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Supervision, Curriculum, and Instruction-Higher Education (SCIH) Dissertations 1990-1994

1994 (15)

Braley, Richard Todd, Impact of Texas Academic Skills Program Test Failure on College Retention and Graduation of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Sensing-Perceiving Students, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Chiu, Poshih, Effect of Slide-Tape and Printed Text on Retention and Attitude, A Comparison of the, advisor: Dr. Sue Espinoza

Davis, Lake M., Video-Taped Feedback Program on Communication Apprehension, The Effects of a, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Dennis, Kathleen Murphy, Factors Contributing to Successful Examinee Performance on the Spanish EXCET, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Dennis, Timothy M., Personal Letters as Instructional Tools: An Analysis of Paul's Letters to Timothy, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

Evans, David L., Speech Communication Skills on Writing Achievement and Critical Thinking Ability of Two-Year College Students, The Effect of , advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Ferrell, Nancy K., Police Officers' Receptivity to Community Policing, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Gilbert, M. Jean Benoit, Policymakers' Assessment of Real and Ideal Community/Junior College Funding Patterns in the 1990s, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Harris, James E. Jr., Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of Feedback in Computer-Based Instruction for Adults, A, advisor: Dr. Ronald F. Johnson

Hickox, Charles R., Training for Internet: Stages of Concern Among Academic Library Staff in the Amigos Consortium, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

Hurley, W.K. Sam, Attitudes and Recommendations of Horticultural Educators Toward Tech Prep Programs in Texas, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Johnson, Ronnie Jeff, Theological Education for Older-Adult Ministry: A Delphi Study of Ministers Affiliated with the Baptist Missionary Association of America, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

Leavenworth, Sondra B., Identification and Validation of Computer Competencies Needed by Nurses, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Mallon, Stephen, Leadership Position and Sex Role Stereotyping of Hispanic Gifted and Talented Children, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Strohsahl, Gladys June, Computer-Assisted Instruction on the Achievement Test Scores of Seventh-Grade Students, The Effects of, advisor: Dr. Earle Williams

1993 (17)

Abbott, W. Leon, Ethical Issues Encountered by Training Administrators - A Delphi Study, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

Bruner, Michael Clay, Overall Job Satisfaction of Faculty Members in Selected Rural Community Colleges, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Endres, Dianne, Predictors of Success on the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) of African-American and Foreign-Born Baccalaureate Graduates, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Flannery, Carol A., Study Behaviors and Other Characteristics of Remedial Mathematics and College Algebra Students, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Fox, Louise Watson, Development of a System for Producing Property-Owner Time Lines with Educational Applications, advisor: Dr. Ronald F. Johnson

Grace, Coy, Quality of Instruction at Community College Off-Campus Locations, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Holleman, John A., Analysis of the Educational Orientation of Ministers of Education in the Churches of Christ, An, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

Johnson, Geraldine R., Analysis of the Continuing Education Curriculum of the Associated General Contractors of America for Delivery by Satellite Teleconferencing, An, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Jones, Jean Birkhead, Effects of the Use of an Altered Testing/Grading Method on the Retention and Success of Students Enrolled in College Mathematics, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Killian, Jennifer Kay, Perceptions of Effective Methods of Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in Secondary Gifted and Talented Programs, A Delphi Study, advisor: Dr. Keith Savage

Loftin, Roger A., Pre-Service Secondary Teachers: Their Attitudes and Anxieties Toward Teaching, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Oakley, Dale, Resource Management Concepts Practiced by Private College and University Presidents: A Delphi Study, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Oglesby, Victoria Diane, Comparison of Career Paths and Levels of Job Satisfaction Between Male and Female Community College Presidents, A, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Rogers, Cheryl, Comparison of Texas Teacher Appraisal System Evaluations of Traditional and Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Candidates, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Sehr, Cecilia, Sr., Secondary School Physics Teaching, 1918-1972: Objectives as Stated in Periodical Literature, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Smith, Brenda Jean, Effect of Selected, Specific Personality Characteristics on Teacher's Willingness to Use Technology, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Wilson, George N., Projected Trends for Community College Learning Resources Centers as Perceived by Management, advisor: Dr. Ronald F. Johnson

Winn, Douglas Kent, Loehrer's Concept of Virtue as a Force Influencing Participation in Adult Education, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

1992 (10)

Bergin, Joyce Williams, Methods of Performance Evaluation Used by Governing Boards to Assess the Professional Performance of University Presidents, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Curran, Bruce E., Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Teacher Management Software Utilizing Microcomputer Workstations--An Ethnography, The, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Eubanks, Barbara A., Perceptions of Texas Brokers of Real Estate Legislated Pre- and Post- Licensure Education: Professionalism, Effectiveness of Programs and Income Levels, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Foster, Joan Grimes, Secondary At-Risk Students: Regaining Control of Graduation Through Efforts in an Alternative Program, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Martin, Donald C., Effect of Organizational Restructuring on the Professional Climate in a Secondary School, The, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Morton, Luis Jac-Remelg M., Central Texas college concept to decennial, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Powell, Gregory S., Critical Incidents for the Development of Community College Honor Programs, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Waits, Doris Murlene, Cooperative Learning: The Comparative Effects of Diverse Teaching Strategies on Middle School Academic Achievement, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Watkins, Linda, Assessment of the effectiveness of the academic preparation for transfer students: a case study, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Williams, Rosalind, Personality Characteristics of Gifted and Talented Students As Measured by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children, advisor: Dr. Keith Savage

1991 (14)

Brown, Randy L., Critical Attributes of Instructional Leadership in Nationally Recognized Secondary-Level Blue Ribbon Schools, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Chesson, Dinah Sue, Relationship and Differences Among Musical Aptitude, Cerebral Hemispheric Preference, and Achievement in Computer Programming Courses in Selected Groups of College Students, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Davis, Henry Clinton, Factors Contributing to Increased History Enrollments in Texas Four-Year Colleges, 1985-1990, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Hearron, Mary Carol, Predictive Effect of Logical Thinking, Prior Knowledge, and Learning Style Characteristics on Academic Achievement in an Anatomy and Physiology Course, The, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Hilliard, Colette Marie, Comparative Analysis of Developmental and College-Ready Students Based on Student Performance, A, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Luckett, Jaquita A., Relationships Between Critical Thinking Skills, Reading Skills, and Writing Proficiencies of College Freshman Composition Students, The, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Luckett, Richard A., Effect of the Use of Algorithmization on Critical Thinking Skills of Upper-Division College Students, The, advisor: Dr. Ronald F. Johnson

Mahoney, Sarah Nan, Comparative Analysis of Educators' Readiness to Deal with Chemical Abuse in the Greater Dallas Area: 1986 and 1991, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Palmer, Lillie M., Perceived competencies of managers in management information systems:  A Delphi study, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Russell, Athena, Perceptions of Selected Community Services/Continuing Education Administrators of Public Two-Year College Regarding Job-Satisfaction Factors, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Stamper, Jennifer N., Effects of the Use of Multimedia on the Higher-Level Thinking Skills of Seventh-Grade Students, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Swetman, Daniel Lee, Elementary Teachers' Mathematics Anxiety and Their Students' Attitudes Toward Mathematics, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Timmerman, Linda Davis, Combined Predictive Effects of Quality of Effort, Basic, Skills, and Lifestyle Characteristics on Academic Achievement and Retention of Two-Year College Students, The, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Wright, Harlee Augustus, Competencies of Chief Instructional Officers in Two-Year Public Colleges in Texas, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

1990 (17)

Baca, Judith Clark, Identification by Consensus of the Critical Constructs of Visual Literacy: A Delphi Study, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Chandler, Candice Taylor, Orton-Gillingham Treatment on Reading Levels of Treatment of Community College Developmental Students, The Effect of the, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Duck, Howard, Relationships Between MBTI Types and Proficiency on the TASP Test, advisor: Dr. Ronald F. Johnson

Gatlin, Rebecca W., Predictive Relationships Among Certain Factors Associated With the Academic Achievement of Prospective Teachers, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Hampton, Sally, Changing Instructional Practice: Principles of Andragogy and the On-Going Education of Writing Teachers, advisor: Dr. Keith Savage

Herrmann, Edith A., Development of a General Search Strategy to Teach to Undergraduates, The, advisor: Dr. Michele Otstott

Long, Kenneth A., Comparison of Personality Profiles of Participants and Non-Participants in a Leadership Program Taught by the National Management Association, A, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

McBride, Susan Abigail, Propensity to Leave Among Community College Faculty: The Effects of Role Ambiguity, Role Conflict, and Job Satisfaction Factors, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

McKown, Johnette Edwards, Critical Behaviors of Texas Community Colleges in Meeting Black and Hispanic Faculty Hiring Goals, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Mills, Joe Lee, College Freshman English Composition, 1972-1988 Objectives as Stated in Periodical Literature, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Munn, Anne Hodgkins, Predictive Effects of Computational Ability, Mathematics Anxiety, and Spatial Visualization Ability on Achievement in Developmental Algebra, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Myers, Gratz C., Faculty Attitudes and Perceptions Toward Non-Traditional Undergraduate Students in Degree-Granting Programs of Journalism and Mass Communication, An Analysis of, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

Sheriff, Susan Wright, Adult Learning Needs for Registered Student Nurses in Baccalaureate Schools of Nursing, The Importance of, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

Simpson, Terry L., Moral Discourse on the Moral Judgment Development of Preservice Secondary Teachers, The Effects of, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Wheat, John Richard, Effects of Certain Affective and Cognitive Variables on Performance in College Algebra, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Williams, Isaac W., Factors Associated with Student Achievement on The College Level Academic Skills Test in the State of Florida, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Yost, Willa Davis, Educational Implications Derived from a Critical Incident Analysis of the Family Cross-Cultural Reentry Transition Process, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney