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Supervision, Curriculum, and Instruction-Higher Education (SCIH) Dissertations 1964-1969

1969 (21)

Ables, Jerry L., Four Associate Degree Nursing Programs in Texas Based Upon Certain Selected Criteria, An Evaluation of, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

Beckham, Joe W., Self-Paced Instructional Materials Versus the Traditional Method in Teaching Woodshop Safety, An Experimental Comparison, advisor: Dr. John F. Moss

Burford, Ernest, Reading Abilities of College Freshmen Earth Science Students Compared with the Readability of Selected Earth Science Textbooks, The, advisor: Dr. John F. Moss

Christian, Quentin Adris, Relationship Between Physical Fitness and Self Concept, advisor: Dr. John F. Moss

Coston, L.P. Jr., Attitudes of Texas Public College Biology Teachers Toward a Uniform Core Curriculum in Biology, A Survey of the, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Davis, Corinne Ray, Personality Type Discrepancies and Student Teacher--Cooperating Teacher Relationships, advisor: Dr. B.J. Steelman

Goellner, Edward Bernard, Comparison of the Whole Versus Part Method of Instruction Using an Audio-Visual Presentation, A, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Grozier, Joseph Edward, Jr., Role of the Laboratory in Developing Positive Attitudes Toward Science in a College General Education Science Course for Nonscientists, The, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Hall, Clarence Elton, Evaluation of the Opinions of Professional Educators and Industrialists Concerning the Involvement of Industry in Public Education, An, advisor: Dr. John F. Moss

Hoffman, Darvin Ray, Analysis of the Criteria for the Selection of Texas Junior College Business Instructors, An, advisor: Dr. B.J. Steelman

Manning, Charles Otis, The Student Council in the Small High School: An Analysis Based on Opinions Given by Certain Personnel in Selected Class A High Schools on Northeast Texas

McDaniel, Gary D., Comparison of Verbal Behavior of Teachers Teaching Both Adult Basic Education and Public School Classes, advisor: Dr. John F. Moss

Miles, James L., Linguistic Influences on Elementary Spelling Programs in Twenty Northeast Texas Schools, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

Minter, Joe B., Sensitivity Training on Self Concept and Attitudes of Student Teachers, The Effects of, advisor: Dr. John F. Moss

Murry, Joe A., Attitudes of Male College Freshmen in Louisiana and Texas Toward Physical Education Activity Classes, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Owen, Curtis Dawson, Jr., Study of Criteria for the Evaluation of Secondary School Instrumentalists When Auditioning for Festival Bands, A, advisor: Dr. John F. Moss

Sharp, Charles Eugene, Critical Requirements for Music Supervisors in Texas, The, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Warren, Robert Wayne, Public Elementary and Secondary Education in Texas During the Administration of Governor E.J. Davis, 1870-1874, advisor: Dr. B.J. Steelman

Wheeler, Mary Florence, Relationships Among Professional Attitudes, Personal Traits, and Attitudinal Change During Instruction in Perceptual Media, A Study Of, advisor: Dr. John P. McQuary

Williams, Parker, Library Technical Assistants: Their Potential Uses and Job Prospects in Texas Public and School Libraries, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

Windham, Robert Lee, Jr., Classroom Verbal Behaviors of a Selected Group of College Teachers, A Study of, advisor: Dr. John F. Moss

1968 (6)

Ashcraft, Robert Russell, Higher Education in the American Baptist Association, A Historical Study, advisor: Dr. B.J. Steelman

Jones, Don W., Relationship Between Existing Level of Social Adjustment and Existing Level of Motor Performance in Selected Male College Students, advisor: Dr. B.J. Steelman

Jones, Ray M., Influence of Certain Factors on the Organizational Climates of Selected Public Schools in Two Counties in East Texas, The, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

McEwin, Tom, Attitudinal Change of Students During Methods, Courses and Student Teaching, advisor: Dr. Jarrell Gray

Schuman, Earl, Temporary Threshold Shift Differences Between White and Negro Races, A Comparison of, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

Swiger, Denzil, Administrative Structures for Media Services Functioning in Institutions of Higher Education in the United States and Its Territories Spring, 1968, An Investigation of the, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

1967 (5)

Becker, Charles William Jr., Selected Technical-Vocational Curriculums of Five Junior Colleges in North-East Texas, The Adequacy of, advisor: Dr. John F. Moss

Brown, James M., Selected Junior High School Science Textbooks, An Analysis of, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones

Galvan, Robert Rogers, Bilingualism as it Relates to Intelligence Test Scores and School Achievement Among Culturally Deprived Spanish-American Children, advisor: Dr. B.J. Steelman

McEowen, Robert Harold, Comparison of Four Different Techniques for Improving Performance Through Student Self-Evaluation, A, advisor: Dr. Robert Titus

Wommack, Charles H., Industrial Arts Teacher Shortage, A Study of the, advisor: Dr. John F. Moss

1966 (5)

Bassano, Helen Jones, Jean Jacques Rousseau and John Dewey on Discipline in Education, The Ideas of, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

Harper, Martha Jane Armstrong, Family Environment as a Factor in Maladjustment: A Comparison of French and American Ideas, The, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

Kline, Loren E., Textbook Readability and Other Factors Which Could Influence the Success of the Eighth-Grade, Earth Science Course at the Texas Public Schools, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

Redburn, Dennis B., National Science Foundation Institute Participants at East Texas State University 1962-1965, A Follow-up Study of, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

Wick, Dwan T., Study of Learning From Television When Picture Quality is Deficient, A, advisor: Dr. Harold D. Murphy

1965 (2)

Dean, Billy J., Critical Requirements of Curriculum Directors in Texas, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

Hoffman, Mary Francine Johnson, Investigation of the Comparative Scholastic Success and Personality Adjustment of Texas Public Junior College Transfers and Native Students Who Graduated From East Texas State University in May, 1965, An, advisor: Dr. Grady G. Tice

1964 (1)

Turner, Rita Wittich, Changes in Teaching Attitudes Toward Selected Audio-Visual Devices as a Result of In-Service Training, advisor: Dr. Webb Jones