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Supervision, Curriculum, and Instruction-Higher Education (SCIH) Dissertations 1985-1989

1989 (16)

Abbey, Johnny Lee Armstrong, Nationwide Internship Program for Business Educators, The Effectiveness of a, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Ambassa-Mve, Jean, Instructional Media Center for Teaching/Learning Agriculture at the University Center of Dschang in Cameroon West Africa, A Model of an, advisor: Dr. Ronald F. Johnson

Bauschka, Gwen Lareau, Predictive Effects of Organizational Climate Dimensions on Participation in Faculty Development Programs, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Blaine, Jane Elaine Michaud, Creativity, Hemispheric Brain Dominance, and Graduate Record Examination Scores of Adult Graduate Learners, A Correlational Study of, advisor: Dr. Janice P. Ingram

Bowen, James Louis, Creativity Level and Personality Type on College Students' Reflective Judgment, The Combined Predictive Effect of, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Christopher, Chris C., Predictors of Success on the Scholastic Aptitude Test, advisor: Dr. Keith Savage

Desai, S. T., Desirable Non-Content Attributes in Principles of Accounting Microcomputer Test Banks Among Two-Year and Four-Year College Accounting Instructors: A Delphi Study, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Harris, Ressa Elizabeth, Influence of Gender and Mentorship in Integration of Females into Executive Levels of Management, The, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

Justice, Madeline C. Molo, Literature Instruction with an Emphasis on Kohlberg's Moral Development Stages on Secondary Students' Moral Reasoning Abilities, The, advisor: Dr. Joyce E. Miller

Kennedy, Glenda Faye, Enhancing Problem Solving and Cognitive Skills of the Mildly Handicapped Through Microcomputers, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

McCabe, Mary Louise, Influential Factors Conductive to the Occupational Stress of Female Principals in Texas, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

McPherson, Mary LaCheeta Burns, Identification of Constraints and Development of Alternative Strategies in Secondary to Postsecondary Articulation of Technical Occupational Programs in Texas, The, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Mills, William G., Effects of the Use of Computer-Assisted Instruction on the Mathematical Achievement of Developmental Students, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Rainwater, Stephen Bryant, Predictive Effects of Community College Student Characteristics on Academic Achievement in Computer Science at an Upper-Division University, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Spurlock, Luther Terry, Effect of a Postsecondary Academic Correctional Education Program on the Recidivistic Tendencies of Selected Male Inmates, The, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Stretcher, Gary D., Perceptions of Selected Presidents of Public Two-Year Colleges Regarding Job-Satisfaction Factors, An Analysis of, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

1988 (22)

Apibalsri, Somsak, Delivery Systems for Adult and Continuing Education Programs, Trends and Issues, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Beauchamp, Darrell Gordon, Slide + Tape Presentation Type on Affective Response and Cognitive Achievement, The Effects of, advisor: Dr. Roberts A. Braden

Brasel, Michael Brasel, Relationship Between Utilization of Instructional Media and Teacher Burnout, advisor: Dr. Ronald F. Johnson

Brown, Norman D., Academic Nurse Centers in National League for Nursing Accredited Schools of Nursing, The Current Administrative Practices of, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Butler, Jerry Joe, Relationships Among Personality, Academic Achievement, and Career-Decision-Making Abilities of Selected Undergraduate and Graduate Preservice Teachers, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Cunningham, Ann, Computer-Generated Instructional Graphics on Measured Achievement Gains: A Meta-Analysis, The Contribution of, advisor: Dr. Roberts A. Braden

Garrett, Naomi R., Personal Support System of Selected Black Professionals and Non-Professionals: A Case Study, An Analysis of the, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Hill, Pamela Beth, Essential Special Needs Competencies for Texas Vocational Education Teachers, advisor: Dr. Keith Savage

Juroska, Chester R., Martin Luther's Contributions to Education, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

King, Jerry G., Assessment of the Effectiveness of Post-Secondary Vocational Education in the Texas Department of Corrections, An, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Littleton, Pamela Sue, Effectiveness of the Procedures Utilized in the Texas Teacher Appraisal System, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Morales, Aida G., Barriers, Critical Events, and Support Systems Affecting Chicanas in Their Pursuit of an Academic Doctorate, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Otwell, Adonna Gay, Possible Predictive Effects of Religious Beliefs, Locus of Control, and Certain Demographic Variables on Academic Achievement, The, advisor: Dr. Keith Savage

Pimolbunyong, Rosarin, Effect of Varied Rehearsal Strategies in Facilitating Achievement of Different Educational Objectives as Measured by Verbal and Visual Testing Modes and When Prose Instruction is in the Thai Language, The, advisor: Dr. Roberts A. Braden

Smith, Carol Esther, Critical Incidents of Library Media Services in an Urban, Multi-Campus School District, advisor: Dr. Lou Correll

Snodgres, Paul J., Status of Computer-Assisted Career Guidance Systems in United States Four-Year Institutions of Higher Education, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Swanson, Barbara Ann Glynn, Needs Assessment of Professional Development Competencies for Public School Library Media Specialists, A, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Thompson, Steven Price, Active Recreation Preferences of Adults Attending Community Colleges in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, A Study of, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

Von Neuhausenhoffen, Ira, Private Philanthropy Funding of Projects Sponsored by Libraries, Art Museums, and Zoos, A Comparative Analysis of, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

Walch, Theresa C., Perceptions of Selected Educators Regarding the Role and Function of Developmental Studies in Community Colleges of the Southwestern United States, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Whiting, Janice E., Chronology of Objectives for the Teaching of Reading for the High Schools of the United States From the Period 1918-1972 as Reflected in Selected Professional Journals, A, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Wibben, Charles Henry, Perceptions of Selected Female Entrepreneurs Regarding Entrepreneurial Competencies, The, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

1987 (12)

Davis, H. Scott, Library Instruction in Five Southern States, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Grantham, Leslie Clyde, Perceptions Derived From the Use of Computerized Decision Support System Models, A Descriptive Study of, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Hawkins, Mitzi Godwin, Combined Predictive Value of Learning Style Characteristics and Personality Factors on Academic Achievement, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Hill, Bill H., Job Satisfaction Among Faculty Members of Selected Oklahoma Public Junior/Community Colleges, A Profile of, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Humphrey, Lou Ella Langley, Effective Characteristics of Associate Degree Nursing Instructors: A Critical Incident Study, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Malone, Ollie, Jr., Comparison of Personality Type Prevalence in an Organization Setting, A, advisor: Dr. Janice P. Ingram

Mann, Carol Ann Pirrung, Identification of Evaluation Criteria for Learning Resources Specialists in Texas, The, advisor: Dr. Earle Williams

Orsak, Charlie George, Jr., Holland SDS Personality Codes for Adult Basic Educators in Texas, The, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

Phelps, Patricia Holland, Participation in Reflective Teaching on Preservice Teachers' Critical Thinking, The Effects of, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Rogers, Douglas W., Non-Programming Computer Competencies of Entry-Level Job Applicants as Perceived by Personnel Administrators, advisor:  Dr. Robert Titus

Sams, Thomas Lane, Cockpit Resource Management Concepts and Training Strategies, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Sciacca, Johnny Robert, Levels of Job Satisfaction Between University-Certified First-Year Teachers and Alternatively-Certified First-Year Teachers, A Comparison of, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

1986 (25)

Allen, H. M. (Mike), Reading Ability Levels of Students Enrolled in Selected First-Year Junior College Vocational Courses to the Readability Level of Assigned Textbooks, A Comparison of the, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Broughton, Marilyn Ann, Communication Competence and Personality Types as Predictors of Success in Traditional Versus Computer Assisted Instruction Learning Modes Within a Life Insurance Company: An Andragogical Approach, advisor: Dr. Janice P. Ingram

Cartwright, Carolyn Cooper, State and Trait Anxiety of Student Teachers and Teaching Effectiveness, The Relationship of, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Cox, Cheryl Baird, Prediction of Student Achievement in a Selected School District, The, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Del Barrio, Fidel, Foreign-Student Enrollments and Admission Policies at Texas Public Community/Junior Colleges, A Study of, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Evans, Larry Steve, Analysis of the Educational (Andragogical-Pedagogical) Orientation of Southern Baptist Ministers of Education, An, advisor: Dr. Joyce E. Miller

Ferguson, James Richard, Perceptions of Community College Occupational Education Students and Faculty Regarding the Actual and the Ideal Uses of Positive Reinforcement by Instructors, A Comparison of the, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Gandy, Judy P., Overall and Subject-Matter Grade Point Averages in a Selected Group of Humanities Graduates With and Without Teacher Certification, A Comparison of, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Hamilton, Robert W., Current and Anticipated Uses of Computers in Community Colleges in Texas and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, The, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Hines, Donna D., Perceptions of Current Issues and Trends of Cooperative Education in Texas Postsecondary Institutions, A Delphi Study:, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Huse, Vanessa Evans, Predicting Success of Computer Science Students in Four-Year State Institutions of Higher Education, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Irby, Jeannine Admire, Status of Honors Programs in Two-Year and Four-Year Public and Private Colleges in Texas, The, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

Jordan, Jennifer, An Ethnographic Study on Early Adolescent Social Interactions in the Non-Instructional environment at the Middle School level, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Leal, Jose Gilberto, Differential Aptitude Test as a Predictor of Success in Selected Technical Programs at Texas State Technical Institute-Harlingen, The, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

McConnell, James S., Secondary School Mathematics Teaching, 1918-1982: Objectives as Stated in Periodical Literature, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

McGuire, Sharon Gayle, Determine the Effects of House Bill 246 and House Bill 72 on Vocational Education in Texas, A Study to, advisor: Dr. Roger Arnold

Moore, Charles Floyd, Upper Elementary Classroom Teachers' Views of the Impact of the Computer Movement in Education, advisor: Dr. Lou Correll

Morgan, Patricia, Entry Into Practice: A Professional Perspective, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Pascal, Nanette R., Identification and Analysis of Critical Factors in Classics Curricula of Two-Year and Four-Year Colleges, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Pritchett, Shirley, Relationship Between the Degree of Altruism and the Degree of Burnout in a Selected Group of Community College Psychology Teachers, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Slimp, Mickey M., Ten Years of Educational Technology and the Curriculum Development Unit of Belize, Central America, 1974-1984, advisor: Dr. Roberts A. Braden

Stahl, Jimmie O., Relationship of Selected Motivational Variables, Demographic Variables, and Physical-Fitness Measures to Exercise Frequency, The, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Webb, Mary Patricia Powless, Attitudes and Needs of the Membership of the international Television Association, An Assessment of the, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Wyer, David S., Presage Criteria Used by Administrators in Selecting Trade and Industrial Pre-Employment Laboratory Teachers, A Study of, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Zerwekh, JoAnn Graham, Delphi Study of Factors Influencing Nursing Students to Enroll in Review Courses, A, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

1985 (19)

Ballenger, Richard Wade, Identification and Analysis of Career Competencies for Secondary School Academic Counselors, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

De La Garza, Jane, Major Educational and Political Antecedents of House Bill 246, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Dowell, Billie Fann, Relationship Between Certain Personality Types and Level of Job Satisfaction Among Selected Classroom Teachers in the Northeast Texas Area, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Duchesne, Camille Chesnier, Relationships Among Academic Achievement, Locus of Control, and Need for Achievement in a Selected Group of Central Texas Post-Secondary Vocational Skills Training Students, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Feaster, Sharon Anne, Development, Implantation, and Evaluation of a Training Model for Computer Literacy Teachers, The, advisor: Dr. Joyce E. Miller

Forrest, Mary, Comparison of the Attitudinal Characteristics of Students Enrolled in Speech Communication Courses in Selected Community College, A, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Grams, Mary Ann, Productivity Ratings of Selected Entry-Level Programmers, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

James, Mary Helen, Creativity, Self-Actualization, and Effectiveness in Teaching in Selected Groups of Prospective Teachers, The Relationship Among, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Kwan, Shang-Ren, Interactive Video Program in a Secondary School, The Development of an, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Land, V. Louise, Identification of Professional Improvement Needs of Secondary Vocational Office Education Teachers in Texas, The, advisor: Dr. Joyce E. Miller

Marshall, Gerald D., Role Conflict in the Small-High-School Principalship Evolving from Conflicting Expectations Toward the Principal's Instructional Helping and Evaluating Roles, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Marshall, Jeanice Holloway, Prospective Elementary Teachers' Knowledge of Selected Mathematical Concepts and Skills as Mandated by Texas House Bill 246, advisor: Dr. Mary L. Jernigan

Owens, Emma Nan, Status of Computer Literacy, Teacher Certification, and Funding as Prescribed by State Education Agencies, advisor: Dr. Earle Williams

Payne, Martha, Critical Incidents of Women Managers with a Secretarial Orientation, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Pinyan, Janice Wynell, Descriptive Study of Adult Education Related to the Social Concerns in the United Methodist Church in America, A, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

Rattan, Cleatus Hampton, Theme, Form, and Technique in the Poetry of Selected North Texas Academic Poets, An Analysis of, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Snow, Carolyn Sue Broadus, Identification of Available Resources and Levels of Concern of Decision-Makers Regarding Continuing Education Programs in Texas Public Post-Secondary Institutions, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

Tulloch, Edwin Fred, Faith Stage Transition in Adults, A Study of, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

Watwood, Murlene, Profile Study of Word Processing in Selected Businesses and Secondary Office Education Programs in Texas, A, advisor: Dr. Roger Arnold