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Information for Instructors


dotGrievance Procedures

dotWriting Program Handbook

dotProfessional Development Observations



Grievance Procedures

Students who have concerns regarding their courses should first address those concerns with the assigned instructor in order to reach a resolution. Students who are unsatisfied with the outcome of that conversation or have not been able to meet individually with their instructor, whether in-person, by email, by telephone, or by another communication medium, should then schedule an appointment with the Director of Writing, Dr. Jessica Pauszek, by downloading and submitting a Student Grievance Form

 Where applicable, students should also consult University Procedure 13.99.99.R0.05 (“Student Appeal of Instructor Evaluation”).

Departmental Chain of Command for ENG 100/1301/1302 courses: Instructor -> Dr. Jessica Pauszek, Director of Writing -> Dr. Susan Stewart, Assistant Department Head -> Dr. Hunter Hayes, Department Head

Click here to download the University's grade appeal policies and procedures.

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Other course resources

Strong suggestions

Good practices for teaching courses at A&M-Commerce in the writing program. This is a guideline put together based on advice from the best teachers in the program.

1301 checklist

A list generated by experienced teachers of the kinds of things that should be covered in the class.  Refer to this list on days when you don't have a good lesson plan and throughout the semester to make sure you've covered all the important elements of a writing course in addition to the reading, theory, and writing in the course.

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Writing Program Handbook- Spring 2016

A handbook for instructors about program, university, and department policies and procedures.

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Professional Development Observations

Information about my annual observations of your teaching.

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