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Academic Advising

All music students are assigned an advisor in the College of Humanities, Social Sciences and the Arts. The main advisor for music majors is Amanda Scott. New students will have a registration hold on their account for the first two semesters or until 24 credit hours have been completed at TAMUC, and are required to meet with their academic advisor to register for courses. At the department level, advisors are typically the students’ applied instructor. Advisors meet regularly with each student to monitor progress and advise students on course selection in their respective course of study. The departmental advisor, division coordinator and School of Music, maintain information on each student’s pertinent records  (e.g., audition and admission applications, scholarship offers and letters of acceptance, jury evaluations, recital programs, proficiency exam reports, etc.). The student and advisors may electronically access the student’s updated academic records (transcripts and degree audits) using MyLeo (DegreeWorks).

When you first register, you must declare a music major and a degree (e.g., Bachelor of Music (Music Education), Bachelor of Music (Performance), or Bachelor of Arts in Music); then you will see the course of study and progress listed and reviewed on your DegreeWorks. If you see errors, contact your academic advisor. Students must review their degree audit  (Degreeworks) in MyLeo and refer to the relevant sections of the Undergraduate Catalog (e.g., “Core Curriculum,” “Music,” and “Secondary and Higher Education.”) prior to pre- registration.

It is essential that you consult your academic and departmental advisor prior to every registration so that you stay on track, avoid omitting required courses, take the courses in proper sequence, and avoid inadvertently taking courses that are not required in your field of study. You must also consult with your advisors prior to dropping or adding a course. Although advisors strive to provide the best possible assistance to each student, the ultimate responsibility for scheduling courses and in proper sequence remains with the student.

Helpful Hints

  • Keep your advisor informed of your progress and any changes in your schedule during the semester.
  • Be aware of the ‘30 hour rule’ and the ‘3-peat rule’ about tuition rates.
  • Be aware of the ‘6-course drop rule’ described on the registrar’s website:
  • You may not drop a developmental course (ENG 101 MATH 120 131 ) or a basic skills course (ENG 1301, MATH 1332, 1342, 1314, 1325).
  • Many upper-division music courses are offered on alternating years or semesters.
  • Know the proficiency, jury, and recital requirements for your principal applied and minor applied instruments.
  • Know the piano proficiency requirements for your degree program.
  • If you receive a music scholarship, you must register for at least 15 semester hours (SH) each semester and complete at least 12 SH per semester with a cumulative GPA of 2.75.
  • If you receive a housing scholarship, you must maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA for the first 60 hours attempted and a minimum 3.0 GPA after 60 hours.
  • If you are a music education major, you must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 and a minimum GPA of 2.75 in the field of specialization with no course grade less than a C.
  • Music students may apply the following music courses to the University Studies and professional courses:
    • MUS 1315 (World Music)
    • One from MUS 323 (Music History Early – 1750) or MUS 324 (Music History 1750 – Present)
  • All music majors must earn a minimum grade of a C in all Music Core classes in order to advance to upper-division Principal Applied lessons (MUS 352). These classes include the four-semester sequence of basic theory (MUS 1311, 1312, 2311, 2312) and the four-semester sequence of ear training (MUS 1116, 1117, 2116, 2117).
  • Finally, students who wish to transfer credits from another institution must adhere to University rules:
    • The last 60 hours prior to graduation must be taken at a senior-level institution.
    • The last 36 hours prior to graduation must be advanced-level courses (300 and above).   Also, the student may only transfer in 6 advanced semester hours from a senior-level institution.
  • All music students who graduate from A&M-Commerce must pass their proficiency exams and perform their recitals at A&M-Commerce.