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Two male students working on school work in Science building foyer sitting on floor with books

Tutoring Programs

Science Tutoring in JAMP (STC110) for Biology, Chemistry and Physics

Supplemental Instruction (SI Leader)

Tutor.Com/TAMUC (online tutoring)

Walk-In Tutoring (Velma K. Waters Library #201C)

Want to schedule an appointment for tutoring?

Log into your My Leo, under apps select Navigate, on the right side of home page click on "Get Assistance" (blue bar) follow "how to make an appointment" pdf file. When getting your appointment set up, be sure to include your availability date, time and study prefernces under the "add your availablity".  The location is based on what subject you are requesting, if you want Biology, Chemistry or Physics tutoring select:  Tutoring: Science STC 110.  If you want Freshman level (Accounting, History or Math) select: Tutoring: Waters 201C.   Once the appointment is set up, you will  receive an email and reminder email prior to the appointment.  If you need help, email

Using a tutor does not release the student from independent work. Complete and correct answers are the responsibility of the student.


For tutoring remember to bring:

  • Your textbook and any course materials, (handouts, lecture notes, review sheets, etc.)
  • A calculator for math

Student Disability Services