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Supervision, Curriculum, and Instruction-Higher Education (SCIH) Dissertations 1980-1984

1984 (22)

Armstrong, Stephen, Contents of Computer Literacy Courses for Educators, An Analysis of the, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Barnett, Sara M., Secondary School Principals' Attitudes Toward Vocational Education Programs in Texas, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Bland, Aileen L., Biological Topics in Introductory Science in Accredited Bible Colleges, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Bright, Ronald T., Vocational Programs on Incarcerated Students' Self-Concept and Locus of Control, Effects of, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Dean, James William, Inservice Needs in Agricultural Mechanics for Vocational Agricultural Teachers in New Mexico, A Study of, advisor: Dr. Roger Arnold          

Drake, Theodore Edward, Guidelines for Community-College Staff Development Programs for Part-Time Faculty Teaching College-Credit Courses, advisor: Dr. Robert Garin

Garbarino, Lloyd Nicholas, Finance Competencies of Undergraduate Business Majors, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Garin, Gail West, Teaching of High School Reading, 1973-1982: Objectives as Stated in Periodical Literature, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Harris, Willie D., Secondary School Science Teaching 1918-1972 Objectives as Stated in Periodical Literature, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Hemmila, Herbert William, Adjustment and Assimilation of Cambodian Refugees in Texas, The, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Ho, May Lein, Competencies of Curriculum Materials Center Directors in Teacher-Education Institutions, advisor: Dr. Inez Johnson

Johnson, John F., List of Current Biology concepts to be Included in an Introductory College Biology course, A, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Kline, Kathleen Ann Klus, Relationship Between Scores on the American College Test (ACT) and Grade-Point Averages in Selected Groups of Prospective Teachers and Business Majors, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Maxile, Horace J., Locus of Control and Reading Achievement in Selected College Freshman, advisor: Dr. Robert Windham

Powell, Joyce Elaine, Effects of Sentence Combining on the Writing of Basic Writers in the Community College, The, advisor: Dr. Joyce E. Miller

Rand, Nelson, College Biology Teaching, 1918-1982: Objectives as Stated in Periodical Literature, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Sormin, Benni H., Relationships Between Personality and Teaching Effectiveness of Vocational Industrial Teachers in Selected High Schools in Northeast Texas, The, advisor: Dr. Leon T. Harney

Studdert, Ronald W., Descriptive Study of Student Opinion Concerning Media Utilization in East Texas Public Schools, A, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Swiderski, Margaret Roach, Leadership in Instructional Television Provided by the State Departments of Education, advisor: Dr. Inez Johnson

Thomason, Tommy G., Freedom of the Student Press at Southern Baptist Colleges and Universities, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Ugwuh, Cyprian Nze, Analysis of Attitudes and Career Choices of IBO Students of IMO State, Nigeria, advisor: Dr. Dennis P. McCabe

Villarreal, Elias E., Motivational Factors of Senior Citizens Enrolled in Noncredit Avocational Continuing Education Courses in the Public Community Colleges in Texas, The, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

1983 (28)

Arnold, Wilda K., Individualized Instruction in Baccalaureate Schools of Nursing Accredited by the National League for Nursing, advisor: Dr. Inez Johnson

Barnes, Lethan Alan, Graduation Requirements of Texas Public Junior Colleges for Vocational-Technical and Transfer Students for the Academic Years of 1960-1961, 1970-1971, and 1980-1981: A Study of Curriculum Change, A Comparison of the, advisor: Dr. Robert Garin

Boles, James H., Relationship Between Tasks Performed by Local Secondary Vocational Administrators and the Preparation Program in Texas, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Bond, John Richard, Perceptions of Selected Community College Parent Campus Administrators, Accountable for Branch Campuses, Concerning the Desirable Functions and Responsibilities of Community College Branch Campuses, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Brewer, Cecil Harrison, II, Entry Level Automobile Mechanics Tasks, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Castro, Efren D., Placement Services in the Public Post-Secondary Institutions of Texas, The Current Status of, advisor: Dr. Robert Garin

Clark, Rosa Velma, Self-Concept and Reading Ability in a Selected Group of Secondary Students, The Relationship Between, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Clinton, Linda Tomlin, Two Methods of Teaching Sociology in Facilitating Students Rational Thinking About Racial and Ethnic Groups,  The Effectiveness of, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

Cox, Leland M., Follow-up Study of High School Dropouts After Enrolling in a Pilot Out of School Youth Cooperative Training Program, A, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Deer, Elva Mae, Curriculum Changes, 1973-1982, Affecting the Professional Preparation of School Library/Media Personnel, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Edwards, Veneta Bond, Relationship Between Self-Actualization and Teaching Effectiveness in Selected Groups of Community College Instructors, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Floyd, Brenda L.,Preferred and Actual Characteristics of Public Community, Junior, and Technical College Chief Business Officers, advisor: Dr. Robert Garin

Fowlks, Willie B., Attitudes Toward Self and School Between Participants and Nonparticipants in Talented and Gifted Programs in Grades Three, Four, and Five in a Suburban North Texas School District, An Analysis of, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Guier, Harry E., Case Study of the Public Relations Methods of Dr. Nolan Estes in Relation to Selected Critical Events in an Urban School District for the Period 1968-1978, A, advisor: Dr. Robert Garin

Harris, Robert E., Experimental Study To Determine the Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Industrial Arts Wood Laboratory Safety, An, advisor: Dr. Leon T. Harney

Harvey, Samuel J., Investigation of the Relationship Between Hypnotic Responsiveness, Selected Psychological Factors, and Sex of the Subject, An, advisor: Dr. Robert L. Smith

Huffstutler, Jan Weaver, Perceived Need and Criteria for Day-Care Centers for the Frail Elderly in Texas, The, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Lancaster, Sally R., Survey of Private Foundations in Texas Concerning Adult/Continuing Education, A, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

McSpadden, Martha Watson, Status of Cognitive Style Mapping Usage in Associate Degree Nursing Programs, The, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Mims, Robert Lewis, Utilization of Instructional Media and Techniques in Physical Geology Courses of the Two-Year Colleges of Texas and Selected Colleges of Other States, advisor: Dr. Inez Johnson

Passmore, Jane D., Influence of Professional Organizations of the Careers of Women in Nontraditional Professions, advisor: Dr. Joyce E. Miller

Pryor, William Donald, Study of the Attitudes of High School Administrators, Guidance Counselors, and Teachers in Nacogdoches County, Texas Toward Vocational Education, A, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Schroeder, Morton Richard, History of WBAP-TV The First Ten Years 1948-1957, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Sconce, Evelyn R., Completers and Noncompleters and Their Evaluations of an AVT Business Lab in a Public Community College, A Study of, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

Small, Maude Reed, Attitudes of Black High School Students and Their Parents Toward Vocational Education, The, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Timberlake, Donald L., College music teaching: 1914-1989, objectives as stated in periodical literature, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Wakefield, Deborah Gay, Perceptions of Organizational Communication and Power Among Female and Male Administrators, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Wieland, Janice Carol Abels, Comparison of Interpersonal Communication Styles and Practices of Texas Public Figures, Business Leaders, and College Speech Communication Instructors, A, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

1982 (22)

Barnes, James L., Perceptions of Selected Chief Student Personnel Officers and Chief Faculty Senate Officers Regarding the Desirable Versus the Actual Level of Student Participation in University Decision Making in Texas, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Basel, Josephine Hardin, Selected Public School Libraries in Texas with State, Regional and National Standards, A Comparison of, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Betenbough, T.J., College-Level Reading Programs in Texas, A Description of, advisor: Dr. J.B. Wilson

Birkelund, Alfred Evans, Architectural Plan Inclusions for Instructional Media and Technology in East Texas Schools, A Survey of, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Brown, Roger D., Community Service Function of Public Community Junior College Music Departments, A Survey of the, advisor: Dr. Robert Garin

Chamberlain, Enrique King, Critical Incidents of Service Functions of Libraries/Learning Resources Centers in Four Campuses of an Urban, Multi-Campus Community College District, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Cranston, Charles M., Perceptual Realism Versus Depicted Realism: The Discriminatory Abilities of Adult Television Viewers, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Ferguson, Oliver Wendell, Jr., Relationship Between Students' Self-Concepts and Their Perceptions of a University Environment, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Gassman, Cletus Robert, Foreign Student Advisers in Two-Year and Four-Year Colleges and Universities in Texas, A Study of, advisor: Dr. Loren Betz

Gregory, Margie Williams, Teacher Participation in Curriculum Decision Making Through Upward Communication, advisor: Dr. Dennis P. McCabe

Guttry, Lottie Lipscomb, Effects of Sentence-Combining Exercises on Syntactic Fluency, Quality of Writing, and Standard Usage in the Writing of Community College Freshmen, advisor: Dr. Robert Garin

Harris, Hilda M., Life Events and Academic Performance of High School Students, A Study of, advisor: Dr. Dennis P. McCabe

Hazlewood, Barbara Ann, Employers' Perceptions of Employability Traits and Qualities of the Graduates of the Dallas Independent School District, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Hoffman, Marion Roscoe, Current Status of Home and Community Service Programs for Handicapped Students in Texas, A Study of the, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Humbert, William L., Identify Specific Criteria for the Development of Gifted Programs for Secondary Schools, A Study to, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Jones, Areatha, Investigation of the Effectiveness of vocabulary Development on Achievement in Reading, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Logan, Mary Dean, Perceptions of Collegiate Shorthand Instructors in Texas Regarding the Importance of Selected First-Year Shorthand Practices, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Mistretta, William O., Device to Facilitate Speech Production in Deaf Children, A, advisor: Dr. Inez Johnson

Muyskens, Lois Anne, Relationship Between Religious Beliefs and Aesthetic Preferences of Community College Humanities Students, The, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

Walker, Myrtle Garner, Portrayal of Blacks, Mexican-Americans, and Indians in Selected Texas-Adopted Secondary American Literature Textbooks, The, advisor: Dr. Dennis P. McCabe

Watson, Gail Walden, Elementary, Junior High, and Secondary Teachers' Perceptions of Stress Factors in Teaching, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Woodard, Alice, College Freshman English Composition, 1918-1972: Objectives as Stated in Periodical Literature, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

1981 (21)

Anderson, Betty J., Metric Education in Seventh and Eighth Grade Science Classes in Four Large School Districts in Texas, A Survey of, advisor: Dr. Joyce E. Miller

Armstrong, Williease, An Analysis of Cognitive Style Profiles and Ability Groupings in American History Among Secondary School Students in Caddo Parish, Shreveport, Louisiana, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Bell, H.B., Education Amendments of 1978 to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 on the Implementation of Title I Programs, The Effect of the, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Bostic, Mary Louise, Academic Achievement and the Test of English as a Second Language (TOEFL), A Correlational Study of, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

Bounds, Glen Ivan, Perceptions of Selected Community Colleges Regarding Preferred Procedures for Implementing Cognitive Style Mapping, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Cogan, W. Daniel, Design and Development of an Interdisciplinary Graduate Course in Professional Cooperation, The, advisor: Dr. Bruce R. Ledford

Cuéllar, Anacleto, Collective Legislative Effectiveness of Area Delegations and Special Item Funding for Texas Regional Colleges and Universities, A Study of, advisor: Dr. Dennis P. McCabe

Davis, Katherine McGough, Characteristics of Graduate Students in Library Science, Educational Technology, and Unified Library Science/Educational Technology Programs in the United States, advisor: Dr. Bruce R. Ledford

Ellis, Mary Rabon, Identification of Entry-Level Skills of Business Applications Programmers as Determined by Experienced and Inexperienced Programmers in Selected Businesses in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, An, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Fournet, Ruby C., Comparative Analysis of Texas Community Junior Colleges and Proprietary Schools Offering Occupational Programs Approved by the Texas Education Agency, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Franco, Juan R., Status of Foreign Language Education in Public-Supported Community Colleges in the Southwest, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Gray, Paul W., Investigation of the Application of Selected Management Techniques to Public University Administration, An, advisor: Dr. Bruce R. Ledford

Lackey, Sheryl Lynn, Effects of Occupational Investigation on Selected Eight-Grade Students' Self-Esteem and Locus of Control, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Magee, Connie Deen, Attitudes of the Business and Educational Community Toward Word Processing as an Instructional Area in the Secondary Business and Office Occupations Programs in Texas, The, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Pendergrass, George W., Feasibility of Establishing Regional Media Services for Elementary and Secondary Schools of Southeast Missouri, advisor: Dr. Inez Johnson

Peterson, David R., Investigation of the Use of a Slide/Audiotape Test as a Substitute for a Performance Test, An, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Rexroad, Cameron Eric, Public Librarians: An Analysis of Professional Personnel Selection Policies Practiced in the Texas Public Library System, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Reynolds, James Talmadge, Preretirement Educational Needs of Retired Black Women Who Were Domestic Workers in Dallas, Texas, The, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

Schantz, Letty Moxley, Comparison of the Oral Reading, Phonetic-Analysis, Comprehension, and Conservation Abilities of Early Readers, A, advisor: Dr. Sally L. Kirkham

Stephens, Donnya E., Institutionalization of the Multicultural Education Component in Secondary Teacher Education Programs in Texas, A Study of the, advisor: Dr. Dennis P. McCabe

Zamanian, Hossein, Appraisal of the Business Administration Program at the College of Business Tehran, Iran, An, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

1980 (20)

Anirudhan, Madhavan, Manpower and Competency Needs of Sub-Managerial Personnel in the Food Processing Industry of the Dallas-Fort Worth Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Bell, Rea Moody, Comparisons of Perceptions of Ideal and Real Leader Behavior and Teacher Moral of Secondary Teachers Working with Female and Male Principles, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Butler, Robert Byron, Comparative Analysis of Three Instructional Television Presentation Formats, A, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Cantrell, R.B., Pubil Control Ideology of Selected Graduate Students in the College of Education, East Texas State University, advisor: Dr. B.J. Steelman

Crocker, Charlene S., Pre-Service Experience on Attitudes, Self-Concept, and Teaching Effectiveness in a Secondary Teacher-Education Program, Effects of, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Drummond, Bruce J., Effects of Circadian Rhythm on the Aerobic Capacity, Heart Rate, Body Temperature, and Perceived Exertion of Selected Full-Time Students at the Senior-College Level, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Friedrich, John R., Attitudes Toward Career Education as Exhibited by Selected Community-College Personnel and Students, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Green, Douglas A., Index to Collected Essays on Educational Media and Technology, An, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Johnson, Joyce Fortson, Leader Behavior of Community Junior College Instructors as Perceived and Expected by Themselves and Students, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Garin

Jones, Charles F., Characteristics of Ethnic Minorities in Educational Technology in Higher Education in Texas, advisor: Dr. Bruce R. Ledford

Khan-Shaghaghi, Kazem, Undergraduate Curricular Program of the College of Public and Business Administration at Tehran University, A Study of the, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

McCormack, John J., Effects of Gender, Intensity, and Duration of Sex-Related Visual Subliminals upon the Submission of Controlled Attention, advisor: Dr. Bruce R. Ledford

McCowan, Winston Clay, Analysis of the Effects of Workload on the Verbal Behaviors of Selected Community College Teachers, advisor: Dr. Robert Garin

McMichael, Rick G., Perceptions of Selected Employers in Ellis County, Texas, Regarding the Employability Qualifications of Industrial-Cooperative-Training Graduates and Vocational-Industrial-Laboratory Graduates, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Mundely, Visvanathan S., Medical Laboratory Technology Program at Laredo Junior College Based on the Perceptions of Graduates and Employers, An Appraisal of the, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Plog, Claudia E., Relationship of Selected Variables in Predicting Academic Success in Computer Programming, The, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Robinson, Yvonne Metoyer, Factors Associated with the Development and Implementation of Word Processing Centers in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, advisor: Dr. Robert Garin

Smith, Roy Lee, Comparative Study of Readability of Vocational Material and the Reading Ability of the Mexican-American Students at the Secondary Level, A, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Webster, Bennie Marie, Investigation of Locus of Control and Reading-Achievement Levels of Selected College Freshman Students, An, advisor: Dr. J.B. Wilson

Wilkerson, Mary, Sex and Ethnicity Upon Teachers' Expectations of Students, The Effects of, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday