training of a workforce to meet the nations biomedical, behavioral and clinical research needs. Specifically, this FOA will support the development of exportable training modules designed to enhance training of the biomedical research workforce. Responsive topics will be indicated through Notices of Special Interest released annually by NIGMS.

Prevention and Intervention Approaches for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-068

Application Due Date: November 16, 2026

Summary: This NOFO focuses on prevention and intervention strategies for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders throughout the lifespan. The intent is to support research that advances prevention approaches to reduce prenatal alcohol exposure and the incidence of FASD and that advances interventions for FASD. These objectives will be accomplished with the Exploratory/Developmental Phased Award mechanism.

Prevention and Intervention Approaches for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-067

Application Due Date: January 7, 2027

Summary: This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for R34 planning grant applications focuses on prevention and intervention strategies for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) throughout the lifespan. The intent of this NOFO is to support research that advances (1) prevention approaches to reduce prenatal alcohol exposure and incidence of FASD and (2) interventions for FASD. It is expected that research conducted via this mechanism will consist of studies that are a pre-requisite for preparing and submitting subsequent applications for larger scale FASD prevention or intervention studies.

Small Grant Program for the NCATS Clinical and Translational Science Award Program

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-042

Application Due Date: October 19, 2026

Summary: The purpose of this FOA is to enhance the capability of NCATS CTSA Program KL2 scholars and recipients of diversity and re-entry supplements supported by the CTSA Program to conduct research as they complete the transition to fully independent academic translational scientists. These grants will support different clinical and translational science research projects, including pilot and feasibility studies; secondary data analysis of existing data; small, self-contained research projects; development of research methodology; and development of new research technology.

NIDCD Research Dissertation Fellowship for Au.D. Audiologists

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-069

Application Due Date: January 7, 2027

Summary: The purpose of the NIDCD Research Dissertation Fellowship for Au.D. Audiologists program is to support a comprehensive, rigorous biomedical research training, and dissertation research leading to a research doctorate in the biomedical, behavioral, or clinical sciences. 

Innovative Biospecimen Science Technologies for Basic and Clinical Cancer Research

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-CA-24-010

Application Due Date: October 1, 2024

Summary: This NOFO solicits grant applications proposing exploratory research projects focused on the early-stage development of highly innovative technologies that improve the quality of the samples used for cancer research or clinical care. This includes new capabilities to address issues related to pre-analytical degradation of targeted analytes during the collection, processing, handling, and/or storage of cancer-relevant biospecimens. The overall goal is to support the development of highly innovative technologies capable of maximizing or otherwise interrogating the quality and utility of biological samples used for downstream analyses. This NOFO will support the development of tools, devices, instrumentation, and associated methods to preserve or protect sample integrity, or establish verification criteria for quality assessment/quality control and handling under diverse conditions.

Innovative Molecular and Cellular Analysis Technologies for Basic and Clinical Cancer Research

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-CA-24-008

Application Due Date: October 1, 2024

Summary: This NOFO solicits grant applications proposing exploratory research projects focused on the early-stage development of highly innovative technologies offering novel molecular or cellular analysis capabilities for basic or clinical cancer research. The emphasis of this NOFO is on supporting the development of novel capabilities involving a high degree of technical innovation for targeting, probing, or assessing molecular and cellular features of cancer biology. Technologies proposed for development may be intended to have widespread applicability but must be focused on improving molecular and/or cellular characterizations of cancer biology.

Advanced Development and Validation of Emerging Biospecimen Science Technologies for Basic and Clinical Cancer Research

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-CA-24-011 Application Due Date: October 1, 2024

Summary: This NOFO solicits grant applications proposing exploratory research projects focused on further development and validation of emerging technologies that improve the quality of the samples used for cancer research or clinical care. This includes new capabilities to address issues related to pre-analytical degradation of targeted analytes during the collection, processing, handling, and/or storage of cancer-relevant biospecimens. The overall goal is to support the development of highly innovative technologies capable of maximizing or otherwise interrogating the quality and utility of biological samples used for downstream analyses. 

Integrated Functional Mapping and Molecular Profiling of Cell Ensembles Encoding the Effects of Addictive Substances in Rodents

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-25-023

Application Due Date: February 23, 2026

Summary: This NOFO aims to support research programs that adopt innovative scalable technologies to inventory, register and molecularly profile distributed cell ensembles encoding the effects of addictive substances, across various stages of exposure (acute, chronic, withdrawal, abstinence, relapse). Emphasis is on approaches capable of integrating data generated through population-scale measurements of cellular activity dynamics in behaving rodents, with other granular data modalities, collected from the same cells at single-cell resolution, such as transcriptomic class, epigenetic state, connectivity and spatial localization.

Interplay of Autophagy Regulated Cell Death and HIV Pathogenesis in Substance Use Disorders

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-25-009

Application Due Date: November 14, 2024

Summary: This NOFO aims to support studies to expand our knowledge of mechanisms driving autophagy and to identify autophagy pathways that can be exploited to control HIV infection and pathogenesis of comorbidities in the context of addictive substance use. The NOFO invites mechanistic studies and preclinical studies testing effects of compounds known to interfere with autophagy pathways on HIV infection and immune system.

Interplay of Autophagy Regulated Cell Death and HIV Pathogenesis in Substance Use Disorders

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-25-010

Mobile Health: Technology and Outcomes in Low- and Middle- Income Countries

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-23-318 Application Due Date: March 20, 2026

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to encourage exploratory/developmental research applications that propose to study the development, validation, feasibility, and effectiveness of innovative mobile health (mHealth) interventions or tools specifically suited for low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) that utilize new or emerging technology, platforms, systems, or analytics. The overall goal of the program is to catalyze innovation through multidisciplinary research that addresses global health problems, develop an evidence base for the use of mHealth technology to improve clinical and public health outcomes, and strengthen mHealth research capacity in LMICs.

Assessment of Climate at Institutions Award

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-038

Application Due Date: February 20, 2026

Summary: The objective of this NOFO is to solicit applications to conduct institutional climate assessments using validated survey instruments and to develop action plans for positive change in the recruitment, hiring, retention, and advancement of faculty, including those from groups underrepresented in biomedical and behavioral research (see NIH Interest in Diversity). The plans for self-studies should lead to institutional culture change by identifying perceptions, attitudes, and concerns, about, for example, inequities, micro-aggressions, institutional racism, and bias.

Multidisciplinary Studies of HIV/AIDS and Aging

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-091

Application Due Date: May 7, 2027

Summary: This NOFO invites applications at the intersection of HIV and aging by proposing research that aims to meet the following objectives: 1) Improve the understanding of biological, clinical, and socio-behavioral aspects of aging through the lens of HIV infection and its treatment; and 2) Improve approaches for testing, preventing, and treating HIV infection, and managing HIV-related comorbidities, co-infections, and complications in different populations and cultural settings by applying current aging science approaches. See also: PAR-24-092

Multidisciplinary Studies of HIV/AIDS and Aging

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-092

Application Due Date: May 7, 2027

Summary: This NOFO invites applications at the intersection of HIV and aging by proposing research that aims to meet the following objectives: 1) Improve the understanding of biological, clinical, and socio-behavioral aspects of aging through the lens of HIV infection and its treatment; and 2) improve approaches for testing, preventing, and treating HIV infection, and managing HIV-related comorbidities, co-infections, and complications in different populations and cultural settings by applying current aging science approaches. See also PAR-24-091

Discovery of In Vivo Chemical Probes for the Nervous System

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-088

Application Due Date: January 7, 2027

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to support investigators who have interest and capability to join efforts for the discovery of in vivo chemical probes for novel brain targets. It is expected that applicants will have the starting compounds for chemical optimization and bioassays for testing analog compounds. NIH wishes to stimulate research in 1) discovery and development of novel, small molecules for their potential use in understanding biological processes relevant to the missions of National Institute of Mental Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Eye Institute, and/or National Institute on Aging and 2) discovery and/or validation of novel, biological targets that will inform studies of brain disease mechanisms. 

NIH StrokeNet Clinical Trials and Biomarker Studies for Stroke Treatment, Recovery, and Prevention Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-101

Application Due Date: November 19, 2026

Summary: This NOFO encourages applications for multi-site exploratory and confirmatory clinical trials focused on promising interventions; biomarker or outcome measure validation studies that are immediately preparatory to trials in stroke prevention, treatment, and recovery; and ancillary studies designed to add scientific aims to active studies being conducted within StrokeNet. Successful applicants will collaborate and conduct the study within the NIH StrokeNet.

Stephen I. Katz Early Stage Investigator Research Project Grant

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-075

Application Due Date: December 28, 2026

Summary: The Stephen I. Katz Early Stage Investigator Research Project Grant supports an innovative project that represents a change in research direction for an early stage investigator (ESI) and for which no preliminary data exist. Applications submitted to this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) must not include preliminary data. Applications must include a separate attachment describing the change in research direction.

Research Initiative for Vaccine and Antibiotic Allergy

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-AI-24-002

Application Due Date: June 21, 2024

Summary: The objective of this NOFO is to solicit innovative projects to study the mechanisms and management of vaccine or antibiotic drug allergy. The scope of research into antibiotic or vaccine allergic reactions includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1) IgE-mediated and other mechanisms of immediate allergic antibiotic or vaccine reactions, 2) Non-IgE-mediated urticarial reactions to antibiotics or vaccines, 3) Biomarkers to identify people at risk for reaction or to confirm reactions to specific antibiotics or vaccines, 4) Mechanisms by which specific infections may increase the risk of an allergic reaction to an antibiotic or vaccine, and 5) Immunomodulatory approaches to treating or preventing immunologic adverse antibiotic or vaccine reactions.

NIDCD Research Opportunities for New Investigators to Promote Workforce Diversity

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DC-24-007

Application Due Date: February 6, 2025

Summary: This NOFO solicits R01 grant applications that propose independent research projects that are within the scientific mission areas of the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication backgrounds, including those from groups underrepresented in the health-related sciences. Investigators from diverse backgrounds, including those from underrepresented groups, are eligible to apply. 

Limited Competition: Mutant House Resource and Research Centers

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-105

Application Due Date: September 1, 2024

Summary: This NOFO invites applications for the continued support and advancement of the Mutant Mouse Resource and Research Centers (MMRRC). The MMRRC consortium is expected to facilitate research by identifying, acquiring, evaluating, characterizing, cryopreserving, and distributing mutant mouse strains to qualified biomedical investigators. A regional network of four MMRRCs and an Informatics, Coordination and Service Center (ICSC) collectively serve the needs of the biomedical research community for transgenic, knockout and other genetically-engineered mutant mice and related biomaterials.

NIDA Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Program Award in Substance Use and Substance Use Disorder Research

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-089

Application Due Date: November 13, 2026

Summary: This funding opportunity announcement encourages applications for institutional research career development (K12) programs that propose to support intensive supervised research training and career development experiences for clinician scientists (Scholars) leading to research independence in the area of substance use and substance use disorder research.

Service Area Competition—Additional Area

Opportunity Number:  HRSA-24-104

Application Due Date: February 20, 2024

Summary: This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Health Center Program’s Service Area Competition-Additional Area (SAC-AA). The Health Center Program supports domestic public or private, nonprofit community-based and patient-directed organizations that provide primary health care services to the Nation’s medically underserved populations. The purpose of the SAC-AA notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to ensure continued access to comprehensive, culturally competent, high-quality primary health care services for communities and populations currently served by the Health Center Program. 

Advancing Learning Health Care Research in Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Settings

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-118

Application Due Date: January 7, 2026

Summary: This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) encourages pilot effectiveness, implementation, data science, and services research studies that will advance data-driven learning health care in behavioral health treatment settings, leading to better knowledge and tools for implementing, sustaining, and optimizing evidence-based, high quality, and equitable mental health services in community settings.

NIDCD Research Career Enhancement Award for Established Investigators

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-140

Application Due Date: May 7, 2027

Summary: The purpose of the NIDCD Research Career Enhancement Award for Established Investigators (K18) program is to enable established, proven investigators to augment or redirect their research programs through the acquisition of new research skills to answer questions relevant to the hearing, balance, smell, taste, voice, speech and language sciences.

NIDCD Research Career Enhancement Award for Established Investigators

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-143

Application Due Date: May 7, 2027

Summary: The purpose of the NIDCD Research Career Enhancement Award for Established Investigators program is to enable established, proven investigators to augment or redirect their research programs through the acquisition of new research skills to answer questions relevant to the hearing, balance, smell, taste, voice, speech, and language sciences.

NIDCD Research Career Enhancement Award for Established Investigators

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-142

Application Due Date: May 7, 2027

Summary: The purpose of the NIDCD Research Career Enhancement Award for Established Investigators (K18) program is to enable established, proven investigators to augment or redirect their research programs through the acquisition of new research skills to answer questions relevant to the hearing, balance, smell, taste, voice, speech and language sciences.

The NCI Transition Career Development Award

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-117

Application Due Date: March 12, 2027

Summary: This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) represents the continuation of an NCI program to facilitate the transition of investigators in mentored, non-independent cancer research positions to independent faculty cancer research positions. This goal is achieved by providing protected time through salary and research support for the initial 3 years of the first independent tenure-track faculty position, or its equivalent, beginning at the time when the candidate starts a tenure-track faculty position.

NIDCD’s Mentored Research Education Pathway for Otolaryngology Residents and Medical Students

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-127

Application Due Date: September 29, 2026

Summary: The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The overarching goal of this NIDCD R25 program is to support educational activities that help recruit individuals with specific specialty or disciplinary backgrounds to research careers in biomedical, behavioral, and clinical sciences.

NIA Career Transition Award

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-120

Application Due Date: November 12, 2025

Summary: The purpose of the NIA Career Transition Award (CTA) is to facilitate the transition of mentored researchers to tenure-track faculty conducting research that advances the mission of NIA. This three-year award provides protected time through salary and research support and is targeted at applicants who plan to start a tenure-track faculty position within a year of the award.

Open Measurement Coordinating Network for Non-Pharmacological Alzheimer’s Disease And AD-Related Dementias Primary Prevention Trials

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-AG-25-005

Application Due Date: June 15, 2024

Summary: This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) invites U24 Cooperative Agreement applications that propose to establish a national Open Measurement Coordinating Network for Non-Pharmacological Alzheimer's Disease and AD-Related Dementias  Primary Prevention Trials. The Network will serve as a centralized hub for developing, validating, standardizing, and disseminating measures and measurement methods for AD/ADRD primary prevention trials. It will incorporate measures and measurement methods across neuropsychological, biomarker, and functional domains to meet the goal of primary prevention of AD/ADRD centered around brain health equity.

Transgender Women’s Interventions: Pilot and Evaluation

Opportunity Number:  CDC-RFA-PS-25-0005

Estimated Application Due Date: October 9, 2024

Summary: This NOFO is seeking applications from organizations that currently serve transgender women and are rooted or embedded within this community. Applicants may provide HIV prevention services in a maximum of three (3) service areas within the applicant's jurisdiction. Applicants can provide HIV prevention services in areas that cross over into bordering state health department jurisdictions (e.g., District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia). The applicant must have a history of providing HIV prevention services in the applicant's jurisdiction, discussed provision of services with their state or local health department in which they report HIV diagnoses, and received written consent from their state or local health department.

Understanding Mechanisms and Outcomes of Trained Immunity

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-112

Application Due Date: January 7, 2027

Summary: The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support research that improves understanding of basic mechanisms and biomarkers of trained immunity (i.e., innate immune memory), plus the functional implications of trained immunity, related to 1) immune system development and function, 2) immunity to vaccines or natural infections, or 3) allergic diseases, autoimmunity, or rejection of organ/tissue/cell transplantation.

Understanding Mechanisms and Outcomes of Trained Immunity

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-111

Application Due Date: January 7, 2027

Summary: The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support research that improves understanding of basic mechanisms and biomarkers of trained immunity (i.e., innate immune memory), plus the functional implications of trained immunity, related to 1) immune system development and function, 2) immunity to vaccines or natural infections, or 3) allergic diseases, autoimmunity, or rejection of organ/tissue/cell transplantation.

Novel Approaches for Radiation Biodosimetry Assays and Devices Development

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-AI-24-003

Application Due Date: May 31, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to support radiation research at all stages of development for the identification of biomarkers of injury and the development of assays or devices for the purpose of triage, including assessing absorbed dose or predicting health outcomes of acute or delayed injuries resulting from radiation exposure during a public health emergency. This NOFO will support the development of these approaches, with the goal of future regulatory approval.

NIAID Clinical Trial Implementation Cooperative Agreement

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-100

Application Due Date: January 13, 2027

Summary: This NOFO encourages cooperative agreement applications for implementation of investigator-initiated, highrisk clinical trials and mechanistic studies associated with high-risk clinical trials. Mechanistic work in clinical trials may be of great value because it promotes the understanding of human diseases and the development of future therapeutic modalities. Investigators are encouraged to visit the NIAID website for additional information about the research mission and high-priority research areas of the NIAID. Only one clinical trial may be proposed in each NIAID Clinical Trial Implementation Cooperative Agreement (U01) application.

Harnessing Artificial Intelligence and Polypharmacology to Discover Pharmacotherapeutics For Substance Use Disorders

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-25-053

Application Due Date: July 25, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this funding opportunity is to develop artificial intelligence tools and experimental assays to identify new pharmacotherapeutics with lower toxicity and higher efficacy for substance use disorders (SUD) Areas of interest include but are not limited to: 1) Development of AI tools to identify potential target combinations, design new molecules, conduct virtual preclinical studies to predict efficacy and toxicity, and model in vitro and in vivo polypharmacology 2) Development of assays to assess the effects of compounds on multiple targets or functions.

Mechanistic Studies on Behavior in Substance Use Disorder

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-25-032

Application Due Date: August 14, 2024

Summary: The overarching goal of the supported research projects will be to determine neural and cognitive mechanisms that underlie the relationship between social cognition/behavior and the SUD trajectory. The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to solicit applications proposing mechanistic, transdisciplinary research on social behavior and its relationships with the onset, trajectory, and impact of Substance Use Disorders and comorbidities. This NOFO is intended to support basic or early translational studies that may, but need not, be considered NIH clinical trials; this may include mechanistic clinical trials, observational studies, or secondary analysis of human data. This NOFO is not intended to support studies designed to test the safety or demonstrate the efficacy of an intervention, or studies in animal models.

Harnessing Artificial Intelligence and Polypharmacology to Discover Pharmacotherapeutics For Substance Use Disorders

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-25-054

Application Due Date: July 25, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this funding opportunity is to develop artificial intelligence tools and experimental assays to identify new pharmacotherapeutics with lower toxicity and higher efficacy for substance use disorders (SUD) Areas of interest include but are not limited to: 1) Development of AI tools to identify potential target combinations, design new molecules, conduct virtual preclinical studies to predict efficacy and toxicity, and model in vitro and in vivo polypharmacology 2) Development of assays to assess the effects of compounds on multiple targets or functions.

Mechanistic Studies on Social Behavior in Substance Use Disorder

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-25-034

Application Due Date: August 14, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to solicit applications proposing mechanistic transdisciplinary research in animal models that integrates approaches across social/cognitive neuroscience with perspectives from fields with complementary approaches to the study of social behavior, with the goal of developing a testable conceptual or computational model that provides mechanistic insights into social behavior and its relationships with the onset, trajectory and impact of Substance Use Disorders (SUD) and comorbidities. This NOFO is intended to support basic or translational research in non-human animal models, including secondary analysis of data from research in animal models.

Continuous Ketone Monitoring for the Safe Use of Sodium-glucose Contransporter-2 Inhibitors in Type 1 Diabetes

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DK-23-011

Application Due Date: June 27, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to solicit applications for studies that will develop and test risk mitigation strategies that involve the clinical integration of CKM for the safe use of SGLT2i for people living with T1D so that they may benefit from the cardiac and renal protection and glucose-lowering effects of this drug class. The NOFO will support short-term, clinical trials to gain and disseminate knowledge on safety and glucose control with CKM and SGLT2i use. Possible topics include testing optimal insulin delivery in open and closed loop systems or multiple daily injections and developing clinical protocols to control or ameliorate elevated ketone levels in individuals with T1D who are receiving adjunct therapy with SGLT2i.

NINDS Research Education Programs for Residents and Fellows in Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-079

Application Due Date: January 28, 2026

Summary: The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The over-arching goal of this National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke R25 program is to support educational activities that complement and/or enhance the training of a workforce to meet the nations biomedical, behavioral and clinical research needs. To accomplish the stated over-arching goal, this FOA will support creative educational activities with a primary focus on research experiences, designed to foster the development of physicians as research scientists in areas relevant to the NINDS mission.

Limited Competition: Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA)

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-AA-24-003

Application Due Date: March 17, 2024

Summary: This NOFO is a limited competition opportunity soliciting a cooperative agreement application from investigators currently supported under an existing study, entitled Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism The purpose of COGA is to identify genetic variants that affect the susceptibility to develop alcohol use disorder. The goals are to continue to advance the understanding of the complexity of the genotypes and phenotypes that contribute to the heterogeneity of AUD, integrate the analysis the multiple data sources, and generate mechanistic hypothesis to understand the contributions of genetic, behavioral, and environmental factors on the development of (or resilience from) AUD.

BRAIN Initiative: Research on the Ethical Implications of Advancements in Neurotechnology and Brain Science

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-MH-25-170

Application Due Date: October 9, 2026

Summary: This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) from the NIH Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative is intended to support efforts addressing core ethical issues associated with research focused on the human brain and resulting from emerging technologies and advancements supported by the BRAIN Initiative. This NOFO encourages research project grant applications from multi-disciplinary teams focused on key ethical issues associated with BRAIN Initiative supported research areas. Efforts supported under this NOFO are intended to be both complementary and integrative with the transformative, breakthrough neuroscience discoveries supported through the BRAIN Initiative.

BRAIN Initiative: Research on the Ethical Implications of Advancements in Neurotechnology and Brain Science

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-MH-25-171

Application Due Date: October 9, 2026

Summary: This NOFO from the NIH Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative is intended to support efforts addressing core ethical issues associated with research focused on the human brain and resulting from emerging technologies and advancements supported by the BRAIN Initiative. This NOFO encourages research project grant applications from multi-disciplinary teams focused on key ethical issues associated with BRAIN Initiative supported research areas. Efforts supported under this NOFO are intended to be both complementary and integrative with the transformative, breakthrough neuroscience discoveries supported through the BRAIN Initiative.

Development and Validation of Human Cellular Models for Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Dementias

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-NS-24-032

Application Due Date: October 21, 2024

Summary:  This NOFO would support development and validation of novel clinically- and/or pathophysiologically-relevant human cellular models of ADRD. The cellular model systems would be expected to capture the multi-faceted pathologies and multiple cell types observed in ADRDs. Validation includes internal, face, construct, and predictive (to the extent possible) validation. These models can be developed/validated with the goal of supporting therapy development or better understanding of human disease mechanisms and mechanisms that uncover predisposition to developing neurodegenerative dementias.

Transformative Research on the Basic Mechanisms of Polysubstance Use in Addiction

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DA-25-043

Application Due Date: July 17, 2024

Summary: This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) will support projects proposing mechanistic studies that will transform our understanding of polysubstance use in addiction. These hypothesis-based, exploratory projects may investigate mechanisms of polysubstance use at the behavioral, cognitive, cellular, circuit, genetic, epigenetic, pharmacological and/or computational levels.

BRAIN Initiative: Scaled Reagent Resources for Brain Cell Type-Specific Access Across Vertebrate Species

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-MH-25-100

Application Due Date: January 17, 2025

Summary: This BRAIN Initiative NOFO is to scale up efforts for viral, non-viral, transgenic, and gene regulatory element screening technologies and create reagent resources to access brain cell types. This NOFO is part of the BRAIN Initiative Armamentarium for Brain Cell Access transformative project. Reagent development efforts will apply gene transfer, gene regulation, genome engineering, activity sensor/effector, and technologies for use in both genetically tractable and less tractable systems, including primates and human tissue, which are relevant for future translational efforts. Reagent validation studies will provide feedback to improve scaled resources, informed by deeper understanding of neural gene transfer and regulation mechanisms. Precise targeting could ultimately aid in human disorders, for example, by providing access for gene editors to specific cell types to repair mutations.

BRAIN Initiative: Production and Distribution Facilities for Brain Cell Type-Specific Access Reagents

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-MH-25-105

Application Due Date: July 1, 2026

Summary: This BRAIN Initiative Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support scaled reagent production and distribution facilities involving technologies to access brain cell types. Facilities for production and distribution of these reagents by a broad and diverse set of neuroscientists will be encouraged. This NOFO is part of the BRAIN Initiative Armamentarium for Brain Cell Access transformative project. Efforts will be supported to produce and distribute gene transfer, gene regulation, and genome engineering reagents for use in both genetically tractable and less tractable systems, including primates and human tissue, which are relevant for future translational efforts.

Tuberculosis Elimination and Laboratory Cooperative Agreement

Opportunity Number:  CDC-RFA-PS-25-0003

Estimated Application Due Date: September 6, 2024

Summary: CDC announces available Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 funds to continue complement TB prevention and control and laboratory services and activities at state and local levels to reduce TB morbidity and mortality. The goal of this funding is to prevent transmission of M. tuberculosis (TB) and prevent persons from progressing from latent TB infection to TB disease. Funding levels are determined by formulas reflecting TB disease incidence, case complexity, program performance, and laboratory workload data.

Centers for Research in Emerging Infectious Diseases Network Coordination Center

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-AI-24-016

Application Due Date: June 21, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to invite applications for the Centers for Research in Emerging Infectious Diseases (CREID) Network Coordination Center (CC). The CREID Network, comprised of all recipients under this NOFO and the companion NOFO serves to expand knowledge on re-emerging and emerging infectious diseases around the globe where outbreaks are most likely to occur while developing expertise, capacity, and readiness to address outbreak-related research. The CC will serve to advance, facilitate, and coordinate select scientific, data and resource management, communication, administrative, and leadership efforts during both outbreak and non-outbreak periods among the CREID Networks centers and stakeholders in a collaborative and cooperative fashion.

Centers for Research in Emerging Infectious Diseases Network

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-AI-24-006

Application Due Date: June 21, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to invite applications for Research Centers (RC) to support the Centers for Research in Emerging Infectious Diseases (CREID) Network. The CREID network serves to expand knowledge on re-emerging and emerging infectious diseases around the globe where outbreaks are most likely to occur. Multi- and inter-disciplinary teams of domestic and international investigators will conduct innovative, collaborative One Health (approach that recognizes the health of humans is interconnected with that of animal health and the shared environment) based research projects and will mount a rapid and effective research response to outbreaks through coordination, collaboration, and cooperation across the CREID Network.

NINDS Program Project Grant

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-169

Application Due Date: January 7, 2025

Summary: This NOFO is issued by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke to enable submission of program project grant applications that propose to conduct innovative, interactive research to answer significant scientific questions that are important for the mission of NINDS, via a synergistic collaboration between outstanding scientists who might not otherwise collaborate. The program project grant is designed to support research in which the funding of several interdependent highly meritorious projects as a group offers significant scientific advantages over support of these same projects as individual research grants.

Strategies for Controlled Release of HIV Vaccines (SCORE-H)

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-AI-24-008

Application Due Date: July 30, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to support product-focused research to advance controlled release vaccine strategies to improve immune responses for HIV prevention, treatment, and cure and develop simplified or single-shot vaccination formulations. Timelines with measurable milestones are required.

Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPOREs) in Cancer Health Disparities and Minority Health

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-CA-24-020

Application Due Date: September 26, 2024

Summary: The purpose of the U54 CHD-MH SPORE Program is to fund a network of multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional translational research SPOREs uniquely focused on 1) health disparities and/or minority health research and 2) the development of novel-cancer relevant interventions in underserved populations with cancer or at risk for cancer.

Feasibility of Novel Diagnostics for TB in Endemic Countries

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-AI-24-010

Application Due Date: June 28, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to support the evaluation of early-stage diagnostics and novel diagnostic strategies for Tuberculosis (TB) in the context of existing clinical algorithms in TB endemic countries. Evaluation studies should: 1) perform proof-of principle studies of novel diagnostic tests and strategies for TB, including among people living with HIV (PLWH) and 2) provide feedback to diagnostic developers and policy makers on the performance of the technologies and most effective strategies for use of the diagnostic technologies in an endemic setting.

Interaction Between ARVs and Hormones in HIV and Coinfections

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-AI-24-108

Application Due Date: July 30, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support research to identify and characterize the interaction between hormone therapy and antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) used for treatment and prevention of HIV and co-infections.

Limited Competition: Physician Scientist Transition to Independence in Blood Science Research

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-HL-26-001

Application Due Date: March 28, 2025

Summary: The purpose of the NHLBI Career Pathway to Independence in Blood Science Award for Physician Scientists is to increase and maintain a strong cohort of new and talented, NHLBI supported, independent investigators in blood science. This program is designed to facilitate a timely transition of outstanding blood science researchers with a clinical doctorate degree from mentored research positions to independent, tenure-track or equivalent faculty positions. This NOFO offers the opportunity for current awardees to apply for the independent phase of the program. Successful blood science physician scientist scholars will receive up to three years of funding to continue their research activity with support from this FOA, which will require updated research plans and a limited competition review.

Limited Interaction Targeted Epidemiology: Epidemiology of Transmission and Treatment of HIV Among People Who Are at Increased Risk for HIV Infection in Latin America

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-AI-24-009

Application Due Date: July 30, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to support investigators who will form large, electronically-generated cohorts in Latin America of HIV-negative men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender women (TGW), people who inject drugs (PWID), and/or female sex-workers and follow them to study the epidemiology of HIV incidence. Continued follow-up of those persons who acquire HIV will be required to study the epidemiology of viral suppression.

Tools and Resources to Understand the Vascular Pathophysiology of In Vivo Neuroimaging Findings in ARIA

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-NS-24-034

Application Due Date: June 2, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this Alzheimer Disease-Related Dementia (ADRD) initiative is to promote the development and distribution of innovative technologies, methods, protocols, and biomedical materials that enhance combined human neuropathology and neuroimaging research with data aimed at understanding the underlying pathophysiology of in vivo imaging results typically associated with vascular contributions to cognitive impairment and dementia (VCID) in TBI-related dementia and other ADRD diagnoses. Resources developed under this FOA must follow open data sharing practices and are intended to expand the broader research community’s capacity to perform research aimed at neuropathologically-informed understanding of the vascular pathophysiology of clinically-relevant, in vivo neuroimaging findings.

Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC)

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-138

Application Due Date: May 27, 2026

Summary: The goal of the Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) program is to: Strengthen research training environments, and Promote broader participation in the biomedical research workforce by expanding the pool of well-trained scientists (for example, encouraging the inclusion of individuals from underrepresented groups) who: Complete their baccalaureate degree, and Transition into and complete biomedical, research-focused higher degree programs (such as Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D.). Specifically, this funding announcement provides support to eligible, domestic organizations to develop and implement effective, evidence-informed approaches to biomedical undergraduate training and mentoring that will keep pace with the rapid evolution of the biomedical research enterprise.

Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-137

Application Due Date: May 27, 2026

Summary: The goal of the Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (U-RISE) program is to develop a diverse pool of undergraduates who complete their baccalaureate degree, and transition into and complete biomedical, research-focused higher degree programs (e.g., Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D). This FOA provides support to eligible, domestic institutions to develop and implement effective, evidence-based approaches to biomedical training and mentoring that will keep pace with the rapid evolution of the research enterprise. NIGMS expects that the proposed research training programs will incorporate didactic, research, mentoring, and career development elements to prepare trainees for the completion of research-focused higher degree programs in biomedical fields.

Diabetes Research Centers

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DK-25-008

Application Due Date: June 18, 2024

Summary: This NOFO invites applications for Diabetes Research Centers (DRCs) that are designed to support and enhance the national research effort in diabetes, its complications, and related endocrine and metabolic diseases. The purpose of this Centers program is to bring together basic and clinical investigators to enhance communication, multidisciplinary collaboration, and effectiveness of ongoing research in Diabetes Research Center topic areas. By providing shared access to specialized technical resources (research cores) and supporting a Pilot and Feasibility Program (P and F), DRCs are intended to create an environment that provides the capability for accomplishments greater than those that would be possible by individual research project grant support alone.

Immunobiology of Xenotransplantation

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-AI-24-019

Application Due Date: August 9, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to solicit applications to participate in the Immunobiology of Xenotransplantation Cooperative Research Program (IXCRP), a multi-center program dedicated to resolving immunologic and physiologic barriers to safe and efficacious xenotransplantation using preclinical pig to nonhuman primate (NHP) or human decedent models of pancreatic islet, kidney, heart, lung, or liver xenotransplantation.

Partnerships for the Development of Tools to Advance Therapeutic Discovery for Select Antibiotic-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-AI-24-021

Application Due Date: August 20, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to support milestone-driven projects focused on developing and utilizing novel predictive models, assays, tools, and/or platforms based on penetration and efflux of small molecules to facilitate therapeutic discovery for select Gram-negative bacterial pathogens: carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter, carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE), and multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Immunobiology of Xenotransplantation

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-AI-24-020

Application Due Date: August 9, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to solicit applications to participate in the Immunobiology of Xenotransplantation Cooperative Research Program (IXCRP), a multi-center program dedicated to resolving immunologic and physiologic barriers to safe and efficacious xenotransplantation using preclinical pig to nonhuman primate (NHP) or human decedent models of pancreatic islet, kidney, heart, lung, or liver xenotransplantation.

Discovery of Early Type 1 Diabetes Disease Processes in the Human Pancreas

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DK-23-007

Application Due Date: July 9, 2024

Summary: This NOFO) seeks applications to explore human pancreatic tissues and the immune compartment for the discovery of specific signaling or processing pathways that may contribute to the asymptomatic phase of T1D, the discovery of early biomarkers of T1D pathogenesis, the development of diagnostic tools for the detection and staging of early T1D in at-risk or recently-diagnosed individuals, and/or the identification and biological validation of therapeutic targets for the development of preventative or early treatment strategies. Successful applicants will join the Consortium on Beta Cell Death and Survival (CBDS), whose mission is to better define and detect the mechanisms of beta cell stress and destruction central to the development of T1D in humans, with the long-term goal of protecting the residual beta cell mass in T1D patients as early as possible in the disease process, and of preventing the progression to autoimmunity.

NLHBI Early Phase Clinical Trials for Therapeutics and/or Diagnostics for HLBS Disorders

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-172

Application Due Date: January 7, 2027

Summary: The objective of this funding opportunity is to support investigator-initiated, phase I clinical trials for diagnostic and therapeutic interventions for heart, lung, blood, and sleep (HLBS) disorders in adults and children. The proposed trial can be single or multisite. Applicants applying for funding under this NOFO should be ready to initiate the clinical trial within the first quarter of the project period.

Adaptation of Diabetes Control Technologies for Older Adults with T1D

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DK-24-002

Application Due Date: July 17, 2024

Summary: The main objective of this NOFO is to foster development and testing of technologies adaptable to aging-related changes in older adults (aged 65 years or older) with T1D to improve diabetes management and quality of life. Older adults may have increased vulnerability to hypoglycemia, cognitive impairment and/or multiple co-morbidities which may affect the risks and benefits of these technologies in this population. Projects will be funded to a) develop and test new technologies and b) to adapt and test existing technologies. It is expected that aging-adaptive diabetes technologies that address barriers for use among older adults with T1D will improve usability, adoption and adherence decreasing the risk of hypoglycemia (and hypoglycemia unawareness) while enhancing glycemic control, facilitating better diabetes management, and improving quality of life for these individuals and their caregivers.

NHLBI Early Phase Clinical Trials for Therapeutics and/or Diagnostics for HLBS Disorders

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-173

Application Due Date: January 7, 2027

Summary: The objective of this funding opportunity is to support investigator-initiated, Phase I clinical trials for diagnostic and therapeutic interventions for heart, lung, blood, and sleep (HLBS) disorders in adults and children. In addition to supporting clinical trial start-up and implementation activities, this FOA will provide support for final stage preclinical activities needed for the implementation of the proposed trial. All the activities proposed in the R61 phase must be directly related to the therapeutic/diagnostic in preparation for the clinical trial. The proposed trial can be single or multisite. This NOFO will utilize a bi-phasic, milestone-driven mechanism of award where the first phase can be used to finalize required pre-trial activities such as stability, shipping studies, and site training.

Rare Diseases Clinical Research Consortia (RDCRC) for the Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network (RDCRN)

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-206

Application Due Date: August 13, 2024

Summary: The objective of this NOFO is to invite new and renewal applications for the Rare Diseases Clinical Research Consortia (RDCRC) that comprise the Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network (RDCRN). The RDCRCs are intended to advance and improve diagnosis, management, and treatment of numerous, diverse rare diseases through highly collaborative, multi-site, patient-centric, translational and clinical research. Special emphasis will be placed on the early and timely identification of individuals with rare diseases and clinical trial readiness.

Preclinical Proof of Concept Studies for Rare Diseases

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-TR-24-023

Application Due Date: June 2, 2026

Summary: This NOFO provides funding to conduct efficacy studies in an established rare disease preclinical model to demonstrate that a proposed therapeutic agent warrants further development. In addition to preclinical efficacy, accompanying pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic studies would be supported. Therapeutic agents include small molecules, biologics or biotechnology-derived products. The goal of this NOFO is to spur therapeutic development for a variety of rare diseases by advancing projects to the point where they would attract subsequent investment supporting full Investigational New Drug (IND) application development or progression to clinical trials in the case of repurposing or repositioning.

Kidney Technology Development Research Education Program

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DK-25-009

Application Due Date: June 15, 2025

Summary: This NOFO encourages applications from institutions that propose to establish research experiences in kidney technology development. Successful programs should include a collaborative capstone research or design project,  innovative and/or ground-breaking technology development, multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary teamwork, education in entrepreneurship, product development and navigating regulatory pathways, and clinical immersion. The intent of this NOFO is to recruit undergraduate students and/or dual-degree students prior to their qualifying exams and selection of Ph.D. mentor.

Precision Mental Health: Develop Tools to Inform Treatment Selection in Depression

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-MH-25-190

Application Due Date: October 18, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to create a pipeline to accelerate the development and early validation of predictive tools and/or biomarkers to inform individual-level treatment selection among two or more existing therapeutics for depression. This phased inter-agency program will be milestone-based and provide support from multi-disciplinary teams to address scientific, technical, clinical, regulatory, and commercialization requirements established treatments for depression. The overall goal of this NOFO is to support the testing of various tools/biomarkers as predictors of response to well-established depression treatments and halt the development of those tools that do not meet sufficient performance characteristics to justify further testing.

Medical Rehabilitation Research Resource

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-HD-25-001

Application Due Date: July 30, 2024

Summary: This NOFO invites grant applications from institutions/organizations that propose to build a Medical Rehabilitation Research Center. The centers will have a specific rehabilitation research theme and be comprised of a research project supported by 3 cores. The 3 cores will have functions within the center as well as functions nationwide. Together, the cores will support: administrative functions (including an optional pilot program), resource sharing, and community engagement and outreach.

Radiation Exposure Screening and Education Program (RESEP)

Opportunity Number:  HRSA-24-009

Application Due Date: May 29, 2024

Summary: Support organizations to screen and educate people exposed to radiation related to the mining of uranium and U.S. testing of nuclear weapons.

Behavioral Interventions Scholars

Opportunity Number:  HHS-2024-ACF-OPRE-PD-0126

Application Due Date: June 7, 2024

Summary: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) anticipates soliciting applications for Behavioral Interventions Scholars awards to support dissertation research by advanced graduate students who are using approaches grounded in behavioral science or behavioral economics to examine research questions of relevance to social services programs and policies.

Child Development Research Fellowship Program

Opportunity Number:  HHS-2024-ACF-OPRE-PH-0128

Application Due Date: May 31, 2023

Summary: The goal of the fellowship program is to expose researchers to policy environments, particularly at the federal level, whereby they gain skills and expertise for policy-relevant research. The program is intended to stimulate the fellows’ knowledge of child development research and evaluation, particularly regarding services for low-income children and families, and to inform their process of developing long-term, policy-relevant research and evaluation agendas.

Quality Improvement Center on Helplines and Hotlines

Opportunity Number:  HHS-2024-ACF-ACYF-CA-0022

Application Due Date: May 31, 2024

Summary: This Notice of Funding Opportunity will establish, by cooperative agreement, a Quality Improvement Center on Helplines and Hotlines (QIC-H2). The goal of the QIC-H2 is to build national capacity for community-based helplines to serve as an alternative to child welfare intervention and develop clear, evidence-based understanding of the distinction between poverty and willful parental neglect in child maltreatment assessment.

Advancing Diagnostic Network Optimization, Stepwise Laboratory Accreditation, and Integrated One Health Specimen Transport in Liberia

Opportunity Number:  CDC-RFA-JG-24-0134

Application Due Date: May 28, 2024

Summary: This (NOFO) aims to innovate, implement, and evaluate approaches to One Health laboratory diagnostic network optimization and specimen transport in Liberia. This multi-component NOFO is designed to address the inter-dependence of a comprehensive, resource-mapped, accredited national and sub-national laboratory network, the physical transportation architecture required to transfer network commodities (namely human, animal, and environmental specimens) point-to-point, and the optimization of digital communication, information, and supply chain systems necessary to sustain the network itself.

Minority Research Grant Program 2024

Opportunity Number:  CMS-1W1-24-001

Application Due Date: June 3, 2024

Summary: The Minority Research Grant Program, authorized under Section 1110 of the Social Security Act, provides funding opportunities to support health equity research. The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to encourage innovative health services research that can directly and demonstrably contribute to the improvement of health outcomes for people from all minority populations.

Research to Advance the Science of Primary Care (R01)

Opportunity Number:  PA-24-205

Application Due Date: November 5, 2029

Summary: The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to build evidence about the characteristics and value of primary care that influence patient outcomes and advance health equity, such as care coordination, continuity of care, and comprehensiveness of care, person-centered, whole healthcare, and trust, and how these can be improved and effectively delivered to strengthen primary healthcare.

Expanding Outreach and Professional Training to Engage Older Adults with Behavioral Health Conditions in Evidence-Based Health Promotion Programs

Opportunity Number:  HHS-2024-ACL-AOA-CSSG-0018

Application Due Date: May 31, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this funding opportunity is to provide leadership, expert guidance, training, and resources to community-based organizations and aging and disability service providers to increase the engagement of older adults with mental and behavioral health needs in evidence-based health promotion programs. Outcomes will include an environmental scan of barriers adults with mental and behavioral health needs experience related to evidence-based program engagement, needs assessment(s) of target audiences, and development and implementation of appropriate training and resources for professionals and service providers.

Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) Program: Enhancing the Accessibility of Air Travel

Opportunity Number:  HHS-2024-ACL-NIDILRR-DPCP-0084

Estimated Application Due Date: June 11, 2024

Summary: Under this particular DRRP funding opportunity, applicants must propose to conduct research on the air travel experiences and outcomes of people with disabilities, conduct research on practices, policies, and systems that shape air travel experiences and outcomes among people with disabilities and conduct knowledge translation activities to promote air travel accessibility and positive air travel experiences and outcomes among people with disabilities.

Disability and Rehabilitation Research Project: Development and Distribution of Mobile Applications For Use By People With Disabilities

Opportunity Number:  HHS-2024-ACL-NIDILRR-DPGE-0084

Estimated Application Due Date: June 11, 2024

Summary: Under this particular DRRP funding opportunity, applicants must propose to conduct development and knowledge translation activities to facilitate the efficient development and distribution of mobile applications for use by people with disabilities. Mobile applications developed and distributed under this priority must be used to improve outcomes among people with disabilities in one or more of NIDILRR’s outcome domains  such as community living and participation, health and function, and employment.

Emergency Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Awards

Funding Opportunity Number: PA-24-201

Application Due Date: April 18, 2027

Summary: The National Institutes of Health has announced that funds may be available for applications based on a presidentially declared disaster under the Stafford Act, a public health emergency declared by the Secretary, HHS, or other local, regional or national disaster. Applications in response to Emergency Notices of Special Interest (NOSIs) will be routed directly to the NIH awarding component signed on to the Emergency NOSI. Only applications submitted in response to an Emergency NOSI published by an IC will be allowed to apply to this NOFO.

The NCI Worta McCaskill-Stevens Career Development Award for Community Oncology And Prevention Research

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-153

Application Due Date: February 18, 2027

Summary: The purpose of the Worta McCaskill-Stevens K12 funding opportunity is to support institutional career development awards designed to prepare newly trained clinicians who have made a commitment to independent research careers in community oncology or cancer prevention, and to facilitate their transition to more advanced support mechanisms or independent research funding. The NOFO will allow the appointment of Scholars proposing to serve as the lead investigator of an independent community-based clinical trial; or proposing a separate ancillary study to an existing prevention, screening or control clinical trial; or proposing to gain research experience in a community-based clinical trial led by another investigator; or proposing to serve as leader of innovative clinical trial approaches that expand engagement of underserved or underrepresented communities in cancer clinical research, as part of their research and career development.

Interventions to Reduce Sleep Health Disparities

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-110

Application Due Date: September 7, 2027

Summary: The objective of this initiative is to support the development and testing of non-pharmacological interventions conducted across multiple levels and domains of influence to promote sleep health, treat sleep disorders, reduce sleep health disparities, and/or examine sleep as a modifiable health factor to reduce disparities for other health outcomes. This initiative emphasizes promoting interventions to improve sleep health via addressing one or more behavioral, social, environmental, or structural determinant(s) of sleep health or deficiencies.

Mentored Quantitative Research Development Award

Funding Opportunity Number: PA-24-190

Application Due Date: May 7, 2027

Summary:  The purpose of the Mentored Quantitative Research Career Development Award (K25) is to attract to NIH-relevant research those investigators whose quantitative science and engineering research has thus far not been focused primarily on questions of health and disease. The K25 award will provide support and "protected time" for a period of supervised study and research for productive professionals with quantitative (e.g., mathematics, statistics, economics, computer science, imaging science, informatics, physics, chemistry) and engineering backgrounds to integrate their expertise with NIH-relevant research. This FOA is designed specifically for applicants proposing to serve as the lead investigator of an independent clinical trial, a clinical trial feasibility study, or a separate ancillary clinical trial, as part of their research and career development. Applicants not planning an independent clinical trial, or proposing to gain research experience in a clinical trial led by another investigator, must apply to companion FOA.

Mentored Quantitative Research Development Award

Funding Opportunity Number: PA-24-192

Application Due Date: May 7, 2027

Summary: The purpose of the Mentored Quantitative Research Career Development Award (K25) is to attract to NIH-relevant research those investigators whose quantitative science and engineering research has thus far not been focused primarily on questions of health and disease. The K25 award will provide support and "protected time" for a period of supervised study and research for productive professionals with quantitative (e.g., mathematics, statistics, economics, computer science, imaging science, informatics, physics, chemistry) and engineering backgrounds to integrate their expertise with NIH-relevant research.

Mentored Quantitative Research Development Award

Funding Opportunity Number: PA-24-191

Application Due Date: May 6, 2027

Summary: The purpose of the Mentored Quantitative Research Career Development Award (K25) is to attract to NIH-relevant research those investigators whose quantitative science and engineering research has thus far not been focused primarily on questions of health and disease. The K25 award will provide support and "protected time" for a period of supervised study and research for productive professionals with quantitative (e.g., mathematics, statistics, economics, computer science, imaging science, informatics, physics, chemistry) and engineering backgrounds to integrate their expertise with NIH-relevant research. This FOA is designed specifically for applicants proposing research that does not involve leading an independent clinical trial, a clinical trial feasibility study, or an ancillary clinical trial. Applicants to this FOA are permitted to propose research experience in a clinical trial led by a mentor or co-mentor. Applicants proposing a clinical trial or an ancillary clinical trial as lead investigator, should apply to the companion FOA.


Human Leukocyte Antigen and Killer-cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptor Region Genomics in Immune-Mediated Diseases

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-AI-24-017

Application Due Date: August 20, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to support research that 1) defines associations between variations in human leukocyte antigen (HLA) and killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) genetic regions and immune-mediated diseases, 2) elucidates mechanisms underlying these associations with the goal of advancing therapeutic opportunities, and/or 3) validates association data in order to improve the predictive power of clinical disease screening.

Cystic Fibrosis Research and Translation Centers

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DK-25-010

Application Due Date: July 17, 2024

Summary: This NOFO invites applications for Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Research and Translation Core Centers. CF Research and Translation Core Centers are designed to support both basic and clinical research on Cystic Fibrosis. CF Research and Translation Core Centers support three primary research-related activities: Research Core services; a Pilot and Feasibility program; and an Administrative Core with an enrichment program. Core Centers provide shared resources to support research to develop and test new therapies for CF and to foster collaborations among institutions with a strong existing research base in CF. The NIDDK currently supports seven CF Research and Translation Centers located at institutions with documented programs of research excellence in basic and clinical CF Research.

Small Business Transition Grant for Early Career Scientists

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-CA-24-023

Application Due Date: August 21, 2024

Summary: Through this NOFO, the National Cancer Institute intends to support early-career academic scientists interested in transitioning to entrepreneurship while also supporting the transfer of technology from academic laboratories into small businesses. Both small businesses and universities are drivers of technological innovation in the United States, often working together to advance innovative ideas into products that can benefit the U.S. population. While most NIH funding supports basic research in university laboratories, the NIH also supports innovative technology development in U.S. small businesses through its SBIR and STTR programs. As technologies transition from academic discovery to small businesses, two common challenges arise, identifying the right team with the right expertise to take the product into a small business, and funding for early-stage technology development. This NOFO seeks to address both challenges simultaneously by having two equally important goals: entrepreneurial mentoring support, and product development support.

SBIR Phase IIB Bridge Awards to Accelerate the Development of Cancer-Relevant Technologies Toward Commercialization

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-CA-24-022

Application Due Date: August 21, 2024

Summary: Through this NOFO, the National Cancer Institute solicits Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) applications from small business concerns (SBCs) that seek additional funding to support the next stage of development for cancer-relevant projects that were previously funded under SBIR or STTR Phase II awards from any Federal agency. The purpose of this NOFO is to facilitate the transition of SBIR or STTR Phase II projects to the commercialization stage. This NOFO is expected to promote partnerships between federally-funded SBIR or STTR Phase II awardees and third-party investors and/or strategic partners to facilitate and accelerate the capital-intensive steps that are required to commercialize new products and services.

Mississippi Delta Health Collaborative

Opportunity Number:  CDC-RFA-DP-24-0059

Application Due Date: June 17, 2024

Summary: The Mississippi Delta is a historically and culturally rich region of the United States. The architecture, French, Spanish, British, and German, is as diverse as the people whose origins are European, Native American, Spanish, African, and more. But for all its cultural wealth, there is a poverty of health and healthcare in the region. Residents of the 18-county region contend with persistent poor health outcomes compounded by challenges to attaining preventive services and care, poor quality of care, and stagnant opportunity structures, particularly as it relates to cardiovascular disease.

Refugee Family Child Care Microenterprise Development Program

Opportunity Number:  HHS-2024-ACF-ORR-RG-0023

Application Due Date: June 28, 2024

Summary: Through the RFCCMED program, ORR will fund successful applicants to provide refugee participants with training and technical assistance in professional child care, microenterprise development, and financial literacy; assist refugee participants in navigating the child care licensing process; and provide direct financial assistance as needed to enable participants to prepare their homes for child care business operation. Successful applicants will demonstrate internal capacity and partnerships to provide program services.

Refugee Career Pathways Program

Opportunity Number:  HHS-2024-ACF-ORR-ZM-0020

Application Due Date: June 28, 2024

Summary: Through the RCP program, ORR will provide funding to enable refugees and other eligible populations to achieve self-sufficiency by obtaining the means to secure professional or skilled employment drawing upon previously acquired knowledge, skills, and experience. Under the RCP program, the primary focus is to assist participants in learning about career pathways and developing individualized plans to gain employment and advance within their chosen career field.

General Department Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (GDSRAE)

Opportunity Number:  HHS-2024-ACF-ACYF-SR-0041

Application Due Date: June 24, 2024

Summary: The purpose of the GDSRAE Program is to fund projects to implement sexual risk avoidance education that teach participants how to voluntarily refrain from non-marital sexual activity. The services are targeted to participants that reside in areas with high rates of teen births and/or are at greatest risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The goals of GDSRAE are to empower participants to make healthy decisions, and provide tools and resources to prevent pregnancy, STIs, and youth engagement in other risky behaviors.

FY2024 Competitive Personal Responsibility Education Program

Opportunity Number:  HHS-2024-ACF-ACYF-AK-0032

Application Due Date: June 24, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this program is to support projects that educate youth, between the ages of 10 and 19 years, and pregnant and parenting youth under age 21, on abstinence and contraception for the prevention of pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, and HIV/AIDS. Projects are also required to implement at least three of the following six adulthood preparation subjects: healthy relationships, adolescent development, financial literacy, parent-child communication, educational and career success, and healthy life skills.

Fiscal Year 2024 Behavioral Health Service Expansion

Opportunity Number:  HRSA-24-078

Application Due Date: May 22, 2024

Summary: This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the fiscal year (FY) 2024 Behavioral Health Service Expansion (BHSE) program. BHSE will support health centers to increase access to behavioral health services through starting or expanding mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) services.

Lasker Clinical Research Scholars Program

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-24-202

Application Due Date: August 30, 2024

Summary: This FOA encourages applications for the Lasker Clinical Research Scholars Program for the purpose of supporting the research activities during the early stage careers of independent clinical researchers. The program offers the opportunity for a unique bridge between the NIH intramural and extramural research communities and contains two phases. In the first phase, Lasker Scholars will receive appointments for up to 5-7 years as tenure-track investigators within the NIH Intramural Research Program with independent research budgets. In the second phase, successful scholars will receive up to 3 years of NIH support for their research at an extramural research facility; or the Scholar can be considered to remain as an investigator within the intramural program.

Hazardous Materials Worker Health and Safety Training

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-ES-24-001

Application Due Date: July 8, 2024

Summary: NIEHS invites applications for cooperative agreements to support the development of model programs for the training and education of workers engaged in activities related to hazardous materials and waste generation, removal, containment, transportation, and emergency response. This funding opportunity announcement aims to prevent work-related harm through safety and health training. The training programs will transmit skills and knowledge to workers in how best to protect themselves and their communities from exposure to hazardous materials encountered during hazardous waste operations, hazardous materials transportation, environmental restoration of contaminated facilities or chemical emergency response.

Comprehensive Alcohol Research Centers

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-AA-24-008

Application Due Date: November 15, 2024

Summary: This NOFO invites applications for Comprehensive Alcohol Research Centers using the P60 mechanism which requires a dissemination core to initiate and expand community education related to the activities of the center. The overall purpose of the NIAAA Alcohol Research Center program is to provide leadership in conducting and fostering interdisciplinary, collaborative research on a wide variety of topics relevant to the Institute’s mission.

Specialized Alcohol Research Centers

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-AA-24-007

Application Due Date: November 15, 2024

Summary: The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) supports a broad-based Alcohol Research Centers program to foster and conduct interdisciplinary, collaborative research on Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), alcohol misuse and alcohol-related problems, and other health-related consequences across the lifespan. The NIAAA Centers Program provides leadership in research, and research methodology development on a wide variety of topics relevant to the Institute’s mission.

Evaluate STEADI-based Fall Prevention in Assisted Living Facilities

Opportunity Number:  RFA-CE-25-027

Estimated Application Due Date: December 2, 2024

Summary: is NOFO is intended to fund the adaptation, implementation, and evaluation of the effectiveness of CDC’s Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths, and Injuries (STEADI) fall prevention initiative and related tools in a nursing home, assisted living facility, or long-term care facility setting (referred to collectively as assisted living facilities [ALF]). CDC will fund an awardee to adapt the STEADI algorithm and materials for two or more ALF settings, implement, and then evaluate the use of those materials and programming.

Formative Research of Community-led Primary Prevention Approaches to Address Elevated Risk of Intimate Partner Violence & Sexual Violence

Opportunity Number:  RFA-CE-25-032

Estimated Application Due Date: December 2, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to build the evidence base for the prevention of intimate partner violence (IPV), including teen dating violence, and/or sexual violence (SV) in communities experiencing elevated risk of IPV/SV (i.e., people with shared social and structural conditions that create elevated risk). These communities include but are not limited to racial/ethnic minority groups, sexual and gender minority groups, and people with disabilities.

Rigorous Evaluation of Primary and Secondary Overdose Prevention Activities Among Populations Disproportionately Affected by Overdose

Opportunity Number:  RFA-CE-25-149

Estimated Application Due Date: December 2, 2024

Summary: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC, Injury Center) is soliciting investigator-initiated research to develop, implement, and rigorously evaluate prevention strategies among populations or communities experiencing disproportionate burden of drug overdose or those who are at greater risk of exposure to drug use and experiencing adverse outcomes related to drug use due to social determinants of health.

Identify and Evaluate Potential Risk Factors for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

Opportunity Number:  RFA-TS-25-036

Estimated Application Due Date: November 1, 2024

Summary: The Centers for Disease Control/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (CDC/ATSDR) is seeking investigator-initiated research that will identify and evaluate potential risk factors contributing to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), with preferred focus on research proposals that will examine factors related to military service, contact sports, traumatic brain injury, neuroinflammation, and infectious agents.

Environmental Health Specialists Network (EHS-Net): Practice-based research to improve restaurant food safety

Opportunity Number:  RFA-EH-25-011

Estimated Application Due Date: December 2, 2024

Summary: This Environmental Health Specialists Network (EHS-Net) research opportunity seeks to develop and sustain a network of environmental health program staff, in collaboration with epidemiologists and other public health professionals to work together to develop and conduct research that identifies foodborne illness risk factors in retail food establishments and ways to reduce those risk factors, conduct foodborne outbreak investigations that identify the risk factors that led to the outbreaks and improve environmental health practice in the area of retail food safety.

Rigorously Evaluating Programs and Policies to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse and Problematic Sexual Behavior among Youth

Opportunity Number:  RFA-CE-25-026

Estimated Application Due Date: December 2, 2024

Summary: For the purposes of this NOFO, CSA is defined as sexual victimization during childhood (younger than 18 years of age) perpetrated by an adult. PSB is defined as sexual behaviors among children (under 18 years of age) that are not developmentally appropriate and have the potential to cause harm to the child or children involved (including behaviors that are unintentionally harmful or inappropriate as well as behaviors intended to cause harm). Research funded under this announcement will strengthen the evidence base for primary prevention of CSA and PSB.

Rigorously Evaluating Primary Prevention Strategies for Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence

Opportunity Number:  RFA-CE-25-031

Estimated Application Due Date: December 2, 2024

Summary: This NOFO seeks proposals aimed at building the evidence base for the primary prevention of intimate partner violence, including teen dating violence, and/or sexual violence. This funding opportunity will support rigorous outcome evaluations of promising practice-based prevention approaches that are currently being implemented by state and/or local organizations that address intimate partner violence and/or sexual violence. This includes, but is not limited to, organizations that receive funding under CDC’s Rape Prevention and Education Program and CDC’s DELTA AHEAD program.

Community Economic Development Projects

Opportunity Number:  HHS-2024-ACF-OCS-EE-1965

Application Due Date: July 17, 2024

Summary: CED awards will be made as part of a broader strategy to address objectives such as decreasing dependency on federal programs, chronic unemployment, and community deterioration in urban and rural areas. CED projects are expected to actively recruit individuals with low income to fill the positions created by CED-funded development activities, to assist those individuals in successfully maintaining employment, and to ensure that the businesses and jobs created remain viable for at least one year after the award project period.

Community Economic Development Planning Grants

Opportunity Number:  HHS-2024-ACF-OCS-EE-0152

Application Due Date: July 2, 2024

Summary: The objective of the CED Planning Grants is to stimulate new projects in underserved and under resourced communities. OCS intends to center equity in this funding opportunity, focusing these resources in persistent high-poverty areas with struggling economies that have been unable to put forth a viable CED project in the past. The goal of this funding opportunity is to provide CDCs with financial assistance for administrative capacity building.

National Legal and Judicial Child Welfare Center for Innovation and Advancement

Opportunity Number:  HHS-2024-ACF-ACYF-CZ-0066

Application Due Date: July 2, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this NOFO is to establish a cooperative agreement for a National Legal and Judicial Child Welfare Center for Innovation and Advancement (Center). The Center will serve to build the capacity of the State and Tribal Court Improvement Programs (CIPs) and the broader child welfare legal and judicial communities through a variety of technical assistance (TA). The Center will support improving legal and judicial practice at different stages of child welfare, including prevention, reunification, adoption, permanency, and post-permanency.

Title V Competitive Sexual Risk Avoidance Education

Opportunity Number:  HHS-2024-ACF-ACYF-TS-0040

Application Due Date: July 8, 2024

Summary: The purpose of the Title V Competitive SRAE Program is to fund projects to implement sexual risk avoidance education that teaches participants how to voluntarily refrain from non-marital sexual activity. Successful applicants are expected to submit plans for the implementation of sexual risk avoidance education that normalizes the optimal health behavior of avoiding non-marital sexual activity, with a focus on the future health, psychological well-being, and economic success of youth.

Replacement grant for 90YE0281 Public Policy Inc. Secondary Analyses of Child Care and Early Education Data

Opportunity Number:  PREA-YE-24-001

Application Due Date: June 30, 2024

Summary: This is a replacement grant for 90YE0281 whose organizational ownership changed. Only Public Policy Associates LLC is eligible to apply for this announcement.

TANF Data Collaborative (TDC) Equity Analysis Awards

Opportunity Number:  HHS-2024-ACF-OPRE-PE-0043

Application Due Date: July 15, 2024

Summary: Awards are intended to support state, territory, or county TANF agencies in conducting equity-focused analyses of state TANF and other human services data. Equity-focused analyses may examine the fair, just, and impartial treatment of individuals under the management and practices of the TANF program. For example, analyses may assess disparities or disproportionalities across different social groups with respect to benefit levels, referral to specific programs, or sanctioning rates.

FY 2024 Preschool Development Birth Through Five Renewal Grant

Opportunity Number:  HHS-2024-ACF-ECD-TP-0055

Application Due Date: July 31, 2024

Summary: The PDG B-5 Renewal Grant will fund states to build upon their initial grant activities, while considering the changing needs of children and families created by the COVID 19 Pandemic, and investing in strategies that will address those needs, supporting and strengthening the early childhood care and education (ECCE) workforce, enhancing quality, and expanding access to early childhood services for children, particularly those in high need communities.

Diaper Distribution Demonstration and Research Pilot

Opportunity Number:    HHS-2024-ACF-OCS-EDA-0146

Application Due Date: July 15, 2024

Summary: The purpose of the DDDRP is to evaluate the ability of CAAs, social services agencies, and other non-profit community organizations to provide diapers and diapering supplies on a consistent basis through diaper distribution programs while also providing wraparound support services for families with low incomes. As part of the pilot and in cooperation with the recipients, OCS will conduct a robust evaluation to collect pertinent information to assess DDDRP grant recipients’ use of the funding to support low-income families by expanding ongoing diaper distribution programs.

(DOC) Department of Commerce 

Measurement Science and Engineering (MSE) Research Grant Programs

Funding Opportunity Number: 2023-NIST-MSE-01

Application Due Date: Apr 14, 2025

Summary: NIST’s mission is to drive innovation and industrial competitiveness through measurement science and standards by cultivating a culture of belonging that integrates diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in all ways of working. One component of this mission is NIST’s ongoing effort to develop a diverse, world-class pool of scientists and engineers to engage in NIST's measurement science and standards research, and to support the development of a general population that understands and appreciates measurement science and standards. NIST also seeks to collaborate with a wide range of organizations, including but not limited to minority-serving institutions such as Historically Black colleges and universities, as well as community colleges, in support of NIST's mission. 

Measurement Science and Engineering (MSE) Research Grant Programs

Funding Opportunity Number: 2023-NIST-MSE-01

Application Due Date: Apr 14, 2025

Summary: NIST’s mission is to drive innovation and industrial competitiveness through measurement science and standards by cultivating a culture of belonging that integrates diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in all ways of working. One component of this mission is NIST’s ongoing effort to develop a diverse, world-class pool of scientists and engineers to engage in NIST's measurement science and standards research, and to support the development of a general population that understands and appreciates measurement science and standards. NIST also seeks to collaborate with a wide range of organizations, including but not limited to minority-serving institutions such as Historically Black colleges and universities, as well as community colleges, in support of NIST's mission. 

(DOD) Department of Defense  

Research Interests of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research

Funding Opportunity Number: FA9550-23-S-0001

Application Due Date: Open until closed

Summary: AFOSR plans, coordinates, and executes the Air Force Research Laboratory’s basic research program in response to technical guidance from AFRL and requirements of the Air Force. Additionally, the office fosters, supports, and conducts research within Air Force, university, and industry laboratories; and ensures transition of research results to support U.S. Air Force needs. The focus of AFOSR is on research areas that offer significant and comprehensive benefits to our national war fighting and peacekeeping capabilities. 

Redefining Possible – 2023

Funding Opportunity Number: HR001123S0042

Application Due Date: June 14, 2024

Summary: The Tactical Technology Office (TTO) of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting executive summaries, proposal abstracts, and proposals for applied research, advanced technology development, platform demonstrations, or systems studies that aim to redefine the future of warfighting across four domains: Air, Ground, Maritime, and Space. 

Legacy Resource Management Program

Funding Opportunity Number: HQ003423NFOEASD07

Application Due Date: June 20, 2024

Summary: The Washington Headquarters Services, Acquisition Directorate, (WHS/AD) seeks applications for cooperative agreements for relevant conservation projects. This NFO requests that respondents provide project narratives identifying projects that align with the purposes and public benefits identified. The project narratives will be used to identify projects and stakeholders for ongoing Legacy Program funding opportunities and conservation community engagement.

Defense Security Cooperation University—Research Grants

Funding Opportunity Number: HQ003423NFOEASD17

Application Due Date: August 7, 2024

Summary: The DSCU mission is to improve the quality and professionalism of security cooperation through evidencebased research, analysis, and application of lessons learned. DSCU components sponsor and conclude research projects that align substantively with the U.S. DoD Learning and Evaluation Agenda for Partnerships  framework and the DSCU Research Agenda, in partnership with individual researchers, educational institutions, and policy-focused research organizations. 

Defense Sciences Office (DSO) Office-wide BAA

Funding Opportunity Number: HR001123S0053

Application Due Date: September 26, 2024

Summary: The mission of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office

(DSO) is to identify and create the next generation of scientific discovery to fuel innovation throughout the Agency and beyond. DSO serves as “DARPA’s DARPA” by developing and executing an aggressive and forward leaning portfolio that expands the art of the possible across a broad set of technical areas. DSO aims to create strategic surprise advantage for the DoD by pushing science towards its fundamental limits. 

Information Innovation Office

Funding Opportunity Number: HR001124S0003

Application Due Date: October 29, 2024

Summary: This Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) seeks revolutionary research ideas for topics not being addressed by ongoing I2O programs or other published solicitations. Potential proposers are highly encouraged to review the current I2O programs ( and solicitations ( to avoid proposing efforts that duplicate existing activities or that are responsive to other published I2O solicitations. 

(DOE) Department of Energy 

Spurring Projects to Advance Energy Research and Knowledge Swiftly (SPARKS)

Funding Opportunity Number: DE-FOA-0003164

Full Proposal Deadline:  Sep 30, 2029

Summary:  This announcement is purposely broad in scope to encourage the submission of the most innovative ideas in energy technology to support transformative energy R&D that complements ARPA-E’s primary mechanism, which is through the solicitation of research projects in focused technology programs. ARPA-E’s focused programs target specific areas of technology that the agency has identified through extensive interaction with the appropriate external

stakeholders. The focused programs have significant potential impact on one or more of the statutory goals described in Section I.A of the FOA. Awards made in response to the solicitation for focused programs support the aggressive technical targets established in that solicitation. Taken in total, ARPA-E’s focused programs cover a broad swath of energy technologies and applications.

Advancements in Artificial Intelligence for Science

Funding Opportunity Number:  DE-FOA-0003264

Full Proposal Deadline:  May 21, 2024

Summary:  The DOE SC program in Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) hereby announces its interest in basic computer science and applied mathematics research in the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for science. Specifically, advancements in this area are sought that can enable the development of: Foundation models for computational science; Automated scientific workflows and laboratories; Scientific programming and scientific-knowledge-management systems; Federated and privacy-preserving training for foundation and other AI models for science; and Energy-efficient AI algorithms and hardware for science. The development of new AI techniques applicable to multiple scientific domains can accelerate progress, increase transparency, and open new areas of exploration across the scientific enterprise.

Promoting Domestic and International Consensus on Clean Fossil Energy and Carbon Management Technologies

Funding Opportunity Number:  DE-FOA-0003355

Full Proposal Deadline:  Sep 30, 2024

Summary:  The mission of the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) is to minimize the environmental impacts of fossil fuels while working towards net-zero emissions. FECM’s programs use research, development, demonstration, and deployment approaches to advance technologies to reduce carbon emissions and other environmental impacts of fossil fuel production and use, particularly the hardest-to-decarbonize applications in the electricity and industrial sectors. Priority areas of technology work include point-source carbon capture, hydrogen with carbon management, methane emissions reduction, critical mineral production, and carbon dioxide removal to address the accumulated CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. FECM recognizes that global decarbonization through carbon dioxide removal is essential to meeting climate goals and works to engage with international colleagues to leverage expertise in these areas.

Request for Information on Electrified Airplane Integration Retrofit Powertrains Learnings And Novel Electric Port & Operations Related Technologies (E-AIRPLANE/PORT)

Funding Opportunity Number:  DE-FOA-0003359

Full Proposal Deadline:  May 31, 2024

Summary:  This is a Request for Information (RFI) only. The purpose of this RFI is to solicit input for a potential ARPA-E program focused on the feasibility and impact of retrofitting an existing aircraft with electric powertrains developed under ARPA-E’s Aviation-class Synergistically Cooled Electric-motors with iNtegrated Drives (ASCEND) program for a full integration with the aircraft and to show full functionality of the electric powertrain. ARPA-E is interested in groundbreaking technologies needed for a full integration of an electric powertrain into the aircraft main electrical and propulsion systems, as well as opportunities in airport electrification. This RFI aims to identify potential participants and gather insights to inform the development of a future funding opportunity focused on this transformative technology. To view the RFI in its entirety, please visit

Concentrating Solar Flux to Heat & Power

Funding Opportunity Number:  DE-FOA-0003269

Full Proposal Deadline:  Aug 08, 2024

Summary:  This FOA solicits proposals for RD&D associated with Scalable Concentrating Solar Collectors, Scalable Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (sCO2) and Scalable Concentrating Solar-thermal Receivers and Reactors. The three technologies will support the government-wide approach to the climate crisis by driving the innovation that can lead to the deployment of clean energy technologies, which are critical for climate protection.

FY2024 Vehicle Technologies Office Research & Development Funding Opportunity Announcement

Funding Opportunity Number:  DE-FOA-0003248

Full Proposal Deadline:  Jun 24, 2024

Summary:  This FOA will advance Research and Development in several areas critical to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, including: development of innovative battery chemistries, reducing greenhouse gas emissions in off-road vehicles, improving transportation efficiency via connected vehicles, domestic production of electric steels and improved cybersecurity for electric vehicle charging.


Funding Opportunity Number:  DE-FOA-0003325

Full Proposal Deadline:  June 13, 2024

Summary:  The 2024 Renew America’s School Prize will provide up to $6.9M in cash prize awards of $300,000 each, followed by grant awards between $7.5M and $15M. The Department of Energy’s Renew America’s Schools program provides investments to transform decaying public school infrastructure into healthier, more energy efficient learning environments. The program supports the implementation of infrastructure improvements in schools, with a focus on local educational agencies (LEAs) that qualify as rural and/or high poverty. Through Renew America’s Schools, DOE will help create healthier learning environments, lower utility costs, and redirect funds to support students and teachers.

Solar and Wind Interconnection for Future Transmission (SWIFTR)

Funding Opportunity Number:  DE-FOA-0003246

Full Proposal Deadline:  June 28, 2024

Summary:  This Funding Opportunity Announcement is jointly issued by the Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office and Wind Energy Technologies Office as part of their Interconnection Innovation Exchange (i2X) program to support innovative work to enable simpler, faster, and fairer interconnection of clean energy resources while enhancing the reliability, resiliency, and security of our electrical grid. The two FOA topic areas are as follows: Topic Area 1: Improved Efficiency of EMT Simulations for Interconnection Studies of IBRs. Projects will seek to improve the efficiency of the interconnection study process for new IBRs by improving software tools to study plant dynamics to increase long-term plant reliability. Topic Area 2: Dynamic Stability-Enhanced Network Assessment Tools. Projects will develop tools to provide stakeholders with data on transmission system characteristics related to stability, voltage, and grid strength while securing confidential and critical energy infrastructure information. 

Notice of Intent (NOI) for Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-FOA0003334 titled “Offshore Wind National and Regional Research and Development.”

Notice of Intent Number:  DE-FOA-0003345

Full Proposal Deadline:  Sep 19, 2024

Summary:  This notice of intent (NOI) is issued so that interested parties are aware of EERE’s intention to issue this FOA in the near term. All the information contained in this NOI is subject to change. EERE will not respond to questions concerning this NOI. Once the FOA has been released, EERE will provide an avenue for potential applicants to submit questions.

Request for Information: U.S. Domestic Wind Turbine Blade Manufacturing Innovation

Funding Opportunity Number:  DE-FOA-0003315

Request for Information Deadline:  Jul 30, 2024

Summary:  The purpose of this RFI is to solicit feedback from industry, academia, research laboratories, government agencies, and other stakeholders on issues related to U.S domestic wind turbine blade manufacturing. EERE is specifically interested in information on current domestic blade manufacturing challenges, future domestic blade manufacturing needs, workforce, and stakeholder strategy development. DOE may or may not issue a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) based on consideration of the input received from this RFI.

WASTE: Waste Analysis and Strategies for Transportation End-uses

Funding Opportunity Number:  DE-FOA-0003072

Full Proposal Deadline:  Aug 14, 2024

Summary:  The research and development (R&D) activities to be funded under this FOA will support the government-wide approach to the climate crisis by driving the innovation that can lead to the deployment of clean energy technologies, which are critical for climate protection. Specifically, this FOA will aid communities with resource and energy recovery strategies associated with their organic waste streams. Organic waste streams represent major sources of fugitive methane emissions, volatile organic compounds, and other pollutants.

Notice of Intent to Issue Funding Opportunity Announcement entitled SuperTruck Charge

Funding Opportunity Number:  DE-FOA-0003352

Notice of Intent Deadline:  May 31, 2024

Summary:  This Notice of Intent to Issue is for informational purposes only; the Department of Energy is not seeking comments on the information in this notice and applications are not being accepted at this time. This anticipated FOA will advance goals to decarbonize transportation and seek research, development, demonstration, and deployment of concepts for delivering high power charging, load management, and delivery of grid services that alleviate grid capacity challenges at a large-scale charging installation for medium duty and heavy-duty (MD/HD) trucks through optimal design of charging infrastructure and operations, critical to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Regional Scale Collaboration to Facilitate a Domestic Critical Minerals Future: Carbon Ore, Rare Earth, and Critical Minerals (CORE-CM) Initiative

Funding Opportunity Number:  DE-FOA-0003077

Full Proposal Deadline:  Jun 24, 2024

Summary:  The planned Research and Development will provide a regional scale understanding of critical minerals prospectivity and provides insight into the potential materials that may be sourced from domestic secondary and unconventional feedstocks across the United States. The work will contribute to the development of a framework that addresses economic and supply chain barriers, leads to pilot scale demos, and broaden scope to include advanced carbon or critical mineral bearing material products.

Progression of Net-Zero Emission Propulsion Technologies for the Off-Road Sector

Funding Opportunity Number:  DE-FOA-0003353

Full Response Deadline:  Jun 07, 2024

Summary:  The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to understand the off-road sector alternative propulsion technology preferences, which technologies seem most promising, and what are the key barriers to achieving the transition to net-zero emissions by 2050. The propulsion technologies under consideration for this RFI are: biodiesel, renewable diesel, renewable natural gas, battery electric, direct electrification (catenary), electric hybridization, hydrogen fueled internal combustion engines and hydrogen fuel cells. Currently, no one alternative propulsion technology is a clear choice for sector decarbonization. This RFI is an attempt to aggregate knowledge from stakeholders to help guide actions regarding future propulsion technologies, research and infrastructure investments, and coordination among key stakeholders to ensure that the off-road sector is meeting or exceeding U.S. decarbonization milestones.

Request for Information: Manufacturability Pre-Production Design Implications of Energy Storage Technologies

Funding Opportunity Number:  DE-FOA-0003378

Full Response Deadline:  Jun 10, 2024

Summary:  This RFI seeks information on domestic pre-production manufacturability challenges that energy storage technology developers face when making design decisions that impact scaling the technology for production. This is solely a request for information and is not a Funding Opportunity Announcement. The Department of Energy is not accepting applications to this Request for Information.

Quantum Information Science Enabled Discovery (QuantISED 2.0)

Funding Opportunity Number:  DE-FOA-0003354

Full Proposal Deadline:  Jul 30, 2024

Letter of Intent Deadline:  Jun 18, 2024

Summary:  The DOE SC program in High Energy Physics (HEP) hereby announces its interest in receiving interdisciplinary applications for open scientific research on Quantum Information Science (QIS) Enabled Discovery (QuantISED) to further the HEP mission to understand how the universe works at its most fundamental level. Successful applications will help define an exploratory program where innovative solutions for scientific discovery are developed and deployed to advance HEP science drivers and contribute to QIS research and technology for public benefit.

(ED) Department of Education 

Institutional Service: Augustus F. Hawkins Centers of Excellence (Hawkins) Program, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.428A

Funding Opportunity Number:  ED-GRANTS-040424-002

Full Proposal Deadline:  Jun 18, 2024

Summary:  The Department of Education is issuing a notice inviting applications for fiscal year 2024 for the Augustus F. Hawkins Centers of Excellence (Hawkins) Program, Assistance Listing Number 84.428A. The Hawkins Program, authorized under part B of title II of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, is designed to support comprehensive, high-quality State-accredited teacher preparation programs by creating centers of excellence at Historically Black Colleges and Universities; Tribal Colleges or Universities; or Minority Serving Institutions, such as Hispanic-Serving Institutions. This program focuses on the various aspects of the teacher preparation pipeline, including the recruitment, preparation, support, placement, retention, and retraining of teachers for and in under-resourced schools to support underserved students.

Effective Educator Development Programs: Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) Grant Program, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.336S

Funding Opportunity Number:  ED-GRANTS-040424-001

Notice of Intent to Apply Deadline:  May 6, 2024

Full Proposal Deadline:  Jun 03, 2024

Pre-Application Webinars: The Office of Elementary and Secondary Education intends to post pre-recorded informational webinars designed to provide technical assistance to interested applicants for grants under the TQP program. These informational webinars will be available on the TQP web page shortly after this notice is published in the Federal Register at: effective-educator-developmentprograms/teacher-quality-partnership/ applicant-info-and-eligibility.

Summary:  The Department of Education is issuing a notice inviting applications for fiscal year 2024 for the Teacher Quality Partnership Grant (TQP) program, Assistance Listing Number 84.336S. The purposes of the TQP program are to improve student achievement; improve the quality of prospective and new teachers by improving the preparation of prospective teachers and enhancing professional development activities for new teachers; hold teacher preparation programs at institutions of higher education (IHEs) accountable for preparing teachers who meet applicable State certification and licensure requirements; and recruit highly qualified individuals, including individuals of color and individuals from other occupations, into the teaching force.

Office of Postsecondary Education: Institutional Service: Augustus F. Hawkins Centers of Excellence Program

Funding Opportunity Number: ED-GRANTS-040424-002

Application Due Date: June 18, 2024

Summary: The Hawkins Program is designed to support comprehensive, high-quality State-accredited teacher preparation programs by creating centers of excellence at Historically Black Colleges and Universities; Tribal Colleges or Universities; or Minority Serving Institutions, such as Hispanic-Serving Institutions. The Hawkins Program will help increase the number of, and retain, well-prepared teachers from diverse backgrounds, resulting in a more diverse teacher workforce prepared to teach in our Nation’s most underserved elementary and secondary schools and close student opportunity and achievement gaps. This program focuses on the various aspects of the teacher preparation pipeline, including the recruitment, preparation, support, placement, retention, and retraining of teachers for and in under-resourced schools to support underserved students.

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education: Effective Educator Development Programs: Teacher Quality Partnership Grant Program

Funding Opportunity Number: ED-GRANTS-040424-001

Application Due Date: June 3, 2024

Summary: The purposes of the TQP program are to improve student achievement; improve the quality of prospective and new teachers by improving the preparation of prospective teachers and enhancing professional development activities for new teachers; hold teacher preparation programs at institutions of higher education (IHEs) accountable for preparing teachers who meet applicable State certification and licensure requirements; and recruit highly qualified individuals, including individuals of color and individuals from other occupations, into the teaching force.

OSERS: RSA: Disability Innovation Fund—Creating a 21st Century Workforce of Youth and Adults with Disabilities Through the Transformation of Education, Career, and Competitive Integrated Employment Model Demonstration Project

Funding Opportunity Number: ED-GRANTS-040924-001

Application Due Date: July 8, 2024

Summary: The purpose of the Disability Innovation Fund Program is to support innovative activities aimed at increasing competitive integrated employment as defined in Section 7 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 for youth and other individuals with disabilities.

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education: Well Rounded Education: Comprehensive Literacy State Development Program

Funding Opportunity Number: ED-GRANTS-042324-001

Application Due Date: June 24, 2024

Summary: The CLSD program awards competitive grants to advance literacy skills through the use of evidence-based practices, activities, and interventions, including pre-literacy skills, reading, and writing, for children from birth through grade 12, with an emphasis on disadvantaged children, including children living in poverty, English learners, and children with disabilities.

Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN), Assistance Listing Number 84.200A

Funding Opportunity Number:  ED-GRANTS-042424-003

Application Due Date:  June 24, 2024

Summary:  The GAANN Program provides grants to academic departments and programs of institutions of higher education (IHEs) to support graduate fellowships for students with excellent academic records in their previous programs of study who demonstrate financial need and plan to pursue the highest degree available in their course of study at the institution.

Innovation and Early Learning Programs: Education Innovation and Research Program Expansion Grants ALN 84.411A

Funding Opportunity Number:  ED-GRANTS-050624-001

Notice of Intent to Apply:  June 06, 2024

Full Application Deadline:  July 05, 2024

Summary:  The EIR program provides funding to create, develop, implement, replicate, or take to scale entrepreneurial, evidence-based, field-initiated innovations to improve student achievement and attainment for high-need students and to rigorously evaluate such innovations. The EIR program is designed to generate and validate solutions to persistent education challenges and to support the expansion of those solutions to serve substantially higher numbers of students. Expansion grants are supported by strong evidence for at least one population and setting, and grantees are encouraged to implement at the national level). The central design element of the EIR program is its multi-tier structure that links the amount of funding an applicant may receive to the quality of the evidence supporting the efficacy of the proposed project. One of the program’s goals is for projects to build evidence that will allow them to advance through EIR’s grant tiers: ‘‘Early-phase,’’ ‘‘Mid-phase,’’ and ‘‘Expansion.’’ Expansion grants provide funding for the implementation and rigorous evaluation of a program that has been found to produce sizable, significant impacts under a Mid-phase grant or other effort meeting similar criteria, for the purposes of (a) determining whether such impacts can be successfully reproduced and sustained over time, and (b) identifying the conditions in which the program is most effective.

Innovation and Early Learning Programs: Education Innovation and Research Program Mid-Phase Grants ALN 84.411B

Funding Opportunity Number:  ED-GRANTS-050624-002

Notice of Intent to Apply:  June 06, 2024

Full Application Deadline:  July 05, 2024

Summary:  Mid-phase grants are supported by moderate evidence (as defined in this notice). Mid-phase grants provide funding for the implementation and rigorous evaluation of a program that has been successfully implemented under an Early-phase grant or other similar effort, such as developing and, testing an innovative education practice at a local level, for the purpose of measuring the program’s impact and cost-effectiveness.

Innovation and Early Learning Programs: Education Innovation and Research Program Early-Phase Grants ALN 84.411C

Funding Opportunity Number:  ED-GRANTS-050624-003

Notice of Intent to Apply:  June 06, 2024

Full Application Deadline:  July 22, 2024

Summary:  Early-phase grants must demonstrate a rationale. Early-phase grants provide funding for the development, implementation, and feasibility testing of a program that prior research suggests has promise, for the purpose of determining whether the program can successfully improve student achievement and attainment for high-need students. Early-phase grants are not intended to simply expand established practices or address needs unique to one particular context. Rather, the goal is to determine whether and in what ways relatively new practices can improve student achievement and attainment for high-need students.

Federal TRIO Programs: Student Support Services Program

Funding Opportunity Number: ED-GRANTS-050124-001

Application Due Date: July 15, 2024

Summary: The purpose of the SSS Program is to increase the number of disadvantaged students, including low-income college students, first-generation college students, and college students with disabilities, who successfully complete a program of study at the postsecondary level. The support services that are provided should increase the retention and graduation rates for these categories of students and facilitate their transfer from two-year to four-year colleges and universities. The support services should also foster an institutional climate that supports the success of students who are limited English proficient, students from groups that are historically underrepresented in postsecondary education, students with disabilities, students who are homeless children and youths, students who are in foster care or are aging out of the foster care system, and other disconnected students.

Grants to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools

Funding Opportunity Number: ED-GRANTS-050324-003

Application Due Date: June 27, 2024

Summary: Through CSP CMO Grants, the Department awards grants to charter management organizations (CMOs) on a competitive basis to enable them to replicate or expand one or more high-quality charter schools. Grant funds may be used to significantly increase the enrollment of, or add one or more grades to, an existing high-quality charter school or to open one or more new charter schools or new campuses of a high-quality charter school based on the educational model of an existing high-quality charter school.

National Center for Education Research: Using Longitudinal Data to Support State Education Recovery Policymaking

Funding Opportunity Number: ED-GRANTS-050324-001

Application Due Date: August 15, 2024

Summary: In awarding research grants, the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) intends to provide national leadership in expanding knowledge and understanding of (1) education outcomes for all learners from early childhood education through postsecondary and adult education, and (2) employment and wage outcomes when relevant (such as for those engaged in career and technical, postsecondary, or adult education). The IES research grant programs are designed to provide interested individuals and the general public with reliable and valid information about education practices that support learning and improve academic achievement and access to education opportunities for all learners. These interested individuals include parents, educators, learners, researchers, and policymakers.

National Center for Education Research: Transformative Research in the Education Sciences Grant Program

Funding Opportunity Number: ED-GRANTS-050324-002

Application Due Date: September 12, 2024

Summary: In awarding research grants, the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) intends to provide national leadership in expanding knowledge and understanding of (1) education outcomes for all learners from early childhood education through postsecondary and adult education, and (2) employment and wage outcomes when relevant (such as for those engaged in career and technical, postsecondary, or adult education). The IES research grant programs are designed to provide interested individuals and the general public with reliable and valid information about education practices that support learning and improve academic achievement and access to education opportunities for all learners.

(NASA) National Aeronautics and Space Administration 

ROSES 2023: F.23 SMD Bridge Program Seed Funding

Funding Opportunity Number:  NNH23ZDA001N-BPSF

Full Proposal Deadline:  Accepted anytime

Summary:  The primary high-level goal of the overarching SMD Bridge Program is to develop sustainable partnerships between NASA Centers or Facilities and Minority-serving Institutions (MSIs)—such as Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), Primarily Black Institutions

(PBIs), and Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs)—as well as Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUIs) and Community Colleges. Very highly research-intensive universities may also be included, if their participation benefits the partnership, and is sufficiently justified. 

2024 Human Exploration Research Opportunities (HERO) Overview

Funding Opportunity Number:  80JSC024NA001

Full Proposal Deadline:  September 30, 2024

Summary:  NASA is chartered in the National Aeronautics and Space Act [51 U.S.C. § 20101 et seq.] with, among other objectives, the expansion of human knowledge of the Earth and of phenomena in the atmosphere and space. The goal of the HRP is to provide human health and performance countermeasures, knowledge, technologies, and tools to enable safe, reliable, and productive human space exploration. The scope of this goal includes both the successful completion of exploration missions and the preservation of health over the astronaut’s lifetime. The HRP contains five Elements: Space Radiation, Human Health Countermeasures, Exploration Medical Capability, Human Factors and Behavioral Performance, and Research Operations and Integration. 

Topical Workshops, Symposiums, and Conferences (TWSC-24) in Space and Earth Sciences and Technology

Funding Opportunity Number:  NNH24ZDA002N

Full Proposal Deadline:  November 30, 2026

Summary:  The Topical Workshops, Symposiums, and Conferences (TWSC) in Space and Earth Science and Technology goal is to contribute to SMD's science, technology, and exploration research goals and related activities, such as but not limited to the NASA 2022 Strategic Plan. TWSC may fund large and small meetings, retreats, seminars, symposiums, workshops, or other events that have as one purpose 1) to disseminate technical information beyond NASA and SMD; or 2) to facilitate research networks and/or research administration capabilities at entities not previously funded by NASA. The TWSC NOFO primarily invites non-federal proposals for topical workshops, symposiums, conferences, and other scientific or technical meetings, referred to as "events". Typically, TWSC events 1) are sponsored by a non-federal award recipient; and 2) advance or align to the goals and objectives of one or more SMD funding Division or Office. Proposals that contribute to SMD's cross-divisional science, technology, and exploration goals also are invited. 

ROSES 2024: D.18 Euclid General Investigator Program

Funding Opportunity Number:  NNH24ZDA001N-EGIP

Mandatory Notice of Intent Deadline:  Jul 15,2024

Full Proposal Deadline:  Aug 22, 2024

Summary:  The Euclid General Investigator (GI) Program (EGIP) solicits proposals for basic research focused on data from the ESA Euclid mission to which NASA contributed infrared detectors. The primary goal of this mission is to explore the composition and evolution of the dark Universe. This space telescope will map the large-scale structure of the Universe across space and time by observing billions of galaxies out to 10 billion light-years, across more than a third of the sky. Euclid will explore how the Universe has expanded and how structure has formed over cosmic history. It will expand our understanding of the role of gravity and the nature of dark energy and dark matter. Euclid data will also find broad use across a wide range of ancillary science applications. For more information please see and including links to the wide survey and deep-fields pages. The EGIP solicits research based on the analysis of data from the Euclid mission that is publicly available by the start of the selected project.

ROSES 2024: A.44 Earth Action: Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team

Funding Opportunity Number:  NNH24ZDA001N-HAQAST

Notice of Intent Deadline:  Jun 4, 2024

Full Proposal Deadline:  Jul 9, 2024

Summary:  The NASA Earth Science Division (ESD) Earth Action Program seeks proposals to form a Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (HAQAST). This team will apply Earth observations to improve and develop decision-making activities and enable transition and adoption by public- and/or private-sector organization(s) for sustained use in decision making and services to end users in the areas of public health and air quality.

Early Stage Innovations

Funding Opportunity Number:  NNH24ZTR001N-24ESI-B2

Full Proposal Deadline:  Jun 06, 2024

Summary:  The Space Technology Research Grants (STRG) Program within STMD seeks proposals from accredited U.S. universities to develop unique, disruptive, or transformational space technologies that have the potential to lead to dramatic improvements at the system level — performance, weight, cost, reliability, operational simplicity, or other figures of merit associated with spaceflight hardware or missions. The projected impact at the system level must be substantial and clearly identified. NASA encourages submission of ESI proposals on behalf of tenure-track or tenured faculty members at all U.S. universities and especially encourages proposals submitted on behalf of and/or that include as team members women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and persons with disabilities. The solicitation exclusively seeks proposals that are responsive to one of the following two topics:  • Topic 1 – Computational Materials Engineering for Lunar Metals Welding, • Topic 2 – Passive Lunar Dust Control through Advanced Materials and Surface Engineering  • NASA anticipates addressing other topics in future ESI Appendix releases.

ROSES 2024: A.43 Earth Action: Health and Air Quality

Funding Opportunity Number:  NNH24ZDA001N-HAQ

Notice of Intent Deadline:  July 8, 2024

Full Proposal Deadline:  August 6, 2024

Summary:  The NASA Earth Science Division seeks proposals for projects that apply Earth observations that will improve/develop decision-making activities and enable transition and adoption by public- and/or private-sector organization(s) for sustained use in decision making and services to end users. The specific focus is on applications and decision support in the areas of public health and air quality. Through the integration of Earth observations, the overall objective of these projects is to enhance the performance of existing decision-making activities or to develop new capabilities for decision making where the need and activity can be clearly defined. The organizations that will implement improvements and operate the decision-making activity are expected to be substantially involved in the project and to be expressly committed to maintain, support, and sustainably use the Earth observations application resulting from the project in their decision-making activity.

(NEH) National Endowment for the Humanities 

Public Impact Projects at Smaller Organizations

Opportunity Number: 20240626-TA

Estimated Application Due Date: June 26, 2024

Summary: The Public Impact Projects at Smaller Organizations program supports small and mid-sized museums and cultural organizations in the creation of public humanities programming and strengthens their capacity to develop such programming.

Humanities Collections and Reference Resources

Opportunity Number: 20240716-PW

Estimated Application Due Date: July 16, 2024

Summary: The Humanities Collections and Reference Resource program supports projects that provide an essential underpinning for scholarship, education, and public engagement in the humanities. It strengthens efforts to extend the reach of humanities collections and make their intellectual content widely accessible.

Digital Projects for the Public

Opportunity Number: 20240612-MD-MN-MT

Estimated Application Due Date: June 12, 2024

Summary: The Digital Projects for the Public program supports projects that interpret and analyze humanities content in primarily digital platforms and formats, such as websites, mobile applications and tours, interactive touch screens and kiosks, games, and virtual environments.  

Climate Smart Humanities Organizations

Opportunity Number: 20240912-CLI

Estimated Application Due Date: September 12, 2024

Summary: The Climate Smart Humanities Organizations program supports comprehensive assessment and strategic planning efforts by humanities organizations to mitigate physical and operational environmental impacts and adapt to a changing climate. Projects will result in climate action and adaptation planning documents or similar detailed assessments including prioritized, measurable actions and their expected outcomes. 

Summer Stipends

Opportunity Number: 20240918-FT

Estimated Application Due Date: September 18, 2024

LIMITED to ONE submission per university. Complete an INOI submission by July 12, 2024.

Summary: The NEH Summer Stipends program aims to stimulate new research in the humanities and its publication. The program works to accomplish this by providing small awards to individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both; supporting projects at any stage of development, but especially early-stage research and late-stage writing in which small awards are most effective; funding a wide range of individuals, including independent scholars, community college faculty, and non-teaching staff at universities. Summer Stipends support continuous full-time work on a humanities project for a period of two consecutive months.

Archaeological and Ethnographic Field Research

Opportunity Number: 20240925-RFW

Estimated Application Due Date: September 25, 2024

Summary: The Archaeological and Ethnographic Field Research program provides funding to conduct empirical research in the United States or abroad in order to answer questions of importance to the humanities. While the dissemination of results through publications and other media is the ultimate expectation of these awards, the program supports field costs such as travel, accommodation, field staff and equipment, and salary replacement for the project director and collaborating scholars.

Spotlight on Humanities in Higher Education

Opportunity Number: 20241001-ASA-ASB

Estimated Application Due Date: October 1, 2024

Summary: The Spotlight on Humanities in Higher Education program supports the exploration and development of small projects that would benefit underserved populations through the teaching and study of the humanities at small and medium-sized colleges and universities. NEH invites applications from two- and four-year institutions of higher education, as well as from nonprofit organizations and state, local, or Native American Tribal governments aiming to advance the humanities at these institutions. The program supports activities including but not limited to curricular or program development, expert consultations, speakers’ series, student research, creation of teaching resources, and community engagement. Projects may benefit students, faculty, the institution or organization, and/or the community. 

Humanities Collections and Reference Resources

Funding Opportunity Number: 20240716-PW

Application Due Date: July 16, 2024

Summary: The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Division of Preservation and Access is accepting applications for the Humanities Collections and Reference Resources program. The program supports projects that facilitate the discovery and use of humanities collections for research, teaching, and public engagement. Primary activities include digitizing and describing collections, as well as creating reference resources to synthesize humanities information.

Digital Projects for the Public

Funding Opportunity Number: 20240612-MD-MN-MT

Application Due Date: June 12, 2024

Summary: The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Division of Public Programs is accepting applications for the Digital Projects for the Public program. This program supports projects that interpret and analyze humanities content in primarily digital platforms and formats, such as websites, mobile applications and tours, interactive touch screens and kiosks, games, and virtual environments.

NEA Our Town, FY 2025

Funding Opportunity Number: 2024NEA01OT

Application Due Date: August 1, 2024

Summary: Our Town is the National Endowment for the Arts’ creative place making grants program. Through project-based funding, we support projects that integrate arts, culture, and design activities into efforts that strengthen communities over the long term. Successful Our Town projects demonstrate a specific role for arts, culture, and design as part of strategies for strengthening local communities, ultimately centering equity and laying the groundwork for long-term systems change tailored to community needs and opportunities.

Awards for Faculty

Opportunity Number:20250409-HB

Estimated Application Due Date: April 9, 2025

Summary: This program strengthens the humanities at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic-Serving Institutions, and Tribal Colleges and Universities by encouraging and expanding humanities research opportunities for individual faculty and staff members. Awards support individuals pursuing scholarly research that is of value to humanities scholars, students, and/or general audiences.


Opportunity Number: 20250409-FEL

Estimated Application Due Date: April 9, 2025

Summary: This program supports individual scholars pursuing projects that embody exceptional humanistic research, rigorous analysis, and clear writing. Fellowships provide recipients time to conduct research or to produce books, monographs, peer-reviewed articles, e-books, digital materials, translations with annotations or a critical apparatus, or critical editions resulting from previous research.

NEA Grants for Arts Projects 2, FY2025

Funding Opportunity Number: 202NEA01GAP2

Application Due Date: July 11, 2024

Summary: The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) is proud to support the nation’s arts sector with grant opportunities so that together we can help everyone live more artful lives. The arts contribute to our individual well-being, the well-being of our communities, and to our local economies. The arts are also crucial to helping us make sense of our circumstances from different perspectives as we emerge from the pandemic and plan for the future. Grants for Arts Projects is our largest grants program for organizations, providing comprehensive and expansive funding opportunities for communities. Through project-based funding, the program supports opportunities for public engagement with the arts and arts education, for the integration of the arts with strategies promoting the health and well-being of people and communities, and for the improvement of overall capacity and capabilities within the arts sector.

Fellowships for Advanced Social Science Research on Japan

Opportunity Number: 20250423-FO

Estimated Application Due Date: April 23, 2025

Summary: The goals of the Fellowships for Advanced Social Science Research on Japan program are to promote Japan studies in the United States, encourage U.S.- Japanese scholarly exchange, and foster the next generation of Japan scholars in the U.S. These fellowships are for individual researchers with advanced Japanese language skills. The program is a joint activity of the Japan-United States Friendship Commission (JUSFC) and NEH.

(DOT) Department of Transportation 

(NEA) National Endowment for the Arts

(DOI) Department of the Interior

(USDA) Department of Agriculture 

Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP)

Opportunity Number: RBCS-2023-2024-01-HBIIP

Estimated Application Due Date: Sep 30, 2024  

Summary: The purpose of HBIIP is to increase significantly the sales and use of higher blends of ethanol and biodiesel by expanding the infrastructure for renewable fuels derived from U.S. agricultural products. The program is also intended to encourage a more comprehensive approach to market higher blends by sharing the costs related to building out biofuel-related infrastructure. 

Rural Cooperative Development Grant

Opportunity Number: RBCS-RCDG-2024

Estimated Application Due Date: June 3, 2024

Summary: The primary objective of the RCDG program is to improve the economic condition of rural areas by assisting individuals or entities in the startup, expansion or operational improvement of rural cooperatives and other business entities. Grants are awarded competitively on an annual basis to Rural Cooperative Development Centers who in turn provide technical assistance to individuals and entities.

NRCS NJ Community Gardens/Farm Agreement

Opportunity Number: USDA-NRCS-NJ-CGARD-24-NOFO0001359

Application Due Date: June 7, 2024

Summary: The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), an agency under the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), is announcing the potential availability of funding for the purpose of leveraging NRCS resources to encourage collaboration with partners in providing strategic conservation delivery assistance and/or provide tools or data that enhance the ability of the agency to support conservation activities. The overall intent of this solicitation is to solicit partnerships to help enhance the implementation of key conservation objectives and priorities outlined in this announcement.

Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) FY24 Monitoring, Assessment, and Evaluation (MAE) Opportunity

Opportunity Number: USDA-FSA-NHQ-CRP-24-NOFO0001333

Application Due Date: May 31, 2024

Summary: FSA is announcing the availability of cooperative agreement funding for up to $10 million to monitor, assess, and evaluate conservation approaches and technologies in conjunction with the Conservation Reserve Program. Projects are expected to inform policy and/or improve delivery of the Conservation Reserve Program.

Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) FY24 Monitoring, Assessment, and Evaluation (MAE) Opportunity

Opportunity Number: USDA-FSA-NHQ-CRP-24-NOFO0001333

Application Due Date: May 31, 2024

Summary: FSA is announcing the availability of cooperative agreement funding for up to $10 million to monitor, assess, and evaluate conservation approaches and technologies in conjunction with the Conservation Reserve Program. Projects are expected to inform policy and/or improve delivery of the Conservation Reserve Program.

Farmed Cervid Chronic Wasting Disease Management and Response Activities 2024 Cooperative Agreements

Opportunity Number: USDA-APHIS-10025-VSSPRS00-24-0007

Application Due Date: June 10, 2024

Summary: This funding opportunity is provided to control and prevent CWD in farmed cervids through the development and/or implementation of CWD surveillance, testing, management, and response activities. Proposals can include the use of funds for the indemnification and removal of CWD-affected farmed cervid herds and CWD-exposed cervids as part of an overall CWD management plan in accordance with 9 CFR Part 55.2.

Wild Cervid Chronic Wasting Disease Management and Response Activities 2024 Cooperative Agreements

Opportunity Number: USDA-APHIS-10028-WSNWRC00-24-0004

Estimated Application Due Date: June 10, 2024

Summary: In this 2024 announcement, APHIS WS will make around $5,500,000 in cooperative agreement funding to control and prevent chronic wasting disease (CWD) in wild cervids, including the development and/or implementation of CWD surveillance, testing, management, and response activities.

USDA APHIS Tribal Nations Wild Cervid Chronic Wasting Disease Opportunities 2024 Cooperative Agreements

Opportunity Number: USDA-APHIS-10028-WSNWRC00-24-0005

Application Due Date: June 10, 2024

Summary: In this 2024 opportunity, APHIS WS will make around $500,000 in cooperative agreement funding to control and prevent chronic wasting disease (CWD) in wild cervids, including the development and/or implementation of CWD surveillance, testing, management, and response activities on lands owned or managed by Tribal entities.

Rural Decentralized Water System Grant Program

Opportunity Number:  RDRUS-24-DWS

Application Due Date: June 28, 2024

Summary: The DWS Grant Program has been established to help individuals with low to moderate incomes finance the costs of household water wells and individually owned decentralized wastewater systems that they own or will own. Grant funds must be used to establish and maintain a revolving fund to provide loans and sub-grants to eligible individuals for individually owned water well systems and/or individually owned wastewater systems. Individual households may use the loan and/or sub-grant funds to construct, refurbish, rehabilitate, or replace decentralized water systems up to the point of entry to a home.

FY2024 SNAP Fraud Framework Implementation Grant

Opportunity Number:  USDA-FNS-SNAP-FFIG-2024

Application Due Date: June 24, 2024

Summary: The purpose of the SNAP Fraud Framework Implementation Grant Program is to support State agency efforts to improve and expand recipient fraud prevention, detection, and investigation efforts using the procedures, ideas and practices outlined in the SNAP Fraud Framework.

Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers (2501 Program)

Opportunity Number:  OPPE-019

Application Due Date: July 5, 2024

Summary: The overall goal of the 2501 Program is to encourage and assist underserved farmers and ranchers, military veteran farmers and ranchers, and beginning farmers and ranchers with owning and operating farms and ranches and in participating equitably in the full range of agricultural, forestry, and related programs offered by USDA. It also includes projects that develop underserved youths' interest in agriculture. In partnership with the OPPE, eligible entities may compete for funding on projects that provide education and training in agriculture, agribusiness, forestry, agricultural-related services, and USDA programs, and to conduct outreach initiatives designed to accomplish those goals.

(EPA) Environmental Protection Agency 

Community Change Grants Program

Application Due Date: November 21, 2024

Summary: EPA’s new Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants program (Community Change)

Grants) has announced a Notice of Funding Opportunity for approximately $2 billion dollars in Inflation Reduction Act funds in environmental and climate justice activities to benefit disadvantaged communities through projects that reduce pollution, increase community climate resilience, and build community capacity to address environmental and climate justice challenges. These place-based investments will be focused on community-driven initiatives to be responsive to community and stakeholder input. They are designed to deliver on the transformative potential of the IRA for communities most adversely and disproportionately impacted by climate change, legacy pollution, and historical disinvestments.