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Resources for Student Organizations

Here you can find many of the resources you will need to be a valuable leader and member of your student organization. Click on the links below to access and download important resources. 

ManeSync 101 - How-to Guide on Using ManeSync Features

Budgeting, Finance, and Fundraising

SOAC Funding website

SOAC Funding Application

SOAC Funding Guidelines 

Student Organization Treasurer Training

University Advancement

Membership Recruitment, Retention, and Development

"Are you career-ready?" Resource Guide

Check out Intercultural Engagement and Leadership for our programs here

Develop teamwork by signing your organization up for an intramural team here

Leadership Self-Assessment

Leadership Styles Assessment

Membership Recruitment and Retention

Motivation and Membership Engagement

Student Leader Burnout

Operations, Programming, and Organization Handbook

Event Planning 101

Event Management System (EMS)

Goal Setting

How to Create an Event on ManeSync

Sodexo Catering Guide for Students

Student Organization Handbook

Student Organization President Training

Student Organization Treasurer Training

Organization Registration

How to Apply for an EIN

How to Start An Organization

How to Re-Register Your Organization

Student Organization Leader Transition Checklist

Student Organization Registration Instructions

Risk Management and Travel

Event Management System (EMS)

Risk Management for Student Organizations


Student Organization Advisor Resources

Advisors are key to the success of our student organizations at East Texas A&M University. Advisors take on different responsibilities depending on the varying needs of their organizations including: mentor, team builder, motivator, role model, educator, policy interpreter, informational resource, and liaison. Below are a few resources to assist in the continued success of your student organization.