First Priority (more information on where to start)
Mathematics is the gateway to many of the technical courses. Until you have completed Calculus III, your first course selection each semester should be the most advanced math course you are ready to take. If you intend to transfer to another university it is important that you complete the entire calculus sequence on this campus.
Second Priority
Enrolling in a physics course for which you are prepared is the second priority. Success in the first few physics courses is the best way to find out if you are really interested in engineering or physics. If you have taken trigonometry or pre-calculus then you are ready for the 132 electronics course. If you have calculus tools (ask what this means) then you are ready for physics 211–mechanics and heat.
Third Priority
All of the technical programs require chemistry and computer science courses. These courses will also provide background helpful for your other classes. It is a good idea to take Chem 111, 112 and CSCI 151 early in your career. Applied Physics and engineering programs require computer-aided drafting, CAD. The transfer engineering CAD courses on this campus are ENGR 111 and ENGR 112.
University Studies Courses
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