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Supervision, Curriculum, and Instruction-Higher Education (SCIH) Dissertations 1970-1974

1974 (21)

Ardoin, Charles J., Visuals by a French-American Culture and an Integrated-American Culture, The Comparison of Interpretations, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Cordova, F. David, Attitudes of Associate Degree Nursing Instructors Toward Programmed Instruction, A Study of the, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

Correll, Lou Perkins, Correlation of Student Attitudes, Mechanical Reasoning, and/or Personality Factors with Performance Ability in Operating Specified Audiovisual Equipment Through Self-Instruction, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

Ellison, Joseph L., Responses Made to Visual and to Printed Information by Selected College Students, A Comparison of the, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

Forrester, Joe D., Role perception and background of social science division chairmen in public community junior colleges in HEW region VI, A, advisor: Dr. A. Russell Davis

Gilliland, Gary H., Role Preferences of Faculties at Selected Universities in Texas, advisor: Dr. J.B. Wilson

Gilman, Richard M., Speech Programs in the Large Junior High and Middle Schools in Texas, An Analysis of the, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Hammack, Jerry K., Comparative Study of the Effects of Self-Paced and Lecture-Laboratory Instructions on Achievement in General Studies Biology, A, advisor: Dr. A. Russell Davis

Hutchins, Elbert C., Role of the Community College Division Chairman as Perceived by the Dean of Instruction, Assistant Dean of Instruction, Division Chairmen, and Instructors of a Community College, The, advisor: Dr. A. Russell Davis

Lee, Bill D., Critical Incidents of Supervisory Functions of Principals in Southeastern New Mexico, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

Lupcho, Steve E., Attention Priority Value of a Nonfunctional Item in Instructional Message Design, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Magee, John Louis, Role of the Teacher's Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Toward 16mm Film Regarding Attitudinal Motivation and Factual Material Retained by Senior High School Students, The, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

Mayes, Johnnie, Jr., Comparative Analysis of the Basic and Occupational Interests of Transfer and Occupational Community College Students, A, advisor: Dr. A. Russell Davis

Miller, Stephen F., Qualities Associated with Effective College Teaching as Perceived by Students and Faculty, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Parks, Dorothy S., Relationship Between Self-Concept and Management Aspirations in Female Prospective Teachers, The, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Peace, Herman Lee, Self Concept, Intelligence Quotient, Grade Point Average, and Parental Education to Career Choice of Vocational and Non-Vocational High School Seniors, The Relationship of, advisor: Dr. Jarrell Gray

Reed, Lary Lyn, Comparison of the Perceptions of Five Groups Concerning the Services and Functions of a Community College, A, advisor: Dr. A. Russell Davis

Rink, Otho P., Investigation into the Effects of Background Music in a Dramatic Television Presentation on University Students' Perception and Retention of Cognitive Content, An, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

Sanchez, Augusto Vasquez, Present and preferred administrative responsibilities of community-junior college division chairmen in the southern association: a comparative analysis, advisor: Dr. James Tunnell

Simmons, J. B., Comparison of Self-Concept and Intelligence of Regular College Students and Incarcerated College Students, A, advisor: Dr. A. Russell Davis

Thurmon, Joe G., Differential Psychological Reward Value of Color Versus Black-and-White Television in Instructional Systems Design, The, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

1973 (5)

Denton, Frances Anne, Investigation of Self-Concept as Related to Teacher-Pupil Rapport and Effectiveness of Student Teaching, An, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Dye, Jack R., Two Methods of Teaching the First Course in Elementary Accounting, A Comparative Study of, advisor: Dr. J.B. Wilson

Larson, Durwood Harold, Evaluation of Methods Used by Special Education Teachers in the Management of Withdrawal Behavior, Negative Social Behavior, and Aggressive, Acting-Out Behavior, An, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

White, Calvin O., Descriptive Analysis of the Student Teaching Programs Leading to Certification at the Secondary Level in the State Colleges and Universities in Texas, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

White, Mary Louise Vanderbilt, Comparative Analysis of the Self-Concepts and Philosophic Orientations of a Selected Group of White and Black Public School Teachers, A, advisor: Dr. A. Russell Davis

1972 (11)

Casstevens, Kenneth Rodgers, KERA/Channel 13 Instructional Programming by Subscribing Administrators and Teachers, A Perceptual View of, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Gowan, Thomas Burns, Oral Questioning Procedures of a Selected Group of College Teachers, An Analysis of the, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Harp, Dennis A., Descriptive Profile of the KERA "Newsroom" Television Audience Among Cities in the Dallas Urbanized Area, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

Hungerford, Eugene William, Effects of Varying Time of Presenting Verbal Directions on Recall and Retention, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Jones, Lee Wayne, Determining the Role of Teacher Aides Through Identification of Tasks within the Psycho-Motor, Affective, and Cognitive Skills Domains, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

King, Franklin Lafayette, III, Selected Variables Involved in the Use of Illustrations with a Geographic Text, A Study of, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

Lowrie, Bonita A., Relationship of the Perceptual Organization and Classroom Verbal Interaction of Selected College Teachers, The, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

Mercer, Phyllis Beth, Relationship Between Scores on the National Teacher Examinations, Teaching Performance, and Other Variables in a Selected Group of Secondary Student Teachers, A Study of the, advisor: Dr. Robert Munday

Nelson, J. M., Investigation of Audience Viewing Patterns During Multi-Image Presentations, An, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Odom, Harrell, Comparison of Different Types of Transparencies for Effective Learning in the Biological Sciences at the College Level, A, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Watkins, E. Lamar, Fundamentals of Physical Education, Intermediate Swimming, and Progressive Weight-Training, Within and Between Groups Relative to Selected Elements of Fitness in Females, A Comparison of, advisor: Dr. Jarrell Gray

1971 (14)

Bassett, Jimmy Floyd, Oral Questioning Process and Certain Causal Relationships in the Elementary School Science Classroom, An Analysis of the, advisor: Dr. Bill Bryant

Beames, Bob J., Texas Outlook, A Readership Survey of the, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

Fields, Dennis Carrol, Relevance of the Graduate Audio-Visual Program at East Texas State University, An Evaluation of the, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

Harper, Martha Jane Armstrong, Development and Evaluation of a Multi-Media Self-Instructional Package in Beginning French at Tarrant County Junior College, The, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Hatchett, Harold William, Proposed Computer-Controlled Random Access Storage and Retrieval System for Monochromatic Moving Pictorials, A, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Ives, Dan I., Statistical Analysis of Eleven Physical Performance Tests, A, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Lanier, Marshall L., Description and Evaluation of the Texas Association of Developing Colleges, A, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

McCain, Charles Roland, Experiment in the Sequencing of Mediated Instructional Materials Based on Learning Hierarchies, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Overall, Thelma Hazel, Descriptive Study of the Availability and Use of Community Resources in the Tyler Independent School District Tyler, Texas 1970-71, A, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Price, Vernon L., Analysis of the Verbal Behavior of a Selected Group of Junior College Teachers, An, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

Shambarger, Jake Jr., Investigation of Selected Factors Influencing Student Interest in Required Physical Education Classes in Selected Arkansas Colleges, An, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Troth, Marilyn Mumma, Relative Effectiveness of the Motion Picture and the Single Still Picture Presentation Modes in Facilitating the Perception of Dynamic Action Concepts, The, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Tully, James E., Difference in Verbalization Elicited by Pictures of an Isolated Object and Pictures of the Same Object with a Pre-Primary Child, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Zacher, Leroy Louis, Comparison of "Parts" Versus "Whole" Through the Medium of Motion Picture, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

1970 (7)

Arnold, Roger K., Attitudinal Changes of Student Teachers in Agricultural Education Toward Future Farmers of American Activities, A Study of, advisor: Dr. Jarrell Gray

Arterbury, Travis Wayne, Multiple Ergogenic Aid Upon Strength, Muscular Endurance, and Recovery, The Effects of a, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

Franks, Marie Simpson, History of the Department of Health and Physical Education of East Texas State University From 1889 Through 1969, A, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

Hooper, William E., Comparative Analysis of Music and Art Talent, A, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Pirkey, Jack Glen, Effects of Physical Education Upon Attitude and Socialization, The, advisor: Dr. B.J. Steelman

Teaff, Walter Douglass, Two Methods of Teaching Beginning Badminton to College Men and on Attitude Toward Physical Education, A, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

Wolfe, James Madison, Utilization of the Single-Concept-Sound Film in the Graphic Arts to Assist Students Who Have Reading Comprehension Difficulties, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy