Writing Program
Welcome to the Writing Program at Texas A&M University- Commerce!

Celebration of Student Writing
December 4th, 2018
10:00 am - Noon
Rayburn Student Center
Conference Rooms A, B, and C

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The Mission Statement of the university reads:
East Texas A&M University provides a personal, educational experience for a community of life-long learners. Our purpose is to discover and disseminate knowledge for leadership and service in an interconnected and dynamic world. Our challenge is to nurture partnerships for the intellectual, cultural, social, and economic vitality of Texas and beyond.
As Director of the Writing Program, I very much see our program as one that actively participates in this mission statement. Our curriculum puts students and their writing at the center of the course and is based on nationally recognized research and the discipline’s best practices. In short, we believe that writing is a subject worthy of inquiry, and in our writing courses, we urge students to learn about the social, political, and economic contexts surrounding writing by studying the literacy practices of themselves and their communities. We believe that critical thinking is essential to good writing, and we provide opportunities for students to create traditional academic essays, ethnographic research projects, new media texts, presentations about their writing, etc.
Whether you are a student or an instructor, I hope you find the information on this website helpful to your writing experience.
Jessica Pauszek, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of English
Director of Writing