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Supervision, Curriculum, and Instruction-Higher Education (SCIH) Dissertations 2000-2004

2004 (8)

Alastuey, Lisa, Credentialed Teachers Not Pursuing Teaching Careers: A Critical Incident Inquiry, advisor: Dr. Madeline Justice

Bunting, Alyce, Design, Oversight, and Teacher Qualifications for Dual Credit Freshman English Courses in Texas, advisor: Dr. James C. Hardy

Cummins, Cynthia Faulkner, Honors Programs in Catholic Colleges and Universities, advisor: Dr. Joyce E. Miller

Fowler, Julie Hale, Factors That Influence and Hinder College Enrollment for People with GED Credentials, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Garippa, Steven Philip, Factors Associated with Student Retention Among College Hispanic Freshmen Attending Border Institutions, advisor: Dr. James C. Hardy

Graca, Thomas John, Communication Apprehension Among Teacher Education Students, advisor: Dr. James C. Hardy

Madden, Donald J., Jr.,  Perceptions of the Role of Collegiality as it is Practiced and Should be Practiced in Texas Four-Year Public Colleges and Universities, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Reagan, Leah, Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Developmental Mathematics Classes, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

2003 (14)

Anderson, Spencer, Fundraising Programs in Community Colleges and Factors That Contribute to Effectiveness, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Dill, Janice Carla, Student Perceptions of Critical Thinking Skills Development in an Online Learning Environment, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

Ellis, Bruce Ray, Investigation of Factors Influencing Teachers' Use of Computer-Based Technology, An, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

Greiner, Connie Sue, Relationship Between Select Variables and Teacher Retention, advisor: Dr. James C. Hardy

Manning, Larry, Contribution of Sylvanus Thayer and the United States Military Academy to Engineering Programs in Higher Education in the United States, The, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Pannell, Elizabeth A, Faculty Training For Web-Based Courses at Public 4-Year Institutions in the State of Texas, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

Pennington, Amie, Group Cohesion and Self-Efficacy in an Online Learning Environment, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

Pierce, Richard J., Telementoring: Analysis of On-Line Communications in a Mentoring Project, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Ritchey, David, International Graduate Students Coping With Inadequate Preparation in English, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Riza, Robert Keith, Parental Notification of College Student Alcohol Offenses in Relation to the Reduction of These Offenses, advisor: Dr. James C. Hardy

Taylor, B. Don, Texas Intercollegiate Press Association Under Faculty Leadership: 1965-2002, advisor: Dr. Sharon Chambers

Vestal, Jamie, Body Image, Eating Behaviors, and Weight Control Issues Among Collegiate Cheerleaders, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Warren, Curtis Mark, Identification by Consensus of the Critical Constructs of Private University Presidential Leadership, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Wommack, Kimberly Ann, Personal Interest and Career-Oriented Students Enrolled in Community College Studio Art Classes: A Comparative Case Study, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

2002 (21)

Allison, Dwayne L., Comparable Effects of the Use of a Computer-Assisted, Facilitative Teaching Approach to a Traditional, Lecture Teaching Approach on College Students' Learning About and Subsequent Use of Alcohol, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Belcher, Aleta, Development of a Survey Instrument to Measure Alumni Perceptions of University Student Services, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Chang, Tae, Factors That Affect Asian-American Students in Selecting a Major, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

Dokken, Aurora Dawne, Qualitative Program Evaluation of the Ferenc Liszt Academy Piano Pedagogy Program, A, advisor: Dr. James C. Hardy

Douglas, Dolorez Ramirez, Career Paths and Job Satisfaction of Hispanic Higher Education Administrators: A Comparison Based on Gender and Latino Subculture, advisor: Dr. James C. Hardy

Elder, Jane A., Extent of Integration of Gerontology into Seminary Curriculum, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Erdman, Howard, Transformational Leadership Congruence: A Comparison Between University and Community College Presidentail Leadership, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Huff, Donald F., Objectives of Secondary School Physical Education Teaching as Stated in Periodical Literature: 1970-1992, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

LeJeune, John Van, Meta-Analysis of Outcomes from the Use of Computer Simulated Experiments in Science Education, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Le Sage, Teresa Schonberger, Comparison of the Effects of Personality Characteristics and Electronic Activity Rates on Student Achievement in an Electronic University Learning Environment, A, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Ludrick, Brad B., Effects of a CD-ROM Textbook on Student Achievement and Cognition-Level-Attainment of Undergraduate Biology Students, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Mollick, George M., Effects of Computer-Based Training on Rural College Students' Achievement in Learning Elementary Database Concepts, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Nuttall, Jonathan Duane, Student and Faculty Member's Perceptions Regarding the Quality of Instruction Provided in Online Coursework, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

O'Neal, Berri, Analysis and Evaluation of Two Multi-Institution Teaching Centers in Higher Education, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Price, Kayla Francell, University Presidency: Preparation and Job Satisfaction, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Remshardt, Mary Ann, Student Perceptions of Effective and Ineffective Clinical Faculty Teaching Behaviors in Nursing, advisor: Dr. James C. Hardy

Rickel, Brian C., Comparison of Postsecondary Education Attendance and Completion Rates of High School Graduates, A, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

Seabolt, Michael A., Electronic Structure Study of Titanium Nickel Alloys by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Tinsley, Ron, Professional Self-Esteem of Teacher Educators in Texas, The, advisor: Dr. James C. Hardy

Villagra, Olivia, Critical Incidents in Community Colleges' ESOL Programs: Perceptions of Hispanic Students, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Whatley, Sherri L. Durham, Characteristics and Perceptions of Students and Instructors of Higher Education, For-Credit, Online Courses, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

2001 (18)

Burnett, Jeffrey, Wellness-Based Courses and Activity-Based Courses on Attitudes Toward Certain Dimensions of Physical Activity, The Effects of, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Cone, Trey B., Different Types of Exercises on the Self-Perceived Levels of Job Performance of Full-Time University Faculty and Staff, The Effects of, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Davis, Elton R., Levels of Career Indecision and Prominent Personality Dimensions of High School and Community College Dual-Enrollment Students, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Dennis, Ginger Ann, Behaviors of Distance Education Support Personnel That Affect College and University Faculty Teaching On-Line Courses: A Critical Incident Analysis, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

Ellis, Vickie Shamp, Semantic Measure of Affective Meanings of Professional Titles in Higher Education, A, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Glenn, Amy S., Comparison of Distance Learning and Traditional Learning Environments, A, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Glenn, Frank S., Retention of Black Male Students in Texas Public Community Colleges, The, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Hewitt, Deborah L., Developmental Mathematics Students' Achievement and Persistence and the Full- or Part-Time Employment Status of Their Instructors, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

Howell, Byron E., Impact of Testing Styles and Testing Methods on Achievement in General Chemistry, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Hurd, Paulette, Learning Styles and Students' Attitudes Toward Technology, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Hutchings, Sarah Elizabeth, History of the Texas Community College Teachers Association Between 1948-1998, A (V2), advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Hutchings, Sarah Elizabeth, History of the Texas Community College Teachers Association Between 1948-1998, A (V1), advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Jones, Wayne D., Relationship Between the Selection/Appointment Method of Academic Department Chairs and Corresponding Faculty Support in Oklahoma's Regional Universities, The, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Liles, Larry, Knowledge Gains of Higher Education Doctoral Students as Reflected in Pretest/Posttest Scores: 1990-2000, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Moser, Larry G., Factors Influencing Community College Students' Estimate of Knowledge Gains, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Thorsteinsson, Unnar Orn, Icelandic Educational Network: A Critical Incident Inquiry, The, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

Tutt, Earnest W., Service Learning and Non-Service Learning Community College Faculty Teaching Goals and Teaching Role Preferences, A Comparison of, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Upton, Thomas S., Use of Teacher-Led Hypermedia Instruction and Teacher-Led Print-Based Instruction on the Achievement of Selected Seventh-Grade History Students in Texas, The Effects of the, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

2000 (9)

Campbell, Lila K., Job Satisfaction Between Internal and External Focus of Control Nurses, A Comparison of Levels of, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Ethridge, Kathleen, Texas Academic Skills Program: Predicting Community College Associate Degree Nursing Student Outcomes, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Hemby, Brian F., Secondary School Science Teaching 1970-1992: Objectives as Stated in Periodical Literature , advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Krawietz, Paul J., From Charley Horse Professors to Allied Health Professionals: The Development and Growth of the Southwest Athletic Trainers Association From 1955-1999, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Matkin, H. Neil, Consensus of Academic and Industry Experts and Practitioners on Essential Information Systems Curriculum Elements: A Delphi Study, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

McCullough, Jonathan Wall, Economic Impact of and Athletic Program at a Rural Public Community College on the Local Economy, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

McDonald, David Randolph, Prediction Models for Performance of the Elementary and Secondary Professional Development Examination for the Certification of Educators in Texas, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Petronis, Janis Faye Barnes, Internationalization of Members Institutions of the Association of Business Schools and Programs, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Strain, Craig Eric, Workforce Development in North Texas Community Colleges, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Tollison, Hubert E. Jr., Perceptions of Undergraduate Business Professors Regarding the Teaching of Certain Quality Management Skills and Concepts in the Community Colleges and University, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday