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Supervision, Curriculum, and Instruction-Higher Education (SCIH) Dissertations 1995-1999

1999 (16)

Adams, Shawn, Development of a Community College Safety Curriculum, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Armstrong. Anita G., An Analysis of Student Placement into College Algebra (available in TAMU library), advisor: Dr. Joyce E. Miller

Bellman, Edwin R, Problems Encountered and Educational/Training Competencies Required in the Implementation and Operation of an Automated Production and Inventory Control System, advisor: Dr. Joyce E. Miller

Britt, Richard M., Components of Alternative-Learning-Environment Programs in the State of Arkansas, The Identification by Consensus of the, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Broyles, Michael L., Participation in Cooperative Learning on the Success of Physics, Engineering and Mathematics Students, A Comparison of the, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Emberton, Sherilyn, Integrating Applied Learning Methodologies in a Two-Year Postsecondary Core Curricula, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Jones, Dennis Gerard., Comparison of Instructor-Led and Computer-Based Educational Interventions on the HIV/AIDS-Related Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors of College Students, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Knight, Kathryn, Older Adults and Technology: A Critical Incident Inquiry into Learning Experiences, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

LeMaster, Mark, Conversion of an Established High School Into a Math, Science, and Technology Magnet School, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

McWright Buford L. "Mac", Criteria for Development and Implementation of Distance Education Programs in Colleges and Universities, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Nash, Max, Relationship Between Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Types and Success in the International Baccalaureate Program, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden 

Skauge, Suzanne, University Studies Science Course Selection and Academic Achievement in Relation to the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden 

VanHorn, Thomas A., External Factors Affecting Community College Governance as Perceived by Presidents of Institutions Accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell 

Yeager, Evan Todd, Study of Cooperation Between Home Schools and Public and Private Schools, K-12, A, advisor: Dr. Carolyn C. Cartwright

Zhang, Da, Using the Internet for Research: Factors that Affect its Adoption and Utilization by Doctoral Students, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

Zhao, Chao, Needs of the Science Teachers of Shenyang Area, Northeast China, The, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden 

1998 (10)

Atkins, Arleen, Effectiveness of Using a Counselors' Network to Promote Workforce Education to Elementary, Secondary, and Postsecondary Counselors, The , advisor: Dr. James Tunnell 

Bumpas, Roni Kelso, Factors That Affect the Selection of Community College Presidents , advisor: Dr. James Tunnell 

Early, Janice Webb, Peer Tutoring on Self-Esteem and Texas Assessment of Academic Skills Mathematics Performance of Tenth-Grade Students, The Impact of, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell 

Essary, Danny Ray, Critical Incidents Influencing Students' Selection of Elective Science, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Jenkins, Toni P., Performance of Home Schooled Students in Community Colleges, The, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Klabenes, Kyle Daniel, Perceptions of Texas Community College Presidents Toward Establishing and Maintaining Corporate/Employer Partnerships, advisor: Dr. Joyce E. Miller

Preast, Katie, Placement of Students in Mathematics Courses According to TASP Test Scores and Course Reading Levels, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell 

Swope-Marrs, Suzanne R., Factors Influencing Minority Students' Selection of Teaching as a Career Choice, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Watson, Jeffrey Bert, Effectiveness Factors Associated With Rural Community College/Industry Linkages in the Southern Heartland, advisor: Dr. Joyce E. Miller

Wells, Franklin Brian, Concept Maps on Community College Students' Conceptual Understanding of Biology Course Content, The Effect of the use of, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

1997 (14)

Bowers, Richard M., Introductory Science and English Courses on the Level of Logical Thinking of Community Students, The Impact of, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell 

Brandt, Dennis Merle, Institutional Effectiveness Process on Texas Senior Institutions, The Impact of an, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Hoffmann, Johannes O., Identification of the Critical Elements of Environmental Literacy: A Delphi Study, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell 

Lacefield, Gary Edward, Critical Strategies of Conflict-Resolution Staff Development in an Urban School District, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell 

Legg, Larry B., Assessment of the Dallas County Community College Student Guarantee Agreement, An, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Richards, Edward H., The Incident Effects on Engineers and Engineering Technologists in Pursuit of a Graduate Degree, advisor: Dr. Joyce E. Miller 

Rogers, Cheryl L., Issues of College Student Transfer of Music Courses In Texas, advisor: Dr. Carolyn Cartwright

Spradley, Lisa, Effects of Photographs of Learning Experiences on Recall with Sixth Grade Students, The, advisor: Dr. Joyce E. Miller 

Steward, Cynthia S., Factors Influencing Enrollment in Mathematics Courses by College Freshmen, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden 

Sun, Tai-Ding, Learning Styles and Preferences for Teaching Methods Among Non-Traditional College Students, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell 

Thorpe, Edward Thomas, Changes in Teaching Behavior and Teacher Attitudes Toward Computer Technology: A Grounded Theory, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Yarema, Allan E., Guidelines for Undergraduate, Entry-Level, Survey Courses in United States History: A Case Study, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Yin, Hong, Beliefs of Selected Texas Educators About Utilization of the Internet to Facilitate Multicultural Education, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

1996 (22)

Anderson, Lynn Lock, Irlen Syndrome and Visual Dysfunctions on Reading Comprehension, Effects of, advisor: Dr. Carolyn Cartwright

Chenault, Shirley, Reliability and Factor Analyses in the Development of an Instrument to Measure the Attitudes of Middle School, High School, and Community College Counselors Concerning Tech Prep, The Application of, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Ferguson, Laura, Special Instructional Strategy on Translation of Word Problems in Developmental College Algebra, The Effects of a, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden 

Ferguson, Marion Penny Adair, College Teachers' Locus of Control and Student Achievement in Developmental Classes, The Relationship Between, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Good, Johnny L., Development of Moral Judgment in Undergraduate University Students, advisor: Dr. Carolyn Cartwright

Grant, Pam Stroope, Characteristics of Community College Mathematics Remediation Programs, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden    

Horton, Howard L., Self-Managed Work Team Training Programs and Techniques: A Comparison of Perceived Effectiveness of Higher Education with Nonacademic Sources, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

Landers, Mary Ellen K., Predictive Effects of Certain Variables on Students Learning to Translate Word Problems in Developmental College Algebra in the Community College, The, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden    

Mitchell, Lorraine, Effects of a Technology-Enhanced Curriculum on Higher-Level Thinking Skills of Public School Students, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Neighbors, Janie E., Impact of Early, Regular, and Late Registration on Students at Three Texas Colleges, The, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Owens, Donna Mortis, Preparing the Secondary Teacher: Implications for Teacher Education Programs, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Payne, Shirley J., Workforce Training in Texas Community Colleges, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Piearcy, Ramona Kay, Relationship Between Mathematics Anxiety, Cerebral Hemispheric Dominance, and Final Course Grade of Students in College Algebra, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Reid, Steven W., Staffing and Enculturation of Adjunct Faculty in Higher Education, The, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Reven, Florette J., Student to Teacher: A Process of Professional Development, advisor: Dr. Carolyn Cartwright

Russell, Patricia Johnson, Ethnography of Effective Math Teachers and Their Impact on Student Achievement with Subgroups Taking the TAAS Test in Low Socio-Economic Communities, An, advisor: Dr. Joyce E. Miller 

Smith, Brian A., Meta-Analysis of Outcomes From the Use of Calculators in Mathematics Education, A, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Stevenson, Linda, Utilization of Andragogical Principles in Continuing Education in Nursing, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden 

Tyler, Sara Sue, Preservice Secondary Content Area Teachers' Early Recollections of Learning to Read, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden 

Whitus, Ernest Ferrell, Predictive Effects of the Mathematics Portion of the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills Test (TAAS) and Other Variables on the Mathematics Portion of the Texas Academic Skills Program (TASP), The, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Wilhite, Paula A., Effect of High School Calculus on the Variation in Academic Achievement Among Students in Undergraduate Calculus, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Zhao, Lizhu, Attitudes of Directors of Intensive English as a Second Language Programs Toward the Use of Computer-Assisted Instruction in American Universities, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

1995 (14)

Burrows, Linda Kay, Influence of Leadership Substitutes on Secondary Teachers' Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Carter, John Mark, Predictive Effects of the Norm-Referenced Assessment Program for Texas on the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills, The,  advisor: Dr. Carolyn Cartwright

Dennehy, Michael Anthony, Texas Academic Skills Program: Testing Community College Students Outcomes, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Green, Nancy Germany, International Pen Pal Writing on Social Distance, on Self-Concept, and on Writing Skills, The Effects of,  advisor: Dr. Carolyn Cartwright

Holda, William Michael, Leader-Follower Congruence: An Analysis of Community College Presidential Leadership, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Jones, Jo Carol, Identification by Consensus of a Two-Year Flight Training Transfer Degree, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Meek, Tequecie Veloria, Evaluation of the Pedagogical and Andragogical Models Utilized in Teaching Business Related Courses to Adult Learners, An, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

Moquin, Bertrand, Issues Pertaining to the Implementation of the Information Superhighway by Texas Community Colleges, advisor: Dr. Jon Travis

Oglesby, John Mark, Relationship Between Campus Ethnic Composition and Student Teachers' Social Distance and Dogmatism, The, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden 

Outlaw, Michael T., Comparative Analysis of Communication Dimensions Used by College Faculty During the Integration Process, A, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Ryan, James Michael, Technological Developments in Texas Public Schools, advisor: Dr. Earle Williams

Sewell, Scott Mallory, Working Adult Community College Business Students: The Educational and Employment Relationship, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Walker, Glen D., Predicting Engineering Technology Student Success Using Statistical Success Probabilities and Multivalued-Logic Success Possibilities, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Yarema, Connie Hicks, Effects of Use of a Context Approach to Calculus on Students' Critical Thinking Abilities, Content Acquisition, and Attitudes Toward Mathematics,  advisor: Dr. Carolyn Cartwright