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2011 Inaugural North East Texas Humor Research Conference

January 28-30, 2011 | Southern Methodist University, Dallas Texas


Hosted by the Division of Communication Studies, SMU Meadows Schools of the Arts

Conference Coordinator:

Owen Hanley Lynch, Ph. D.,
Communication Studies
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
3300 Dyer Street
Umphrey Lee Building – Room 229,
Dallas, TX 75275.
Tel: 214-768-1755

RSVP deadline: Thursday, January 20, 2011 via email to

Conference Fee: $25.00 cash or check (payable to Owen Lynch). Fee will be collected at the check in table at the opening reception (Friday, Jan. 28, 6:00PM, Taubman Atrium)

As this is the inaugural conference, all papers are by invitation but we encourage anyone interested in inter-disciplinary humor research to attend this conference and we strongly encourage humor researchers to participate in open poster board session at the conference (Saturday 29th 2:00-3:00)