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Supervision, Curriculum, and Instruction-Higher Education (SCIH) Dissertations 1975-1979

1979 (28)

Baker, Lawerence W., Jr., Three Forms of Instructional Media as They Relate to Cognitive Achievement in the Social Studies, The Effects of, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

Bird, Sharon W., Perceptual Characteristics, Self-Actualization, and Teaching Effectiveness in Developmental Studies Instructors and Non-Developmental Studies Instructors in Selected Community Colleges, The Relationship Among, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Brown, James A., Use of Behavioral Objectives and Worksheets on Immediate and Delayed Recall on an Audio-Cassette Tape Presentation, The Effect of the, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

Caffee, Barbara, Student Teaching Experience on Student Teacher Attitudes and Relationships Between Attitudes and Teacher Effectiveness, advisor: Dr. John Godbold

Conley, Mabel, Impact of Developmental Studies on Selected Students Enrolled at Southern University Shreveport-Bossier City Campus, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Counts, Edward L., Documentary Films About Southern Appalachia, The Content of, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Davis, Harley, Comparison of the Attitudes of Selected Drafting Instructors as Related to Community Junior College Philosophy, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Dronet, Virgie Mae, Historical Development of the Louisiana Association for Educational Communications and Technology, advisor:Dr. Beatrice S. Murphy

Evans, James John III, Learning Resources Center Concept Implemented in Texas Public Community Colleges, A Description of the, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

Fletcher, Norman R, Perceptions regarding the desirable content of a two - semester mathematics sequence for students majoring in non-mathematics related disciplines, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Grove, Martha Judin, Sample Frequency Modifications and Comparative Readability of Four Readability Formulas as Applied to Selected Textbooks on the Teaching of Reading, advisor: Dr. J.B. Wilson

Hays, Robert E. II, Television-Newspaper Credibility: An Experimental Study, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Hood, Marc C., Varying Television Production and Transmission Techniques on the Perceptions and Cognitions of Selected Adolescents, The Effects of, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

Hulsey, Carol Lynn, Comparison of Relationships Between Reading Ability and Degree of Self-Actualization in Prospective Elementary and Secondary Teachers, A, advisor: Dr. J.B. Wilson

Kennedy, Tommy Dale, Comparison of Students' Perceptions of Identified Teacher Personality Traits as Conveyed Through Live Instruction and Through the Medium of Television, A, advisor: Dr. Bruce R. Ledford

Lusk, Deana Marie Lewis, Relationships Among Personality, Teaching Role Orientation, and Teaching Effectiveness in a Selected Group of Prospective Secondary Teachers, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Magill, Charles L., Occupational Investigation Program Upon the Career Maturity of Students at a Career Academy Within the Magnet School Concept, The Effects of an, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Martin, Ralph W., Work Values, Job Success, and Job Satisfaction of Selected Groups of Coordinated Vocational Academic Education Students and Their Supervisors, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Rayford, Lee E., Criteria for the Selection of Public Elementary School Principals in the State of Nevada, advisor: Dr. Mary L. Jernigan

Rector, Thomas J., Selected chief business officers perceptions of zero-base budgeting as a fiscal management concept for colleges and universities, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Reeves, James Hubert Galt, Jr., Perceptions of Justices of the peace in Relation to the Curriculum of the Justice of the peace Training Center for Suicide and Homicide Investigations and Inquests, advisor: Dr. J.B. Wilson

Robinson, Charles C., Jr., Identification and Analysis of Actual and Desirable Middle School Practices as Perceived by Selected Middle School Principals in Texas, The, advisor: Dr. B.J. Steelman

Roy, Robert H., Secondary School Earth Science Teaching, 1918-1972: Objectives as Stated in Periodical Literature, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Thompson, Barbara Ann Hamm, Perceptions of Selected Groups of High School Principals and Vocational Homemaking Teachers Regarding the Importance of Home Visitation, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Trice, Ronald Wayne, Current and Predicted Use of the Computer in Selected Educational Technology Programs, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Vogal, Fred J., Creative Perceptions and Self-Concepts of Selected Groups of Community College Vocational-Technical and Community College Academic Students, The, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Wright, Frank, Attitudinal and Knowledge Levels as Related to the Community College Concept: A Study of Faculty and Administrators From Selected Texas Community Colleges, advisor: Dr. John Godbold

Zukowski, James John, Identification and Analysis of Actual and Desirable Teaching Competencies of Secondary School Instructors of Academic Subjects, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

1978 (37)

Barker, Tommy G., Determination of Current Educational Strategies and Future Instructional Materials Needs of Industrial Education Teachers in Texas, advisor: Dr. Mary Wheeler

Burgoon, Henry L., Vocational Industrial Teacher Certification Program at East Texas State University Based Upon a Follow-up Study of Vocational Industrial Teachers, An Appraisal of the, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Cranfill, Jauquita A., Follow-up Study of the 1974-1977 Graduates of East Texas State University--Texarkana Who Obtained Certification to Teach, A, advisor: Dr. Inez Johnson

Deliganis, Tom, Development and Present Status of the Regional Technical Institutes in Mexico, The, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Dietrich, Bobbie Morrow, Potential of Telecourses Offered for College Credit by Traditional Senior Institutions of Higher Learning and/or a National Television University as Perceived by the Chief Administrators of Public and Private Colleges and Universities in the United States, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

Dietrich, Wilfred O., Role Performances and Role Expectations of Directors of Admissions in Institutional Decision-Making in Texas Community and Junior Colleges, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Dorsey, Woodrow W., Relationship Between Visualization Skills and Learning Science Concepts of Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Premedical Students at Talladega College, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Fox, Dickie Lee, Reading Achievement Levels of College Freshmen Enrolled in Selected First-Semester College Courses Compared with the Readability Levels of Textbooks Assigned in Those Courses, The, advisor: Dr. J.B. Wilson

Gaines, Margaret Ann, Relationship Between Receptive Communication Modality Performance and Selected Learner Variables, advisor: Dr. J.B. Wilson

Garcia, Edward A., Professional Education Needs of Part-Time Instructors in Community and Junior College Occupational Programs in Texas, The, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

Garza, Michael K., Marriage and Family Counseling in Graduate Counselor Education Programs, The Status of, advisor: Dr. Gerald W. Gattshall

Giggleman, Linda Jean Cadenhead, Personality Characteristics of Women Administrators and Women Teachers in Selected Community Colleges, A Comparison of the, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Harris, Wayne Meredith II, Relationship Between Instructor Moral and Administrative Climate in Selected Community Colleges, The, advisor: Dr. Dennis P. McCabe

Harvey, James Joseph, Employment Discrimination and Re-Education of a Selected Group of Homosexuals, A Study of, advisor: Dr. J.B. Wilson

Hassell, Nell Bradley, Perceptions of Selected Groups of Incarcerated and Nonincarcerated Junior College Students Regarding Certain Teacher Traits and Teaching Effectiveness, The, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

Holland, Mary Kathryn, Mediagraphic Control of Nonprint Information, The, advisor: Dr. Inez Johnson

Holt, Dorothy L., Perceptions of Students, Teacher-Coordinators, and Training Station Employers Regarding the Effectiveness of Distributive Education Clubs of America, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Hooper, James E., Comparison of Activities of Vocational-Technical Faculty in a Selected Community College and in a Selected Technical Institute in Texas, A, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Horton, James H., Influence of Selected Vocational and Academic Educational Experiences on Self-Concepts of College Students in Prison, The, advisor: Dr. Mike Mahoney

Hutchins, Michael Edward, Correlation of Attitude, Aptitude, and Reading Ability with Achievement for Vocational Technical Drafting Students Using Self-Paced Programmed Instruction, A, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

January, Michael O.C., Single-Image and Multi-Image Presentations upon Attitudes Toward Disabled People, The Effects of, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Kirkland, Billy Royce, Perceptions of Selected Groups of Practitioners, Regulators, and Educators in Real Estate and Related Fields Regarding the Effects of the Revised Real Estate License Act on Educational Institutions and Various Segments of the Real Estate Industry in Texas, advisor: Dr. Barry B. Thompson

Lipford, Mary Ann, Profile of the Woman Administrator in Educational Technology in Higher Education, A, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

Lunsford, Terry Lawrence, Jr., Perceptions of Educators and Advisors Concerning Secondary Vocational Drafting Facility Guidelines, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Morrison, Lura Gene, Reading Ability Levels of Freshman College Students and the Readability Levels of Required English Textbooks, The Relationship Between the, advisor: Dr. J.B. Wilson

Murchison, Billy G., Perceptions of the Attributes of the Volunteer-Leader, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Nelson, Glenda Hawkins, Role of the Vocational Advisory Committee as Perceived by Vocational Teachers and Vocational Advisory Committee Members, The, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Phillips, Jerry Styne, Analysis of Theatre Programs and Activities with Community-Services Orientations in Selected Public Two-Year Colleges, An, advisor: Dr. J.B. Wilson

Phillips, Jim G., Psychodrama as a Teaching Technique in Psychology of Personality and Adjustment, A Study of, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Renfro, Roy E., Jr., Comparative Analysis of the Competencies Required by Veterinary Technicians as Perceived by Practicing Veterinarians in Texas, A, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Spruiell, Jim M., Relative Effects of Two Different Approaches to Alcohol Education Upon Cognitive Knowledge of Alcohol and Emotive Attitudes Toward Alcohol, The, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Thomas, Paul D., Three Methods of Teaching Multiplication in Nondecimal Numerations to Community College Students, A Comparison of, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Ueoka, Travis Y., Multi-Image Presentation of Variations in Technical Quality and Presentation Mode of Slide Upon Anticipated Changes, The Effects in a, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Vaughan-Wrobel, Beth C., Use of Television in Nursing Programs Accredited by the National League for Nursing, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

Vickery, Karen Sue, Relationship Between the Reading Ability Levels of Selected Elementary and Secondary Students and the Readability Levels of Selected English and Social Studies Textbooks, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Whitt, George Williams, Analysis of Attitudes of a Selected Group of Public School Employees and Industrial Personnel Toward Work and Retirement, An, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Wylie, Rolfe Alton, Evaluation of the Total Communication Method of Teaching the Deaf Via Videotape, An, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

1977 (11)

Campion, William J., The Actual and Perceived Criteria Used for the Development of Senior Citizens Programs in Texas Community Colleges, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Canning, Wilfred S., Channels of Communication in the Formation of Catholic and Non-Catholic Student Orientations Toward War and Peace, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

Crooks, Roger Ervin, Interests and Characteristics of Media professionals and Other Professional Groups, A Comparison of, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Fulton, Shirley A., Teaching of High School Reading, 1918-1972: Objectives as Stated in Periodical Literature, The, advisor: Dr. J.B. Wilson

King, Alvin, Computer Science Graduates of East Texas State University and El Centro Community College, A Follow-up Study of, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Meador, George O., Perceptions of the Role of Urban Cooperative Extension Agents, advisor: Dr. B.J. Steelman

Pate, Thelma L., Investigation of the Effects of Creative Drama Upon Reading Ability, Verbal Growth, Vocabulary Development, and Self Concept of Secondary School Students, An, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Sorrell, Billy D., Comparative Study of Two Methods of Teaching Keypunching, A, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Turner, Philip Michael, Effectiveness of Two Types of Presentations in Teaching Fractions to Low-Ability Junior High School Students, A Comparison of the, advisor: Dr. Mary Wheeler

Vandygriff, Torance Olen, Open Broadcast and Videocassette Tap Instructional Television Upon Selected Students in the Second, Third, and Fourth Grades, The Effects of, advisor: Dr. J.B. Wilson

Witherspoon, Travis J., Occupational Investigation Programs in Texas Via Student Perception, A Study of, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

1976 (30)

Boldt, Christian E., Attitudes of Three Community College Groups Regarding the Components Necessary for Developing a Technical Mathematics Course, An Analysis of the, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Brewster, Patricia M., Cognitive Style Profiles and Related Science Achievement in the Secondary School, An Analysis of, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Brooks, John David, Remedial Reading Program Upon Selected Reading Students in the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grades, The Effects of a, advisor: Dr. J.B. Wilson

Chia, Tiang Ping, Development Policies and Educational Change in Malaysia: An Analytical Study and A Proposed Model for Developing a National System of Comprehensive Colleges, advisor: Dr. John Godbold

Cogswell, J.E., Texas Competency Testing Project for Vocational Industrial Teachers and Achievement Profile of the Participants, A Descriptive Study of the, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Constande, George J., Selected Concepts to be Included in an Introductory Sociology Course as Determined by a Group of Sociologists and Community College Sociology Instructions, The Important of, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Dean, Lois Ellen, Relationships Between Self Concepts, Nonverbal Behaviors, and Teaching Effectiveness in Selected Groups of Prospective Secondary Teachers, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Dennis, Vivian Ann, Laws, Rules, Regulations, Policies, and Guidelines Affecting Occupational Education Programs in Texas Public Community Colleges, A Study of, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

Dillaha, Alton R., Needs Assessment Study of the Deaf in the North Texas Region, A, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

Fulton, Stanley R., Attitudes of Community College Staffs Toward the Community College Concept, A Comparison of, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Hackley, Mary Martha, Critical Incident Study to Identify specific Behavioral Criteria for the Selection and Development of Effective Secondary School Supervising Teachers, A, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Harrison, Jacquelyn, Descriptive Study of Selected Aspects of the Doctorate in Education at East Texas State University, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

Huddleston, Deanna M., High School Modern Foreign Language Teaching, 1918-1972: Objectives as Stated in Periodical Literature, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

James, Linda L., Off-The-Air Copying, Copyright Implications for Educational Institutions, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

Kienast, Kay E., Identification of Evaluation Information for Technical-Occupational Programs, The, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Kieschnick, Ann, Role of the Dean of Instruction as Perceived by Selected Administrators and Teachers in a Large Metropolitan School District, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Leighton, Thomas Ellsworth, Desirable Competencies of Vocational Technical Administrators in Community Colleges in Texas, A Study of, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

Lyons, Arland Wayne, Identification of Media Professionals in Selected Business and Industrial Concerns in Teas and the Media Competencies Needed by Such Professionals, The, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

Musgrove, Phyllis Poague, Effects of the Use of Modular Instruction on Pre-Service Teacher Achievement in Secondary Education Methods Classes, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Netherland, Robert E., Potential Factors Influencing Freshman Students in Their Decision to Attend Tarleton State University the Fall of 1973, A Study of, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

O'Dell, Jimmy H., Educational Preparation and Work Experience of Deans of Instruction as Factors Influencing Individual and Institutional Attitudes Toward Selected Instructional Variables, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Patschke, Ronald B., Acceleration of Convergence of Type I Improper Integrals, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Pearce, William C. III, Low-Achieving Mathematics Students Entering Selected Community Colleges of East Texas, The Characteristics of the, advisor: Dr. Barry B. Thompson

Petrovich, Margery W., Impact of a Multi-Disciplinary Social Studies Curriculum on Secondary School Pupils, The, advisor: Dr. John Godbold

Rojanasang, Chow, Adaptation of the American Community College Model to Communities in Thailand, The, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Spears, Robert Edward, Effects of Color Versus Black-and-White Television on Learning for College Students With Auditory-or Visual-Modality Preference, The, advisor: Dr. Inez Johnson

Vance, Mary H., History of the Development of the Objectives for Teaching Home Economics in the High Schools of the United States During the 1918-1972 Period, A Chronological, advisor: Dr. William R. "Bill" Ogden

Welch, Homer E., Self-Instructional Learning Program on the Oral Questioning Behavior of Social Studies Student Teachers, The Effects of a, advisor: Dr. John Godbold

Wuebker, Ralph Allen, Comparative Analysis of Attitudes Toward Cooperative Education Between Parents and Their Children Who Were Involved in Cooperative Education and Parents and Their Children Who Were Not involved in Cooperative Education, A, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

1975 (23)

Alexander, Herbert E., Perceptions of Selected Groups Regarding a Metropolitan Community College Environment, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Andalib, Ali A., Academic Success of Undergraduate Iranian Students in Selected Texas Universities, The, advisor: Dr. J.B. Wilson

Bearden, Vance Keith, Occupational Exploration Course on Facilitating the Career Maturity on Ninth-Grade Male Students, The Effects of an, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

Bottorff, Roy E., Arkansas High School Counselors' Attitudes Toward the Community College, A Survey of, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Boyer, Harry Joseph, Cluster Oriented Career Guidance Program on the Occupational Maturity and Knowledge of Junior High Students in the Lafourche Parish School System, The Effect of a, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Childs, Francine, Establishing Guidelines for Community Programs of Lifelong Learning in Metropolitan Areas as Perceived by Selected Community Leaders, advisor: Dr. A. Russell Davis

Coker, Dolores Muga, Investigation of the Attitudes of Selected Secondary, Community College, and University Administrators, Teachers, and Students Concerning the Importance of Foreign Language Study, An, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Cunningham, Jerry L., CATV-School Collaboration in Instruction Television, A Descriptive Survey of the Status of, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Dale, Charles W., Electronics Students of Eastfield College, A Follow-up Study of, advisor: Dr. Max Jobe

DeLong, Eddie L., Future Utilization of Television in Texas Public Schools, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Fowler, Annelle, Fractional Calculus: Its Definitions and Properties, A Study of, advisor: Dr. A. Russell Davis

Gurley, Jay, Comparative Effects of Using Alternative Modes of Instruction in Developmental Writing of the Achievement of Selected Groups of College Students, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Hartsell, John Earl, Competition in Learning in Public Schools on the Self-Actualization Process, The Effects of, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Lanmon, Linda Frances, Job Functions, Qualifications, and Media utilization of the Vocational Rehabilitation Evaluator in the State of Mississippi, A Study of the, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

Lee, James L., Computer-Assisted Program Designed to Teach Verbal-Descriptive Skills Upon an Aural Sensation of Music, The Effectiveness of a, advisor: Dr. John Godbold

Lock, James Curtis, Objectives for Teaching Physical Education in Secondary Schools and Colleges from 1930-73, Inclusive, as Reported in the Journal of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, A Study of the, advisor: Dr. J.B. Wilson

Maniscalco, Morris V., Comparison of Transfer Shock and College Shock Among Selected Students in Texas at East Texas State University, A, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

Meek, Charles Ronald, Comparative Analysis of Selected Characteristics of Academic and Occupational Students in a Community College Setting, A, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

Nenyod, Boonmee, Analysis of Problems Perceived by Foreign Students Enrolled in State Colleges and Universities in the State of Texas, An, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Nouyan, Bahram, Description of Education and Health Services in Iran Before and After the Revolution of the Shah and the People, A, advisor: Dr. A. Russell Davis

Shaw, Delbert William III, Comparative Analysis of Color Versus Non-Color in Accelerating Learning of Technical Engineering Graphics Line and Plane Analyses, advisor: Dr. Mary Wheeler

Slane, Norma, Relationships Between Self Concept and Prejudice in Selected Groups of Prospective Teachers, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Trussell, William Martin, Selected Video-Tape Production Techniques on the Learning of Sociology by College Juniors and Seniors, The Effect of, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy