Divya Solomon, M.A.
Graduate Research Assistant

Divya received her Masters in Computer Science and Technology from Women's Christian College-Madras University (India). During this time she presented a paper titled “Venues for enhancing supply chain capabilities through linking external digital data”. Highlighting that data are manually collected and presented while they are available in digital form outside of the company server data and suggesting solutions to collect the data from the source through terminals or linking it through cloud computing which can help optimize the whole supply chain system.
Her experience as a Portal Analyst at Sabre Airline Solutions enabled her to discover the passion for analyzing and solving problem using technology. She is pursuing Masters in Computational Science certifying in Computational Linguistics at Texas A&M Commerce. Currently, she is working as a Research Assistant under Dr. Hempelmann for the weapons ontology team.
Divya is the first recipient of the Graduate Certificate in Computational Linguistics at TAMUC.