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Supervision, Curriculum, and Instruction-Higher Education (SCIH) Dissertations 2005-2009

2009 (4)

Brazel, Bruce D., Planetarium Instructional Efficacy: A Research Synthesis, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

Glover, Louis Charles, Comparison of Tuition Disparities Among City, Suburban, Town, and Rural Public Community Colleges, A, advisor: Dr. Lee "Rusty" Waller

Kapp, Linda A., Relationships Between State Appropriations, Tuition and Fee Revenues, Tuition Discounts, and Enrollment for Texas Community Colleges for the Years 1999-2006, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

Stewart, Monte R., Investigation of Alternatively Certified Teachers' Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Certification Pathways, An, advisor: Dr. Leah E. Wickersham

2008 (9)

Conway, (Patricia) Jean L., An Analysis of Intercultural Competence Training for Community College Employees, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

Fain, Thomas A., Contributions of Ashbel Smith to Education in Texas, The, advisor: Dr. Madeline Justice

Fisher, Andrew, Faculty Perceptions of Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Public Postsecondary Education, advisor: Dr. Sharon Chambers Johnson

Gruver, Eric L., Utilizing the History Texas Examinations of Education Standards to Predict Student Success at Three Regional State Universities, advisor: Dr. Madeline Justice

Reed, Brenda, Effects of Virtual Manipulatives in Algebraic Thinking on Preservice Teacher Mathematics Courses, advisor: Dr. Madeline Justice

Seabolt, Brooke, Comparison of Two Delivery Formats of ESL Professional Development, A,
advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

Stanley, R. Edward, Current Mathematical Concepts Critical to Success in College Algebra,
advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Watkins, Jason Drew, Attitudes of Community College Developmental Writing Instructors and Student Success, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Williams, Alaric A., Attitudes of African American Males Regarding Counseling in Four Texas Universities, advisor: Dr. Madeline Justice

2007 (8)

Larkin, Charlotte Adams, Instructional Techniques for Online Interaction in Higher Education,
advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

McElhany, Julie, Interrelationships Between Faculty Concerns and Faculty Development in Select Community Colleges in Texas, advisor: Dr. Leah E. Wickersham

O'Connor, Kerri, High School Students and Dual Credit Courses, advisor: Dr. Madeline Justice

Ross, Henry Hoover, Concerns of African-American Faculty Employed at Predominantly White Doctoral Extensive Universities, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Rosser, Pauline Catherine, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Profiles of Higher Education Doctoral Students, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Rutherford, Grace Rheudasil, Interactivity, Faculty Development, and Student Success in Texas Community College Online Courses, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Thornton, L. Jay, Employee Wellness Programs in Community Colleges, advisor: Dr. Sharon Chambers

Wright, Marylyn Riley, Texas Community College Music Appreciation Courses, Online and Traditional, advisor: Dr. James C. Hardy and Dr. Sue Espinoza

2006 (11)

Boehm, Pam, Promoting Academic Integrity in Institutions of Higher Education, advisor: Dr. Madeline Justice

Dick, Philip C., Actual and Desired Use of Instructional Technology in Studio Art Courses, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

Edwords, Angela D., Training of Future Professors: Supervisors' Views on Doctoral Teaching Assistant Training, The, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

Loesch, Richard C., Females Who Hold a Superintendent's Certification and Have Not Become Superintendents2005, advisor: Dr. Madeline Justice

McAnally, Maribeth, Using Virtual Manipulatives in Courses for Preservice Teachers of Mathematics, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

McMillen, Jeremy P., Learning Outcomes Enhancement, Campus Culture, and Changes in the Learning-Centered Community College, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Russell, James W., Secondary School Biology Teaching, 1983-2004: Objectives as Stated in Periodical Literature, advisor: Dr. Joyce E. Miller

Steadham, Kyle S., Strategic Management Competencies Among Chief Human Resource Officers in Texas Public Community Colleges, advisor: Dr. Karla Neely Hase

Swope, Joyce L., History of the Arlington Baptist College from 1939-1952, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Un, Ka Sai, Perceptions of Doctoral Graduated College Faculty Members on Their Graduate Teaching Assistant Experiences as Preparation for College Teaching, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

Waugh, Karen, Computer Literacy Teaching Objectives for Secondary School as Stated in Periodical Literature: 1980-2004, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

2005 (12)

Baker, Russell Earl, Teaching the Collegiate History of Western Civilization Survey Course, 1918-2000; Objectives as Stated in Periodical Literature, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Caldwell, Sandra Wood, Validation of the 1993 Version of the Mathematics Self-Efficacy Scale, A, advisor: Dr. James C. Hardy

Dobbs, Pat, Inclination of Secondary Teachers to Implement Innovations Learned Through Professional Development, The, advisor: Dr. Karla Neely Hase

Dowdy, Jessie Thomas, Relationship Between Teachers' College Science Preparation and Their Attitudes Toward Science, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Ervin, Staussa C., Attitudes of Higher Education Faculty Toward African American Vernacular English, The, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Graves, Wade, College Freshman Level computer Literacy Teaching Objectives as Stated in Periodic Literature: 1980-2002, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Hardin, Jeanie (Sarah), Predictors of Success on the National Council Licensing Examination Computerized Exam (CAT-NCLEX-RN) in Associate Degree Nursing Programs: A Logistic Regression Analysis, advisor: Dr. Madeline Justice

Limerick (Kittell), Patricia, Perceived Barriers to Completion of the Academic Doctorate: A Delphi Study, advisor: Dr. James C. Hardy

Monsakul, Jintavee, Technology Preparation in Teacher Education Programs at Public Universities in Bangkok, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

Shelby, Leslie Roy, Attitudes of Community College Vocational Teachers, Academic Teachers, Counselors, and Administrators Regarding the Status of Vocational Education in Community Colleges, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Webb, Carolyn L., Predictors of Technology Integration by New Teachers, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

Webster, Pamela Sue, Effectiveness of Interventions of the Pass rate in Developmental Mathematics Courses, The, advisor: Dr. James C. Hardy