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Faculty Senate Awards

East Texas A&M University understands the importance of recognizing its faculty for their excellence in teaching, scholarship and creative activity, leadership, and service. The University appreciates all they do to contribute to our community. We could not be who we are without the faculty who inspire our students to fulfill Professor Mayo’s motto: “Ceaseless Industry, Fearless Investigation, Unfettered Thought, and Unselfish Service to Others.”

The Faculty Awards Committee develops guidelines, establishes and implements the selection process, and provides for recognition of recipients referred to the committee.  The Faculty Senate further confirmed and upholds the committee’s “full authority to make recommendations for all awards on behalf of the senate,” via the stated motion passed in the regular senate meeting convened on March 4, 2014.  The purpose, awards, and eligibility for faculty recognition is identified and described in University Procedure 12.99.99.R0.03 Faculty Awards System.

Faculty Senate Awards Recipients