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Alpha Kappa Delta - (AKD)

Alpha Kappa Delta (AKD), the International Sociology Honor Society, was founded on the Texas A&M-Commerce campus in 1963. Created to recognize outstanding scholarship in the field of Sociology, AKD is a democratic, non-secret organization dedicated to the scientific study of human society and the betterment of humankind. AKD sponsors a number of events and activities and often joins with SACS to sponsor guest speakers and other academic events in the department and on campus.

Eligibility Requirements:

Undergraduate Students:

  • Must be an officially declared sociology major or demonstrate a serious interest in sociology within an official program of the host institution. Must be at least a junior (third year) by standards of the host institution.

  • Sociology minors are eligible
  • Shall rank in the top 35% of their graduating class in general scholarship. Must have maintained the equivalent of a 3.0 GPA in sociology courses taken at the host institution prior to initiation

    • If class rank is not readily available to a chapter representative, in lieu of class rank, students shall have accumulated the equivalent of an overall grade point average of at least 3.3 by a four point scale where: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0
  • Must have completed at least four regular courses in sociology at the host institution prior to initiation (exclusive of extension or courses graded pass/fail)

Graduate Students:

  • Must be officially admitted to graduate study in sociology at the host institution

  • Completion of one half year of graduate study in sociology (i.e., one semester or two quarters or the equivalent academic unit)

  • Graduate GPA of a B or better

  • Continued matriculation in a program of study leading toward a graduate degree in sociology at the host institution

Membership is granted without regard to race, creed, or national origin. Initiation is held twice a year: in November during the fall semester and April during the spring semester. Dues are $65 and include a t-shirt, certificate, and one-year subscription to Sociological Inquiry.

AKD members who would like to purchase an honor cord for graduation may do so by contacting one of the advisors.

Join Alpha Kappa Delta:

AKD Application Form (PDF)

More Information:

For more information about Alpha Kappa Delta, please contact one of the advisors: Dr. Julia Meszaros or Dr. Nicole Farris.