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Facilities Inventory Survey

The Facilities Inventory is a common coding scheme used to identify, measure, classify and organize data about physical facilities.  This webpage is designed to assist in the completion of each year's space inventory. 

Every room (space) in your department needs to be entered on the Facilities Space Inventory Update Form.  In order to correctly fill out the Facilities Space Inventory you may have to speak with the occupant(s) of each room to determine how to answer some of the questions.  Be sure to take time to get accurate information.  Keep copies of your space inventory pages so you will only have to track the changes next year.

Last years completed forms will be sent to the department. If no changes have occurred, please note "no change."

Fill out the top of the Facilities space inventory form.  Be sure all sections are completed.  If you use additional inventory forms please have your name and department on each of the remaining forms.  Click on the left sidebar to access Directions and Code Information, Floor plans and other helpful files.   

Send all inventory sheets along with your Certification form to Mark Giossi in Financial Services. All inventories are due no later than June 1st.