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About Us

Welcome to the Management Department. Our goal is to educate undergraduate and graduate students to make positive societal contributions through the effective management of for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. We strive to facilitate the development of critical thinking skills and applied management skills needed for the appropriate allocation of resources to accomplish organizational goals in an ethical, responsible, and sustainable manner.

The Management Department is committed to teaching excellence and the creation and dissemination of knowledge to advance theory, practice, and pedagogy. Our award-winning faculty has wide-ranging research interests and seeks to contribute to the academic and practitioner-oriented literature in areas such as leadership, corporate social responsibility, ethics, entrepreneurship, strategic management, research methods, quality management, and management history. Our scholarship has been published in numerous outlets including:

Academy of Management Review
Human Relations
Harvard Business Review
Leadership Quarterly
Organizational Research Methods
Journal of Business Research
Management Decision
Journal of Management Inquiry
MIT Sloan Management Review
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies
Thunderbird International Business Review
Leadership and Organization Development Journal
Journal of Services Marketing
Journal of Management History
Management & Organizational History
Business Horizons
Journal of Organizational Behavior

Through their research efforts, members of our management faculty impact the development of knowledge by successfully joining important scholarly conversations in their disciplines. As evidence, the published works of departmental faculty have been cited in numerous textbooks and high-quality journals including the Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, AMLE, Organizational Research Methods, Human Relations, Leadership Quarterly, Leadership, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management Studies, Management Decision, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Business Venturing, Industrial Marketing Management, Management Communication Quarterly, Cornell Hospitality Management Quarterly, Business Ethics Quarterly, and the Journal of Business Ethics.


Both fields of study deal with the aspect of management which generates revenues, involves planning, managing, analyzing, and controlling all activities concerned with creating high levels of customer service and satisfaction.

In addition to the high level of formal education the Management Department offers, students receive hands-on experience through internships, symposiums, and workshops.

Why Management?

The various programs provided through the Department of Management prepare undergraduate students for entry-level professional positions in Management. The programs that are offered provide a solid foundation of knowledge, supported by industry experience, to ensure that students are fully competent upon completion of studies in areas such as operations, e-commerce, and entrepreneurship.

These degree programs include:

  • Bachelor of Business Administration in Management
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

These degrees prepare students for challenging careers in profit and non-profit organizations.

Leading By Example

Our wide range of talented and experienced faculty members act as guides in molding the personal and professional development of the students. Many faculty members have extensive industry experience and are eager to help students prepare for the challenges in today’s business environment.