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Conference Summary: On November 9th, 2018, A&M-Commerce hosted the 10th annual DFW Metroplex Linguistics Conference. A special thanks to all that attended the event! We look forwad to hosting again in the future. 

Next year's conference (2019) will be hosted at UNT.


The Applied Linguistics Lab Laboratory (ALL) of East Texas A&M University is excited to host the upcoming 10th annual DFW Metroplex Linguistics Conference on our main campus in Commerce, TX on November 9th, 2018.

This is a one-day linguistics conference, in cooperation with three other institutions of higher learning around the DFW Metroplex. Faculty and students from the University of Texas at Arlington, University of North Texas-Denton, Dallas International University, and East Texas A&M University will be presenting talks and posters. 

See information regarding: 




dFull Schedule


dEvent Location




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The event will run from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.

10:00 am - 10:45 am Plenary: Dr. Dongmei Cheng
10:45 am - 11:00 am Break (Coffee provided)
11:00 am - 12:30 pm Sessions
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch & Posters
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Sessions
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm Break (Coffee provided)
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm Sessions

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bdFull Schedule

10:00 am - 10:45 am
  • Plenary: Screencast Video Feedback vs. Text Feedback: What Do Students Think? - Dongmei Cheng, TAMUC
10:45 am - 11:00 am Break (Coffee provided)
11:00 am -12:30 pm
  • Linguistics and Texas Core Curriculum: Proposing, Developing, Maintaining - Katie Welch & Marco Shappeck, UNT-Dallas
  • Ideological presupposition in the 2016 Trump-Clinton debates - Emily Williams, UTA
  • The Passive Side of Sexual Violence: A Linguistic Analysis of ICTY “Landmark Cases” - Kristyne Wahlert & Ashley Balcazar, UNT
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch and Posters 
  • Levi Acord - Prosodic Word in Lamkang Verbs
  • Mary Burke - Reanalyzing South-Central Tibeto-Burman’s Internal Structure: Evidence from Lamkang
  • Mary Katherine Gowdy - The Thing Is: The Most Polysemous Word in the English Language
  • Jane Lorenzen - Tonal Recall: Musical ability and language-learning ability
  • Sumshot Khular - Nominalizing K-Prefix in Lamkang 
  • Madison Muniz - Plural Marking in SiSwati Nouns
  • Cynthia Kilpatrick - Faces of Fingers: Engaging Online TESOL Students in Synchronous Sessions
  • Ibrahim Alluhaybi & Jeffrey Witzel - Letter Connectedness and Arabic Visual Word Recognition
  • Rongchao Tang - How New L2 Words Are Stored at Initial Stages of L2 Acquisition
  • Miriam Akoto - Teaching Language through Puns: A project on beginner French Students
  • Hilal Ergul - Mitigating Oral Corrective Feedback: Preliminary Results
  • Masoumeh Razzaghi & Sendy Monarrez - Students' attitude towards NNS instructors: A comparison of English composition and Spanish as a foreign language
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
  • A use-conditional particle in Kimaragang Dusun - Paul Kroeger, DIU
  • Exploring massive pied-piping in non-interrogative CPs - Daniel Amy, UTA
  • The reconstruction of Proto-Segai-Modang (Kalimantan, Indonesia) - Alexander Smith, UNT
  • Restructuring in Indonesian - Kristen Frazier, DIU
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm Break (Coffee provided)
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm 
  • When Boundary Tones Aren't at a Boundary - Samantha Cornelius, UTA
  • Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Khurkhuls - Bebica Louriyam, UNT
  • The origin of NW Oaxaca kilo ‘dog’ - Jeremy Graves, DIU

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Dr. Dongmei Cheng

Screencast Video Feedback vs. Text Feedback: What Do Students Think?

This presentation compares online students’ perceptions of two types of digital feedback instructors provided on their written assignments: screencast video feedback provided using Screencast-O-Matic and text-only feedback provided using the “Comment” and “Track Changes” functions of Microsoft Word.

Graduate students who were enrolled in a 15-week fully online TESOL methods course participated in this research (N=13). Instructor feedback was provided to the first drafts students submitted in two major writing assignments. In the first assignment, instructor provided screencast video feedback to the participants via Screencast-O-Matic. In the second assignment, instructor gave text-only feedback to the participants on Microsoft Word. Participants revised their assignments and submitted the final drafts at the end of the course.  

An online survey was administered to obtain students’ perceptions. Results showed that students favored screencast video feedback because it attracted more attentions, provided more authentic reactions, and was personalized and easier to comprehend with more elaborated explanations. The perceived problem with screencast video feedback was that different from text feedback, it was difficult to return and review a specific part of the video. 

This presentation concludes with recommendations for the best practices of digital feedback, particularly screencast video feedback in online classes.

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This year's conference is being held at East Texas A&M University's main campus in Commerce, TX. The conference will meet in the Pride event room at the Sam Rayburn Student Center (Building 33 on the Campus Map). Use GOOGLE MAPS to map your location and estimate your commute time. 

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Parking is FREE! Best parking relative to the student center will be in lots 21, 23, and 18. Visitors should complete and print the Visitor Parking Free-Permit Application prior to arrival.


  • Tune into A&M-Commerce's radio station, KETR 88.9 FM

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